8,095 research outputs found

    Into the Spider-Verse: Cultural Identity in Spider-Man Media

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    Superheroes have become a popular genre that is becoming more successful at creating box office records. As the superhero genre becomes more popular, more superheroes have been created as symbols that reflect the increase of cultural identity representation in contemporary media. Spider-Man is a superhero that also reflects these cultural identities by offering more diverse and relatable variants of the Spider-Man character that allow him to normalize and address their presence in media. This paper aims to analyze the different cultural identities that Spider-Man media can connect to and how this connection can lead to a greater understanding of cultural identity throughout media. This analysis considers four films of Spider-Man media including Spider-Man (2002), The Amazing Spider-Man (2012), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018). Looking at the Spider-Man films through Marxist theory will aim to analyze how Spider-Man is a representative of the working class struggling against an exploitative capitalist system. Another approach this paper will consider is cultural theory which will analyze how Miles Morales is a culturally significant Spider-Man figure due to his ability to prove that minorities can also hold the Spider-Man title without being bound to the original story but extending further on what the Spider-Man identity represents. When studied through the lens of feminist theory, Spider-Man media reveals the evolution of women in the universe of Spider-Man media, where women have grown from damsels in distress into characters with more agency and ambition. Through a queer theory analysis, it is revealed Spider-Man takes on a role as a symbol of queer community’s struggle to become accepted in a heteronormative society. Overall, Spider-Man has grown into a diverse character that can connect to many cultural identities in order to normalize diverse voices in the media. Through this analysis, a new perspective on Spider-Man is revealed as an adaptable symbol for various cultural identities to be represented and creates opportunities for more to come

    A One-In-A-Billion Chance : The Transformative Effect of Stan Lee and Spider-Man on American Popular Culture

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    The body of research from scholarly sources on the history of comic books contends that Stan Lee’s original run of The Amazing Spider-Man influenced American culture in a generic sense, but little has been written on the specific ways the comic influenced popular culture. This paper details four specific ways that Stan Lee’s Spider-Man influenced American popular culture during the tumultuous decade of the 1960’s. The comic redefined the modern American hero by making a flawed character, with a tenuous grasp on the moral high ground, the protagonist. It also affirmed the newly established teenage identity in American society by depicting a teenager as a full-fledged superhero, not a sidekick. Stan Lee’s Spider-Man also pioneered the use of the comic book medium as a platform to discuss contentious national issues during the 1960’s, including civil rights, drug abuse, and the Vietnam War. Finally, the title undermined censorship in the comic book industry by daring to defy the Comics Code Authority’s prohibition on depictions of drug use. Through these four groundbreaking efforts Stan Lee and Spider-Man earned their place in the pantheon of American popular culture icons and shaped the course of American culture for decades to come

