52 research outputs found

    Local Water Storage Control for the Developing World

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    Most cities in India do not have water distribution networks that provide water throughout the entire day. As a result, it is common for homes and apartment buildings to utilize water storage systems that are filled during a small window of time in the day when the water distribution network is active. However, these water storage systems do not have disinfection capabilities, and so long durations of storage (i.e., as few as four days) of the same water leads to substantial increases in the amount of bacteria and viruses in that water. This paper considers the stochastic control problem of deciding how much water to store each day in the system, as well as deciding when to completely empty the water system, in order to tradeoff: the financial costs of the water, the health costs implicit in long durations of storing the same water, the potential for a shortfall in the quantity of stored versus demanded water, and water wastage from emptying the system. To solve this problem, we develop a new Binary Dynamic Search (BiDS) algorithm that is able to use binary search in one dimension to compute the value function of stochastic optimal control problems with controlled resets to a single state and with constraints on the maximum time span in between resets of the system

    Optimal Policy for Inventory Management with Periodic and Controlled Resets

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    Inventory management problems with periodic and controllable resets occur in the context of managing water storage in the developing world and retailing limited-time availability products. In this paper, we consider a set of sequential decision problems in which the decision-maker must not only balance holding and shortage costs but discard all inventory before a fixed number of decision epochs, with the option for an early inventory reset. Finding optimal policies using dynamic programming for these problems is particularly challenging since the resulting value functions are non-convex. Moreover, this structure cannot be easily analyzed using existing extended definitions, such as KK-convexity. Our key contribution is to present sufficient conditions that ensure the optimal policy has an easily interpretable structure that generalizes the well-known (s,S)(s, S) policy from the operations literature. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the optimal policy has a four-threshold structure under these rather mild conditions. We then conclude with computational experiments, thereby illustrating the policy structures that can be extracted in several inventory management scenarios

    Signal and data processing for machine olfaction and chemical sensing: A review

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    Signal and data processing are essential elements in electronic noses as well as in most chemical sensing instruments. The multivariate responses obtained by chemical sensor arrays require signal and data processing to carry out the fundamental tasks of odor identification (classification), concentration estimation (regression), and grouping of similar odors (clustering). In the last decade, important advances have shown that proper processing can improve the robustness of the instruments against diverse perturbations, namely, environmental variables, background changes, drift, etc. This article reviews the advances made in recent years in signal and data processing for machine olfaction and chemical sensing

    Advanced Control and Estimation Concepts, and New Hardware Topologies for Future Mobility

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    According to the National Research Council, the use of embedded systems throughout society could well overtake previous milestones in the information revolution. Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of electronic, mechanical engineering, controls, software and systems engineering in the design of processes and products. Mechatronic systems put “intelligence” into physical systems. Embedded sensors/actuators/processors are integral parts of mechatronic systems. The implementation of mechatronic systems is consistently on the rise. However, manufacturers are working hard to reduce the implementation cost of these systems while trying avoid compromising product quality. One way of addressing these conflicting objectives is through new automatic control methods, virtual sensing/estimation, and new innovative hardware topologies

    Application of differential evolution to power system stabilizer design

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    Includes synopsis.Includes bibliographical references.In recent years, many Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) such as Genetic Algorithms (GAs) have been proposed to optimally tune the parameters of the PSS. GAs are population based search methods inspired by the mechanism of evolution and natural genetic. Despite the fact that GAs are robust and have given promising results in many applications, they still have some drawbacks. Some of these drawbacks are related to the problem of genetic drift in GA which restricts the diversity in the population. ... To cope with the above mentioned drawbacks, many variants of GAs have been proposed often tailored to a particular problem. Recently, several simpler and yet effective heuristic algorithms such as Population Based Incremental Learning (PBIL) and Differential Evolution (DE), etc., have received increasing attention

    Object Detection and Classification based on Hierarchical Semantic Features and Deep Neural Networks

