419 research outputs found

    Faster quantum mixing for slowly evolving sequences of Markov chains

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    Markov chain methods are remarkably successful in computational physics, machine learning, and combinatorial optimization. The cost of such methods often reduces to the mixing time, i.e., the time required to reach the steady state of the Markov chain, which scales as δ1\delta^{-1}, the inverse of the spectral gap. It has long been conjectured that quantum computers offer nearly generic quadratic improvements for mixing problems. However, except in special cases, quantum algorithms achieve a run-time of O(δ1N)\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{\delta^{-1}} \sqrt{N}), which introduces a costly dependence on the Markov chain size N,N, not present in the classical case. Here, we re-address the problem of mixing of Markov chains when these form a slowly evolving sequence. This setting is akin to the simulated annealing setting and is commonly encountered in physics, material sciences and machine learning. We provide a quantum memory-efficient algorithm with a run-time of O(δ1N4)\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{\delta^{-1}} \sqrt[4]{N}), neglecting logarithmic terms, which is an important improvement for large state spaces. Moreover, our algorithms output quantum encodings of distributions, which has advantages over classical outputs. Finally, we discuss the run-time bounds of mixing algorithms and show that, under certain assumptions, our algorithms are optimal.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    The Power Of Quantum Walk Insights, Implementation, And Applications

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    In this thesis, I investigate quantum walks in quantum computing from three aspects: the insights, the implementation, and the applications. Quantum walks are the quantum analogue of classical random walks. For the insights of quantum walks, I list and explain the required components for quantizing a classical random walk into a quantum walk. The components are, for instance, Markov chains, quantum phase estimation, and quantum spectrum theorem. I then demonstrate how the product of two reflections in the walk operator provides a quadratic speed-up, in comparison to the classical counterpart. For the implementation of quantum walks, I show the construction of an efficient circuit for realizing one single step of the quantum walk operator. Furthermore, I devise a more succinct circuit to approximately implement quantum phase estimation with constant precision controlled phase shift operators. From an implementation perspective, efficient circuits are always desirable because the realization of a phase shift operator with high precision would be a costly task and a critical obstacle. For the applications of quantum walks, I apply the quantum walk technique along with other fundamental quantum techniques, such as phase estimation, to solve the partition function problem. However, there might be some scenario in which the speed-up of spectral gap is insignificant. In a situation like that that, I provide an amplitude amplification-based iii approach to prepare the thermal Gibbs state. Such an approach is useful when the spectral gap is extremely small. Finally, I further investigate and explore the effect of noise (perturbation) on the performance of quantum walk

    Parametric Sensitivity Analysis for Biochemical Reaction Networks based on Pathwise Information Theory

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    Stochastic modeling and simulation provide powerful predictive methods for the intrinsic understanding of fundamental mechanisms in complex biochemical networks. Typically, such mathematical models involve networks of coupled jump stochastic processes with a large number of parameters that need to be suitably calibrated against experimental data. In this direction, the parameter sensitivity analysis of reaction networks is an essential mathematical and computational tool, yielding information regarding the robustness and the identifiability of model parameters. However, existing sensitivity analysis approaches such as variants of the finite difference method can have an overwhelming computational cost in models with a high-dimensional parameter space. We develop a sensitivity analysis methodology suitable for complex stochastic reaction networks with a large number of parameters. The proposed approach is based on Information Theory methods and relies on the quantification of information loss due to parameter perturbations between time-series distributions. For this reason, we need to work on path-space, i.e., the set consisting of all stochastic trajectories, hence the proposed approach is referred to as "pathwise". The pathwise sensitivity analysis method is realized by employing the rigorously-derived Relative Entropy Rate (RER), which is directly computable from the propensity functions. A key aspect of the method is that an associated pathwise Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) is defined, which in turn constitutes a gradient-free approach to quantifying parameter sensitivities. The structure of the FIM turns out to be block-diagonal, revealing hidden parameter dependencies and sensitivities in reaction networks

    On delay-sensitive communication over wireless systems

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    This dissertation addresses some of the most important issues in delay-sensitive communication over wireless systems and networks. Traditionally, the design of communication networks adopts a layered framework where each layer serves as a “black box” abstraction for higher layers. However, in the context of wireless networks with delay-sensitive applications such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), on-line gaming, and video conferencing, this layered architecture does not offer a complete picture. For example, an information theoretic perspective on the physical layer typically ignores the bursty nature of practical sources and often overlooks the role of delay in service quality. The purpose of this dissertation is to take on a cross-disciplinary approach to derive new fundamental limits on the performance, in terms of capacity and delay, of wireless systems and to apply these limits to the design of practical wireless systems that support delay-sensitive applications. To realize this goal, we consider a number of objectives. 1. Develop an integrated methodology for the analysis of wireless systems that support delay-sensitive applications based, in part, on large deviation theory. 2. Use this methodology to identify fundamental performance limits and to design systems which allocate resources efficiently under stringent service requirements. 3. Analyze the performance of wireless communication networks that takes advantage of novel paradigms such as user cooperation, and multi-antenna systems. Based on the proposed framework, we find that delay constraints significantly influence how system resources should be allocated. Channel correlation has a major impact on the performance of wireless communication systems. Sophisticated power control based on the joint space of channel and buffer states are essential for delaysensitive communications

    Noisy channels with synchronization errors : information rates and code design

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    Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Information Theoretic Methods in Science and Engineering

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    Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Information Theoretic Methods in Science and Engineering (WITMSE 2015) held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 24-26 June 2015; published in the series of the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki.Peer reviewe