11 research outputs found

    Entropy Lower Bounds for Dictionary Compression

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    We show that a wide class of dictionary compression methods (including LZ77, LZ78, grammar compressors as well as parsing-based structures) require |S|H_k(S) + Omega (|S|k log sigma/log_sigma |S|) bits to encode their output. This matches known upper bounds and improves the information-theoretic lower bound of |S|H_k(S). To this end, we abstract the crucial properties of parsings created by those methods, construct a certain family of strings and analyze the parsings of those strings. We also show that for k = alpha log_sigma |S|, where 0 < alpha < 1 is a constant, the aforementioned methods produce an output of size at least 1/(1-alpha)|S|H_k(S) bits. Thus our results separate dictionary compressors from context-based one (such as PPM) and BWT-based ones, as the those include methods achieving |S|H_k(S) + O(sigma^k log sigma) bits, i.e. the redundancy depends on k and sigma but not on |S|

    Block trees

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    Let string S[1..n] be parsed into z phrases by the Lempel-Ziv algorithm. The corresponding compression algorithm encodes S in O(z) space, but it does not support random access to S. We introduce a data structure, the block tree, that represents S in O(z log(n/z)) space and extracts any symbol of S in time O(log(n/z)), among other space-time tradeoffs. The structure also supports other queries that are useful for building compressed data structures on top of S. Further, block trees can be built in linear time and in a scalable manner. Our experiments show that block trees offer relevant space-time tradeoffs compared to other compressed string representations for highly repetitive strings. (C) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Efficient Fully-Compressed Sequence Representations

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    We present a data structure that stores a sequence s[1..n]s[1..n] over alphabet [1..σ][1..\sigma] in n\Ho(s) + o(n)(\Ho(s){+}1) bits, where \Ho(s) is the zero-order entropy of ss. This structure supports the queries \access, \rank\ and \select, which are fundamental building blocks for many other compressed data structures, in worst-case time \Oh{\lg\lg\sigma} and average time \Oh{\lg \Ho(s)}. The worst-case complexity matches the best previous results, yet these had been achieved with data structures using n\Ho(s)+o(n\lg\sigma) bits. On highly compressible sequences the o(nlgσ)o(n\lg\sigma) bits of the redundancy may be significant compared to the the n\Ho(s) bits that encode the data. Our representation, instead, compresses the redundancy as well. Moreover, our average-case complexity is unprecedented. Our technique is based on partitioning the alphabet into characters of similar frequency. The subsequence corresponding to each group can then be encoded using fast uncompressed representations without harming the overall compression ratios, even in the redundancy. The result also improves upon the best current compressed representations of several other data structures. For example, we achieve (i)(i) compressed redundancy, retaining the best time complexities, for the smallest existing full-text self-indexes; (ii)(ii) compressed permutations π\pi with times for π()\pi() and \pii() improved to loglogarithmic; and (iii)(iii) the first compressed representation of dynamic collections of disjoint sets. We also point out various applications to inverted indexes, suffix arrays, binary relations, and data compressors. ..

