593 research outputs found


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    3D reconstruction from stereo/range image is one of the most fundamental and extensively researched topics in computer vision. Stereo research has recently experienced somewhat of a new era, as a result of publically available performance testing such as the Middlebury data set, which has allowed researchers to compare their algorithms against all the state-of-the-art algorithms. This thesis investigates into the general stereo problems in both the two-view stereo and multi-view stereo scopes. In the two-view stereo scope, we formulate an algorithm for the stereo matching problem with careful handling of disparity, discontinuity and occlusion. The algorithm works with a global matching stereo model based on an energy minimization framework. The experimental results are evaluated on the Middlebury data set, showing that our algorithm is the top performer. A GPU approach of the Hierarchical BP algorithm is then proposed, which provides similar stereo quality to CPU Hierarchical BP while running at real-time speed. A fast-converging BP is also proposed to solve the slow convergence problem of general BP algorithms. Besides two-view stereo, ecient multi-view stereo for large scale urban reconstruction is carefully studied in this thesis. A novel approach for computing depth maps given urban imagery where often large parts of surfaces are weakly textured is presented. Finally, a new post-processing step to enhance the range images in both the both the spatial resolution and depth precision is proposed

    Scalable 3D Surface Reconstruction by Local Stochastic Fusion of Disparity Maps

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    Digital three-dimensional (3D) models are of significant interest to many application fields, such as medicine, engineering, simulation, and entertainment. Manual creation of 3D models is extremely time-consuming and data acquisition, e.g., through laser sensors, is expensive. In contrast, images captured by cameras mean cheap acquisition and high availability. Significant progress in the field of computer vision already allows for automatic 3D reconstruction using images. Nevertheless, many problems still exist, particularly for big sets of large images. In addition to the complex formulation necessary to solve an ill-posed problem, one has to manage extremely large amounts of data. This thesis targets 3D surface reconstruction using image sets, especially for large-scale, but also for high-accuracy applications. To this end, a processing chain for dense scalable 3D surface reconstruction using large image sets is defined consisting of image registration, disparity estimation, disparity map fusion, and triangulation of point clouds. The main focus of this thesis lies on the fusion and filtering of disparity maps, obtained by Semi-Global Matching, to create accurate 3D point clouds. For unlimited scalability, a Divide and Conquer method is presented that allows for parallel processing of subspaces of the 3D reconstruction space. The method for fusing disparity maps employs local optimization of spatial data. By this means, it avoids complex fusion strategies when merging subspaces. Although the focus is on scalable reconstruction, a high surface quality is obtained by several extensions to state-of-the-art local optimization methods. To this end, the seminal local volumetric optimization method by Curless and Levoy (1996) is interpreted from a probabilistic perspective. From this perspective, the method is extended through Bayesian fusion of spatial measurements with Gaussian uncertainty. Additionally to the generation of an optimal surface, this probabilistic perspective allows for the estimation of surface probabilities. They are used for filtering outliers in 3D space by means of geometric consistency checks. A further improvement of the quality is obtained based on the analysis of the disparity uncertainty. To this end, Total Variation (TV)-based feature classes are defined that are highly correlated with the disparity uncertainty. The correlation function is learned from ground-truth data by means of an Expectation Maximization (EM) approach. Because of the consideration of a statistically estimated disparity error in a probabilistic framework for fusion of spatial data, this can be regarded as a stochastic fusion of disparity maps. In addition, the influence of image registration and