5 research outputs found

    Analyse, modélisation, et détection automatique des disfluences dans le dialogue oral spontané contraint : le cas du Contrôle Aérien

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    The disfluencies are a frequently occurring phenomenon in any spontaneous speech production; it consists of the interruption of the normal flow of speech. They have given rise to numerous studies in Natural Language Processing. Indeed, their study and precise identification are essential, both from a theoretical and applicative perspective.However, most of the researches about the subject relate to everyday uses of language: “small talk” dialogs, requests for schedule, speeches, etc. But what about spontaneous speech production made in a restrained framework? To our knowledge, no study has ever been carried out in this context. However, we know that using a “language specialty” in the framework of a given task leads to specific behaviours.Our thesis work is devoted to the linguistic and computational study of disfluencies within such a framework. These dialogs concern air traffic control, which entails both pragmatic and linguistic constraints. We carry out an exhaustive study of disfluencies phenomena in this context. At first we conduct a subtle analysis of these phenomena. Then we model them to a level of abstraction, which allows us to obtain the patterns corresponding to the different configurations observed. Finally we propose a methodology for automatic processing. It consists of several algorithms to identify the different phenomena, even in the absence of explicit markers. It is integrated into a system of automatic processing of speech. Eventually, the methodology is validated on a corpus of 400 sentences.Les disfluences sont un phénomène apparaissant fréquemment dans toute production orale spontanée ; elles consistent en l'interruption du cours normal du discours. Elles ont donné lieu à de nombreuses études en Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel. En effet, leur étude et leur identification précise sont primordiales, sur les plans théorique et applicatif.Cependant, la majorité des travaux de recherche sur le sujet portent sur des usages de langage quotidien : dialogues « à bâtons rompus », demandes d'horaire, discours, etc. Mais qu'en est-il des productions orales spontanées produites dans un cadre contraint ? Aucune étude n'a à notre connaissance été menée dans ce contexte. Or, on sait que l'utilisation d'une « langue de spécialité » dans le cadre d'une tâche donnée entraîne des comportements spécifiques.Notre travail de thèse est consacré à l'étude linguistique et informatique des disfluences dans un tel cadre. Il s'agit de dialogues de contrôle de trafic aérien, aux contraintes pragmatiques et linguistiques. Nous effectuons une étude exhaustive des phénomènes de disfluences dans ce contexte. Dans un premier temps nous procédons à l'analyse fine de ces phénomènes. Ensuite, nous les modélisons à un niveau de représentation abstrait, ce qui nous permet d'obtenir les patrons correspondant aux différentes configurations observées. Enfin nous proposons une méthodologie de traitement automatique. Celle-ci consiste en plusieurs algorithmes pour identifier les différents phénomènes, même en l'absence de marqueurs explicites. Elle est intégrée dans un système de traitement automatique de la parole. Enfin, la méthodologie est validée sur un corpus de 400 énoncés

    Speech Technology for Universal Access in Interactive Systems?

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    International audienceThe problem discussed in this paper concern how investigate research on spoken interaction can give a solution for the universal access for all. This paper will firstly report on the state of art of speech technology for older people. Secondly, it will describe the case study of the selection of a French dictation system for a fundamental evaluation by elderly people. This session must be considered as a case study. We will place our approach facing to NIST (http://www.nist.gov/speech/) and EAGLES [Gibbon 1997] evaluation contexts. Finally, we will give preliminary results mainly on the effect of the people age

    Speech Technology for Universal Access in Interactive Systems?

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    The problem discussed in this paper concerns how spoken interaction research can give a solution for the universal access for all. This paper will firstly report on the state of the art of speech technology for older people. Secondly, it will describe the case study of the selection of a French dictation system for a fundamental evaluation by elderly people. This session must be considered as a case study. We will place our approach with respect to NIS

    Speech Technology for Universal Access in Interactive Systems?

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    International audienceThe problem discussed in this paper concern how investigate research on spoken interaction can give a solution for the universal access for all. This paper will firstly report on the state of art of speech technology for older people. Secondly, it will describe the case study of the selection of a French dictation system for a fundamental evaluation by elderly people. This session must be considered as a case study. We will place our approach facing to NIST (http://www.nist.gov/speech/) and EAGLES [Gibbon 1997] evaluation contexts. Finally, we will give preliminary results mainly on the effect of the people age