22 research outputs found

    A bayesian approach to adaptive detection in nonhomogeneous environments

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    We consider the adaptive detection of a signal of interest embedded in colored noise, when the environment is nonhomogeneous, i.e., when the training samples used for adaptation do not share the same covariance matrix as the vector under test. A Bayesian framework is proposed where the covariance matrices of the primary and the secondary data are assumed to be random, with some appropriate joint distribution. The prior distributions of these matrices require a rough knowledge about the environment. This provides a flexible, yet simple, knowledge-aided model where the degree of nonhomogeneity can be tuned through some scalar variables. Within this framework, an approximate generalized likelihood ratio test is formulated. Accordingly, two Bayesian versions of the adaptive matched filter are presented, where the conventional maximum likelihood estimate of the primary data covariance matrix is replaced either by its minimum mean-square error estimate or by its maximum a posteriori estimate. Two detectors require generating samples distributed according to the joint posterior distribution of primary and secondary data covariance matrices. This is achieved through the use of a Gibbs sampling strategy. Numerical simulations illustrate the performances of these detectors, and compare them with those of the conventional adaptive matched filter

    Adaptive detection of distributed targets in compound-Gaussian noise without secondary data: A Bayesian approach

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    In this paper, we deal with the problem of adaptive detection of distributed targets embedded in colored noise modeled in terms of a compound-Gaussian process and without assuming that a set of secondary data is available.The covariance matrices of the data under test share a common structure while having different power levels. A Bayesian approach is proposed here, where the structure and possibly the power levels are assumed to be random, with appropriate distributions. Within this framework we propose GLRT-based and ad-hoc detectors. Some simulation studies are presented to illustrate the performances of the proposed algorithms. The analysis indicates that the Bayesian framework could be a viable means to alleviate the need for secondary data, a critical issue in heterogeneous scenarios

    Adaptive processing with signal contaminated training samples

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    We consider the adaptive beamforming or adaptive detection problem in the case of signal contaminated training samples, i.e., when the latter may contain a signal-like component. Since this results in a significant degradation of the signal to interference and noise ratio at the output of the adaptive filter, we investigate a scheme to jointly detect the contaminated samples and subsequently take this information into account for estimation of the disturbance covariance matrix. Towards this end, a Bayesian model is proposed, parameterized by binary variables indicating the presence/absence of signal-like components in the training samples. These variables, together with the signal amplitudes and the disturbance covariance matrix are jointly estimated using a minimum mean-square error (MMSE) approach. Two strategies are proposed to implement the MMSE estimator. First, a stochastic Markov Chain Monte Carlo method is presented based on Gibbs sampling. Then a computationally more efficient scheme based on variational Bayesian analysis is proposed. Numerical simulations attest to the improvement achieved by this method compared to conventional methods such as diagonal loading. A successful application to real radar data is also presented

    Knowledge-aided covariance matrix estimation and adaptive detection in compound-Gaussian noise

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    We address the problem of adaptive detection of a signal of interest embedded in colored noise modeled in terms of a compound-Gaussian process. The covariance matrices of the primary and the secondary data share a common structure while having different power levels. A Bayesian approach is proposed here, where both the power levels and the structure are assumed to be random, with some appropriate distributions. Within this framework we propose MMSE and MAP estimators of the covariance structure and their application to adaptive detection using the NMF test statistic and an optimized GLRT herein derived. Some results, also conducted in comparison with existing algorithms, are presented to illustrate the performances of the proposed algorithms. The relevant result is that the solutions presented herein allows to improve the performance over conventional ones, especially in presence of a small number of training data

    Adaptive Radar Detection in Heterogeneous Clutter-dominated Environments

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    In this paper, we propose a new solution for the detection problem of a coherent target in heterogeneous environments. Specifically, we first assume that clutter returns from different range bins share the same covariance structure but different power levels. This model meets the experimental evidence related to non-Gaussian and non-homogeneous scenarios. Then, unlike existing solutions that are based upon estimate and plug methods, we propose an approximation of the generalized likelihood ratio test where the maximizers of the likelihoods are obtained through an alternating estimation procedure. Remarkably, we also prove that such estimation procedure leads to an architecture possessing the constant false alarm rate (CFAR) when a specific initialization is used. The performance analysis, carried out on simulated as well as measured data and in comparison with suitable well-known competitors, highlights that the proposed architecture can overcome the CFAR competitors and exhibits a limited loss with respect to the other non-CFAR detectors

    Covariance matrix estimation with heterogeneous samples

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    We consider the problem of estimating the covariance matrix Mp of an observation vector, using heterogeneous training samples, i.e., samples whose covariance matrices are not exactly Mp. More precisely, we assume that the training samples can be clustered into K groups, each one containing Lk, snapshots sharing the same covariance matrix Mk. Furthermore, a Bayesian approach is proposed in which the matrices Mk. are assumed to be random with some prior distribution. We consider two different assumptions for Mp. In a fully Bayesian framework, Mp is assumed to be random with a given prior distribution. Under this assumption, we derive the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) estimator of Mp which is implemented using a Gibbs-sampling strategy. Moreover, a simpler scheme based on a weighted sample covariance matrix (SCM) is also considered. The weights minimizing the mean square error (MSE) of the estimated covariance matrix are derived. Furthermore, we consider estimators based on colored or diagonal loading of the weighted SCM, and we determine theoretically the optimal level of loading. Finally, in order to relax the a priori assumptions about the covariance matrix Mp, the second part of the paper assumes that this matrix is deterministic and derives its maximum-likelihood estimator. Numerical simulations are presented to illustrate the performance of the different estimation schemes

