77 research outputs found

    Blockchain-Enabled DPKI Framework

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    Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs), which rely on digital signature technology and establishment of trust and security association parameters between entities, allow entities to interoperate with authentication proofs, using standardized digital certificates (with X.509v3 as the current reference). Despite PKI technology being used by many applications for their security foundations (e.g. WEB/HTTPS/TLS, Cloud-Enabled Services, LANs/WLANs Security, VPNs, IP-Security), there are several concerns regarding their inherent design assumptions based on a centralized trust model. To avoid some problems and drawbacks that emerged from the centralization assumptions, a Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure (DPKI), is an alternative approach. The main idea for DPKIs is the ability to establish trust relations between all parties, in a web-of-trust model, avoiding centralized authorities and related root-of-trust certificates. As a possible solution for DPKI frameworks, the Blockchain technology, as an enabler solution, can help overcome some of the identified PKI problems and security drawbacks. Blockchain-enabled DPKIs can be designed to address a fully decentralized ledger for managed certificates, providing data-replication with strong consistency guarantees, and fairly distributed trust management properties founded on a P2P trust model. In this approach, typical PKI functions are supported cooperatively, with validity agreement based on consistency criteria, for issuing, verification and revocation of X509v3 certificates. It is also possible to address mechanisms to provide rapid reaction of principals in the verification of traceable, shared and immutable history logs of state-changes related to the life-cycle of certificates, with certificate validation rules established consistently by programmable Smart Contracts executed by peers. In this dissertation we designed, implemented and evaluated a Blockchain-Enabled Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure (DPKI) framework, providing an implementation prototype solution that can be used and to support experimental research. The proposal is based on a framework instantiating a permissioned collaborative consortium model, using the service planes supported in an extended Blockchain platform leveraged by the Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) solution. In our proposed DPKI framework model, X509v3 certificates are issued and managed following security invariants, processing rules, managing trust assumptions and establishing consistency metrics, defined and executed in a decentralized way by the Blockchain nodes, using Smart Contracts. Certificates are issued cooperatively and can be issued with group-oriented threshold-based Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) signatures, as group-oriented authentication proofs. The Smart Contracts dictate how Blockchain peers participate consistently in issuing, signing, attestation, validation and revocation processes. Any peer can validate certificates obtaining their consistent states consolidated in closed blocks in a Meckle tree structure maintained in the Blockchain. State-transition operations are managed with serializability guarantees, provided by Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus primitives

    Design of Personnel Big Data Management System Based on Blockchain

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    With the continuous development of information technology, enterprises, universities and governments are constantly stepping up the construction of electronic personnel information management system. The information of hundreds of thousands or even millions of people’s information are collected and stored into the system. So much information provides the cornerstone for the development of big data, if such data is tampered with or leaked, it will cause irreparable serious damage. However, in recent years, electronic archives have exposed a series of problems such as information leakage, information tampering, and information loss, which has made the reform of personnel information management more and more urgent. The unique characteristics of the blockchain, such as non-tampering and traceability make it have great application potential in personnel information management, and can effectively solve many problems of traditional file management. However, the blockchain is limited by its own shortcomings such as small storage space and slow synchronization time, and cannot be directly applied to the big data field. This paper proposes a personnel management system based on blockchain, we analyzed the defects of the blockchain and proposed an improved method, constructs a novel data storage model of on-chain and out-of-chain that can effectively solve the problem of data redundancy and insufficient storage space. Based on this, we developed a prototype system with query, add, modify, and track personnel information, verified the feasibility of applying blockchain to personnel information management, explore the possibility of combining blockchain with big data

    Blockchain Enabled Platforms for the Internet of Things

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    The Blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT) have gained a lot of attention in the last few years, since both technologies enable the possibility of creating a more connected and independent world. This combination enables the design of computing systems and cyber-physical environments without the need of centralized trusted entities, giving users the freedom and control of their operations, in a decentralized ledger model. By using storing and logging mechanisms supported by the Blockchain, data is immutable and independently audited, guaranteeing that it is neither modified nor deleted. At the same time, applications can benefit from the reliability and fault-tolerance assumptions provided by the Blockchain in supporting transactions between users and involved devices. In this thesis, it was studied and proposed a generic solution for a Blockchain-enabled IoT software architecture. The proposed solution enables the advantages of using decentralized logging and ledgering, without the interference of central authorities, inherently supported by the base Blockchain reliability, availability and security foundations. These capabilities are envisaged as key-benefits for a new generation of clean-slate approaches for IoT applications with the required scalability criteria. The research conducted in the dissertation work, studied the base software foundations, relevant components and implementation options that enable the identified advantages of using Blockchain components and services, to leverage more scalable and trustable IoT platforms. Our proposed solution aims to provide an architecture that contributes to a more appropriate design for secure and reliable IoT systems. In this trend we propose a better use of edge-based support for local-enabled processing environments supporting IoT devices and users’ interactions, with operations intermediated by proximity hubs acting as gateways to the Blockchain, where the operations are regulated and controlled by verifiable smart-contracts involving data and transactions


