155,201 research outputs found

    Software Structure and WCET Predictability

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    Being able to compute worst-case execution time bounds for tasks of an embedded software system with hard real-time constraints is crucial to ensure the correct (timing) behavior of the overall system. Any means to increase the (static) time predictability of the embedded software are of high interest -- especially due to the ever-growing complexity of such software systems. In this paper we study existing coding proposals and guidelines, such as MISRA-C, and investigate whether they simplify static timing analysis. Furthermore, we investigate how additional knowledge, such as design-level information, can further aid in this process

    On the analysis of random replacement caches using static probabilistic timing methods for multi-path programs

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    Probabilistic hard real-time systems, based on hardware architectures that use a random replacement cache, provide a potential means of reducing the hardware over-provision required to accommodate pathological scenarios and the associated extremely rare, but excessively long, worst-case execution times that can occur in deterministic systems. Timing analysis for probabilistic hard real-time systems requires the provision of probabilistic worst-case execution time (pWCET) estimates. The pWCET distribution can be described as an exceedance function which gives an upper bound on the probability that the execution time of a task will exceed any given execution time budget on any particular run. This paper introduces a more effective static probabilistic timing analysis (SPTA) for multi-path programs. The analysis estimates the temporal contribution of an evict-on-miss, random replacement cache to the pWCET distribution of multi-path programs. The analysis uses a conservative join function that provides a proper over-approximation of the possible cache contents and the pWCET distribution on path convergence, irrespective of the actual path followed during execution. Simple program transformations are introduced that reduce the impact of path indeterminism while ensuring sound pWCET estimates. Evaluation shows that the proposed method is efficient at capturing locality in the cache, and substantially outperforms the only prior approach to SPTA for multi-path programs based on path merging. The evaluation results show incomparability with analysis for an equivalent deterministic system using an LRU cache. For some benchmarks the performance of LRU is better, while for others, the new analysis techniques show that random replacement has provably better performance

    A weakly hard scheduling approach of partitioned scheduling on multiprocessor systems

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    Real-time systems or tasks can be classified into three categories, based on the “seriousness” of deadline misses – hard, soft and weakly hard real-time tasks. The consequences of a deadline miss of a hard real-time task can be prohibitively expensive because all the tasks must meet their deadlines whereas soft real-time tasks tolerate “some” deadline misses. Meanwhile, in a weakly hard real-time task, the distribution of its met and missed deadlines is stated and specified precisely. As real-time application systems increasingly come to be implemented upon multiprocessor environments, thus, this study applies multiprocessor scheduling approach for verification of weakly hard real-time tasks and to guaranteeing the timing requirements of the tasks. In fact, within the multiprocessor, the task allocation problem seem even harder than in uniprocessor case; thus, in order to cater that problem, the sufficient and efficient scheduling algorithm supported by accurate schedulability analysis technique is present to provide weakly hard real-time guarantees. In this paper, a weakly hard scheduling approach has been proposed and schedulability analysis of proposed approach consists of the partitioned multiprocessor scheduling techniques with solutions for the bin-packing problem, called R-BOUND-MP-NFRNS (R-BOUND-MP with next-fit-ring noscaling) combining with the exact analysis, named hyperperiod analysis and deadline models; weakly hard constraints and µ-pattern under static priority scheduling. Then, Matlab simulation tool is used in order to validate the result of analysis. From the evaluation results, it can be proven that the proposed approach outperforms the existing approaches in terms of satisfaction of the tasks deadlines

    Predictable Cache Coherence Protocols for Mixed-Time-Criticality Multi-core Systems

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    Modern real-time systems consist of a combination of hard real-time, firm real-time and soft real-time tasks. Hard real-time (HRT) tasks mandate strict timing requirements by requiring that a static timing analysis can be performed to compute a worst-case latency (WCL) bound. Firm real-time (FRT) and soft real-time (SRT) tasks, on the other hand, do not impose such stringent requirements. Instead, they tolerate infrequent violations of deadlines in favour of improved average-case performance. When deploying such a system on a multi-core platform, the hardware resources such as the main memory, caches and shared bus are shared between the tasks. This results in interference by FRT or SRT tasks on HRT tasks, which complicates the timing analysis for HRT tasks, and potentially yields unbounded WCL. This thesis presents a time-based cache coherence protocol, HourGlass, to predictably share data in a multi-core system across different criticality tasks. HourGlass is derived from the conventional Modified Shared Invalid (MSI) cache coherence protocol, and it is equipped with a timer mechanism that allows the cores to hold a valid copy of data in its private cache for certain duration. HourGlass is designed to ensure WCL bounds for HRT tasks, and it also provides performance improvements for FRT and SRT tasks. Such a coherence protocol encourages a trade-off between the WCL bounds for hard real-time tasks, and performance offered to firm or soft real-time tasks with the help of timer mechanisms. HourGlass was prototyped in gem5, a micro-architectural simulator, and evaluated with multi-threaded benchmarks

