13 research outputs found

    The Role of Neuromodulators in Cortical Plasticity. A Computational Perspective

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    Neuromodulators play a ubiquitous role across the brain in regulating plasticity. With recent advances in experimental techniques, it is possible to study the effects of diverse neuromodulatory states in specific brain regions. Neuromodulators are thought to impact plasticity predominantly through two mechanisms: the gating of plasticity and the upregulation of neuronal activity. However, the consequences of these mechanisms are poorly understood and there is a need for both experimental and theoretical exploration. Here we illustrate how neuromodulatory state affects cortical plasticity through these two mechanisms. First, we explore the ability of neuromodulators to gate plasticity by reshaping the learning window for spike-timing-dependent plasticity. Using a simple computational model, we implement four different learning rules and demonstrate their effects on receptive field plasticity. We then compare the neuromodulatory effects of upregulating learning rate versus the effects of upregulating neuronal activity. We find that these seemingly similar mechanisms do not yield the same outcome: upregulating neuronal activity can lead to either a broadening or a sharpening of receptive field tuning, whereas upregulating learning rate only intensifies the sharpening of receptive field tuning. This simple model demonstrates the need for further exploration of the rich landscape of neuromodulator-mediated plasticity. Future experiments, coupled with biologically detailed computational models, will elucidate the diversity of mechanisms by which neuromodulatory state regulates cortical plasticity

    A unified view on weakly correlated recurrent networks

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    The diversity of neuron models used in contemporary theoretical neuroscience to investigate specific properties of covariances raises the question how these models relate to each other. In particular it is hard to distinguish between generic properties and peculiarities due to the abstracted model. Here we present a unified view on pairwise covariances in recurrent networks in the irregular regime. We consider the binary neuron model, the leaky integrate-and-fire model, and the Hawkes process. We show that linear approximation maps each of these models to either of two classes of linear rate models, including the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as a special case. The classes differ in the location of additive noise in the rate dynamics, which is on the output side for spiking models and on the input side for the binary model. Both classes allow closed form solutions for the covariance. For output noise it separates into an echo term and a term due to correlated input. The unified framework enables us to transfer results between models. For example, we generalize the binary model and the Hawkes process to the presence of conduction delays and simplify derivations for established results. Our approach is applicable to general network structures and suitable for population averages. The derived averages are exact for fixed out-degree network architectures and approximate for fixed in-degree. We demonstrate how taking into account fluctuations in the linearization procedure increases the accuracy of the effective theory and we explain the class dependent differences between covariances in the time and the frequency domain. Finally we show that the oscillatory instability emerging in networks of integrate-and-fire models with delayed inhibitory feedback is a model-invariant feature: the same structure of poles in the complex frequency plane determines the population power spectra

    Correlation-based model of artificially induced plasticity in motor cortex by a bidirectional brain-computer interface

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    Experiments show that spike-triggered stimulation performed with Bidirectional Brain-Computer-Interfaces (BBCI) can artificially strengthen connections between separate neural sites in motor cortex (MC). What are the neuronal mechanisms responsible for these changes and how does targeted stimulation by a BBCI shape population-level synaptic connectivity? The present work describes a recurrent neural network model with probabilistic spiking mechanisms and plastic synapses capable of capturing both neural and synaptic activity statistics relevant to BBCI conditioning protocols. When spikes from a neuron recorded at one MC site trigger stimuli at a second target site after a fixed delay, the connections between sites are strengthened for spike-stimulus delays consistent with experimentally derived spike time dependent plasticity (STDP) rules. However, the relationship between STDP mechanisms at the level of networks, and their modification with neural implants remains poorly understood. Using our model, we successfully reproduces key experimental results and use analytical derivations, along with novel experimental data. We then derive optimal operational regimes for BBCIs, and formulate predictions concerning the efficacy of spike-triggered stimulation in different regimes of cortical activity.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figure

    Balancing Feed-Forward Excitation and Inhibition via Hebbian Inhibitory Synaptic Plasticity

