13 research outputs found

    A Taxonomy of Dynamic Changes Affecting Confidentiality

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    Industry 4.0 facilitates dynamic production processes for highly tailored individual products that require intense cooperation between different organisations. The enabler of such cooperation are cyber-physical systems (CPSs). A set of policies also considering dynamic changes of a request context during runtime has to protect the confidentiality of involved systems. Analysing policy effectiveness already during design time can avoid costly confidentiality flaws. However, the changes that can be evaluated during design time are not clear. Therefore, we identified typical dynamic changes from use cases we gathered with two industrial partners and categorized them accordingly

    Verifying the Interplay of Authorization Policies and Workflow in Service-Oriented Architectures (Full version)

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    A widespread design approach in distributed applications based on the service-oriented paradigm, such as web-services, consists of clearly separating the enforcement of authorization policies and the workflow of the applications, so that the interplay between the policy level and the workflow level is abstracted away. While such an approach is attractive because it is quite simple and permits one to reason about crucial properties of the policies under consideration, it does not provide the right level of abstraction to specify and reason about the way the workflow may interfere with the policies, and vice versa. For example, the creation of a certificate as a side effect of a workflow operation may enable a policy rule to fire and grant access to a certain resource; without executing the operation, the policy rule should remain inactive. Similarly, policy queries may be used as guards for workflow transitions. In this paper, we present a two-level formal verification framework to overcome these problems and formally reason about the interplay of authorization policies and workflow in service-oriented architectures. This allows us to define and investigate some verification problems for SO applications and give sufficient conditions for their decidability.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, full version of paper at Symposium on Secure Computing (SecureCom09

    Model-based, event-driven programming paradigm for interactive web applications

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    Applications are increasingly distributed and event-driven. Advances in web frameworks have made it easier to program standalone servers and their clients, but these applications remain hard to write. A model-based programming paradigm is proposed that allows a programmer to represent a distributed application as if it were a simple sequential program, with atomic actions updating a single, shared global state. A runtime environment executes the program on a collection of clients and servers, automatically handling (and hiding from the programmer) complications such as network communication (including server push), serialization, concurrency and races, persistent storage of data, and queuing and coordination of events.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1138967)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1012759)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-0746856

    Formal Specification and Validation of Security Policies

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    International audienceWe propose a formal framework for the specification and validation of security policies. To model a secured system, the evolution of security information in the system is described by transitions triggered by authorization requests and the policy is given by a set of rules describing the way the corresponding decisions are taken. Policy rules are constrained rewrite rules whose constraints are first-order formulas on finite domains, which provides enhanced expressive power compared to classical security policy specification approaches like the ones using Datalog, for example. Our specifications have an operational semantics based on transition and rewriting systems and are thus executable. This framework also provides a common formalism to define, compare and compose security systems and policies. We define transformations over secured systems in order to perform validation of classical security properties

    Termination of Priority Rewriting - Extended version

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    Introducing priorities in rewriting increases the expressive power of rules and helps to limit computations. Priority rewriting is used in rule-based programming as well as in functional programming. Termination of priority rewriting is then important to guarantee that programs give a result. We describe an inductive proof method for termination of priority rewriting, relying on an explicit induction on the termination property and working by generating proof trees, which model the rewriting relation by using abstraction and narrowing

    Model-Based Analysis of Role-Based Access Control

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    Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) has been extensively studied. Many directions have been explored, sometimes with the dream of providing a fully integrated approach for designers, developers and other stakeholders to create, reason about and modify models representing software systems. Most, but not all, of the research in MDE has focused on general-purpose languages and models, such as Java and UML. Domain-specific and cross-cutting concerns, such as security, are increasingly essential parts of a software system, but are only treated as second-class citizens in the most popular modelling languages. Efforts have been made to give security, and in particular access control, a more prominent place in MDE, but most of these approaches require advanced knowledge in security, programming (often declarative), or both, making them difficult to use by less technically trained stakeholders. In this thesis, we propose an approach to modelling, analysing and automatically fixing role-based access control (RBAC) that does not require users to write code or queries themselves. To this end, we use two UML profiles and associated OCL constraints that provide the modelling and analysis features. We propose a taxonomy of OCL constraints and use it to define a partial order between categories of constraints, that we use to propose strategies to speed up the models’ evaluation time. Finally, by representing OCL constraints as constraints on a graph, we propose an automated approach for generating lists of model changes that can be applied to an incorrect model in order to fix it. All these features have been fully integrated into a UML modelling IDE, IBM Rational Software Architect

    Generation of policy-rich websites from declarative models

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (p. 89-93).Protecting sensitive data stored behind online websites is a major challenge, but existing techniques are inadequate. Automated website builders typically offer very limited options for specifying custom access policies. Manually adding access policy checks to website code is tedious and error-prone, and it is currently not. feasible to automatically verify that a website conforms to its required access policy. Furthermore, policies change over time, and it can be costly to modify an existing website to reflect the changes or to certify that the modified website still complies with the desired policy. This research presents a declarative modeling approach designed to address these issues, where the data model and the access policy are specified using Alloy, and tile Weballoy tool automatically generates a dynamic website that guarantees the access policy by construction.by Felix Sheng-Ho Chang.Ph.D