131 research outputs found

    Steady-state and periodic exponential turnpike property for optimal control problems in hilbert spaces

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    First Published in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization in Volume 56, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 1222-1252, published by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)In this work, we study the steady-state (or periodic) exponential turnpike property of optimal control problems in Hilbert spaces. The turnpike property, which is essentially due to the hyperbolic feature of the Hamiltonian system resulting from the Pontryagin maximum principle, reects the fact that, in large control time horizons, the optimal state and control and adjoint state remain most of the time close to an optimal steady-state. A similar statement holds true as well when replacing an optimal steady-state by an optimal periodic trajectory. To establish the result, we design an appropriate dichotomy transformation, based on solutions of the algebraic Riccati and Lyapunov equations. We illustrate our results with examples including linear heat and wave equations with periodic tracking termsThe authors acknowledge the nancial support by the grant FA9550-14-1-0214 of the EOARD-AFOSR. The second author was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grants 11501424 and 11371285. The third author was partially supported by the Advanced Grant DYCON (Dynamic Control) of the European Research Council Executive Agency, FA9550-15-1-0027 of AFOSR, the MTM2014-52347 and MTM2017-92996 grants of the MINECO (Spain), and ICON of the French AN

    Integral and measure-turnpike properties for infinite-dimensional optimal control systems

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    We first derive a general integral-turnpike property around a set for infinite-dimensional non-autonomous optimal control problems with any possible terminal state constraints, under some appropriate assumptions. Roughly speaking, the integral-turnpike property means that the time average of the distance from any optimal trajectory to the turnpike set con- verges to zero, as the time horizon tends to infinity. Then, we establish the measure-turnpike property for strictly dissipative optimal control systems, with state and control constraints. The measure-turnpike property, which is slightly stronger than the integral-turnpike property, means that any optimal (state and control) solution remains essentially, along the time frame, close to an optimal solution of an associated static optimal control problem, except along a subset of times that is of small relative Lebesgue measure as the time horizon is large. Next, we prove that strict strong duality, which is a classical notion in optimization, implies strict dissipativity, and measure-turnpike. Finally, we conclude the paper with several comments and open problems

    Turnpilke property for infinite-dimensional generalized LQ problem

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    We provide a characterization of the exponential (integral) turnpike property for infinite dimensional generalized linear-quadratic optimal control problems in terms of structural properties of the control system, such as exponential stabilizability and detectability. The proof relies on the analysis of the exponential convergence of solutions to the differential Riccati equations to the algebraic counterpart, and on a necessary condition for exponential stabilizability in terms of a closed range test

    The exponential turnpike property for periodic linear quadratic optimal control problems in infinite dimension

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    In this paper, we establish an exponential periodic turnpike property for linear quadratic optimal control problems governed by periodic systems in infinite dimension. We show that the optimal trajectory converges exponentially to a periodic orbit when the time horizon tends to infinity. Similar results are obtained for the optimal control and adjoint state. Our proof is based on the large time behavior of solutions of operator differential Riccati equations with periodic coefficients

    Exponential Turnpike property for fractional parabolic equations with non-zero exterior data

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    We consider averages convergence as the time-horizon goes to infinity of optimal solutions of time-dependent optimal control problems to optimal solutions of the corresponding stationary optimal control problems. Control problems play a key role in engineering, economics and sciences. To be more precise, in climate sciences, often times, relevant problems are formulated in long time scales, so that, the problem of possible asymptotic behaviors when the time-horizon goes to infinity becomes natural. Assuming that the controlled dynamics under consideration are stabilizable towards a stationary solution, the following natural question arises: Do time averages of optimal controls and trajectories converge to the stationary optimal controls and states as the time-horizon goes to infinity? This question is very closely related to the so-called turnpike property that shows that, often times, the optimal trajectory joining two points that are far apart, consists in, departing from the point of origin, rapidly getting close to the steady-state (the turnpike) to stay there most of the time, to quit it only very close to the final destination and time. In the present paper we deal with heat equations with non-zero exterior conditions (Dirichlet and nonlocal Robin) associated with the fractional Laplace operator (Δ)s(-\Delta)^s (0<s<10<s<1). We prove the turnpike property for the nonlocal Robin optimal control problem and the exponential turnpike property for both Dirichlet and nonlocal Robin optimal control problems