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    It has been suggested that excitatory and inhibitory inputs to cortical cells are balanced, and that this balance is important for the highly irregular firing observed in the cortex. There are two hypotheses as to the origin of this balance. One assumes that it results from a stable solution of the recurrent neuronal dynamics. This model can account for a balance of steady state excitation and inhibition without fine tuning of parameters, but not for transient inputs. The second hypothesis suggests that the feed forward excitatory and inhibitory inputs to a postsynaptic cell are already balanced. This latter hypothesis thus does account for the balance of transient inputs. However, it remains unclear what mechanism underlies the fine tuning required for balancing feed forward excitatory and inhibitory inputs. Here we investigated whether inhibitory synaptic plasticity is responsible for the balance of transient feed forward excitation and inhibition. We address this issue in the framework of a model characterizing the stochastic dynamics of temporally anti-symmetric Hebbian spike timing dependent plasticity of feed forward excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs to a single post-synaptic cell. Our analysis shows that inhibitory Hebbian plasticity generates ‘negative feedback’ that balances excitation and inhibition, which contrasts with the ‘positive feedback’ of excitatory Hebbian synaptic plasticity. As a result, this balance may increase the sensitivity of the learning dynamics to the correlation structure of the excitatory inputs

    Closed-Form Treatment of the Interactions between Neuronal Activity and Timing-Dependent Plasticity in Networks of Linear Neurons

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    Network activity and network connectivity mutually influence each other. Especially for fast processes, like spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP), which depends on the interaction of few (two) signals, the question arises how these interactions are continuously altering the behavior and structure of the network. To address this question a time-continuous treatment of plasticity is required. However, this is - even in simple recurrent network structures - currently not possible. Thus, here we develop for a linear differential Hebbian learning system a method by which we can analytically investigate the dynamics and stability of the connections in recurrent networks. We use noisy periodic external input signals, which through the recurrent connections lead to complex actual ongoing inputs and observe that large stable ranges emerge in these networks without boundaries or weight-normalization. Somewhat counter-intuitively, we find that about 40% of these cases are obtained with a long-term potentiation-dominated STDP curve. Noise can reduce stability in some cases, but generally this does not occur. Instead stable domains are often enlarged. This study is a first step toward a better understanding of the ongoing interactions between activity and plasticity in recurrent networks using STDP. The results suggest that stability of (sub-)networks should generically be present also in larger structures

    STDP in Recurrent Neuronal Networks

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    Recent results about spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) in recurrently connected neurons are reviewed, with a focus on the relationship between the weight dynamics and the emergence of network structure. In particular, the evolution of synaptic weights in the two cases of incoming connections for a single neuron and recurrent connections are compared and contrasted. A theoretical framework is used that is based upon Poisson neurons with a temporally inhomogeneous firing rate and the asymptotic distribution of weights generated by the learning dynamics. Different network configurations examined in recent studies are discussed and an overview of the current understanding of STDP in recurrently connected neuronal networks is presented

    Phenomenological models of synaptic plasticity based on spike timing

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    Synaptic plasticity is considered to be the biological substrate of learning and memory. In this document we review phenomenological models of short-term and long-term synaptic plasticity, in particular spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP). The aim of the document is to provide a framework for classifying and evaluating different models of plasticity. We focus on phenomenological synaptic models that are compatible with integrate-and-fire type neuron models where each neuron is described by a small number of variables. This implies that synaptic update rules for short-term or long-term plasticity can only depend on spike timing and, potentially, on membrane potential, as well as on the value of the synaptic weight, or on low-pass filtered (temporally averaged) versions of the above variables. We examine the ability of the models to account for experimental data and to fulfill expectations derived from theoretical considerations. We further discuss their relations to teacher-based rules (supervised learning) and reward-based rules (reinforcement learning). All models discussed in this paper are suitable for large-scale network simulations

    Statistical analysis of spike trains under variation of synaptic weights in neuronal networks

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    National audienceThe present work is a step forward to improve the statistics of spike trains in a neuron model taking into account the temporal dependence of the neuron response. Based on the minimization of the Kullback-Leibler divergence, parameters of the neuron model such as synaptic weights and external input are adjusted. We first applied the method to data artificially generated with the neuron model and at the end of the internship to experimental data recorded from a real retina in vitro. Clearly, results from the application of the proposed method to the interpretation of real experimental data from a retina in vitro are still preliminary. Nevertheless, they seem to provide an encouraging indication to pursue testing the method with other experimental data of different nature or applying the method to other more complicated neuron models