5 research outputs found

    Overview of the ImageCLEF 2015 medical classification task

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    This articles describes the ImageCLEF 2015 Medical Clas-sification task. The task contains several subtasks that all use a dataset of figures from the biomedical open access literature (PubMed Cen-tral). Particularly compound figures are targeted that are frequent inthe literature. For more detailed information analysis and retrieval it isimportant to extract targeted information from the compound figures.The proposed tasks include compound figure detection (separating com-pound from other figures), multi–label classification (define all sub typespresent), figure separation (find boundaries of the subfigures) and modal-ity classification (detecting the figure type of each subfigure). The tasksare described with the participation of international research groups inthe tasks. The results of the participants are then described and analysedto identify promising techniques

    Utilizing image and caption information for biomedical document classification.

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    MOTIVATION: Biomedical research findings are typically disseminated through publications. To simplify access to domain-specific knowledge while supporting the research community, several biomedical databases devote significant effort to manual curation of the literature-a labor intensive process. The first step toward biocuration requires identifying articles relevant to the specific area on which the database focuses. Thus, automatically identifying publications relevant to a specific topic within a large volume of publications is an important task toward expediting the biocuration process and, in turn, biomedical research. Current methods focus on textual contents, typically extracted from the title-and-abstract. Notably, images and captions are often used in publications to convey pivotal evidence about processes, experiments and results. RESULTS: We present a new document classification scheme, using both image and caption information, in addition to titles-and-abstracts. To use the image information, we introduce a new image representation, namely Figure-word, based on class labels of subfigures. We use word embeddings for representing captions and titles-and-abstracts. To utilize all three types of information, we introduce two information integration methods. The first combines Figure-words and textual features obtained from captions and titles-and-abstracts into a single larger vector for document representation; the second employs a meta-classification scheme. Our experiments and results demonstrate the usefulness of the newly proposed Figure-words for representing images. Moreover, the results showcase the value of Figure-words, captions and titles-and-abstracts in providing complementary information for document classification; these three sources of information when combined, lead to an overall improved classification performance. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: Source code and the list of PMIDs of the publications in our datasets are available upon request

    NASA Tech Briefs, November 1999

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    Topics covered include: Computer-Aided Design and Engineering; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery/Automation; Physical Sciences; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Books and Reports

    The Object of Platform Studies: Relational Materialities and the Social Platform (the case of the Nintendo Wii)

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    Racing the Beam: The Atari Video Computer System,by Ian Bogost and Nick Montfort, inaugurated thePlatform Studies series at MIT Press in 2009.We’ve coauthored a new book in the series, Codename: Revolution: the Nintendo Wii Video Game Console. Platform studies is a quintessentially Digital Humanities approach, since it’s explicitly focused on the interrelationship of computing and cultural expression. According to the series preface, the goal of platform studies is “to consider the lowest level of computing systems and to understand how these systems relate to culture and creativity.”In practice, this involves paying close attentionto specific hardware and software interactions--to the vertical relationships between a platform’s multilayered materialities (Hayles; Kirschenbaum),from transistors to code to cultural reception. Any given act of platform-studies analysis may focus for example on the relationship between the chipset and the OS, or between the graphics processor and display parameters or game developers’ designs.In computing terms, platform is an abstraction(Bogost and Montfort), a pragmatic frame placed around whatever hardware-and-software configuration is required in order to build or run certain specificapplications (including creative works). The object of platform studies is thus a shifting series of possibility spaces, any number of dynamic thresholds between discrete levels of a system