12 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Fibers: Uncertainty in dMRI Tractography

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    Fiber tracking based on diffusion weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) allows for noninvasive reconstruction of fiber bundles in the human brain. In this chapter, we discuss sources of error and uncertainty in this technique, and review strategies that afford a more reliable interpretation of the results. This includes methods for computing and rendering probabilistic tractograms, which estimate precision in the face of measurement noise and artifacts. However, we also address aspects that have received less attention so far, such as model selection, partial voluming, and the impact of parameters, both in preprocessing and in fiber tracking itself. We conclude by giving impulses for future research

    CUDA-Accelerated Geodesic Ray-Tracing for Fiber Tracking

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    Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) allows to noninvasively measure the diffusion of water in fibrous tissue. By reconstructing the fibers from DTI data using a fiber-tracking algorithm, we can deduce the structure of the tissue. In this paper, we outline an approach to accelerating such a fiber-tracking algorithm using a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). This algorithm, which is based on the calculation of geodesics, has shown promising results for both synthetic and real data, but is limited in its applicability by its high computational requirements. We present a solution which uses the parallelism offered by modern GPUs, in combination with the CUDA platform by NVIDIA, to significantly reduce the execution time of the fiber-tracking algorithm. Compared to a multithreaded CPU implementation of the same algorithm, our GPU mapping achieves a speedup factor of up to 40 times

    On the Reliability of Diffusion Neuroimaging

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    Over the last years, diffusion imaging techniques like DTI, DSI or Q-Ball received increasin

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationDiffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) has become a popular technique to detect brain white matter structure. However, imaging noise, imaging artifacts, and modeling techniques, etc., create many uncertainties, which may generate misleading information for further analysis or applications, such as surgical planning. Therefore, how to analyze, effectively visualize, and reduce these uncertainties become very important research questions. In this dissertation, we present both rank-k decomposition and direct decomposition approaches based on spherical deconvolution to decompose the fiber directions more accurately for high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) data, which will reduce the uncertainties of the fiber directions. By applying volume rendering techniques to an ensemble of 3D orientation distribution function (ODF) glyphs, which we call SIP functions of diffusion shapes, one can elucidate the complex heteroscedastic structural variation in these local diffusion shapes. Furthermore, we quantify the extent of this variation by measuring the fraction of the volume of these shapes, which is consistent across all noise levels, the certain volume ratio. To better understand the uncertainties in white matter fiber tracks, we propose three metrics to quantify the differences between the results of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) fiber tracking algorithms: the area between corresponding fibers of each bundle, the Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) between two fiber bundle volumes, and the current distance between two fiber bundle volumes. Based on these metrics, we discuss an interactive fiber track comparison visualization toolkit we have developed to visualize these uncertainties more efficiently. Physical phantoms, with high repeatability and reproducibility, are also designed with the hope of validating the dMRI techniques. In summary, this dissertation provides a better understanding about uncertainties in diffusion magnetic resonance imaging: where and how much are the uncertainties? How do we reduce these uncertainties? How can we possibly validate our algorithms

    Tractografia em tempo real através de unidades de processamento gráfico

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2009.A tractografia por propagação de linhas é um método que, com base na ressonância magnética de tensores de difusão (DT-MRI), revela in vivo a disposição dos tratos neurais no cérebro humano. O alto custo computacional da tractografia, porém, implica um tempo de espera significativamente longo para o cálculo e exibição dos resultados. Esse tempo pode ser reduzido executando-se a tractografia de forma paralela, já que as trajetórias encontradas pelo método de propagação de linhas são independentes umas das outras. Uma plataforma atrativa para a execução paralela de programas é oferecida pelas unidades de processamento gráfico (GPUs) das placas de vídeo atuais. Desse modo, este trabalho propõe a execução paralela da tractografia por propagação de linhas em GPUs através da tecnologia CUDA. Experimentos foram conduzidos para avaliar o desempenho da tractografia em um processador central (CPU) e quatro GPUs distintas. Os resultados mostram que as GPUs são, no melhor caso, até 38 vezes mais velozes que a CPU na execução da tractografia, e até 8 vezes mais rápidas no pior caso. A velocidade obtida através das GPUs permite que os resultados tractográficos sejam calculados e exibidos em tempo real para um número de trajetórias superior a 3.000

    Visualisation en imagerie par résonance magnétique de diffusion : tractographie en temps réel des fibres de la matière blanche du cerveau

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    L'imagerie par résonance magnétique de diffusion est une technique non-invasive permettant de mesurer la diffusion des molécules d'eau selon plusieurs directions. Le résultat d'une telle acquisition contient de l'information implicite sur les structures microbiologiques qui composent le cerveau humain. La tractographie consiste à déterminer et visualiser, en trois dimensions, l'ensemble des connections neuronales de la matière blanche du cerveau en suivant la diffusion préférentielle de l'eau présente en chaque voxel. Les fibres de la matière blanche sont responsables de connecter les différentes aires fonctionnelles du cerveau entre-elles. En présence d'une tumeur, elles peuvent se réorganiser de multiples façons et refaire des connections pour assurer le suivi des fonctions importantes. L'imagerie du câblage cérébral est utilisée lors d'interventions neurochirurgicales afin d'aider le neurochirurgien à planifier son angle d'attaque pour réséquer le maximum de la tumeur sans léser la fonction du patient. La tractographie prend donc tout son sens pour le neurochirurgien avant et pendant l'opération. Dans ce mémoire, il sera question de tractographie en temps réel. La plupart des algorithmes de tractographie utilisent des paramètres fixes et prédéfinis pour l'ensemble du cerveau. Nous croyons que ces paramètres devraient être accessibles et modifiables afin de voir l'impact que ceux-ci ont sur la reconstruction des connections cérébrales. Nous proposons une méthode de visualisation de fibres en temps réel, permettant de calculer et d'afficher instantanément le résultat d'un nouvel algorithme de tractographie qui sera confronté aux méthodes existantes. Le nouveau module permet d'effectuer la tractographie des fibres de la matière blanche de manière interactive en offrant la possibilité d'ajuster les paramètres impliqués dans le processus de tractographie. Il a notamment été introduit plus d'une vingtaine de fois lors d'interventions neurochirurgicales au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke, grâce à la supervision du Dr. David Fortin. La tractographie en temps réel a changé la manière dont les données sont préparées en vue d'une intervention en bloc opératoire. Dans un contexte où le temps entre le traitement des données et l'intervention chirurgicale est une contrainte majeure, l'élimination de l'étape de tractographie du processus de prétraitement est un avantage non-négligeable