    Hero in Adventure of Spider-Man Homecoming: 2017

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    ENGLISH This study takes the source from Spider-Man Homecoming movie as an object of research. There are two questions in this study, namely: 1) How is hero portrayed in Spider-Man Homecoming movie? and 2) What are the heroes ground aspects portrayed in Spider-Man Homecoming movie? The purpose of this study is to analyze the hero portrayed in Spider-Man movie and ground aspects of hero portrayed in Spider-Man movie. The theory used in this study is the theory of hero by John G. Cawelti (1976), which is applied to identify of hero portrayed in the movie. The method that researchers use in research is descriptive. Thus that research data are described and explained descriptively. Besides, researchers use a research approach in the form of the structuralism approach. In collecting research data researchers divide it into three steps, namely watching the entire contents of the story, coding, and displaying data that collected. Then, the researcher analyzes the data by re-watch the movie, classifying, analyzing the data as well as interpreting the data, and drawing conclusions. In this study, researchers found five types of hero portrayed and four ground aspects of hero portrayed according to John G. Cawelti theory in the Spider-Man movie. The five feature portrayed a hero in Spider- Man movie include; as an ordinary person, overcoming obstacles and dangers, individu or group, strenght and the feature of courage. Meanwhile, aspects of ground portrayed in the story consist of four aspects, include : setting, character, plot, and theme. INDONESIA Penelitian ini mengambil sumber dari film Spider-Man Homecoming karya Jon Watts sebagai objek dalam penelitian. Terdapat dua pertanyaan pada penelitian ini yaitu: 1) Bagaimana gambaran hero dalam film Spider-Man Homecoming? Dan 2) Bagaimana aspek yang melatar belakangi dari penggambaran hero dalamfilm Spider-Man Homecoming? Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis gambaran hero dalam film dan aspek ground yang menggambarkan hero dalam film Spider-Man. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori Hero oleh John G. Cawelti (1976) yang diterapkan untuk mengidentifikasi gambaran Hero dalam film tersebut. Metode yang peneliti gunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode deskriptif, agar data-data penelitian digambarkan dan dijelaskan secara deskriftif. Selain itu, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan penelitian berupa pendekatan strukturalis. Dalam mengumpulkan data penelitian, peneliti membaginya menjadi tiga langkah yakni menonton secara keseluruhan isi cerita, memberi kode, dan menampilkan data yang telah dikumpulkan. Kemudian, peneliti menganalisis data dengan cara menonton ulang film, mengklasifikasi, menginterpretasikan, dan menarik simpulan data. Dalam studi ini, peneliti menemukan terdapat lima ciri dan empat aspek yang melatar belakangi gambaran hero menurut teori John G. Cawelti film Spider-Man. Kelima ciri yang menggambarkan herodalam film Spider-Man meliputi :orang biasa, melewati tantangan dan bahaya, individu atau kelompok, kuat dan ciri keberanian. Sementara itu, aspek yang melatar belakangi gambaran hero dalam film tersebut terdiri dari empat aspek, meliputi : latar, karakter, alur dan tema


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    There were two objectives in this study. First was to find out the types of social action performed by Peter Parker both as himself and his other identity as the hero, Spider-Man. In this objective, Weber’s types of social action was used to find out Peter Parker’s types of social action. Meanwhile, the second was to explore the way Peter Parker behaved in his front-stage as the Spider-Man and in his back-stage as his true self. Goffman’s dramaturgy theory was used to explore Peter Parker’s behaviours in his front and back stages. The form of this study was a qualitative research for this study used words as its data taken from Spider-Man 1 (2002) film script. The result of this study showed that there were four types of social action performed by Peter Parker and his behaviours during the two stages were based on his two different identites, as the real Peter Parker and as the Spider-Man. Peter Parker performed four types of Weber’s social action: (1) rational instrumental social action; (2) rational value social action; (3) affective social action; and (4) traditional social actions. Peter Parker’s behaviours were divided according to which stage he was playing at the moment. In his front-stage, Peter Parker behaved according to his role as the hero, Spider-Man. While, in his back-stage, Peter Parker behaved as his real and usual self, the photographer. Terdapat dua tujuan dalam penelitian ini. Pertama untuk mencari tahu mengenai tipe-tipe tindakan sosial yang dilakukan oleh Peter Parker baik sebagai dirinya sendiri maupun sebagai seorang pahlawan bernama Spider-Man. Dalam tujuan yang pertama, teori Weber mengenai tipe-tipe tindakan sosial digunakan untuk mencari tahu tipe-tipe tindakan sosial apa yang dilakukan oleh Peter Parker. Disisi lain, tujuan yang kedua yaitu untuk mengekplorasi bagaimana Peter Parker berperilaku dalam front-stage (panggung depan) sebagai Spider-Man dan back-stage (panggung belakang) sebagai dirinya sendiri. Teori dramaturgi milik Goffman digunakan untuk mengeksplorasi perilaku Peter Parker dalam dua panggung miliknya, panggung depan dan belakang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan kata-kata sebagai datanya yang diambil dari skrip film Spider-Man 1 (2002). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat empat tipe tindakan sosial yang dilakukan oleh Peter Parker dan bentuk perilakunya berdasarkan dua identitas berbeda yang dimiliki Peter Parker yaitu sebagai Peter Parker yang biasanya dan sebagai si pahlawan Spider-Man. Peter Parker melakukan empat tipe tindakan sosial seperti yang dijelaskan oleh Weber: (1) tindakan sosial instrumental rasional; (2) tindakan sosial nilai rasional; (3) tindakan sosial afektif; dan (4) tindakan sosial tradisional. Perilaku Peter Parker dibagi berdasarkan panggung mana yang akan ia mainkan perannya. Di panggung depannya, Peter Parker berperilaku sesuai dengan perannya sebagai si pahlawan Spider-Man. Sementara itu, di panggung belakangnya, Peter Parker berperilaku sebagai dirinya yang biasanya dam sebagai seorang fotografer

