2,067 research outputs found

    Modelling collaborative problem-solving competence with transparent learning analytics: is video data enough?

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    In this study, we describe the results of our research to model collaborative problem-solving (CPS) competence based on analytics generated from video data. We have collected ~500 mins video data from 15 groups of 3 students working to solve design problems collaboratively. Initially, with the help of OpenPose, we automatically generated frequency metrics such as the number of the face-in-the-screen; and distance metrics such as the distance between bodies. Based on these metrics, we built decision trees to predict students' listening, watching, making, and speaking behaviours as well as predicting the students' CPS competence. Our results provide useful decision rules mined from analytics of video data which can be used to inform teacher dashboards. Although, the accuracy and recall values of the models built are inferior to previous machine learning work that utilizes multimodal data, the transparent nature of the decision trees provides opportunities for explainable analytics for teachers and learners. This can lead to more agency of teachers and learners, therefore can lead to easier adoption. We conclude the paper with a discussion on the value and limitations of our approach

    The role of learning theory in multimodal learning analytics

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    This study presents the outcomes of a semi-systematic literature review on the role of learning theory in multimodal learning analytics (MMLA) research. Based on previous systematic literature reviews in MMLA and an additional new search, 35MMLA works were identified that use theory. The results show that MMLA studies do not always discuss their findings within an established theoretical framework. Most of the theory-driven MMLA studies are positioned in the cognitive and affective domains, and the three most frequently used theories are embodied cognition, cognitive load theory and control–value theory of achievement emotions. Often, the theories are only used to inform the study design, but there is a relationship between the most frequently used theories and the data modalities used to operationalize those theories. Although studies such as these are rare, the findings indicate that MMLA affordances can, indeed, lead to theoretical contributions to learning sciences. In this work, we discuss methods of accelerating theory-driven MMLA research and how this acceleration can extend or even create new theoretical knowledge

    Reclaiming Craftsmanship

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    In upcoming years, many institutions in the private and public sectors will lose valuable organizational knowledge due to organizational restructuring, departmental consolidation, retirements and attrition. This can have a potentially crippling effect on organizational effectiveness and service delivery. Organizations need to establish processes and develop tools that allow them to capture employees know-how-and-know-what, and disseminate that information and knowledge to other employees. In the age of the digital economy, the temptation appears to be to introduce technology to capture codifiable data, resulting in the inadvertent undervaluing of the personal knowledge and expertise accumulated by their employees over many years of practical experience. My focus is on personal knowledge, particularly concerning acquisition and transmission. Approaching the research from a post-positivist as well as a pragmatist approach, I have sought to identify and understand the factors that influence people to share knowledge and conversely how people learn from others, through mentoring for example. Within this context, I advocate for the return to the spirit of craftsmanship and reclaim the ideas of learning by doing, having more human-to-human connections to learn from, and taking the time to be engaged in mastering a practice. My goal has been to question rather than to pursue a definite explanation for how the acquisition and transmission of personal knowledge unfolds. As a pragmatist, I approach the idea of knowledge as a derivative of our engagement and active experience with the world. To this end, I added an applied element to this dissertation; I have included a working prototype of a platform for people to share their skills and interact with others in their network. This software application also acts as a repository of data for my research and for topics related to personal knowledge. For example, it includes an Alphabet of Personal Knowledge wherein I briefly examine the etymology and use of selected words in the context of knowledge acquisition and sharing. My interest lies in using multi-dimensional methods that complement each other with the express goal of creating new knowledge that can in turn be used to improve mentoring and knowledge sharing programs

    Designing Embodied Interactive Software Agents for E-Learning: Principles, Components, and Roles

