10 research outputs found

    Visualization For Troubleshooting CSV Files

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    KOIOS: Top-k Semantic Overlap Set Search

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    We study the top-k set similarity search problem using semantic overlap. While vanilla overlap requires exact matches between set elements, semantic overlap allows elements that are syntactically different but semantically related to increase the overlap. The semantic overlap is the maximum matching score of a bipartite graph, where an edge weight between two set elements is defined by a user-defined similarity function, e.g., cosine similarity between embeddings. Common techniques like token indexes fail for semantic search since similar elements may be unrelated at the character level. Further, verifying candidates is expensive (cubic versus linear for syntactic overlap), calling for highly selective filters. We propose KOIOS, the first exact and efficient algorithm for semantic overlap search. KOIOS leverages sophisticated filters to minimize the number of required graph-matching calculations. Our experiments show that for medium to large sets less than 5% of the candidate sets need verification, and more than half of those sets are further pruned without requiring the expensive graph matching. We show the efficiency of our algorithm on four real datasets and demonstrate the improved result quality of semantic over vanilla set similarity search

    Scalable structural index construction for json analytics

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    JavaScript Object Notation ( JSON) and its variants have gained great popularity in recent years. Unfortunately, the performance of their analytics is often dragged down by the expensive JSON parsing. To address this, recent work has shown that building bitwise indices on JSON data, called structural indices, can greatly accelerate querying. Despite its promise, the existing structural index construction does not scale well as records become larger and more complex, due to its (inherently) sequential construction process and the involvement of costly memory copies that grow as the nesting level increases. To address the above issues, this work introduces Pison – a more memory-efficient structural index constructor with supports of intra-record parallelism. First, Pison features a redesign of the bottleneck step in the existing solution. The new design is not only simpler but more memory-efficient. More importantly, Pison is able to build structural indices for a single bulky record in parallel, enabled by a group of customized parallelization techniques. Finally, Pison is also optimized for better data locality, which is especially critical in the scenario of bulky record processing. Our evaluation using real-world JSON datasets shows that Pison achieves 9.8X speedup (on average) over the existing structural index construction solution for bulky records and 4.6X speedup (on average) of end-to-end performance (indexing plus querying) over a state-of-the-art SIMD-based JSON parser on a 16-core machine

    Massiv-Parallele Algorithmen zum Laden von Daten auf Moderner Hardware

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    While systems face an ever-growing amount of data that needs to be ingested, queried and analysed, processors are seeing only moderate improvements in sequential processing performance. This thesis addresses the fundamental shift towards increasingly parallel processors and contributes multiple massively parallel algorithms to accelerate different stages of the ingestion pipeline, such as data parsing and sorting.Systeme sehen sich mit einer stetig anwachsenden Menge an Daten konfrontiert, die geladen und analysiert, sowie Anfragen darauf bearbeitet werden müssen. Gleichzeitig nimmt die sequentielle Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit von Prozessoren nur noch moderat zu. Diese Arbeit adressiert den Wandel hin zu zunehmend parallelen Prozessoren und leistet mit mehreren massiv-parallelen Algorithmen einen Beitrag um unterschiedliche Phasen der Datenverarbeitung wie zum Beispiel Parsing und Sortierung zu beschleunigen