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    The abilities of feature learning, semantic understanding, cognitive reasoning, and model generalization are the consistent pursuit for current deep learning-based computer vision tasks. A variety of network structures and algorithms have been proposed to learn effective features, extract contextual and semantic information, deduct the relationships between objects and scenes, and achieve robust and generalized model.Nevertheless, these challenges are still not well addressed. One issue lies in the inefficient feature learning and propagation, static single-dimension semantic memorizing, leading to the difficulty of handling challenging situations, such as small objects, occlusion, illumination, etc. The other issue is the robustness and generalization, especially when the data source has diversified feature distribution. The study aims to explore classification and detection models based on hierarchical semantic features ("transverse semantic" and "longitudinal semantic"), network architectures, and regularization algorithm, so that the above issues could be improved or solved. (1) A detector model is proposed to make full use of "transverse semantic", the semantic information in space scene, which emphasizes on the effectiveness of deep features produced in high-level layers for better detection of small and occluded objects. (2) We also explore the anchor-based detector algorithm and propose the location-aware reasoning (LAAR), where both the location and classification confidences is considered for the bounding box quality criterion, so that the bestqualified boxes can be picked up in Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS). (3) A semantic clustering-based deduction learning is proposed, which explores the "longitudinal semantic", realizing the high-level clustering in the semantic space, enabling the model to deduce the relations among various classes so as better classification performance is expected. (4) We propose the near-orthogonality regularization by introducing an implicit self-regularization to push the mean and variance of filter angles in a network towards 90◦ and 0◦ simultaneously, revealing it helps stabilize the training process, speed up convergence and improve robustness. (5) Inspired by the research that self attention networks possess a strong inductive bias which leads to the loss of feature expression power, the transformer architecture with mitigatory attention mechanism is proposed and applied with the state-of-the-art detectors, verifying the superiority of detection enhancement

    Nuclear Power

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    The world of the twenty first century is an energy consuming society. Due to increasing population and living standards, each year the world requires more energy and new efficient systems for delivering it. Furthermore, the new systems must be inherently safe and environmentally benign. These realities of today's world are among the reasons that lead to serious interest in deploying nuclear power as a sustainable energy source. Today's nuclear reactors are safe and highly efficient energy systems that offer electricity and a multitude of co-generation energy products ranging from potable water to heat for industrial applications. The goal of the book is to show the current state-of-the-art in the covered technical areas as well as to demonstrate how general engineering principles and methods can be applied to nuclear power systems

    Telecommunications Networks

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    This book guides readers through the basics of rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations of Telecommunications Networks. It identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Telecommunications and it contains chapters written by leading researchers, academics and industry professionals. Telecommunications Networks - Current Status and Future Trends covers surveys of recent publications that investigate key areas of interest such as: IMS, eTOM, 3G/4G, optimization problems, modeling, simulation, quality of service, etc. This book, that is suitable for both PhD and master students, is organized into six sections: New Generation Networks, Quality of Services, Sensor Networks, Telecommunications, Traffic Engineering and Routing

    On-line learning and anomaly detection methods : applications to fault assessment