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    Embodied interactive software agents are complex autonomous, adaptive, and social software systems with a digital embodiment that enables them to act on and react to other entities (users, objects, and other agents) in their environment through bodily actions, which include the use of verbal and non-verbal communicative behaviors in face-to-face interactions with the user. These agents have been developed for various roles in different application domains, in which they perform tasks that have been assigned to them by their developers or delegated to them by their users or by other agents. In computer-assisted learning, embodied interactive pedagogical software agents have the general task to promote human learning by working with students (and other agents) in computer-based learning environments, among them e-learning platforms based on Internet technologies, such as the Virtual Linguistics Campus (www.linguistics-online.com). In these environments, pedagogical agents provide contextualized, qualified, personalized, and timely assistance, cooperation, instruction, motivation, and services for both individual learners and groups of learners. This thesis develops a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and user-oriented view of the design of embodied interactive pedagogical software agents, which integrates theoretical and practical insights from various academic and other fields. The research intends to contribute to the scientific understanding of issues, methods, theories, and technologies that are involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of embodied interactive software agents for different roles in e-learning and other areas. For developers, the thesis provides sixteen basic principles (Added Value, Perceptible Qualities, Balanced Design, Coherence, Consistency, Completeness, Comprehensibility, Individuality, Variability, Communicative Ability, Modularity, Teamwork, Participatory Design, Role Awareness, Cultural Awareness, and Relationship Building) plus a large number of specific guidelines for the design of embodied interactive software agents and their components. Furthermore, it offers critical reviews of theories, concepts, approaches, and technologies from different areas and disciplines that are relevant to agent design. Finally, it discusses three pedagogical agent roles (virtual native speaker, coach, and peer) in the scenario of the linguistic fieldwork classes on the Virtual Linguistics Campus and presents detailed considerations for the design of an agent for one of these roles (the virtual native speaker)

    Web 2.0 technologies for learning: the current landscape – opportunities, challenges and tensions

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    This is the first report from research commissioned by Becta into Web 2.0 technologies for learning at Key Stages 3 and 4. This report describes findings from an additional literature review of the then current landscape concerning learner use of Web 2.0 technologies and the implications for teachers, schools, local authorities and policy makers

