6 research outputs found

    Speeding up Stochastic Dynamic Programming with Zero-Delay Convolution

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    We show how a technique from signal processing known as zero-delay convolution can be used to develop more efficient dynamic programming algorithms for a broad class of stochastic optimization problems. This class includes several variants of discrete stochastic shortest path, scheduling, and knapsack problems, all of which involve making a series of decisions over time that have stochastic consequences in terms of the temporal delay between successive decisions. We also correct a flaw in the original analysis of the zero-delay convolution algorithm

    Tractable Pathfinding for the Stochastic On-Time Arrival Problem

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    We present a new and more efficient technique for computing the route that maximizes the probability of on-time arrival in stochastic networks, also known as the path-based stochastic on-time arrival (SOTA) problem. Our primary contribution is a pathfinding algorithm that uses the solution to the policy-based SOTA problem---which is of pseudo-polynomial-time complexity in the time budget of the journey---as a search heuristic for the optimal path. In particular, we show that this heuristic can be exceptionally efficient in practice, effectively making it possible to solve the path-based SOTA problem as quickly as the policy-based SOTA problem. Our secondary contribution is the extension of policy-based preprocessing to path-based preprocessing for the SOTA problem. In the process, we also introduce Arc-Potentials, a more efficient generalization of Stochastic Arc-Flags that can be used for both policy- and path-based SOTA. After developing the pathfinding and preprocessing algorithms, we evaluate their performance on two different real-world networks. To the best of our knowledge, these techniques provide the most efficient computation strategy for the path-based SOTA problem for general probability distributions, both with and without preprocessing.Comment: Submission accepted by the International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms 2016 and published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series on June 1, 2016. Includes typographical corrections and modifications to pre-processing made after the initial submission to SODA'15 (July 7, 2014

    Speedup Techniques for the Stochastic on-time Arrival Problem

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    We consider the stochastic on-time arrival (SOTA) routing problem of finding a routing policy that maximizes the probability of reaching a given destination within a pre-specified time budget in a road network with probabilistic link travel-times. The goal of this work is to provide a theoretical understanding of the SOTA problem and present efficient computational techniques to enable the development of practical applications for stochastic routing. We present multiple speedup techniques that include a label-setting algorithm based on the existence of a minimal link travel-time on each road link, advanced convolution methods centered on the Fast Fourier Transform and the idea of zero-delay convolution, and localization techniques for determining an optimal order of policy computation. We describe the algorithms for each speedup technique and analyze their impact on computation time. We also analyze the behavior of the algorithms as a function of the network topology and present numerical results to demonstrate this. Finally, experimental results are provided for the San Francisco Bay Area arterial road network to show how the algorithms would work in an operational setting

    Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization via Poisson Approximation

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    We study several stochastic combinatorial problems, including the expected utility maximization problem, the stochastic knapsack problem and the stochastic bin packing problem. A common technical challenge in these problems is to optimize some function of the sum of a set of random variables. The difficulty is mainly due to the fact that the probability distribution of the sum is the convolution of a set of distributions, which is not an easy objective function to work with. To tackle this difficulty, we introduce the Poisson approximation technique. The technique is based on the Poisson approximation theorem discovered by Le Cam, which enables us to approximate the distribution of the sum of a set of random variables using a compound Poisson distribution. We first study the expected utility maximization problem introduced recently [Li and Despande, FOCS11]. For monotone and Lipschitz utility functions, we obtain an additive PTAS if there is a multidimensional PTAS for the multi-objective version of the problem, strictly generalizing the previous result. For the stochastic bin packing problem (introduced in [Kleinberg, Rabani and Tardos, STOC97]), we show there is a polynomial time algorithm which uses at most the optimal number of bins, if we relax the size of each bin and the overflow probability by eps. For stochastic knapsack, we show a 1+eps-approximation using eps extra capacity, even when the size and reward of each item may be correlated and cancelations of items are allowed. This generalizes the previous work [Balghat, Goel and Khanna, SODA11] for the case without correlation and cancelation. Our algorithm is also simpler. We also present a factor 2+eps approximation algorithm for stochastic knapsack with cancelations. the current known approximation factor of 8 [Gupta, Krishnaswamy, Molinaro and Ravi, FOCS11].Comment: 42 pages, 1 figure, Preliminary version appears in the Proceeding of the 45th ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC13

    Speeding up stochastic dynamic programming with zero-delay convolution

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    We show how a technique from signal processing known as zero-delay convolution can be used to develop more efficient dynamic programming algorithms for a broad class of stochastic optimization problems. This class includes several variants of discrete stochastic shortest path, scheduling, and knapsack problems, all of which involve making a series of decisions over time that have stochastic consequences. We also correct a flaw in the original analysis [8] of the zero-delay convolution algorithm.

    Alternative Route Techniques and their Applications to the Stochastics on-time Arrival Problem

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    This thesis takes a close look at a wide range of different techniques for the computation of alternative routes on the two most popular speed-up techniques currently in use. From the standpoint of an algorithm engineer, we explore how to exploit the different techniques for their full potential