    Data Structures for Efficient String Algorithms

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    This thesis deals with data structures that are mostly useful in the area of string matching and string mining. Our main result is an O(n)-time preprocessing scheme for an array of n numbers such that subsequent queries asking for the position of a minimum element in a specified interval can be answered in constant time (so-called RMQs for Range Minimum Queries). The space for this data structure is 2n+o(n) bits, which is shown to be asymptotically optimal in a general setting. This improves all previous results on this problem. The main techniques for deriving this result rely on combinatorial properties of arrays and so-called Cartesian Trees. For compressible input arrays we show that further space can be saved, while not affecting the time bounds. For the two-dimensional variant of the RMQ-problem we give a preprocessing scheme with quasi-optimal time bounds, but with an asymptotic increase in space consumption of a factor of log(n). It is well known that algorithms for answering RMQs in constant time are useful for many different algorithmic tasks (e.g., the computation of lowest common ancestors in trees); in the second part of this thesis we give several new applications of the RMQ-problem. We show that our preprocessing scheme for RMQ (and a variant thereof) leads to improvements in the space- and time-consumption of the Enhanced Suffix Array, a collection of arrays that can be used for many tasks in pattern matching. In particular, we will see that in conjunction with the suffix- and LCP-array 2n+o(n) bits of additional space (coming from our RMQ-scheme) are sufficient to find all occ occurrences of a (usually short) pattern of length m in a (usually long) text of length n in O(m*s+occ) time, where s denotes the size of the alphabet. This is certainly optimal if the size of the alphabet is constant; for non-constant alphabets we can improve this to O(m*log(s)+occ) locating time, replacing our original scheme with a data structure of size approximately 2.54n bits. Again by using RMQs, we then show how to solve frequency-related string mining tasks in optimal time. In a final chapter we propose a space- and time-optimal algorithm for computing suffix arrays on texts that are logically divided into words, if one is just interested in finding all word-aligned occurrences of a pattern. Apart from the theoretical improvements made in this thesis, most of our algorithms are also of practical value; we underline this fact by empirical tests and comparisons on real-word problem instances. In most cases our algorithms outperform previous approaches by all means

    Space-Efficient Data Structures for Collections of Textual Data

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    This thesis focuses on the design of succinct and compressed data structures for collections of string-based data, specifically sequences of semi-structured documents in textual format, sets of strings, and sequences of strings. The study of such collections is motivated by a large number of applications both in theory and practice. For textual semi-structured data, we introduce the concept of semi-index, a succinct construction that speeds up the access to documents encoded with textual semi-structured formats, such as JSON and XML, by storing separately a compact description of their parse trees, hence avoiding the need to re-parse the documents every time they are read. For string dictionaries, we describe a data structure based on a path decomposition of the compacted trie built on the string set. The tree topology is encoded using succinct data structures, while the node labels are compressed using a simple dictionary-based scheme. We also describe a variant of the path-decomposed trie for scored string sets, where each string has a score. This data structure can support efficiently top-k completion queries, that is, given a string p and an integer k, return the k highest scored strings among those prefixed by p. For sequences of strings, we introduce the problem of compressed indexed sequences of strings, that is, representing indexed sequences of strings in nearly-optimal compressed space, both in the static and dynamic settings, while supporting supports random access, searching, and counting operations, both for exact matches and prefix search. We present a new data structure, the Wavelet Trie, that solves the problem by combining a Patricia trie with a wavelet tree. The Wavelet Trie improves on the state-of-the-art compressed data structures for sequences by supporting a dynamic alphabet and prefix queries. Finally, we discuss the issue of the practical implementation of the succinct primitives used throughout the thesis for the experiments. These primitives are implemented as part of a publicly available library, Succinct, using state-of-the-art algorithms along with some improvements

    Statistical encoding of succinct data structures

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    Abstract. In recent work, Sadakane and Grossi [SODA 2006] introduced a scheme to represent any (k log σ + log log n)) bits sequence S = s1s2... sn, over an alphabet of size σ, using nHk(S) + O ( n log σ n of space, where Hk(S) is the k-th order empirical entropy of S. The representation permits extracting any substring of size Θ(log σ n) in constant time, and thus it completely replaces S under the RAM model. This is extremely important because it permits converting any succinct data structure requiring o(|S|) = o(n log σ) bits in addition to S, into another requiring nHk(S) + o(n log σ) (overall) for any k = o(log σ n). They achieve this result by using Ziv-Lempel compression, and conjecture that the result can in particular be useful to implement compressed full-text indexes. In this paper we extend their result, by obtaining the same space and time complexities using a simpler scheme based on statistical encoding. We show that the scheme supports appending symbols in constant amortized time. In addition, we prove some results on the applicability of the scheme for full-text selfindexing.