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    [Abstract] This work lays at the intersection of two disciplines, Machine Learning (ML) research and predictive maintenance of machinery. On the one hand, Machine Learning aims at detecting patterns in data gathered from phenomena which can be very different in nature. On the other hand, predictive maintenance of industrial machinery is the discipline which, based on the measurement of physical conditions of its internal components, assesses its present and near future condition in order to prevent fatal failures. In this work it is highlighted that these two disciplines can benefit from their synergy. Predictive maintenance is a challenge for Machine Learning algorithms due to the nature of data generated by rotating machinery: (a) each machine constitutes an new individual case so fault data is not available for model construction and (b) working conditions of the machine are changeable in many situations and affects captured data. Machine Learning can help predictive maintenance to: (a) cut plant costs though the automation of tedious periodic tasks which are carried out by experts and (b) reduce the probability of fatal damages in machinery due to the possibility of monitoring it more frequently at a modest cost increase. General purpose ML techniques able to deal with the aforementioned conditions are proposed. Also, its application to the specific field of predictive maintenance of rotating machinery based on vibration signature analysis is thoroughly treated. Since only normal state data is available to model the vibration captures of a machine, we are restricted to the use of anomaly detection algorithms, which will be one of the main blocks of this work. In addition, predictive maintenance also aims at assessing its state in the near future. The second main block of this work, on-line learning algorithms, will help us in this task. A novel on-line learning algorithm for a single layer neural network with a non-linear output function is proposed. In addition to the application to predictive maintenance, the proposed algorithm is able to continuously train a network in a one pattern at a time manner. If some conditions are hold, it analytically ensures to reach a global optimal model. As well as predictive maintenance, the proposed on-line learning algorithm can be applied to scenarios of stream data learning such as big data sets, changing contexts and distributed data. Some of the principles described in this work were introduced in a commercial software prototype, GIDASR ? . This software was developed and installed in real plants as part of the work of this thesis. The experiences in applying ML to fault detection with this software are also described and prove that the proposed methodology can be very effective. Fault detection experiments with simulated and real vibration data are also carried out and demonstrate the performance of the proposed techniques when applied to the problem of predictive maintenance of rotating machinery.[Resumen] La presente tesis doctoral se sitúa en el ámbito de dos disciplinas, la investigación en Aprendizaje Computacional (AC) y el Mantenimiento Predictivo (MP) de maquinaria rotativa. Por una parte, el AC estudia la problemática de detectar y clasificar patrones en conjuntos de datos extraídos de fenómenos de interés de la más variada naturaleza. Por su parte, el MP es la disciplina que, basándose en la monitorización de variables físicas de los componentes internos de maquinaria industrial, se encarga de valorar las condiciones de éstos tanto en el momento presente como en un futuro próximo con el fin último de prevenir roturas que pueden resultar de fatales consecuencias. En este trabajo se pone de relevancia que ambas disciplinas pueden beneficiarse de su sinergia. El MP supone un reto para el AC debido a la naturaleza de los datos generados por la maquinaria: (a) las propiedades de las medidas físicas recogidas varían para cada máquina y, debido a que la monitorización debe comenzar en condiciones correctas, no contamos con datos de fallos para construir un modelo de comportamiento y (b) las condiciones de funcionamiento de las máquinas pueden ser variables y afectar a los datos generados por éstas. El AC puede ayudar al MP a: (a) reducir costes a través de la automatización de tareas periódicas tediosas que tienen que ser realizadas por expertos en el área y (b) reducir la probabilidad de grandes da˜nos a la maquinaria gracias a la posibilidad de monitorizarla con una mayor frecuencia sin elevar los costes sustancialmente. En este trabajo, se proponen algoritmos de AC de propósito general capaces de trabajar en las condiciones anteriores. Además, su aplicación específica al campo del mantenimiento predictivo de maquinaria rotativa basada en el análisis de vibraciones se estudia en detalle, aportando resultados para casos reales. El hecho de disponer sólamente de datos en condiciones de normalidad de la maquinaria nos restringe al uso de técnicas de detección de anomalías. éste será uno de los bloques principales del presente trabajo. Por otra parte, el MP también intenta valorar si la maquinaria se encontrará en un estado inaceptable en un futuro próximo. En el segundo bloque se presenta un nuevo algoritmo de aprendizaje en tiempo real (on-line) que será de gran ayuda en esta tarea. Se propone un nuevo algoritmo de aprendizaje on-line para una red neuronas monocapa con función de transferencia no lineal. Además de su aplicación al mantenimiento predictivo, el algoritmo propuesto puede ser empleado en otros escenarios de aprendizaje on-line como grandes conjuntos de datos, cambios de contexto o datos distribuidos. Algunas de las ideas descritas en este trabajo fueron implantadas en un prototipo de software comercial, GIDASR ? . Este software fue desarrollado e implantado en plantas reales por el autor de este trabajo y las experiencias extraídas de su aplicación también se describen en el presente volumen[Resumo] O presente traballo sitúase no ámbito de dúas disciplinas, a investigación en Aprendizaxe Computacional (AC) e o Mantemento Predictivo (MP) de maquinaria rotativa. Por unha banda, o AC estuda a problemática de detectar e clasificar patróns en conxuntos de datos extraídos de fenómenos de interese da máis variada natureza. Pola súa banda, o MP é a disciplina que, baseándose na monitorización de variables físicas dos seus compo˜nentes internos, encárgase de valorar as condicións destes tanto no momento presente como nun futuro próximo co fin último de previr roturas que poden resultar de fatais consecuencias. Neste traballo ponse de relevancia que ambas disciplinas poden beneficiarse da súa sinergia. O MP supón un reto para o AC debido á natureza dos datos xerados pola maquinaria: (a) as propiedades das medidas físicas recolleitas varían para cada máquina e, debido a que a monitorización debe comezar en condicións correctas, non contamos con datos de fallos para construír un modelo de comportamento e (b) as condicións de funcionamento das máquinas poden ser variables e afectar aos datos xerados por estas. O AC pode axudar ao MP a: (a) reducir custos a través da automatización de tarefas periódicas tediosas que te˜nen que ser realizadas por expertos no área e (b) reducir a probabilidade de grandes danos na maquinaria grazas á posibilidade de monitorizala cunha maior frecuencia sen elevar os custos sustancialmente. Neste traballo, propó˜nense algoritmos de AC de propósito xeral capaces de traballar nas condicións anteriores. Ademais, a súa aplicación específica ao campo do mantemento predictivo de maquinaria rotativa baseada na análise de vibracións estúdase en detalle aportando resultados para casos reais. Debido a contar só con datos en condicións de normalidade da maquinaria, estamos restrinxidos ao uso de técnicas de detección de anomalías. éste será un dos bloques principais do presente traballo. Por outra banda, o MP tamén intenta valorar si a maquinaria atoparase nun estado inaceptable nun futuro próximo. No segundo bloque do presente traballo preséntase un novo algoritmo de aprendizaxe en tempo real (on-line) que será de gran axuda nesta tarefa. Proponse un novo algoritmo de aprendizaxe on-line para unha rede neuronas monocapa con función de transferencia non lineal. Ademais da súa aplicación ao mantemento predictivo, o algoritmo proposto pode ser empregado en escenarios de aprendizaxe on-line como grandes conxuntos de datos, cambios de contexto ou datos distribuídos. Algunhas das ideas descritas neste traballo foron implantadas nun prototipo de software comercial, GIDASR ? . Este software foi desenvolvido e implantado en plantas reais polo autor deste traballo e as experiencias extraídas da súa aplicación tamén se describen no presente volume