polygonization for volumetric fusion is analyzed and used to extend the method. Finally, a multi-resolution strategy is presented that allows for the generation of surfaces from spatial data with a largely varying quality. This method extends state-of-the-art methods by considering the spatial uncertainty of 3D points from stereo data. The evaluation of several well-known and novel datasets demonstrates the potential of the scalable stochastic fusion method. The strength and the weakness of the method are discussed and direction for future research is given.Digitale dreidimensionale (3D) Modelle sind in vielen Anwendungsfeldern, wie Medizin, Ingenieurswesen, Simulation und Unterhaltung von signifikantem Interesse. Eine manuelle Erstellung von 3D-Modellen ist Ă€ußerst zeitaufwendig und die Erfassung der Daten, z.B. durch Lasersensoren, ist teuer. Kamerabilder ermöglichen hingegen preiswerte Aufnahmen und sind gut verfĂŒgbar. Der rasante Fortschritt im Forschungsfeld Computer Vision ermöglicht bereits eine automatische 3D-Rekonstruktion aus Bilddaten. Dennoch besteht weiterhin eine Vielzahl von Problemen, insbesondere bei der Verarbeitung von großen Mengen hochauflösender Bilder. ZusĂ€tzlich zur komplexen Formulierung, die zur Lösung eines schlecht gestellten Problems notwendig ist, besteht die Herausforderung darin, Ă€ußerst große Datenmengen zu verwalten. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Problem der 3D-OberflĂ€chenrekonstruktion aus Bilddaten, insbesondere fĂŒr sehr große Modelle, aber auch Anwendungen mit hohem Genauigkeitsanforderungen. Zu diesem Zweck wird eine Prozesskette zur dichten skalierbaren 3D-OberflĂ€chenrekonstruktion fĂŒr große Bildmengen definiert, bestehend aus Bildregistrierung, DisparitĂ€tsschĂ€tzung, Fusion von DisparitĂ€tskarten und Triangulation von Punktwolken. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Fusion und Filterung von durch Semi-Global Matching generierten DisparitĂ€tskarten zur Bestimmung von genauen 3D-Punktwolken. FĂŒr eine unbegrenzte Skalierbarkeit wird eine Divide and Conquer Methode vorgestellt, welche eine parallele Verarbeitung von TeilrĂ€umen des 3D-Rekonstruktionsraums ermöglicht. Die Methode zur Fusion von DisparitĂ€tskarten basiert auf lokaler Optimierung von 3D Daten. Damit kann eine komplizierte Fusionsstrategie fĂŒr die UnterrĂ€ume vermieden werden. Obwohl der Fokus auf der skalierbaren Rekonstruktion liegt, wird eine hohe OberflĂ€chenqualitĂ€t durch mehrere Erweiterungen von lokalen Optimierungsmodellen erzielt, die dem Stand der Forschung entsprechen. Dazu wird die wegweisende lokale volumetrische Optimierungsmethode von Curless and Levoy (1996) aus einer probabilistischen Perspektive interpretiert. Aus dieser Perspektive wird die Methode durch eine Bayes Fusion von rĂ€umlichen Messungen mit Gaußscher Unsicherheit erweitert. ZusĂ€tzlich zur Bestimmung einer optimalen OberflĂ€che ermöglicht diese probabilistische Fusion die Extraktion von OberflĂ€chenwahrscheinlichkeiten. Diese werden wiederum zur Filterung von Ausreißern mittels geometrischer KonsistenzprĂŒfungen im 3D-Raum verwendet. Eine weitere Verbesserung der QualitĂ€t wird basierend auf der Analyse der DisparitĂ€tsunsicherheit erzielt. Dazu werden Gesamtvariation-basierte Merkmalsklassen definiert, welche stark mit der DisparitĂ€tsunsicherheit korrelieren. Die Korrelationsfunktion wird aus ground-truth Daten mittels eines Expectation Maximization (EM) Ansatzes gelernt. Aufgrund der BerĂŒcksichtigung eines statistisch geschĂ€tzten DisparitĂ€tsfehlers in einem probabilistischem GrundgerĂŒst fĂŒr die Fusion von rĂ€umlichen Daten, kann dies als eine stochastische Fusion von DisparitĂ€tskarten betrachtet werden. Außerdem wird der Einfluss der Bildregistrierung und Polygonisierung auf die volumetrische Fusion analysiert und verwendet, um die Methode zu erweitern. Schließlich wird eine Multi-Resolution Strategie prĂ€sentiert, welche die Generierung von OberflĂ€chen aus rĂ€umlichen Daten mit unterschiedlichster QualitĂ€t ermöglicht. Diese Methode erweitert Methoden, die den Stand der Forschung darstellen, durch die BerĂŒcksichtigung der rĂ€umlichen Unsicherheit von 3D-Punkten aus Stereo Daten. Die Evaluierung von mehreren bekannten und neuen DatensĂ€tzen zeigt das Potential der skalierbaren stochastischen Fusionsmethode auf. StĂ€rken und SchwĂ€chen der Methode werden diskutiert und es wird eine Empfehlung fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige Forschung gegeben

