35,505 research outputs found

    International accounting standards and guidelines

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    2005 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) Standards and Guidelines Survey

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    An online survey about the use and format of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) Standards and Guidelines documents was conducted. The survey was sent to A.S.P.E.N. members, and an acceptable number of responses were received (470, or 9% of those surveyed). Most respondents indicated an overall satisfaction with the standards and guidelines and suggested format changes, many of which will be incorporated into future guidelines and standards. The results of this survey are presented here for general interest. Changes in the process with which A.S.P.E.N. produces standards and guidelines are discussed

    Monitoring quantity and quality of pangasius pond effluent : report of a monitoring program and recommendations for certification

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    The quantity and quality of pangasius pond effluent was monitored by means of monthly sampling during a study conducted on four striped catfish farms located in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. The study was undertaken to test the practical implications of the standards and guidelines with regard to catfish pond effluent that are at present developed by various certification programs for striped catfish production in Vietnam. The results showed a great variability twelve pangasius pond within the samples that were taken during one period of partial pond draining and refilling. The consequences of such variability with regard to the certification standards and guidelines are discussed and recommendations are given

    Usability and digital inclusion: standards and guidelines

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    This article aims at discussing e-government website usability in relation to concerns about digital inclusion. E-government web design should consider all aspects of usability, including those that make it more accessible to all. Traditional concerns of social exclusion are being superseded by fears that lack of digital competence and information literacy may result in dangerous digital exclusion. Usability is considered as a way to address this exclusion and should therefore incorporate inclusion and accessibility guidelines. This article makes an explicit link between usability guidelines and digital inclusion and reports on a survey of local government web presence in Portugal

    The Need for National Training Standards and Guidelines for Privately Paid Geriatric Home Caregivers

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    Contrary to public opinion, America's institution-centered long-term care (LTC) system does not serve the majority of older adults. Currently, nursing homes serve less than 20% of older adults needing care, and thus do not provide a viable solution for future caregiving needs. While these LTC institutions will continue to play an important role in providing care for our most frail older adults who need skilled nursing and/or medical care, they will not be necessary for the vast majority of older adults who simply need nonmedical caregiving, that is, help with activities of daily living. There is, and will continue to be, an urgent need for a large cadre of trained caregivers for older adults who live at home. This issue brief calls for the development of national training standards and a caregiver certifying organization that provides national oversight

    Mercury in the environment

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    Problems in assessing mercury concentrations in environmental materials are discussed. Data for situations involving air, water, rocks, soils, sediments, sludges, fossil fuels, plants, animals, foods, and man are drawn together and briefly evaluated. Details are provided regarding the toxicity of mercury along with tentative standards and guidelines for mercury in air, drinking water, and food

    Textbook Treatment of Structured Programming Standards and Guidelines

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    COBOL is still the language of choice in most business computer information systems (BCIS). As a result, COBOL remains the language of choice in structured programming courses required in most undergraduate and graduate computer information system (CIS) and business administration curricula in the United States and Canada. The cost of maintaining COBOL systems, however, can be very expensive for business. A collection of structured programming standards and guidelines (SPSGs) for CIS designed with COBOL has evolved to reduce maintenance costs: This review examines SPSG coverage in textbooks currently used in structured programming courses. These textbooks are evaluated and ranked on the basis of SPSG content. In turn, each SPSG is prioritized according to the degree of inter-textbook coverage. Three textbooks and four SPSGs stand out in the research findings along with suggestions for further empirical research

    The emergence of international food safety standards and guidelines: understanding the current landscape through a historical approach

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    Following the Second World War, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) teamed up to construct an International Codex Alimentarius (or 'food code') which emerged in 1963. The Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH) was charged with the task of developing microbial hygiene standards, although it found itself embroiled in debate with the WHO over the nature these standards should take. The WHO was increasingly relying upon the input of biometricians and especially the International Commission on Microbial Specifications for Foods (ICMSF) which had developed statistical sampling plans for determining the microbial counts in the final end products. The CCFH, however, was initially more focused on a qualitative approach which looked at the entire food production system and developed codes of practice as well as more descriptive end-product specifications which the WHO argued were 'not scientifically correct'. Drawing upon historical archival material (correspondence and reports) from the WHO and FAO, this article examines this debate over microbial hygiene standards and suggests that there are many lessons from history which could shed light upon current debates and efforts in international food safety management systems and approaches