    Bounding Worst-Case Data Cache Behavior by Analytically Deriving Cache Reference Patterns

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    While caches have become invaluable for higher-end architectures due to their ability to hide, in part, the gap between processor speed and memory access times, caches (and particularly data caches) limit the timing predictability for data accesses that may reside in memory or in cache. This is a significant problem for real-time systems. The objective our work is to provide accurate predictions of data cache behavior of scalar and non-scalar references whose reference patterns are known at compile time. Such knowledge about cache behavior provides the basis for significant improvements in bounding the worst-case execution time (WCET) of real-time programs, particularly for hard-to-analyze data caches. We exploit the power of the Cache Miss Equations (CME) framework but lift a number of limitations of traditional CME to generalize the analysis to more arbitrary programs. We further devised a transformation, coined “forced” loop fusion, which facilitates the analysis across sequential loops. Our contributions result in exact data cache reference patterns — in contrast to approximate cache miss behavior of prior work. Experimental results indicate improvements on the accuracy of worst-case data cache behavior up to two orders of magnitude over the original approach. In fact, our results closely bound and sometimes even exactly match those obtained by trace-driven simulation for worst-case inputs. The resulting WCET bounds of timing analysis confirm these findings in terms of providing tight bounds. Overall, our contributions lift analytical approaches to predict data cache behavior to a level suitable for efficient static timing analysis and, subsequently, real-time schedulability of tasks with predictable WCET

    Time-Aware Dynamic Binary Instrumentation

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    The complexity of modern software systems has been rapidly increasing. Program debugging and testing are essential to ensure the correctness of such systems. Program analysis is critical for understanding system’s behavior and analyzing performance. Many program analysis tools use instrumentation to extract required information at run time. Instrumentation naturally alters a program’s timing properties and causes perturbation to the program under analysis. Soft real-time systems must fulfill timing constraints. Missing deadlines in a soft real-time system causes performance degradation. Thus, time-sensitive systems require specialized program analysis tools. Time-aware instrumentation preserves the logical correctness of a program and respects its timing constraints. Current approaches for time-aware instrumentation rely on static source-code instrumentation techniques. While these approaches are sound and effective, the need for running worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis pre- and post-instrumentation reduces the applicability to only hard real-time systems where WCET analysis is common. They become impractical beyond microcontroller code for instrumenting large programs along with all their library dependencies. In this thesis, we introduce theory, method, and tools for time-aware dynamic instrumentation realized in DIME tool. DIME is a time-aware dynamic binary instrumentation framework that adds an adjustable bound on the timing overhead to the program under analysis. DIME also attempts to increase instrumentation coverage by ignoring redundant tracing information. We study parameter tuning of DIME to minimize runtime overhead and maximize instrumentation coverage. Finally, we propose a method and a tool to instrument software systems with quality of service (QoS) requirements. In this case, DIME collects QoS feedback from the system under analysis to respect user-defined performance constraints. As a tool for instrumenting soft real-time applications, DIME is practical, scalable, and supports multi-threaded applications. We present several case studies of DIME instrumenting large and complex applications such as web servers, media players, control applications, and database management systems. DIME limits the instrumentation overhead of dynamic instrumentation while achieving a high instrumentation coverage

    Scheduling Aperiodic and Sporadic Tasks in Hard Real-Time Systems

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    The stringent timing constraints as well as the functional correctness are essential requirements of hard real-time systems. In such systems, scheduling plays a very important role in satisfying these constraints. The priority based scheduling schemes have been used commonly due to the simplicity of the scheduling algorithm. However, in the presence of task interdependencies and complex timing constraints, such scheduling schemes may not be appropriate due to the lack of an efficient mechanism to schedule them and to carry out the schedulability analysis. In contrast, the time based scheduling scheme may be used to schedule a set of tasks with greater degree of schedulability achieved at a cost of higher complexity of off-line scheduling. One of the drawbacks of currently available scheduling schemes, however, is known to be their inflexibility in dynamic environments where dynamic processes exist, such as aperiodic and sporadic processes. We develop and analyze scheduling schemes which efficiently provide the flexibility required in real-time systems for scheduling processes arriving dynamically. This enables static hard periodic processes and dynamic processes(aperiodic or sporadic) to be jointly scheduled. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-97-44

