3,720 research outputs found

    What a Feeling: Learning Facial Expressions and Emotions.

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    People with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) find it difficult to understand facial expressions. We present a new approach that targets one of the core symptomatic deficits in ASD: the ability to recognize the feeling states of others. What a Feeling is a videogame that aims to improve the ability of socially and emotionally impaired individuals to recognize and respond to emotions conveyed by the face in a playful way. It enables people from all ages to interact with 3D avatars and learn facial expressions through a set of exercises. The game engine is based on real-time facial synthesis. This paper describes the core mechanics of our learning methodology and discusses future evaluation directions

    FACSGen: A Tool to Synthesize Emotional Facial Expressions Through Systematic Manipulation of Facial Action Units

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    To investigate the perception of emotional facial expressions, researchers rely on shared sets of photos or videos, most often generated by actor portrayals. The drawback of such standardized material is a lack of flexibility and controllability, as it does not allow the systematic parametric manipulation of specific features of facial expressions on the one hand, and of more general properties of the facial identity (age, ethnicity, gender) on the other. To remedy this problem, we developed FACSGen: a novel tool that allows the creation of realistic synthetic 3D facial stimuli, both static and dynamic, based on the Facial Action Coding System. FACSGen provides researchers with total control over facial action units, and corresponding informational cues in 3D synthetic faces. We present four studies validating both the software and the general methodology of systematically generating controlled facial expression patterns for stimulus presentatio

    A cross-cultural investigation of the vocal correlates of emotion

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    PhD ThesisUniversal and culture-specific properties of the vocal communication of human emotion are investigated in this balanced study focussing on encoding and decoding of Happy, Sad, Angry, Fearful and Calm by English and Japanese participants (eight female encoders for each culture, and eight female and eight male decoders for each culture). Previous methodologies and findings are compared. This investigation is novel in the design of symmetrical procedures to facilitate cross-cultural comparison of results of decoding tests and acoustic analysis; a simulation/self-induction method was used in which participants from both cultures produced, as far as possible, the same pseudo-utterances. All emotions were distinguished beyond chance irrespective of culture, except for Japanese participants’ decoding of English Fearful, which was decoded at a level borderline with chance. Angry and Sad were well-recognised, both in-group and cross-culturally and Happy was identified well in-group. Confusions between emotions tended to follow dimensional lines of arousal or valence. Acoustic analysis found significant distinctions between all emotions for each culture, except between the two low arousal emotions Sad and Calm. Evidence of ‘In-Group Advantage’ was found for English decoding of Happy, Fearful and Calm and for Japanese decoding of Happy; there is support for previous evidence of East/West cultural differences in display rules. A novel concept is suggested for the finding that Japanese decoders identified Happy, Sad and Angry more reliably from English than from Japanese expressions. Whilst duration, fundamental frequency and intensity all contributed to distinctions between emotions for English, only measures of fundamental frequency were found to significantly distinguish emotions in Japanese. Acoustic cues tended to be less salient in Japanese than in English when compared to expected cues for high and low arousal emotions. In addition, new evidence was found of cross-cultural influence of vowel quality upon emotion recognition

    Synthesizing mood-affected signed messages: Modifications to the parametric synthesis

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,70, 4 (2012) DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2011.11.003This paper describes the first approach in synthesizing mood-affected signed contents. The research focuses on the modifications applied to a parametric sign language synthesizer (based on phonetic descriptions of the signs). We propose some modifications that will allow for the synthesis of different perceived frames of mind within synthetic signed messages. Three of these proposals focus on modifications to three different signs' phonologic parameters (the hand shape, the movement and the non-hand parameter). The other two proposals focus on the temporal aspect of the synthesis (sign speed and transition duration) and the representation of muscular tension through inverse kinematics procedures. These resulting variations have been evaluated by Spanish deaf signers, who have concluded that our system can generate the same signed message with three different frames of mind, which are correctly identified by Spanish Sign Language signers

    Use of Vocal Prosody to Express Emotions in Robotic Speech

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    Vocal prosody (pitch, timing, loudness, etc.) and its use to convey emotions are essential components of speech communication between humans. The objective of this dissertation research was to determine the efficacy of using varying vocal prosody in robotic speech to convey emotion. Two pilot studies and two experiments were performed to address the shortcomings of previous HRI research in this area. The pilot studies were used to determine a set of vocal prosody modification values for a female voice model using the MARY speech synthesizer to convey the emotions: anger, fear, happiness, and sadness. Experiment 1 validated that participants perceived these emotions along with a neutral vocal prosody at rates significantly higher than chance. Four of the vocal prosodies (anger, fear, neutral, and sadness) were recognized at rates approaching the recognition rate (60%) of emotions in person to person speech. During Experiment 2 the robot led participants through a creativity test while making statements using one of the validated emotional vocal prosodies. The ratings of the robot’s positive qualities and the creativity scores by the participant group that heard nonnegative vocal prosodies (happiness, neutral) did not significantly differ from the ratings and scores of the participant group that heard the negative vocal prosodies (anger, fear, sadness). Therefore, Experiment 2 failed to show that the use of emotional vocal prosody in a robot’s speech influenced the participants’ appraisal of the robot or the participants’ performance on this specific task. At this time robot designers and programmers should not expect that vocal prosody alone will have a significant impact on the acceptability or the quality of human-robot interactions. Further research is required to show that multi-modal (vocal prosody along with facial expressions, body language, or linguistic content) expressions of emotions by robots will be effective at improving human-robot interactions

    Investigating How Speech And Animation Realism Influence The Perceived Personality Of Virtual Characters And Agents

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    The portrayed personality of virtual characters and agents is understood to influence how we perceive and engage with digital applications. Understanding how the features of speech and animation drive portrayed personality allows us to intentionally design characters to be more personalized and engaging. In this study, we use performance capture data of unscripted conversations from a variety of actors to explore the perceptual outcomes associated with the modalities of speech and motion. Specifically, we contrast full performance-driven characters to those portrayed by generated gestures and synthesized speech, analysing how the features of each influence portrayed personality according to the Big Five personality traits. We find that processing speech and motion can have mixed effects on such traits, with our results highlighting motion as the dominant modality for portraying extraversion and speech as dominant for communicating agreeableness and emotional stability. Our results can support the Extended Reality (XR) community in development of virtual characters, social agents and 3D User Interface (3DUI) agents portraying a range of targeted personalities

    An Analysis of Facial Expression Recognition Techniques

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    In present era of technology , we need applications which could be easy to use and are user-friendly , that even people with specific disabilities use them easily. Facial Expression Recognition has vital role and challenges in communities of computer vision, pattern recognition which provide much more attention due to potential application in many areas such as human machine interaction, surveillance , robotics , driver safety, non- verbal communication, entertainment, health- care and psychology study. Facial Expression Recognition has major importance ration in face recognition for significant image applications understanding and analysis. There are many algorithms have been implemented on different static (uniform background, identical poses, similar illuminations ) and dynamic (position variation, partial occlusion orientation, varying lighting )conditions. In general way face expression recognition consist of three main steps first is face detection then feature Extraction and at last classification. In this survey paper we discussed different types of facial expression recognition techniques and various methods which is used by them and their performance measures
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