5 research outputs found

    Autism Spectrum Disorders Gait Identification Using Ground Reaction Forces

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     Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a permanent neurodevelopmental disorder that can be identified during the first few years of life and are currently associated with the abnormal walking pattern. Earlier identification of this pervasive disorder could provide assistance in diagnosis and establish rapid quantitative clinical judgment. This paper presents an automated approach which can be applied to identify ASD gait patterns using three-dimensional (3D) ground reaction forces (GRF). The study involved classification of gait patterns of children with ASD and typical healthy children. The GRF data were obtained using two force plates during self-determined barefoot walking. Time-series parameterization techniques were applied to the GRF waveforms to extract the important gait features. The most dominant and correct features for characterizing ASD gait were selected using statistical between-group tests and stepwise discriminant analysis (SWDA). The selected features were grouped into two groups which served as two input datasets to the k-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier. This study demonstrates that the 3D GRF gait features selected using SWDA are reliable to be used in the identification of ASD gait using KNN classifier with 83.33% performance accuracy.

    Discrimination of idiopathic Parkinson's disease and vascular parkinsonism based on gait time series and the levodopa effect

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    Idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD) and vascular parkinsonism (VaP) present highly overlapping phenotypes, making it challenging to distinguish between these two parkinsonian syndromes. Recent evidence suggests that gait assessment and response to levodopa medication may assist in the objective evaluation of clinical differences. In this paper, we propose a new approach for gait pattern differentiation that uses convolutional neural networks (CNNs) based on gait time series with and without the influence of levodopa medication. Wearable sensors positioned on both feet were used to acquire gait data from 14 VaP patients, 15 IPD patients, and 34 healthy subjects. An individual's gait features are affected by physical characteristics, including age, height, weight, sex, and walking speed or stride length. Therefore, to reduce bias due to intersubject variations, a multiple regression normalization approach was used to obtain gait data. Recursive feature elimination using the linear support vector machine, lasso, and random forest were applied to infer the optimal feature subset that led to the best results. CNNs were implemented by means of various hyperparameters and feature subsets. The best CNN classifiers achieved accuracies of 79.33%±6.46, 82.33%±10.62, and 86.00%±7.12 without (off state), with (on state), and with the simultaneous consideration of the effect of levodopa medication (off/on state), respectively. The response to levodopa medication improved classification performance. Based on gait time series and response to medication, the proposed approach differentiates between IPD and VaP gait patterns and reveals a high accuracy rate, which might prove useful when distinguishing other diseases related to movement disorders.This research was partially financed by NORTE2020 and FEDER within the project NORTE-01–0145-FEDER- 000026 (DeM-Deus Ex Machina) and by Portuguese Funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) within the Projects UIDB/00013/2020, UIDP/00013/2020 and UIDB/00319/2020

    Treatment of Vascular Parkinsonism: A Systematic Review

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    Background and aims: Although the distinction between vascular parkinsonism (VP) and idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (IPD) is widely described, it is not uncommon to find parkinsonisms with overlapping clinical and neuroimaging features even in response to levodopa treatment. In addition, several treatments have been described as possible adjuvants in VP. This study aims to update and analyze the different treatments and their efficacy in VP. Methods: A literature search was performed in PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science for studies published in the last 15 years until April 2022. A systematic review was performed. No meta-analysis was performed as no new studies on response to levodopa in VP were found since the last systematic review and meta-analysis in 2017, and insufficient studies on other treatments were located to conduct it in another treatment subgroup. Results: Databases and other sources yielded 59 publications after eliminating duplicates, and a total of 12 original studies were finally included in the systematic review. The treatments evaluated included levodopa, vitamin D, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and intracerebral transcatheter laser photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT). The response to levodopa was lower in patients with VP with respect to IPD. Despite this, there has been described a subgroup of patients with good response, it being possible to identify them by means of neuroimaging techniques and the olfactory identification test. Other therapies showed encouraging results in studies with some risk of bias. Conclusions: The response of VP to different therapeutic strategies is modest. However, there is evidence that a subgroup of patients can be identified as more responsive to L-dopa based on clinical and neuroimaging criteria. This subgroup should be treated with L-dopa at appropriate doses. New therapies such as vitamin D, rTMS and PBMT warrant further studies to demonstrate their efficacy

    Crowdsourcing digital health measures to predict Parkinson's disease severity: the Parkinson's Disease Digital Biomarker DREAM Challenge

