464 research outputs found

    Subword-based Stochastic Segment Modeling for Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition

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    In this paper, we describe several experiments in which we use a stochastic segment model (SSM) to improve offline handwriting recognition (OHR) performance. We use the SSM to re-rank (re-score) multiple decoder hypotheses. Then, a probabilistic multi-class SVM is trained to model stochastic segments obtained from force aligning transcriptions with the underlying image. We extract multiple features from the stochastic segments that are sensitive to larger context span to train the SVM. Our experiments show that using confidence scores from the trained SVM within the SSM framework can significantly improve OHR performance. We also show that OHR performance can be improved by using a combination of character-based and parts-of-Arabic-words (PAW)-based SSMs

    Dysarthric Speech Recognition and Offline Handwriting Recognition using Deep Neural Networks

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    Millions of people around the world are diagnosed with neurological disorders like Parkinson’s, Cerebral Palsy or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Due to the neurological damage as the disease progresses, the person suffering from the disease loses control of muscles, along with speech deterioration. Speech deterioration is due to neuro motor condition that limits manipulation of the articulators of the vocal tract, the condition collectively called as dysarthria. Even though dysarthric speech is grammatically and syntactically correct, it is difficult for humans to understand and for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems to decipher. With the emergence of deep learning, speech recognition systems have improved a lot compared to traditional speech recognition systems, which use sophisticated preprocessing techniques to extract speech features. In this digital era there are still many documents that are handwritten many of which need to be digitized. Offline handwriting recognition involves recognizing handwritten characters from images of handwritten text (i.e. scanned documents). This is an interesting task as it involves sequence learning with computer vision. The task is more difficult than Optical Character Recognition (OCR), because handwritten letters can be written in virtually infinite different styles. This thesis proposes exploiting deep learning techniques like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) for offline handwriting recognition. For speech recognition, we compare traditional methods for speech recognition with recent deep learning methods. Also, we apply speaker adaptation methods both at feature level and at parameter level to improve recognition of dysarthric speech

    The Challenges of Recognizing Offline Handwritten Chinese: A Technical Review

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    Offline handwritten Chinese recognition is an important research area of pattern recognition, including offline handwritten Chinese character recognition (offline HCCR) and offline handwritten Chinese text recognition (offline HCTR), which are closely related to daily life. With new deep learning techniques and the combination with other domain knowledge, offline handwritten Chinese recognition has gained breakthroughs in methods and performance in recent years. However, there have yet to be articles that provide a technical review of this field since 2016. In light of this, this paper reviews the research progress and challenges of offline handwritten Chinese recognition based on traditional techniques, deep learning methods, methods combining deep learning with traditional techniques, and knowledge from other areas from 2016 to 2022. Firstly, it introduces the research background and status of handwritten Chinese recognition, standard datasets, and evaluation metrics. Secondly, a comprehensive summary and analysis of offline HCCR and offline HCTR approaches during the last seven years is provided, along with an explanation of their concepts, specifics, and performances. Finally, the main research problems in this field over the past few years are presented. The challenges still exist in offline handwritten Chinese recognition are discussed, aiming to inspire future research work

    Multimodal Interactive Transcription of Handwritten Text Images

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    En esta tesis se presenta un nuevo marco interactivo y multimodal para la transcripción de Documentos manuscritos. Esta aproximación, lejos de proporcionar la transcripción completa pretende asistir al experto en la dura tarea de transcribir. Hasta la fecha, los sistemas de reconocimiento de texto manuscrito disponibles no proporcionan transcripciones aceptables por los usuarios y, generalmente, se requiere la intervención del humano para corregir las transcripciones obtenidas. Estos sistemas han demostrado ser realmente útiles en aplicaciones restringidas y con vocabularios limitados (como es el caso del reconocimiento de direcciones postales o de cantidades numéricas en cheques bancarios), consiguiendo en este tipo de tareas resultados aceptables. Sin embargo, cuando se trabaja con documentos manuscritos sin ningún tipo de restricción (como documentos manuscritos antiguos o texto espontáneo), la tecnología actual solo consigue resultados inaceptables. El escenario interactivo estudiado en esta tesis permite una solución más efectiva. En este escenario, el sistema de reconocimiento y el usuario cooperan para generar la transcripción final de la imagen de texto. El sistema utiliza la imagen de texto y una parte de la transcripción previamente validada (prefijo) para proponer una posible continuación. Despues, el usuario encuentra y corrige el siguente error producido por el sistema, generando así un nuevo prefijo mas largo. Este nuevo prefijo, es utilizado por el sistema para sugerir una nueva hipótesis. La tecnología utilizada se basa en modelos ocultos de Markov y n-gramas. Estos modelos son utilizados aquí de la misma manera que en el reconocimiento automático del habla. Algunas modificaciones en la definición convencional de los n-gramas han sido necesarias para tener en cuenta la retroalimentación del usuario en este sistema.Romero Gómez, V. (2010). Multimodal Interactive Transcription of Handwritten Text Images [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8541Palanci

    Recognition of handwritten Arabic characters

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    The subject of handwritten character recognition has been receiving considerable attention in recent years due to the increased dependence on computers. Several methods for recognizing Latin, Chinese as well as Kanji characters have been proposed. However, work on recognition of Arabic characters has been relatively sparse. Techniques developed for recognizing characters in other languages can not be used for Arabic since the nature of Arabic characters is different. The shape of a character is a function of its location within a word where each character can have two to four different forms. Most of the techniques proposed to date for recognizing Arabic characters have relied on structural and topographic approaches. This thesis introduces a decision-theoretic approach to solve the problem. The proposed method involves, as a first step, digitization of the segmented character. The secondary part of the character (dots and zigzags) are then isolated and identified separately thereby reducing the recognition issue to a 20 class problem or less for each of the character forms. The moments of the horizontal and vertical projections of the remaining primary characters are calculated and normalized with respect to the zero order moment. Simple measures of shape are obtained from the normalized moments and incorporated into a feature vector. Classification is accomplished using quadratic discriminant functions. The approach was evaluated using isolated, handwritten characters from a data base established for this purpose. The classification rates varied from 97.5% to 100% depending on the form of the characters. These results indicate that the technique offers significantly better classification rates in comparison with existing methods