    MRF Stereo Matching with Statistical Estimation of Parameters

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    For about the last ten years, stereo matching in computer vision has been treated as a combinatorial optimization problem. Assuming that the points in stereo images form a Markov Random Field (MRF), a variety of combinatorial optimization algorithms has been developed to optimize their underlying cost functions. In many of these algorithms, the MRF parameters of the cost functions have often been manually tuned or heuristically determined for achieving good performance results. Recently, several algorithms for statistical, hence, automatic estimation of the parameters have been published. Overall, these algorithms perform well in labeling, but they lack in performance for handling discontinuity in labeling along the surface borders. In this dissertation, we develop an algorithm for optimization of the cost function with automatic estimation of the MRF parameters – the data and smoothness parameters. Both the parameters are estimated statistically and applied in the cost function with support of adaptive neighborhood defined based on color similarity. With the proposed algorithm, discontinuity handling with higher consistency than of the existing algorithms is achieved along surface borders. The data parameters are pre-estimated from one of the stereo images by applying a hypothesis, called noise equivalence hypothesis, to eliminate interdependency between the estimations of the data and smoothness parameters. The smoothness parameters are estimated applying a combination of maximum likelihood and disparity gradient constraint, to eliminate nested inference for the estimation. The parameters for handling discontinuities in data and smoothness are defined statistically as well. We model cost functions to match the images symmetrically for improved matching performance and also to detect occlusions. Finally, we fill the occlusions in the disparity map by applying several existing and proposed algorithms and show that our best proposed segmentation based least squares algorithm performs better than the existing algorithms. We conduct experiments with the proposed algorithm on publicly available ground truth test datasets provided by the Middlebury College. Experiments show that results better than the existing algorithms’ are delivered by the proposed algorithm having the MRF parameters estimated automatically. In addition, applying the parameter estimation technique in existing stereo matching algorithm, we observe significant improvement in computational time

    Color Separation for Image Segmentation

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    Image segmentation is a fundamental problem in computer vision that has drawn intensive research attention during the past few decades, resulting in a variety of segmentation algorithms. Segmentation is often formulated as a Markov random field (MRF) and the solution corresponding to the maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) is found using energy minimiza- tion framework. Many standard segmentation techniques rely on foreground and background appearance models given a priori. In this case the corresponding energy can be efficiently op- timized globally. If the appearance models are not known, the energy becomes NP-hard, and many methods resort to iterative schemes that jointly optimize appearance and segmentation. Such algorithms can only guarantee local minimum. Here we propose a new energy term explicitly measuring L1 distance between the object and background appearance models that can be globally maximized in one graph cut. Our method directly tries to minimize the appearance overlap between the segments. We show that in many applications including interactive segmentation, shape matching, segmentation from stereo pairs and saliency segmentation our simple term makes NP-hard segmentation functionals unnecessary and renders good segmentation performance both qualitatively and quantitatively

    The feasibility of using feature-flow and label transfer system to segment medical images with deformed anatomy in orthopedic surgery

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    In computer-aided surgical systems, to obtain high fidelity three-dimensional models, we require accurate segmentation of medical images. State-of-art medical image segmentation methods have been used successfully in particular applications, but they have not been demonstrated to work well over a wide range of deformities. For this purpose, I studied and evaluated medical image segmentation using the feature-flow based Label Transfer System described by Liu and colleagues. This system has produced promising results in parsing images of natural scenes. Its ability to deal with variations in shapes of objects is desirable. In this paper, we altered this system and assessed its feasibility of automatic segmentation. Experiments showed that this system achieved better recognition rates than those in natural-scene parsing applications, but the high recognition rates were not consistent across different images. Although this system is not considered clinically practical, we may improve it and incorporate it with other medical segmentation tools

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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    Disparity Refinement based on Depth Image Layers Separation for Stereo Matching Algorithms

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    This paper presents a method to improve the raw disparity maps in the disparity refinement stage for stereo matching algorithm. The proposed algorithm will use the disparity depth map from the stereo matching algorithm as initial disparity depth output with a basic similarity metric of SAD. The similarity metric finds the pixel points between the left and right under the fixed window (FW) searching process. With this approach, the raw disparity depth map obtained is not smooth and contained errors particularly with the depth discontinuities and unable to detect the uniform areas and repetitive patterns. The initial disparity depth will be used to identify the layers of disparity depth map by adapting the Depth Image Layers Separation (DILS) algorithm that separate the layers of depth based on disparity range. Each particular disparity depth map distributed along the disparity range and can be divided into several layers. The layer will be mapped to segmented reference image to refine the disparity depth map. This method will be known as the Depth Layer Refinement (DLR) that using the disparity depth layers to refine the disparity ma

    Higher-order inference in conditional random fields using submodular functions

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    Higher-order and dense conditional random fields (CRFs) are expressive graphical models which have been very successful in low-level computer vision applications such as semantic segmentation, and stereo matching. These models are able to capture long-range interactions and higher-order image statistics much better than pairwise CRFs. This expressive power comes at a price though - inference problems in these models are computationally very demanding. This is a particular challenge in computer vision, where fast inference is important and the problem involves millions of pixels. In this thesis, we look at how submodular functions can help us designing efficient inference methods for higher-order and dense CRFs. Submodular functions are special discrete functions that have important properties from an optimisation perspective, and are closely related to convex functions. We use submodularity in a two-fold manner: (a) to design efficient MAP inference algorithm for a robust higher-order model that generalises the widely-used truncated convex models, and (b) to glean insights into a recently proposed variational inference algorithm which give us a principled approach for applying it efficiently to higher-order and dense CRFs