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    Increased regulation creates challenging requirements for production environments, changes mindsets, breaks off IT silos, and creates IT landscapes with greater integration. Many researchers and practitioners hope to meet future product traceability requirements beyond one\u27s company borders using DLT approaches. However, interdisciplinary teams still face different organizational and technical integration and standardization challenges in supply networks. This paper uses a Design Science Research (DSR) approach to consolidate confusing event terminologies in supply chains and develops a modified UTXO token considering EPCIS 2.0 standards. The results present an evaluated input-output traceability system (IOTS) that maps holistic meta-events. We use a simple cross-organizational example and visualization tools that multiple organizations can use to ensure efficient and easy backward and forward traceability of objects and events. Finally, we conclude the results with a detailed discussion and future research directions

    Blockchain and Property Technology

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    Blockchain technology has emerged as a revolutionary force in the real estate sector, promis ing transformative changes in how properties are bought, sold, and managed. This study delves into the integration of blockchain in real estate, emphasizing the development and testing of a practical proof-of-concept application. The research, undertaken during an internship at DevScope, critically examines the potential of blockchain to enhance trans parency, security, and efficiency in managing exclusivity contracts. The research starts with a comprehensive review of blockchain literature, exploring its diverse applications within the real estate industry. It delves into the intricacies of challenges faced and opportunities presented during the implementation of blockchain technology in this context. Through rigorous analysis, the study assesses the profound impact of blockchain on the real estate landscape, elucidating the multifaceted benefits and challenges inherent in deploying blockchain-based solutions. Furthermore, this research not only contributes valuable insights to the ongoing discourse surrounding blockchain in real estate but also presents practical implications. The findings are poised to inform strategic decisions, providing DevScope with a nuanced perspective on integrating blockchain technology into their products. Specifically, this study evaluates the feasibility of incorporating a blockchain-based solution into MaxWork, one of DevScope’s products, thereby paving the way for innovative advancements within the realm of Multiple Listing Service solutions.A tecnologia Blockchain emergiu como uma força revolucionária no setor imobiliário, prom etendo mudanças na forma como as propriedades são transacionadas e geridas. Este estudo explora a integração da blockchain no setor imobiliário, a partir do desenvolvimento de uma aplicação de prova de conceito. A pesquisa, realizada durante um estágio na DevScope, examina o potencial da Blockchain para melhorar a transparência, segurança e eficiência nas transações imobiliárias. A pesquisa inicia-se com uma revisão da literatura sobre Blockchain e Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), explorando as diversas aplicações dentro da indústria imobiliária. O estudo avalia o impacto da blockchain no cenário imobiliário, elucidando os benefícios e desafios inerentes à implementação de soluções baseadas em Blockchain. Além disso, esta pesquisa não só contribui com insights valiosos para o contínuo debate sobre Blockchain no setor imobiliário, como também apresenta implicações práticas. As descobertas deste estudo proporcionam à DevScope uma perspectiva detalhada sobre a integração da tecnologia Blockchain. Especificamente, este estudo avalia a viabilidade de incorporar uma solução baseada em Blockchain no MaxWork, um dos principais produtos da DevScope, abrindo caminho para avanços inovadores no âmbito dos Multiple Listing Services (MLS)

    From Bitcoin to Solana -- Innovating Blockchain towards Enterprise Applications

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    This survey presents a comprehensive study of recent advances in block-chain technologies, focusing on how issues that affecting the enterprise adoption were progressively addressed from the original Bitcoin system to Ethereum, to Solana etc. Key issues preventing the wide adoption are scala-bility and performance, while recent advances in Solana has clearly demon-strated that it is possible to significantly improve on those issues by innovat-ing on data structure, processes and algorithms by consolidating various time-consuming algorithms and security enforcements, and differentiate and balance users and their responsibilities and rights, while maintaining the re-quired security and integrity that blockchain systems inherently offer