    Evaluation and performance of reading from big data formats

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    The emergence of new application profiles has caused a steep surge in the volume of data generated nowadays. Data heterogeneity is a modern trend, as unstructured types of data, such as videos and images, and semi-structured types, such as JSON and XML files, are becoming increasingly widespread. Consequently, new challenges related to analyzing and extracting important insights from huge bodies of information arise. The field of big data analytics has been developed to address these issues. Performance plays a key role in analytical scenarios, as it empowers applications to generate value in a more efficient and less time-consuming way. In this context, files are used to persist large quantities of information, which can be accessed later by analytic queries. Text files have the advantage of providing an easier interaction with the end user, whereas binary files propose structures that enhance data access. Among them, Apache ORC and Apache Parquet are formats that present characteristics such as column-oriented organization and data compression, which are used to achieve a better performance in queries. The objective of this project is to assess the usage of such files by SAP Vora, a distributed database management system, in order to draw out processing techniques used in big data analytics scenarios, and apply them to improve the performance of queries executed upon CSV files in Vora. Two techniques were employed to achieve such goal: file pruning, which allows Vora’s relational engine to ignore files possessing irrelevant information for the query, and block pruning, which disregards individual file blocks that do not possess data targeted by the query when processing files. Results demonstrate that these modifications enhance the efficiency of analytical workloads executed upon CSV files in Vora, thus narrowing the performance gap of queries executed upon this format and those targeting files tailored for big data scenarios, such as Apache Parquet and Apache ORC. The project was developed during an internship at SAP, in Walldorf, Germany.A emergência de novos perfis de aplicação ocasionou um aumento abrupto no volume de dados gerado na atualidade. A heterogeneidade de tipos de dados é uma nova tendência: encontram-se tipos não-estruturados, como vídeos e imagens, e semi-estruturados, tais quais arquivos JSON e XML. Consequentemente, novos desafios relacionados à extração de valores importantes de corpos de dados surgiram. Para este propósito, criou-se o ramo de big data analytics. Nele, a performance é um fator primordial pois garante análises rápidas e uma geração de valores eficiente. Neste contexto, arquivos são utilizados para persistir grandes quantidades de informações, que podem ser utilizadas posteriormente em consultas analíticas. Arquivos de texto têm a vantagem de proporcionar uma fácil interação com o usuário final, ao passo que arquivos binários propõem estruturas que melhoram o acesso aos dados. Dentre estes, o Apache ORC e o Apache Parquet são formatos que apresentam uma organização orientada a colunas e compressão de dados, o que permite aumentar o desempenho de acesso. O objetivo deste projeto é avaliar o uso desses arquivos na plataforma SAP Vora, um sistema de gestão de base de dados distribuído, com o intuito de otimizar a performance de consultas sobre arquivos CSV, de tipo texto, em cenários de big data analytics. Duas técnicas foram empregadas para este fim: file pruning, a qual permite que arquivos possuindo informações desnecessárias para consulta sejam ignorados, e block pruning, que permite eliminar blocos individuais do arquivo que não fornecerão dados relevantes para consultas. Os resultados indicam que essas modificações melhoram o desempenho de cargas de trabalho analíticas sobre o formato CSV na plataforma Vora, diminuindo a discrepância de performance entre consultas sobre esses arquivos e aquelas feitas sobre outros formatos especializados para cenários de big data, como o Apache Parquet e o Apache ORC. Este projeto foi desenvolvido durante um estágio realizado na SAP em Walldorf, na Alemanha

    Bridging Data Management and Machine Learning: Case Studies on Index, Query Optimization, and Data Acquisition

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    Data management tasks and techniques can be observed in a variety of real world scenarios, including web search, business analysis, traffic scheduling, and advertising, to name a few. While data management as a research area has been studied for decades, recent breakthroughs in Machine Learning (ML) provide new perspectives to define and tackle problems in the area, and at the same time, the wisdom integrated in data management techniques also greatly helps to accelerate the advancement of Machine Learning. In this work, we focus on the intersection area of data management and Machine Learning, and study several important, interesting, and challenging problems. More specifically, our work mainly concentrates on the following three topics: (1) leveraging the ability of ML models in capturing data distribution to design lightweight and data-adaptive indexes and search algorithms to accelerate similarity search over large-scale data; (2) designing robust and trustworthy approaches to improve the reliability of both conventional query optimizer and learned query optimizer, and boost the performance of DBMS; (3) developing data management techniques with statistical guarantees to acquire the most useful training data for ML models with a budget limitation, striving to maximize the accuracy of the model. We conduct detailed theoretical and empirical study for each topic, establishing these fundamental problems as well as developing efficient and effective approaches for the tasks

    Bridging Data Management and Machine Learning: Case Studies on Index, Query Optimization, and Data Acquisition

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    Data management tasks and techniques can be observed in a variety of real world scenarios, including web search, business analysis, traffic scheduling, and advertising, to name a few. While data management as a research area has been studied for decades, recent breakthroughs in Machine Learning (ML) provide new perspectives to define and tackle problems in the area, and at the same time, the wisdom integrated in data management techniques also greatly helps to accelerate the advancement of Machine Learning. In this work, we focus on the intersection area of data management and Machine Learning, and study several important, interesting, and challenging problems. More specifically, our work mainly concentrates on the following three topics: (1) leveraging the ability of ML models in capturing data distribution to design lightweight and data-adaptive indexes and search algorithms to accelerate similarity search over large-scale data; (2) designing robust and trustworthy approaches to improve the reliability of both conventional query optimizer and learned query optimizer, and boost the performance of DBMS; (3) developing data management techniques with statistical guarantees to acquire the most useful training data for ML models with a budget limitation, striving to maximize the accuracy of the model. We conduct detailed theoretical and empirical study for each topic, establishing these fundamental problems as well as developing efficient and effective approaches for the tasks