289 research outputs found

    The impact of Stieltjes' work on continued fractions and orthogonal polynomials

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    Stieltjes' work on continued fractions and the orthogonal polynomials related to continued fraction expansions is summarized and an attempt is made to describe the influence of Stieltjes' ideas and work in research done after his death, with an emphasis on the theory of orthogonal polynomials

    Quadrature formulas based on rational interpolation

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    We consider quadrature formulas based on interpolation using the basis functions 1/(1+tkx)1/(1+t_kx) (k=1,2,3,)(k=1,2,3,\ldots) on [1,1][-1,1], where tkt_k are parameters on the interval (1,1)(-1,1). We investigate two types of quadratures: quadrature formulas of maximum accuracy which correctly integrate as many basis functions as possible (Gaussian quadrature), and quadrature formulas whose nodes are the zeros of the orthogonal functions obtained by orthogonalizing the system of basis functions (orthogonal quadrature). We show that both approaches involve orthogonal polynomials with modified (or varying) weights which depend on the number of quadrature nodes. The asymptotic distribution of the nodes is obtained as well as various interlacing properties and monotonicity results for the nodes

    Special Classes of Orthogonal Polynomials and Corresponding Quadratures of Gaussian Type

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    MSC 2010: 33C47, 42C05, 41A55, 65D30, 65D32In the first part of this survey paper we present a short account on some important properties of orthogonal polynomials on the real line, including computational methods for constructing coefficients in the fundamental three-term recurrence relation for orthogonal polynomials, and mention some basic facts on Gaussian quadrature rules. In the second part we discuss our Mathematica package Orthogonal Polynomials (see [2]) and show some applications to problems with strong nonclassical weights on (0;+1), including a conjecture for an oscillatory weight on [¡1; 1]. Finally, we give some new results on orthogonal polynomials on radial rays in the complex plane

    On the Gauss-Kronrod quadrature formula for a modified weight function of Chebyshev type

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    In this paper, we consider the Gauss-Kronrod quadrature formulas for a modified Chebyshev weight. Efficient estimates of the error of these Gauss-Kronrod formulae for analytic functions are obtained, using techniques of contour integration that were introduced by Gautschi and Varga (cf. Gautschi and Varga SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 20, 1170-1186 1983). Some illustrative numerical examples which show both the accuracy of the Gauss-Kronrod formulas and the sharpness of our estimations are displayed. Though for the sake of brevity we restrict ourselves to the first kind Chebyshev weight, a similar analysis may be carried out for the other three Chebyshev type weights; part of the corresponding computations are included in a final appendix

    Gradimir Milovanovic - a master in approximation and computation part ii

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    Solution of second kind Fredholm integral equations by means of Gauss and anti-Gauss quadrature rules

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    This paper is concerned with the numerical approximation of Fredholm integral equa- tions of the second kind. A Nyström method based on the anti-Gauss quadrature formula is developed and investigated in terms of stability and convergence in appro- priate weighted spaces. The Nyström interpolants corresponding to the Gauss and the anti-Gauss quadrature rules are proved to furnish upper and lower bounds for the solution of the equation, under suitable assumptions which are easily verified for a particular weight function. Hence, an error estimate is available, and the accuracy of the solution can be improved by approximating it by an averaged Nyström interpolant. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is illustrated through different numerical tests

    Quadrature with multiple nodes, power orthogonality, and moment-preserving spline approximation, part ii

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    The paper deals with new contributions to the theory of the Gauss quadrature formulas with multiple nodes that are published after 2001, including numerical construction, error analysis and applications. The first part was published in Numerical analysis 2000, Vol. V, Quadrature and orthogonal polynomials (W. Gautschi, F. Marcellan, and L. Reichel, eds.) [J. Comput. Appl. Math. 127 (2001), no. 1-2, 267-286]