563 research outputs found

    Semiparametric estimate of the efficiency of imperfect maintenance actions for a gamma deteriorating system

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    International audienceA system is considered, which is deteriorating over time according to a non homogeneous gamma process with unknown parameters. The system is subject to periodic and instantaneous imperfect maintenance actions (repairs). Each imperfect repair removes a proportion ρ of the accumulated degradation since the previous repair. The parameter ρ hence appears as a measure for the maintenance efficiency. This model is called arithmetic reduction of degradation of order 1. The system is inspected right before each maintenance action, thus providing some multivariate measurement of the successively observed deterioration levels. Based on these data, a semiparametric estimator of ρ is proposed, considering the parameters of the underlying gamma process as nuisance parameters. This estimator is mainly based on the range of admissible ρ's, which depends on the data. Under technical assumptions, consistency results are obtained, with surprisingly high convergence rates (up to exponential). The case where several i.i.d. systems are observed is next envisioned. Consistency results are obtained for the efficiency estimator, as the number of systems tends to infinity, with a convergence rate that can be higher or lower than the classical square root rate. Finally, the performances of the estimators are illustrated on a few numerical examples

    Selective maintenance optimisation for series-parallel systems alternating missions and scheduled breaks with stochastic durations

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    This paper deals with the selective maintenance problem for a multi-component system performing consecutive missions separated by scheduled breaks. To increase the probability of successfully completing its next mission, the system components are maintained during the break. A list of potential imperfect maintenance actions on each component, ranging from minimal repair to replacement is available. The general hybrid hazard rate approach is used to model the reliability improvement of the system components. Durations of the maintenance actions, the mission and the breaks are stochastic with known probability distributions. The resulting optimisation problem is modelled as a non-linear stochastic programme. Its objective is to determine a cost-optimal subset of maintenance actions to be performed on the components given the limited stochastic duration of the break and the minimum system reliability level required to complete the next mission. The fundamental concepts and relevant parameters of this decision-making problem are developed and discussed. Numerical experiments are provided to demonstrate the added value of solving this selective maintenance problem as a stochastic optimisation programme

    Modeling multivariate degradation processes with time‐variant covariates and imperfect maintenance effects

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    International audienceThis article proposes two types of degradation models that are suitable for describing multivariate degrading systems subject to time‐variant covariates and imperfect maintenance activities. A multivariate Wiener process is constructed as a baseline model, on top of which two types of models are developed to meaningfully characterize the time‐variant covariates and imperfect maintenance effects. The underlying difference between the two models lies in the way of capturing the influences of covariates and maintenance: The first model reflects these impacts in the degradation rates/paths directly, whereas the second one describes the impacts by modifying the time scales governing the degradation processes. In each model, two particular imperfect maintenance models are presented, which differ in the extent of reduction in degradation level or virtual age. The two degradation models are then compared in certain special cases. The proposed multivariate degradation models pertain to complex industrial systems whose health deterioration can be characterized by multiple performance characteristics and can be altered or affected by maintenance activities and operating/environmental conditions

    Modeling the Effects of Maintenance on the degradation of a Water-feeding Turbo-pump of a Nuclear Power Plant

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    International audienceThis work addresses the modelling of the effects of maintenance on the degradation of an electric power plant component. This is done within a modelling framework previously proposed by the authors, of which the distinguishing feature is the characterization of the component living conditions by influencing factors (IFs), i.e. conditioning aspects of the component life that influence its degradation. The original fuzzy logic-based modelling framework includes maintenance as an IF; this requires one to jointly model its effects on the component degradation together with those of the other influencing factors. This may not come natural to the experts who are requested to provide the if-then linguistic rules at the basis of the fuzzy model linking the IFs with the component degradation state. An alternative modelling approach is proposed in this work, which does not consider maintenance as an IF that directly impacts on the degradation but as an external action that affects the state of the other IFs. By way of an example regarding the propagation of a crack in a water-feeding turbo-pump of a nuclear power plant, the approach is shown to properly model the maintenance actions based on information that can be more easily elicited from experts

