17 research outputs found

    Coordinated detection of forwarding faults in wireless community networks

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    Wireless Community Networks (WCN) are crowdsourced networks where equipment is contributed and managed by members from a community. WCN have three intrinsic characteristics that make forwarding faults more likely: inexpensive equipment, non-expert administration and openness. These characteristics hinder the robustness of network connectivity. We present KDet, a decentralized protocol for the detection of forwarding faults by establishing overlapping logical boundaries that monitor the behavior of the routers within them. KDet is designed to be collusion resistant, ensuring that compromised routers cannot cover for others to avoid detection. Another important characteristic of KDet is that it does not rely on path information: monitoring nodes do not have to know the complete path a packet follows, just the previous and next hop. As a result, KDet can be deployed as an independent daemon without imposing any change in the network, and it will bring improved network robustness. Results from theoretical analysis and simulation show the correctness of the algorithm, its accuracy in detecting forwarding faults, and a comparison in terms of cost and advantages over previous work, that confirms its practical feasibility in WCN.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Privacy-friendly statistical counting for pedestrian dynamics

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    Relying on Wi-Fi signals broadcasted by smartphones became the de-facto standard in the domain of pedestrian crowd monitoring. This method got the edge over other traditional means owing to the fact that insights are built upon data which uniquely identifies individuals and, thus, allows highly accurate crowd profiling over time. On the other hand, handling such uniquely identifying data in such a way that it does not expose the sensed individuals to potential privacy infringements proves to be a difficult task. Although several protection techniques were proposed, they yield data which, combined with other external knowledge, can still be used for tracing back to specific individuals. To address this issue, we propose a construction which protects the short-term storage and processing of privacy-sensitive Wi-Fi detections under strong cryptographic guarantees and makes available in the clear, as end results, only statistical counts of crowds. To produce these statistical counts, we make use of homomorphically encrypted Bloom filters as facilitators for oblivious set membership testing under encryption. We implement the system and perform evaluation on both simulated data and a real-world crowd-monitoring dataset, demonstrating that it is feasible to achieve highly accurate statistical counts in a privacy-friendly way.</p

    Novel Selectivity Estimation Strategy for Modern DBMS

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    Selectivity estimation is important in query optimization, however accurate estimation is difficult when predicates are complex. Instead of existing database synopses and statistics not helpful for such cases, we introduce a new approach to compute the exact selectivity by running an aggregate query during the optimization phase. Exact selectivity can be achieved without significant overhead for in-memory and GPU-accelerated databases by adding extra query execution calls. We implement a selection push-down extension based on the novel selectivity estimation strategy in the MapD database system. Our approach records constant and less than 30 millisecond overheads in any circumstances while running on GPU. The novel strategy successfully generates better query execution plans which result in performance improvement up to 4.8 times from TPC-H benchmark SF-50 queries and 7.3 times from star schema benchmark SF-80 queries

    Enabling individually entrusted routing security for open and decentralized community networks

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    Routing in open and decentralized networks relies on cooperation. However, the participation of unknown nodes and node administrators pursuing heterogeneous trust and security goals is a challenge. Community-mesh networks are good examples of such environments due to their open structure, decentralized management, and ownership. As a result, existing community networks are vulnerable to various attacks and are seriously challenged by the obligation to find consensus on the trustability of participants within an increasing user size and diversity. We propose a practical and novel solution enabling a secured but decentralized trust management. This work presents the design and analysis of securely-entrusted multi-topology routing (SEMTOR), a set of routing-protocol mechanisms that enable the cryptographically secured negotiation and establishment of concurrent and individually trusted routing topologies for infrastructure-less networks without relying on any central management. The proposed mechanisms have been implemented, tested, and evaluated for their correctness and performance to exclude non-trusted nodes from the network. Respective safety and liveness properties that are guaranteed by our protocol have been identified and proven with formal reasoning. Benchmarking results, based on our implementation as part of the BMX7 routing protocol and tested on real and minimal (OpenWRT, 10 Euro) routers, qualify the behaviour, performance, and scalability of our approach, supporting networks with hundreds of nodes despite the use of strong asymmetric cryptography.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Clone tag detection in distributed RFID systems

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    Although Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is poised to displace barcodes, security vulnerabilities pose serious challenges for global adoption of the RFID technology. Specifically, RFID tags are prone to basic cloning and counterfeiting security attacks. A successful cloning of the RFID tags in many commercial applications can lead to many serious problems such as financial losses, brand damage, safety and health of the public. With many industries such as pharmaceutical and businesses deploying RFID technology with a variety of products, it is important to tackle RFID tag cloning problem and improve the resistance of the RFID systems. To this end, we propose an approach for detecting cloned RFID tags in RFID systems with high detection accuracy and minimal overhead thus overcoming practical challenges in existing approaches. The proposed approach is based on consistency of dual hash collisions and modified count-min sketch vector. We evaluated the proposed approach through extensive experiments and compared it with existing baseline approaches in terms of execution time and detection accuracy under varying RFID tag cloning ratio. The results of the experiments show that the proposed approach outperforms the baseline approaches in cloned RFID tag detection accuracy

