8 research outputs found

    Electronic Toll Collection Systems and their Interoperability: The State of Art

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    [EN] The European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) was created in 2004 with the aim of ensuring interoperability among the existing electronic toll collection (ETC) systems in Europe. However, the lack of cooperation between groups of stakeholders has not made possible to achieve this goal ten years later. The purpose of this research is to determine the better way to achieve interoperability among the different ETC systems in Europe. Our study develops a review of the six main ETC systems available worldwide: Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Satellite systems (GNSS), Tachograph, and Mobile communications tolling systems. The research also provides some insight on different emerging technologies. By focusing on different operational and strategic aspects offered by each technology, we identify their main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and makes different recommendations to improve the current framework. The research concludes that given the diversity of advantages and inconveniences offered by each system, the selection of a certain ETC technology should also take into account its potential to overcome the weaknesses in the current ETC framework. In this line, different policy recommendations are proposed to improve the present ETC strategy at the EU.De Las Heras Molina, J.; Gómez Sánchez, J.; Vassallo Magro, J. (2016). Electronic Toll Collection Systems and their Interoperability: The State of Art. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 2011-2018. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2015.3186OCS2011201

    Tolling collection system technology benchmarking

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    Orientação: José Luís de Azevedo Quintino Rogado ; co-orientação: Pedro MaltaOs sistemas de tolling estão instalados em todo o mundo, tem como base o financiamento e manutenção das estradas. Existem diversas tecnologias para identificar a passagem de cada veículo. Mas quais os problemas que podem advir deste conjunto diversificado de tecnologias? Quais as tendências e recomendações que podem ser feitas para implementar um sistema de cobrança electrónico? Neste âmbito, este trabalho visa apresentar um conjunto de recomendações na implementação de projectos em tolling no âmbito da actividade da Q-Free. Com base num inquérito realizado através dos vários escritórios espalhados por todo mundo (Noruega, Chile, Portugal e Brasil) obteve-se um conjunto de repostas que evidenciaram as tecnologias e tendências da implementação de projectos de tolling. Seguiu-se a realização de duas entrevistas no sentido de validar os resultados dos questionários e posteriormente proporcionar à empresa uma base fidedigna de informação para a decisão no âmbito destes projectos. Esta dupla abordagem, qualitativa e quantitativa à metodologia de inquérito (survey) permitiu contribuir com as recomendações referidas para uma necessidade empresarial sempre que se deparar com um novo projecto de tolling.The tolling systems are installed all over the world, based on the financing and maintenance of the roads. There are several technologies to identify the passage of each vehicle. What problems can appear from this diverse set of technologies, what trends and recommendations can be made to implement an Electronic Toll.? In this context, this work aim to suggest a set of recommendations in the implementation of tolling projects within the scope of Q-Free activity. Based on a survey, carried out through the global offices (Norway, Chile, Portugal and Brazil), a set of answers was obtained that show the technologies and trends to be used in the implementation of tolling projects. Two interviews were followed to validate the results of the survey and to provide the company with a reliable basis of information for the decision in these projects. This qualitative and quantitative mix approach to the survey methodology allow the contribute with the mentioned recommendations for a business need whenever a new project come across

    Possible Application of Short Range Communication Technologies in the Digital Tachograph System to Support Vehicles Filtering during Road Controls

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    The existing Digital Tachograph is a regulatory instrument (mandatory by Council Regulation since 1st May 2006) to enforce the application of social regulations in road transport especially with the view to increase traffic safety. It records the work and the rest times of drivers as well as the vehicle speed over time with the aim to ensure that appropriate rest periods are taken by drivers and that a maximum of permissible speed is not exceeded. The original and prime functionality of the Digital Tachograph is to document, i.e. to record, the driving history of a driver and his vehicle. Nevertheless controls by the road safety authorities are rather inefficient while time-consuming. The proposed update to the existing regulation would rather guarantee the Digital Tachograph as a compliance device rather than as an accurate recorder of driving history. Basic innovation is the application of short range communication technologies (like RFID) allowing the road authorities to scan by-passing vehicles and thus increasing the throughput by the order of ten.JRC.DG.G.7-Traceability and vulnerability assessmen