    Petri-Net Simulation Model of a Nuclear Component Degradation Process

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    International audienceMulti physical state modeling (MPSM) is a novel approach being investigated for estimating the reliability of components and systems in the context of probabilistic risk assessment (PRA). The approach integrates multi-state modeling, which describes the degradation process by transitions among discrete states (e.g. initial, micro-crack, rupture, etc) and physical modeling by (physical) equations that govern the degradation process. In practice, the degradation process is non-Markovian and its transition rates are time-dependent and influenced by external factors such as temperature and stress. Under these conditions, it is in general difficult to derive the state probabilities analytically. On the contrary, Petri nets provide a flexible modeling framework for describing degradation processes with arbitrary transition rates. In this paper, we build a Petri net in support of Monte Carlo simulation of the stochastic aging behavior of a nuclear component undergoing stress corrosion cracking. The results are compared with analytical results derived in a previous work of literature

    Maintenance optimization for a Markovian deteriorating system with population heterogeneity

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    We develop a partially observable Markov decision process model to incorporate population heterogeneity when scheduling replacements for a deteriorating system. The single-component system deteriorates over a finite set of condition states according to a Markov chain. The population of spare components that is available for replacements is composed of multiple component types that cannot be distinguished by their exterior appearance but deteriorate according to different transition probability matrices. This situation may arise, for example, because of variations in the production process of components. We provide a set of conditions for which we characterize the structure of the optimal policy that minimizes the total expected discounted operating and replacement cost over an infinite horizon. In a numerical experiment, we benchmark the optimal policy against a heuristic policy that neglects population heterogeneity

    Reliability Analysis And Optimal Maintenance Planning For Repairable Multi-Component Systems Subject To Dependent Competing Risks

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    Modern engineering systems generally consist of multiple components that interact in a complex manner. Reliability analysis of multi-component repairable systems plays a critical role for system safety and cost reduction. Establishing reliability models and scheduling optimal maintenance plans for multi-component repairable systems, however, is still a big challenge when considering the dependency of component failures. Existing models commonly make prior assumptions, without statistical verification, as to whether different component failures are independent or not. In this dissertation, data-driven systematic methodologies to characterize component failure dependency of complex systems are proposed. In CHAPTER 2, a parametric reliability model is proposed to capture the statistical dependency among different component failures under partially perfect repair assumption. Based on the proposed model, statistical hypothesis tests are developed to test the dependency of component failures. In CHAPTER 3, two reliability models for multi-component systems with dependent competing risks under imperfect assumptions are proposed, i.e., generalized dependent latent age model and copula-based trend-renewal process model. The generalized dependent latent age model generalizes the partially perfect repair model by involving the extended virtual age concept. And the copula-based trend renewal process model utilizes multiple trend functions to transform the failure times from original time domain to a transformed time domain, in which the repair conditions can be treated as partially perfect. Parameter estimation methods for both models are developed. In CHAPTER 4, based on the generalized dependent latent age model, two periodic inspection-based maintenance polices are developed for a multi-component repairable system subject to dependent competing risks. The first maintenance policy assumes all the components are restored to as good as new once a failure detected, i.e., the whole system is replaced. The second maintenance policy considers the partially perfect repair, i.e., only the failed component can be replaced after detection of failures. Both the maintenance policies are optimized with the aim to minimize the expected average maintenance cost per unit time. The developed methodologies are demonstrated by using applications of real engineering systems

    Structured Learning and Decision Making for Maintenance

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    Optimal Periodic Inspection of a Stochastically Degrading System

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    This thesis develops and analyzes a procedure to determine the optimal inspection interval that maximizes the limiting average availability of a stochastically degrading component operating in a randomly evolving environment. The component is inspected periodically, and if the total observed cumulative degradation exceeds a fixed threshold value, the component is instantly replaced with a new, statistically identical component. Degradation is due to a combination of continuous wear caused by the component\u27s random operating environment, as well as damage due to randomly occurring shocks of random magnitude. In order to compute an optimal inspection interval and corresponding limiting average availability, a nonlinear program is formulated and solved using a direct search algorithm in conjunction with numerical Laplace transform inversion. Techniques are developed to significantly decrease the time required to compute the approximate optimal solutions. The mathematical programming formulation and solution techniques are illustrated through a series of increasingly complex example problems