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    Consumer wearables and sensors are a rich source of data about patients' daily disease and symptom burden, particularly in the case of movement disorders like Parkinson's disease (PD). However, interpreting these complex data into so-called digital biomarkers requires complicated analytical approaches, and validating these biomarkers requires sufficient data and unbiased evaluation methods. Here we describe the use of crowdsourcing to specifically evaluate and benchmark features derived from accelerometer and gyroscope data in two different datasets to predict the presence of PD and severity of three PD symptoms: tremor, dyskinesia, and bradykinesia. Forty teams from around the world submitted features, and achieved drastically improved predictive performance for PD status (best AUROC = 0.87), as well as tremor- (best AUPR = 0.75), dyskinesia- (best AUPR = 0.48) and bradykinesia-severity (best AUPR = 0.95)

    A wearable biofeedback device to improve motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia BiomédicaThis dissertation presents the work done during the fifth year of the course Integrated Master’s in Biomedical Engineering, in Medical Electronics. This work was carried out in the Biomedical & Bioinspired Robotic Devices Lab (BiRD Lab) at the MicroElectroMechanics Center (CMEMS) established at the University of Minho. For validation purposes and data acquisition, it was developed a collaboration with the Clinical Academic Center (2CA), located at Braga Hospital. The knowledge acquired in the development of this master thesis is linked to the motor rehabilitation and assistance of abnormal gait caused by a neurological disease. Indeed, this dissertation has two main goals: (1) validate a wearable biofeedback system (WBS) used for Parkinson's disease patients (PD); and (2) develop a digital biomarker of PD based on kinematic-driven data acquired with the WBS. The first goal aims to study the effects of vibrotactile biofeedback to play an augmentative role to help PD patients mitigate gait-associated impairments, while the second goal seeks to bring a step advance in the use of front-end algorithms to develop a biomarker of PD based on inertial data acquired with wearable devices. Indeed, a WBS is intended to provide motor rehabilitation & assistance, but also to be used as a clinical decision support tool for the classification of the motor disability level. This system provides vibrotactile feedback to PD patients, so that they can integrate it into their normal physiological gait system, allowing them to overcome their gait difficulties related to the level/degree of the disease. The system is based on a user- centered design, considering the end-user driven, multitasking and less cognitive effort concepts. This manuscript presents all steps taken along this dissertation regarding: the literature review and respective critical analysis; implemented tech-based procedures; validation outcomes complemented with results discussion; and main conclusions and future challenges.Esta dissertação apresenta o trabalho realizado durante o quinto ano do curso Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Biomédica, em Eletrónica Médica. Este trabalho foi realizado no Biomedical & Bioinspired Robotic Devices Lab (BiRD Lab) no MicroElectroMechanics Center (CMEMS) estabelecido na Universidade do Minho. Para efeitos de validação e aquisição de dados, foi desenvolvida uma colaboração com Clinical Academic Center (2CA), localizado no Hospital de Braga. Os conhecimentos adquiridos no desenvolvimento desta tese de mestrado estão ligados à reabilitação motora e assistência de marcha anormal causada por uma doença neurológica. De facto, esta dissertação tem dois objetivos principais: (1) validar um sistema de biofeedback vestível (WBS) utilizado por doentes com doença de Parkinson (DP); e (2) desenvolver um biomarcador digital de PD baseado em dados cinemáticos adquiridos com o WBS. O primeiro objetivo visa o estudo dos efeitos do biofeedback vibrotáctil para desempenhar um papel de reforço para ajudar os pacientes com PD a mitigar as deficiências associadas à marcha, enquanto o segundo objetivo procura trazer um avanço na utilização de algoritmos front-end para biomarcar PD baseado em dados inerciais adquiridos com o dispositivos vestível. De facto, a partir de um WBS pretende-se fornecer reabilitação motora e assistência, mas também utilizá-lo como ferramenta de apoio à decisão clínica para a classificação do nível de deficiência motora. Este sistema fornece feedback vibrotáctil aos pacientes com PD, para que possam integrá-lo no seu sistema de marcha fisiológica normal, permitindo-lhes ultrapassar as suas dificuldades de marcha relacionadas com o nível/grau da doença. O sistema baseia-se numa conceção centrada no utilizador, considerando o utilizador final, multitarefas e conceitos de esforço menos cognitivo. Portanto, este manuscrito apresenta todos os passos dados ao longo desta dissertação relativamente a: revisão da literatura e respetiva análise crítica; procedimentos de base tecnológica implementados; resultados de validação complementados com discussão de resultados; e principais conclusões e desafios futuros