177 research outputs found

    Towards a Reference Architecture for Swarm Intelligence-based Internet of Things

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    International audienceThe Internet of Things (IoT) represents the global network which interconnects digital and physical entities. It aims at providing objects with intelligence that allows them to perceive, decide and cooperate with other objects, machines, systems and even humans to enable a whole new class of applications and services. Agent-Based Computing paradigm has been exploited to deal with the IoT system development. Many research works focus on making objects able to think by themselves thus imitating human brain. Swarm Intelligence studies the collective behavior of systems composed of many individuals who interact locally with each other and with their environment using decentralized and self-organized control to achieve complex tasks. Swarm intelligence-based systems provide decentralized, self-organized and robust systems with consideration of coordination frameworks. We explore in this paper the exploitation of swarm intelligence-based features in IoT-based systems. Therefore, we present a reference swarm-based architectural model that enables cooperation among devices in IoT systems

    The Unicellular State as a Point Source in a Quantum Biological System.

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    A point source is the central and most important point or place for any group of cohering phenomena. Evolutionary development presumes that biological processes are sequentially linked, but neither directed from, nor centralized within, any specific biologic structure or stage. However, such an epigenomic entity exists and its transforming effects can be understood through the obligatory recapitulation of all eukaryotic lifeforms through a zygotic unicellular phase. This requisite biological conjunction can now be properly assessed as the focal point of reconciliation between biology and quantum phenomena, illustrated by deconvoluting complex physiologic traits back to their unicellular origins

    Multirobot Systems: A Classification Focused on Coordination

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    Engineering Pervasive Service Ecosystems: The SAPERE approach

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    Emerging pervasive computing services will typically involve a large number of devices and service components cooperating together in an open and dynamic environment. This calls for suitable models and infrastructures promoting spontaneous, situated, and self-adaptive interactions between components. SAPERE (Self-Aware Pervasive Service Ecosystems) is a general coordination framework aimed at facilitating the decentralized and situated execution of self-organizing and self-adaptive pervasive computing services. SAPERE adopts a nature-inspired approach, in which pervasive services are modeled and deployed as autonomous individuals in an ecosystem of other services and devices, all of which interact in accord to a limited set of coordination laws, or eco-laws. In this article, we present the overall rationale underlying SAPERE and its reference architecture. We introduce the eco-laws--based coordination model and show how it can be used to express and easily enforce general-purpose self-organizing coordination patterns. The middleware infrastructure supporting the SAPERE model is presented and evaluated, and the overall advantages of SAPERE are discussed in the context of exemplary use cases

    Stigmergic interoperability for autonomic systems: Managing complex interactions in multi-manager scenarios

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    The success of autonomic computing has led to its popular use in many application domains, leading to scenarios where multiple autonomic managers (AMs) coexist, but without adequate support for interoperability. This is evident, for example, in the increasing number of large datacentres with multiple managers which are independently designed. The increase in scale and size coupled with heterogeneity of services and platforms means that more AMs could be integrated to manage the arising complexity. This has led to the need for interoperability between AMs. Interoperability deals with how to manage multi-manager scenarios, to govern complex coexistence of managers and to arbitrate when conflicts arise. This paper presents an architecture-based stigmergic interoperability solution. The solution presented in this paper is based on the Trustworthy Autonomic Architecture (TAArch) and uses stigmergy (the means of indirect communication via the operating environment) to achieve indirect coordination among coexisting agents. Usually, in stigmergy-based coordination, agents may be aware of the existence of other agents. In the approach presented here in, agents (autonomic managers) do not need to be aware of the existence of others. Their design assumes that they are operating in 'isolation' and they simply respond to changes in the environment. Experimental results with a datacentre multi-manager scenario are used to analyse the proposed approach

    Linked data as medium for distributed Multi-Agent Systems

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    The conceptual design and discussion of multi-agents systems (MAS) typically focuses on agents and their models, and the elements and effects in the environment which they perceive. This view, however, leaves out potential pitfalls in the later implementation of the system that may stem from limitations in data models, interfaces, or protocols by which agents and environments exchange information. By today, the research community agrees that for this, that the environment should be understood as well as abstraction layer by which agents access, interpret, and modify elements within the environment. This, however, blurs the the line of the environment being the sum of interactive elements and phenomena perceivable by agents, and the underlying technology by which this information and interactions are offered to agents. This thesis proposes as remedy to consider as third component of multi agent systems, besides agents and environments, the digital medium by which the environment is provided to agents. "Medium" then refers to exactly this technological component via which environment data is published interactively towards the agents, and via which agents perceive, interpret, and finally, modify the underlying environment data. Furthermore, this thesis will detail how MAS may use capabilities of a properly chosen medium to achieve coordinating system behaviors. A suitable candidate technology for digital agent media comes from the Semantic Web in form of Linked Data. In addition to conceptual discussions about the notions of digital agent media, this thesis will provide in detail a specification of a Linked Data agent medium, and detail on means to implement MAS around Linked Data media technologies.Sowohl der konzeptuelle Entwurf von, als auch die wissenschaftliche Diskussion über Multi-Agenten-Systeme (MAS) konzentrieren sich für gewöhnlich auf die Agenten selbst, die Agentenmodelle, sowie die Elemente und Effekte, die sie in ihrer Umgebung wahrnehmen. Diese Betrachtung lässt jedoch mögliche Probleme in einer späteren Implementierung aus, die von Einschränkungen in Datenmodellen, Schnittstellen, oder Protokollen herrühren können, über die Agenten und ihre Umgebung Informationen miteinander austauschen. Heutzutage ist sich die Forschungsgemeinschaft einig, dass die Umgebung als solche als Abstraktionsschicht verstanden werden sollte, über die Agenten Umgebungseffekte und -elemente wahrnehmen, interpretieren, und mit ihnen interagieren. Diese Betrachtungsweise verschleiert jedoch die Trennung zwischen der Umgebung als die Sammlung interaktiver Elemente und wahrnehmbarer Phänomene auf der einen Seite, und der zugrundeliegenden Technologie, über die diese Information den Agenten bereitgestellt wird, auf der anderen. Diese Dissertation schlägt als Lösung vor, zusätzlich zu Agenten undUmgebung ein digitales Medium, über das Agenten die Umgebung bereitgestellt wird, als drittes Element von Multi-Agenten-Systemen zu betrachten. Der Begriff "Medium" bezieht sich dann genau auf diese technologische Komponente, über die Umgebungsinformationen Agenten interaktiv bereitgestellt werden, und über die Agenten die zugrundeliegenden Daten wahrnehmen, interpretieren, und letztendlich modifizieren. Desweiteren wird diese Dissertation aufzeigen, wie die Eigenschaften eines sorgfältig gewählten Mediums ausgenutzt werden können, um ein koordiniertes Systemverhalten zu erreichen. Ein geeigneter Kandidat für ein digitales Agentenmedium findet sich im Ökosystem des „Semantic Web”, in Form von „Linked Data”, wörtlich („verknüpfte Daten”). Zusätzlich zu einer konzeptionellen Diskussion über die Natur digitaler Agenten- Media, spezifiziert diese Dissertation „Linked Data” als Agentenmedium detailliert aus, und beschreibt im Detail die Mittel, wie sich MAS um Linked Data Technologien herum implementieren lassen