5,657 research outputs found

    Statistical Concurrent Non-malleable Zero-knowledge from One-way Functions

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    Concurrent non-malleable zero-knowledge (CNMZK) protocols are zero-knowledge protocols that provides security even when adversaries interacts with multiple provers and verifiers simultaneously. It is known that CNMZK arguments for NP can be constructed in the plain model. Furthermore, it was recently shown that statistical CNMZK arguments for NP can also be constructed in the plain model. However, although the former requires only the existence of one-way functions, the latter requires the DDH assumption. In this paper, we construct a statistical CNMZK argument for NP assuming only the existence of one-way functions. The security is proven via black-box simulation, and the round complexity is poly(n). Furthermore, under the existence of collision-resistant hash functions, the round complexity is reduced to w(log n), which is essentially optimal for black-box concurrent zero-knowledge protocols

    Concurrent Knowledge-Extraction in the Public-Key Model

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    Knowledge extraction is a fundamental notion, modelling machine possession of values (witnesses) in a computational complexity sense. The notion provides an essential tool for cryptographic protocol design and analysis, enabling one to argue about the internal state of protocol players without ever looking at this supposedly secret state. However, when transactions are concurrent (e.g., over the Internet) with players possessing public-keys (as is common in cryptography), assuring that entities ``know'' what they claim to know, where adversaries may be well coordinated across different transactions, turns out to be much more subtle and in need of re-examination. Here, we investigate how to formally treat knowledge possession by parties (with registered public-keys) interacting over the Internet. Stated more technically, we look into the relative power of the notion of ``concurrent knowledge-extraction'' (CKE) in the concurrent zero-knowledge (CZK) bare public-key (BPK) model.Comment: 38 pages, 4 figure

    Four-Round Concurrent Non-Malleable Commitments from One-Way Functions

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    How many rounds and which assumptions are required for concurrent non-malleable commitments? The above question has puzzled researchers for several years. Pass in [TCC 2013] showed a lower bound of 3 rounds for the case of black-box reductions to falsifiable hardness assumptions with respect to polynomial-time adversaries. On the other side, Goyal [STOC 2011], Lin and Pass [STOC 2011] and Goyal et al. [FOCS 2012] showed that one-way functions (OWFs) are sufficient with a constant number of rounds. More recently Ciampi et al. [CRYPTO 2016] showed a 3-round construction based on subexponentially strong one-way permutations. In this work we show as main result the first 4-round concurrent non-malleable commitment scheme assuming the existence of any one-way function. Our approach builds on a new security notion for argument systems against man-in-the-middle attacks: Simulation-Witness-Independence. We show how to construct a 4-round one-many simulation-witnesses-independent argument system from one-way functions. We then combine this new tool in parallel with a weak form of non-malleable commitments constructed by Goyal et al. in [FOCS 2014] obtaining the main result of our work

    Improved Black-Box Constructions of Composable Secure Computation

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    We close the gap between black-box and non-black-box constructions of composable\mathit{composable} secure multiparty computation in the plain model under the minimal\mathit{minimal} assumption of semi-honest oblivious transfer. The notion of protocol composition we target is angel-based\mathit{angel\text{-}based} security, or more precisely, security with super-polynomial helpers. In this notion, both the simulator and the adversary are given access to an oracle called an angel\mathit{angel} that can perform some predefined super-polynomial time task. Angel-based security maintains the attractive properties of the universal composition framework while providing meaningful security guarantees in complex environments without having to trust anyone. Angel-based security can be achieved using non-black-box constructions in max(ROT,O~(logn))\max(R_{\mathsf{OT}},\widetilde{O}(\log n)) rounds where ROTR_{\mathsf{OT}} is the round-complexity of the semi-honest oblivious transfer. However, currently, the best known black-box\mathit{black\text{-}box} constructions under the same assumption require max(ROT,O~(log2n))\max(R_{\mathsf{OT}},\widetilde{O}(\log^2 n)) rounds. If ROTR_{\mathsf{OT}} is a constant, the gap between non-black-box and black-box constructions can be a multiplicative factor logn\log n. We close this gap by presenting a max(ROT,O~(logn))\max(R_{\mathsf{OT}},\widetilde{O}(\log n))-round black-box construction. We achieve this result by constructing constant-round 1-1 CCA-secure commitments assuming only black-box access to one-way functions

    New-Age Cryptography

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    We introduce new and general complexity theoretic hardness assumptions. These assumptions abstract out concrete properties of a random oracle and are significantly stronger than traditional cryptographic hardness assumptions; however, assuming their validity we can resolve a number of longstandingopen problems in cryptography