    An Approach to Ground Moving Target Indication Using Multiple Resolutions of Multilook Synthetic Aperture Radar Images

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    Ground moving target indication (GMTI) using multiple resolutions of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images to estimate the clutter scattering statistics is shown to outperform conventional sample matrix inversion space-time adaptive processing GMTI techniques when jamming is not present. A SAR image provides an estimate of scattering from nonmoving targets in the form of a clutter scattering covariance matrix for the GMTI optimum processor. Since the homogeneity of the scattering statistics are unknown, using SAR images at multiple spatial resolutions to estimate the clutter scattering statistics results in more confidence in the final detection decision. Two approaches to calculating the multiple SAR resolutions are investigated. Multiple resolution filter bank smoothing of the full-resolution SAR image is shown to outperform an innovative approach to multilook SAR imaging. The multilook SAR images are calculated from a single measurement vector partitioned base on synthetic sensor locations determined via eigenanalysis of the radar measurement parameters

    Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Compound-Gaussian Clutter and Target Parameters

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    Compound-Gaussian models are used in radar signal processing to describe heavy-tailed clutter distributions. The important problems in compound-Gaussian clutter modeling are choosing the texture distribution, and estimating its parameters. Many texture distributions have been studied, and their parameters are typically estimated using statistically suboptimal approaches. We develop maximum likelihood (ML) methods for jointly estimating the target and clutter parameters in compound-Gaussian clutter using radar array measurements. In particular, we estimate i) the complex target amplitudes, ii) a spatial and temporal covariance matrix of the speckle component, and iii) texture distribution parameters. Parameter-expanded expectation-maximization (PX-EM) algorithms are developed to compute the ML estimates of the unknown parameters. We also derived the Cramer-Rao bounds (CRBs) and related bounds for these parameters. We first derive general CRB expressions under an arbitrary texture model then simplify them for specific texture distributions. We consider the widely used gamma texture model, and propose an inverse-gamma texture model, leading to a complex multivariate t clutter distribution and closed-form expressions of the CRB. We study the performance of the proposed methods via numerical simulations

    Adaptive radar detection in the presence of textured and discrete interference

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    Under a number of practical operating scenarios, traditional moving target indicator (MTI) systems inadequately suppress ground clutter in airborne radar systems. Due to the moving platform, the clutter gains a nonzero relative velocity and spreads the power across Doppler frequencies. This obfuscates slow-moving targets of interest near the "direct current" component of the spectrum. In response, space-time adaptive processing (STAP) techniques have been developed that simultaneously operate in the space and time dimensions for effective clutter cancellation. STAP algorithms commonly operate under the assumption of homogeneous clutter, where the returns are described by complex, white Gaussian distributions. Empirical evidence shows that this assumption is invalid for many radar systems of interest, including high-resolution radar and radars operating at low grazing angles. We are interested in these heterogeneous cases, i.e., cases when the Gaussian model no longer suffices. Hence, the development of reliable STAP algorithms for real systems depends on the accuracy of the heterogeneous clutter models. The clutter of interest in this work includes heterogeneous texture clutter and point clutter. We have developed a cell-based clutter model (CCM) that provides simple, yet faithful means to simulate clutter scenarios for algorithm testing. The scene generated by the CMM can be tuned with two parameters, essentially describing the spikiness of the clutter scene. In one extreme, the texture resembles point clutter, generating strong returns from localized range-azimuth bins. On the other hand, our model can also simulate a flat, homogeneous environment. We prove the importance of model-based STAP techniques, namely knowledge-aided parametric covariance estimation (KAPE), in filtering a gamut of heterogeneous texture scenes. We demonstrate that the efficacy of KAPE does not diminish in the presence of typical spiky clutter. Computational complexities and susceptibility to modeling errors prohibit the use of KAPE in real systems. The computational complexity is a major concern, as the standard KAPE algorithm requires the inversion of an MNxMN matrix for each range bin, where M and N are the number of array elements and the number of pulses of the radar system, respectively. We developed a Gram Schmidt (GS) KAPE method that circumvents the need of a direct inversion and reduces the number of required power estimates. Another unavoidable concern is the performance degradations arising from uncalibrated array errors. This problem is exacerbated in KAPE, as it is a model-based technique; mismatched element amplitudes and phase errors amount to a modeling mismatch. We have developed the power-ridge aligning (PRA) calibration technique, a novel iterative gradient descent algorithm that outperforms current methods. We demonstrate the vast improvements attained using a combination of GS KAPE and PRA over the standard KAPE algorithm under various clutter scenarios in the presence of array errors.Ph.D