    Hero's archetype in Spider-Man/Deadpool Marvel graphic novel

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    Each culture has their own unique orientations of hero’s journey with each other’s different characters archetypal. This uniqueness can be found universally in myth, fairy tale, dream, or even our current contemporary media. Nowadays, there are so many heroic character emerges in the graphic novel as the medium. This is an interesting phenomenon to study when many superhero characters show up in popular cultures, but at the same time, they bring their own uniqueness. In order to understand the structural story and characters element, the application of the hero’s journey theory can considerably be used to have a better understanding. This theory can explain the pattern of hero stories and characters shaped in the past or even reach the distant future. The researcher has attempted to implement this theory with Spider-Man/Deadpool Marvel Graphic Novel as the medium. The purpose of this research is to present the depth understanding the uniqueness of superhero’s character and its journey. There are three problems that have been questioned by the researcher: 1) How are Spider-Man and Deadpool characterized in Spider-Man/Deadpool Marvel graphic novel? 2) How do Hero’s Journey form the heroic archetype of Spider-Man and Deadpool in Spider-Man/Deadpool Marvel graphic novel? 3) What kinds of hero’s archetype found in Spider-Man/Deadpool Marvel graphic novel? The result of this research shows that to determine the hero’s archetype of a character is to have a better understanding of its bases characterization. The traits of every character represent the main foundation to reforming the archetypes in the journey. Through this understanding, the dynamic character development can be seen distinctively throughout its skeletal framework of the story. Based on that analysis, the researcher discovers the different Hero’s Archetype of Spider-Man and Deadpool are Spider-Man as Unwilling Hero and Deadpool as Trickster Anti-hero. Because of understanding the hero’s archetype and its journey reflecting the struggle and strive on human life, it’s hoped this research will also help the other researchers pass through their struggle and strive on their research about the hero’s archetype and its journey more profound


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    An introduction to linear regression, prediction, and linear transformations featuring the Amazing Spider-Man!!! Students will collect data and create a linear model with the goal of predicting how much web Spider-Man will need to use in order to land safely on the ground. Attendees must bring a computer

    Violated Maxim in the Amazing Spider-man 2 Movie

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    This study is concerned with an analysis of Grice's Cooperative Principles whichare constituted in a conversation. This research was conducted by usingqualitative method. The analysis particularly discusses the violation of maxim inthe utterances, which are described in four types. They are the maxim of quantitymaxim of quality, maxim of relation and maxim of manner. The data of this studyare the utterances of the main character in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie. Theutterances which contain violated maxim are identified and analyzed. Thefindings show that there are 51 utterances violation of maxim in The AmazingSpider-Man 2 movie. Those are 20 utterances (39.2%) violation of maxim relationand it can be concluded as the dominat type violated, 16 (31.5%) for maxim ofquantity as the second largest number violated and 8 (15.6%) for the maxim ofquality. The last, those are 7 utterances (13.7%) violated maxim of manner. Itshows that the maxim of manner is the lowest number. Based on the analysis,there are the reasons as the main backgrounds which prompt the main characternamed Peter Parker to violate the maxims. The reason are to keep the secret andchange the topic

    I Believe a Man Can Fly: Three Essays on the Themes of Superheroes

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    An analysis of the three most well-known and popular superheroes, examining important themes that each revolves around. Superman: The Hero in All of Us examines heroism and how the Man of Steel defines and redefines what is a hero. Batman: The Redemption of Tragedy examines what makes the Dark Knight a compelling character and why he pursues his war on crime. Spider-Man: Power and Responsibility looks at how the titular themes define Spider-Man\u27s career and why they are important

    From Spider-Man to Hero - Archetypal Analysis in R

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    Archetypal analysis has the aim to represent observations in a multivariate data set as convex combinations of extremal points. This approach was introduced by Cutler and Breiman (1994); they defined the concrete problem, laid out the theoretical foundations and presented an algorithm written in Fortran. In this paper we present the R package archetypes which is available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network. The package provides an implementation of the archetypal analysis algorithm within R and different exploratory tools to analyze the algorithm during its execution and its final result. The application of the package is demonstrated on two examples.
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