    Timing-predictable memory allocation in hard real-time systems

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    For hard real-time applications, tight provable bounds on the application\u27s worst-case execution time must be derivable. Employing dynamic memory allocation, in general, significantly decreases an application\u27s timing predictability. In consequence, current hard real-time applications rely on static memory management. This thesis studies how the predictability issues of dynamic memory allocation can be overcome and dynamic memory allocation be enabled for hard real-time applications. We give a detailed analysis of the predictability challenges imposed on current state-of-the-art timing analyses by dynamic memory allocation. We propose two approaches to overcome these issues and enable dynamic memory allocation for hard real-time systems: automatically transforming dynamic into static allocation and using a novel, cache-aware and predictable memory allocator. Statically transforming dynamic into static memory allocation allows for very precise WCET bounds as all accessed memory addresses are completely known. However, this approach requires much information about the application\u27s allocation behavior to be available statically. For programs where a static precomputation of a suitable allocation scheme is not applicable, we investigate approaches to construct predictable dynamic memory allocators to replace the standard, general-purpose allocators in real-time applications. We present evaluations of the proposed approaches to evidence their practical applicability.Harte Echtzeitsysteme bedingen beweisbare obere Schranken bezüglich ihrer maximalen Laufzeit. Die Verwendung dynamischer Speicherverwaltung (DSV) innerhalb eine Anwendung verschlechtert deren Zeitvorhersagbarkeit im Allgemeinen erheblich. Folglich findet sich derzeit lediglich statische Speicherverwaltung in solchen Systemen. Diese Arbeit untersucht Wege, Probleme bezüglich der Vorhersagbar von Anwendungen, die aus dem Einsatz einer DSV resultieren, zu überbrücken. Aufbauend auf einer Analyse der Probleme, denen sich Zeitanalysen durch DSV konfrontiert sehen, erarbeiten wir zwei Lösungsansätze. Unser erster Ansatz verfolgt eine automatische Transformation einer gegebenen DSV in eine statische Verwaltung. Dieser Ansatz erfordert hinreichend genaue Information über Speicheranforderungen der Anwendung sowie die Lebenszyklen der angeforderten Speicherblöcke. Hinsichtlich Anwendungen, bei denen dieser erste Ansatz nicht anwendbar ist, untersuchen wir neuartige Algorithmen zur Implementierung vorhersagbarer Verfahren zur dynamischen Speicherverwaltung. Auf diesen Algorithmen basierende Speicherverwalter können die für Echtzeitsysteme ungeeigneten, allgemeinen Speicherverwalter bei Bedarf ersetzen. Wir belegen weiter die praktische Anwendbarkeit der von uns vorgeschlagenen Verfahren

    Adaptive streaming applications : analysis and implementation models

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    This thesis presents a highly automated design framework, called DaedalusRT, and several novel techniques. As the foundation of the DaedalusRT design framework, two types of dataflow Models-of-Computation (MoC) are used, one as timing analysis model and another one as the implementation model. The timing analysis model is used to formally reason about timing behavior of an application. In the context of DaedalusRT, the Mode-Aware Data Flow (MADF) MoC has been developed as the timing analysis model for adaptive streaming applications using different static modes. A novel mode transition protocol is devised to allow efficient reasoning of timing behavior during mode transitions. Based on the transition protocol, a hard real-time scheduling approach is proposed. On the other hand, the implementation model is used for efficient code generation of parallel computation, communication, and synchronization. In this thesis, the Parameterized Polyhedral Process Network (P3N) MoC has been developed to model adaptive streaming applications with parameter reconfiguration. An approach to verify the functional property of the P3N MoC has been devised. Finally, implementation of the P3N MoC on a MPSoC platform has shown that run-time performance penalty due to parameter reconfiguration is negligible.Technology Foundation STWComputer Systems, Imagery and Medi
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