1,527 research outputs found

    The current approaches in pattern recognition

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    `The frozen accident' as an evolutionary adaptation: A rate distortion theory perspective on the dynamics and symmetries of genetic coding mechanisms

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    We survey some interpretations and related issues concerning the frozen hypothesis due to F. Crick and how it can be explained in terms of several natural mechanisms involving error correction codes, spin glasses, symmetry breaking and the characteristic robustness of genetic networks. The approach to most of these questions involves using elements of Shannon's rate distortion theory incorporating a semantic system which is meaningful for the relevant alphabets and vocabulary implemented in transmission of the genetic code. We apply the fundamental homology between information source uncertainty with the free energy density of a thermodynamical system with respect to transcriptional regulators and the communication channels of sequence/structure in proteins. This leads to the suggestion that the frozen accident may have been a type of evolutionary adaptation

    CloudScan - A configuration-free invoice analysis system using recurrent neural networks

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    We present CloudScan; an invoice analysis system that requires zero configuration or upfront annotation. In contrast to previous work, CloudScan does not rely on templates of invoice layout, instead it learns a single global model of invoices that naturally generalizes to unseen invoice layouts. The model is trained using data automatically extracted from end-user provided feedback. This automatic training data extraction removes the requirement for users to annotate the data precisely. We describe a recurrent neural network model that can capture long range context and compare it to a baseline logistic regression model corresponding to the current CloudScan production system. We train and evaluate the system on 8 important fields using a dataset of 326,471 invoices. The recurrent neural network and baseline model achieve 0.891 and 0.887 average F1 scores respectively on seen invoice layouts. For the harder task of unseen invoice layouts, the recurrent neural network model outperforms the baseline with 0.840 average F1 compared to 0.788.Comment: Presented at ICDAR 201

    Lost in translation: Toward a formal model of multilevel, multiscale medicine

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    For a broad spectrum of low level cognitive regulatory and other biological phenomena, isolation from signal crosstalk between them requires more metabolic free energy than permitting correlation. This allows an evolutionary exaptation leading to dynamic global broadcasts of interacting physiological processes at multiple scales. The argument is similar to the well-studied exaptation of noise to trigger stochastic resonance amplification in physiological subsystems. Not only is the living state characterized by cognition at every scale and level of organization, but by multiple, shifting, tunable, cooperative larger scale broadcasts that link selected subsets of functional modules to address problems. This multilevel dynamical viewpoint has implications for initiatives in translational medicine that have followed the implosive collapse of pharmaceutical industry 'magic bullet' research. In short, failure to respond to the inherently multilevel, multiscale nature of human pathophysiology will doom translational medicine to a similar implosion

    On the Use of Neural Text Generation for the Task of Optical Character Recognition

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    Optical Character Recognition (OCR), is extraction of textual data from scanned text documents to facilitate their indexing, searching, editing and to reduce storage space. Although OCR systems have improved significantly in recent years, they still suffer in situations where the OCR output does not match the text in the original document. Deep learning models have contributed positively to many problems but their full potential to many other problems are yet to be explored. In this paper we propose a post-processing approach based on the application deep learning to improve the accuracy of OCR system (minimizing the error rate).We report on the use of neural network language models to accomplish the task of correcting incorrectly predicted characters/words by OCR systems. We applied our approach to the IAM handwriting database. Our proposed approach delivers significant accuracy improvement of 20:41% in F-score, 10:86% in character level comparison using Levenshtein distance and 20:69% in document level comparison over previously reported context based OCR empirical results of IAM handwriting database

    Composition of Constraint, Hypothesis and Error Models to improve interaction in Human-Machine Interfaces

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    We use Weighted Finite-State Transducers (WFSTs) to represent the different sources of information available: the initial hypotheses, the possible errors, the constraints imposed by the task (interaction language) and the user input. The fusion of these models to find the most probable output string can be performed efficiently by using carefully selected transducer operations. The proposed system initially suggests an output based on the set of hypotheses, possible errors and Constraint Models. Then, if human intervention is needed, a multimodal approach, where the user input is combined with the aforementioned models, is applied to produce, with a minimum user effort, the desired output. This approach offers the practical advantages of a de-coupled model (e.g. input-system + parameterized rules + post-processor), keeping at the same time the error-recovery power of an integrated approach, where all the steps of the process are performed in the same formal machine (as in a typical HMM in speech recognition) to avoid that an error at a given step remains unrecoverable in the subsequent steps. After a presentation of the theoretical basis of the proposed multi-source information system, its application to two real world problems, as an example of the possibilities of this architecture, is addressed. The experimental results obtained demonstrate that a significant user effort can be saved when using the proposed procedure. A simple demonstration, to better understand and evaluate the proposed system, is available on the web https://demos.iti.upv.es/hi/. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Navarro Cerdan, JR.; Llobet Azpitarte, R.; Arlandis, J.; Perez-Cortes, J. (2016). Composition of Constraint, Hypothesis and Error Models to improve interaction in Human-Machine Interfaces. Information Fusion. 29:1-13. doi:10.1016/j.inffus.2015.09.001S1132
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