    Hybrid modeling and control of mechatronic systems using a piecewise affine dynamics approach

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    This thesis investigates the topic of modeling and control of PWA systems based on two experimental cases of an electrical and hydraulic nature with varying complexity that were also built, instrumented and evaluated. A full-order model has been created for both systems, including all dominant system dynamics and non-linearities. The unknown parameters and characteristics have been identi ed via an extensive parameter identi cation. In the following, the non-linear characteristics are linearized at several points, resulting in PWA models for each respective setup. Regarding the closed loop control of the generated models and corresponding experimental setups, a linear control structure comprised of integral error, feed-forward and state-feedback control has been used. Additionally, the hydraulic setup has been controlled in an autonomous hybrid position/force control mode, resulting in a switched system with each mode's dynamics being de ned by the previously derived PWA-based model in combination with the control structure and respective mode-dependent controller gains. The autonomous switch between control modes has been de ned by a switching event capable of consistently switching between modes in a deterministic manner despite the noise-a icted measurements. Several methods were used to obtain suitable controller gains, including optimization routines and pole placement. Validation of the system's fast and accurate response was obtained through simulations and experimental evaluation. The controlled system's local stability was proven for regions in state-space associated with operational points by using pole-zero analysis. The stability of the hybrid control approach was proven by using multiple Lyapunov functions for the investigated test scenarios.publishedVersio