    Forwarding fault detection in wireless community networks

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    Wireless community networks (WCN) are specially vulnerable to routing forwarding failures because of their intrinsic characteristics: use of inexpensive hardware that can be easily accessed; managed in a decentralized way, sometimes by non-expert administrators, and open to everyone; making it prone to hardware failures, misconfigurations and malicious attacks. To increase routing robustness in WCN, we propose a detection mechanism to detect faulty routers, so that the problem can be tackled. Forwarding fault detection can be explained as a 4 steps process: first, there is the need of monitoring and summarizing the traffic observed; then, the traffic summaries are shared among peers, so that evaluation of a router's behavior can be done by analyzing all the relevant traffic summaries; finally, once the faulty nodes have been detected a response mechanism is triggered to solve the issue. The contributions of this thesis focus on the first three steps of this process, providing solutions adapted to Wireless Community Networks that can be deployed without the need of modifying its current network stack. First, we study and characterize the distribution of the error of sketches, a traffic summary function that is resilient to packet dropping, modification and creation and provides better estimations than sampling. We define a random process to describe the estimation for each sketch type, which allows us to provide tighter bounds on the sketch accuracy and choose the size of the sketch more accurately for a set of given requirements on the estimation accuracy. Second, we propose KDet, a traffic summary dissemination and detection protocol that, unlike previous solutions, is resilient to collusion and false accusation without the need of knowing a packet's path. Finally, we consider the case of nodes with unsynchronized clocks and we propose a traffic validation mechanism based on sketches that is capable of discerning between faulty and non-faulty nodes even when the traffic summaries are misaligned, i.e. they refer to slightly different intervals of time.Las redes comunitarias son especialmente vulnerables a errores en la retransmisión de paquetes de red, puesto que están formadas por equipos de gama baja, que pueden ser fácilmente accedidos por extraños; están gestionados de manera distribuida y no siempre por expertos, y además están abiertas a todo el mundo; con lo que de manera habitual presentan errores de hardware o configuración y son sensibles a ataques maliciosos. Para mejorar la robustez en el enrutamiento en estas redes, proponemos el uso de un mecanismo de detección de routers defectuosos, para así poder corregir el problema. La detección de fallos de enrutamiento se puede explicar como un proceso de 4 pasos: el primero es monitorizar el tráfico existente, manteniendo desde cada punto de observación un resumen sobre el tráfico observado; después, estos resumenes se comparten entre los diferentes nodos, para que podamos llevar a cabo el siguiente paso: la evaluación del comportamiento de cada nodo. Finalmente, una vez hemos detectado los nodos maliciosos o que fallan, debemos actuar con un mecanismo de respuesta que corrija el problema. Esta tesis se concentra en los tres primeros pasos, y proponemos una solución para cada uno de ellos que se adapta al contexto de las redes comunitarias, de tal manera que se puede desplegar en ellas sin la necesidad de modificar los sistemas y protocolos de red ya existentes. Respecto a los resumenes de tráfico, presentamos un estudio y caracterización de la distribución de error de los sketches, una estructura de datos que es capaz de resumir flujos de tráfico resistente a la pérdida, manipulación y creación de paquetes y que además tiene mejor resolución que el muestreo. Para cada tipo de sketch, definimos una función de distribución que caracteriza el error cometido, de esta manera somos capaces de determinar con más precisión el tamaño del sketch requerido bajo unos requisitos de falsos positivos y negativos. Después proponemos KDet, un protocolo de diseminación de resumenes de tráfico y detección de nodos erróneos que, a diferencia de protocolos propuestos anteriormente, no require conocer el camino de cada paquete y es resistente a la confabulación de nodos maliciosos. Por último, consideramos el caso de nodos con relojes desincronizados, y proponemos un mecanismo de detección basado en sketches, capaz de discernir entre los nodos erróneos y correctos, aún a pesar del desalineamiento de los sketches (es decir, a pesar del que estos se refieran a momentos de tiempo ligeramente diferentes)

    Streaming and Sketch Algorithms for Large Data NLP

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    The availability of large and rich quantities of text data is due to the emergence of the World Wide Web, social media, and mobile devices. Such vast data sets have led to leaps in the performance of many statistically-based problems. Given a large magnitude of text data available, it is computationally prohibitive to train many complex Natural Language Processing (NLP) models on large data. This motivates the hypothesis that simple models trained on big data can outperform more complex models with small data. My dissertation provides a solution to effectively and efficiently exploit large data on many NLP applications. Datasets are growing at an exponential rate, much faster than increase in memory. To provide a memory-efficient solution for handling large datasets, this dissertation show limitations of existing streaming and sketch algorithms when applied to canonical NLP problems and proposes several new variants to overcome those shortcomings. Streaming and sketch algorithms process the large data sets in one pass and represent a large data set with a compact summary, much smaller than the full size of the input. These algorithms can easily be implemented in a distributed setting and provide a solution that is both memory- and time-efficient. However, the memory and time savings come at the expense of approximate solutions. In this dissertation, I demonstrate that approximate solutions achieved on large data are comparable to exact solutions on large data and outperform exact solutions on smaller data. I focus on many NLP problems that boil down to tracking many statistics, like storing approximate counts, computing approximate association scores like pointwise mutual information (PMI), finding frequent items (like n-grams), building streaming language models, and measuring distributional similarity. First, I introduce the concept of approximate streaming large-scale language models in NLP. Second, I present a novel variant of the Count-Min sketch that maintains approximate counts of all items. Third, I conduct a systematic study and compare many sketch algorithms that approximate count of items with focus on large-scale NLP tasks. Last, I develop fast large-scale approximate graph (FLAG), a system that quickly constructs a large-scale approximate nearest-neighbor graph from a large corpus