    Sistema para pagamento de portagens baseado em smartphone

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesDesde a década de 60 que a criação de sistemas de pagamento em infraestruturas rodoviárias tem suscitado interesse entre os governos dos países desenvolvidos, dadas as suas vantagens económicas no que toca à amortização dos investimentos incorridos e à implementação de políticas baseadas no princípio do utilizador pagador. Com a crescente utilização das redes rodoviárias como meio de transporte de mercadorias e pessoas, as questões ambientais, de segurança e de fluidez de trânsito começaram a tornar-se temas relevantes para o desenvolvimento sustentado das sociedades modernas. Assim, o investimento em inovação e tecnologia dos sistemas eletrónicos de pagamento de portagens, tem sido constante nos últimos anos. Hoje em dia, a maioria dos membros da União Europeia possuem serviços de pagamento de portagens eletrónicas, pois comprovou-se que estes acarretam não só benefícios económicos, mas também benefícios para o cidadão comum, em termos de segurança e qualidade de vida. Contudo, cada país criou os seus sistemas ou serviços, aplicados a circunstâncias específicas e seguindo estratégias díspares, o que levou à proliferação de sistemas de portagem incompatíveis, alguns a nível tecnológico, o que torna a interoperabilidade destes, um desafio atual. O esforço desenvolvido pela Comissão Europeia para superar este desafio levou à criação do Sistema Eletrónico Europeu de Portagem (SEEP). Na presente dissertação elaborou-se um estudo dos sistemas eletrónicos de pagamento de portagem utilizados na União Europeia, no qual se identificaram algumas limitações para além da falta de interoperabilidade, tal como a ausência de um interface entre o utilizador e os operadores de portagens, que dificultam a utilização dos sistemas eletrónicos de portagem em determinados cenários, como o de car sharing, por exemplo. No sentido de atacar esta questão, desenvolveu-se um sistema denominado Charge Collector System (C2S). Para além da conceptualização da estrutura e do modo de funcionamento, ainda se produziu uma prova de conceito. Esta congrega uma unidade de bordo, ou On Board Unit (OBU) baseada em Linux, capaz de comunicar com um smartphone, para o qual se criou uma aplicação móvel, baseada em Android. A aplicação disponibiliza um interface gráfico onde o utilizador poderá consultar os registos de portagem incorridos e submetê-los para pagamento. Foram ainda realizados testes de estrada e exibidos os seus resultados. Os trabalhos desenvolvidos, no âmbito desta dissertação, resultam num modelo ilustrativo, ou prova de conceito, de uma unidade de bordo e de uma aplicação móvel, capaz de expressar toda a experiência de utilização inerente ao funcionamento do sistema C2S, demonstrando o registo de portagens, a posterior transmissão destas para o smartphone e a consulta das mesmas em formato de aplicação móvel.Since the 60’s, the implementation of the toll collection systems has raised interest by the governments of developed countries, due to its economical benefits in terms of the amortization of the incurred investments and the execution of laws based in the user pays principle. The high increasing of road networks, to transport people and goods, put the environmental and security issues, as well as the traffic flow concerns, much more relevant to enhance the sustainable development of modern societies. Thereby, the investment in innovation and technology of electronic toll collection has been a constant on the last years. Nowadays, most of the European Union members have electronic toll collection on their road networks, because it was proved that its usage leads, not only economical benefits, but also benefits directly to the people, promoting security and quality of life. However each country developed and applied their services or systems in di↵erent circumstances, following disparate strategies that led to dissemination of incompatible ETC systems, some of them at the technological level, which makes the implementation of the interoperability feature a real challenge. The European Commission e↵orts have been developed near the creation of the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS), trying to surpass this pitfall. On this dissertation, it was developed a study about electronic toll collection used in the European Union, where it was highlighted some of their limitations beyond the interoperability feature, such as the lack of the user interface that difficult the use of ETC services in some scenarios, for instance in the car sharing business. Moreover, it was developed a system, named Charge Collector Sytem (C2S), where it was elaborated all the structure and the operating mode, as well produced a proof of the concept. This model proof gathers one On Board Unit (OBU) based in Linux systems, able to communicate with a smartphone, for which it was developed an Android mobile application. This mobile application provides a user interface where it is shown the incurred toll logs and where it is possible to send them to a payment system. It was also developed several tests and showed some results. The project developed under this dissertation resulted in the proof of the concept, constituted by the OBU and the mobile application, where the user can experience the functions of the system C2S, related with the tolling registration, the logs transmission to the smartphone and the logs query on the mobile application

    Mapping innovation in the European transport sector : An assessment of R&D efforts and priorities, institutional capacities, drivers and barriers to innovation

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    The present document provides an overview of the innovation capacity of the European transport sectors. The analysis addresses transport-related innovation from three different angles. It identifies the drivers and barriers to innovation for the main transport sub-sectors; it assesses quantitative indicators through the detailed analysis of the main industrial R&D investors and public R&D priorities in transport; and it identifies the key actors for transport research and knowledge flows between them in order to detect shortcomings in the current institutional set-up of transport innovation. The analysis finds that despite the significant on-going research efforts in transport, largely driven by the automotive industry, the potential for systemic innovations that go beyond modal boundaries and leave the currently pre-dominant design are under-exploited due to prominent lock-in effects caused by infrastructure and the institutional set-up of the innovation systemsJRC.J.1-Economics of Climate Change, Energy and Transpor

    Anonymous Point Collection - Improved Models and Security Definitions

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    This work is a comprehensive, formal treatment of anonymous point collection. The proposed definition does not only provide a strong notion of security and privacy, but also covers features which are important for practical use. An efficient realization is presented and proven to fulfill the proposed definition. The resulting building block is the first one that allows for anonymous two-way transactions, has semi-offline capabilities, yields constant storage size, and is provably secure

    Anonymous Point Collection - Improved Models and Security Definitions

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    This work is a comprehensive, formal treatment of anonymous point collection. The proposed definition does not only provide a strong notion of security and privacy, but also covers features which are important for practical use. An efficient realization is presented and proven to fulfill the proposed definition. The resulting building block is the first one that allows for anonymous two-way transactions, has semi-offline capabilities, yields constant storage size, and is provably secure