    Integrating Knowledge in Organizations: A Lessons Learned Case Study

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    El paper del coneixement comú a les organitzacions (CKO, en la sigla en anglès) és creixent en la literatura com un tema important; tanmateix, la seva formalització és lenta. Aquesta tesi presenta un model de CKO que descriu la seva relació amb la capacitat organitzativa en el context de les teories de l’empresa. Disseny, metodologia i enfocament Tenint en compte l’estat no sistematitzat del coneixement a les organitzacions i els diversos enfocaments de què és objecte la capacitat organitzativa, en aquest treball s’analitzen textos de les teories del coneixement i de les teories de l’empresa, seguint mètodes de codificació de la grounded theory, amb vista a emmarcar un model per tal d’observar i avaluar casos de CKO que participen en la pràctica productiva. El component de recerca empírica d’aquesta tesi segueix l’estratègia de l’estudi del cas per a la recopilació de dades i de la grounded theory per a la seva anàlisi. El cas correspon a un programa de cooperació internacional interuniversitari, que va durar deu anys, en què s’integren els coneixements en forma de lliçons apreses. Les dades inclouen l’extensa documentació del programa, tres sèries d’enquestes, 16 entrevistes filmades i 36 històries. Aquí, la grounded theory segueix el concepte de sensibilització de Charmaz (2000)per guiar la codificació inicial utilitzant com a referència el marc conceptual desenvolupat. Conclusions El CKO es caracteritza per: a) la tensió en la integració dels coneixements en la pràctica productiva; b) la lògica d’instrumentalitzar eines organitzacionals (OT), y c) els processos pels quals es reconeixen els coneixedors. El CKO funciona com a mediador entre les OT (directives, plans, estructura, arquitectura i rutines) i l’eficiència de la capacitat organitzativa. El CKO apareix no com una eina organitzativa, sinó com els processos relacionats que els instrumentalitzen i per mitjà dels quals els coneixedors són reconeguts i donen forma al sistema interpretatiu de l’organització. Aquesta tesi ofereix criteris de gestió orientats a l’eficiència del CKO (sorgits d’aquesta concepció), amb vista a aplicar eines organitzatives que integren el coneixement en la pràctica productiva, i proposa: a) una visió organitzacional integral de les teories existents del saber; b) un model d’observació d’instàncies del saber a les organitzacions; c) un esquema per tal d’emmarcar les teories de l’empresa, i d) un model per entendre el rol del coneixement comú a les organitzacions.El papel del conocimiento común en las organizaciones (CKO por sus siglas en inglés) se acentúa en la literatura como un tema importante; sin embargo su formalización está rezagada. Esta tesis presenta un modelo de CKO que describe su relación con la capacidad organizacional en el contexto de las teorías de la firma. Diseño, metodología y enfoque: Teniendo en cuenta el estado no-operacionalizado del conocimiento en las organizaciones y los variados acercamientos a la capacidad organizacional, este trabajo entrevista textos de las teorías del conocimiento y de las teorías de la firma, siguiendo métodos de codificación de “grounded theory”, para enmarcar un modelo para observar y evaluar instancias de CKO que participan en la práctica productiva. El componente de investigación empírica de esta tesis sigue la estrategia de estudio de caso para la recopilación de datos, y “grounded theory” para su análisis. El caso corresponde a un programa de cooperación internacional Interuniversitario, que duró diez años, en el que se integra conocimientos en lecciones aprendidas. Los datos incluyen la extensa documentación del programa, 3 sets de encuestas, 16 entrevistas filmadas y 36 historias. Aquí, “grounded theory” sigue el concepto de sensibilización de Charmaz (2000) para guiar la codificación inicial utilizando como referencia el marco conceptual desarrollado. Hallazgos: CKO está caracterizado por la (a) tensión en la integración de conocimientos en la práctica productiva, (b) la lógica de instrumentalizar herramientas organizacionales (OT) y (c) los procesos por los cuales se reconocen a los conocedores. CKO funciona como mediador entre OT (directivas, planes, estructura, arquitectura y rutinas) y la eficiencia de la capacidad organizacional. CKO emerge, no como una herramienta organizacional, sino como los procesos relacionados que los instrumentalizan, y por medio de los cuales los conocedores son reconocidos y dan forma al sistema interpretativo organizacional. Esta disertación ofrece criterios de gestión orientados a la eficiencia (surgidos de esta concepción) de CKO) para aplicar herramientas organizacionales que integran el conocimiento en la práctica productiva, y propone (a) una visión organizacional integral de teorías existentes del saber, (b) un modelo de observación de instancias del saber en organizaciones, (c) un esquema para enmarcar teorías de la firma, y (d) un modelo para entender el rol del conocimiento común en las organizaciones.The role of common knowledge in organizations (CKO) is emphasized in literature as an important topic; however, its formalization has been neglected. This dissertation presents a model of CKO that depicts its relationship with the capability of the organization within the context of theories of the firm. Design/methodology/approach: Considering the un-operationalized status of knowledge in organizations and the several approaches to organizational capability, this work interviews text of the theories of knowing and the theories of the firm, following grounded theory coding methods, to frame a model to observe and assess CKO instances that participate in the productive practice. The research empirical component of this dissertation follows case study strategy for data collection and grounded theory for data analysis. The case corresponds to a ten-year International Inter-university Cooperation Program that integrates knowledge into lessons learned. Data include program extensive program documentation, 3 sets of surveys, 16 filmed interviews, and 36 stories. Grounded theory follows Charmaz (2000) sensitizing concept approach to guide initial coding using the developed framework. Findings: CKO is characterized by the (a) tension of integrating knowledge into the productive practice, (b) logic of instrumentalizing organizational tools (OT), and (c) processes by which knowers are recognized. CKO also operates as mediator between OT (directives, plans, structure, architecture and routines) and the efficiency of the organizational capability. CKO emerges, not as an organizational tool, but as the related processes that instrumentalize them, or by which knowers are recognized and shape the organizational interpretative system. Dissertation offers efficiency oriented managerial criteria (emerged from the CKO conception) for applying organizational tools to integrate knowledge into the productive practice, and proposes (a) an integrated organizational view of extant theories of knowing, (b) a model for observing knowing instances in organizations, (c) a scheme for framing theories of the firm, and (d) a model for understanding the role of common knowledge in organization

    Соціально-гуманітарні аспекти розвитку сучасного суспільства

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