912 research outputs found

    Deep Learning for Audio Signal Processing

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    Given the recent surge in developments of deep learning, this article provides a review of the state-of-the-art deep learning techniques for audio signal processing. Speech, music, and environmental sound processing are considered side-by-side, in order to point out similarities and differences between the domains, highlighting general methods, problems, key references, and potential for cross-fertilization between areas. The dominant feature representations (in particular, log-mel spectra and raw waveform) and deep learning models are reviewed, including convolutional neural networks, variants of the long short-term memory architecture, as well as more audio-specific neural network models. Subsequently, prominent deep learning application areas are covered, i.e. audio recognition (automatic speech recognition, music information retrieval, environmental sound detection, localization and tracking) and synthesis and transformation (source separation, audio enhancement, generative models for speech, sound, and music synthesis). Finally, key issues and future questions regarding deep learning applied to audio signal processing are identified.Comment: 15 pages, 2 pdf figure

    Design, implementation and evaluation of automated surveillance systems

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    El reconocimiento de patrones ha conseguido un nivel de complejidad que nos permite reconocer diferente tipo de eventos, incluso peligros, y actuar en concordancia para minimizar el impacto de una situación complicada y abordarla de la mejor manera posible. Sin embargo, creemos que todavía se puede llegar a alcanzar aplicaciones más eficientes con algoritmos más precisos. Nuestra aplicación quiere probar a incluir el nuevo paradigma de la programación, las redes neuronales. Nuestra idea en principio fue explorar la alternativa que las nuevas redes neuronales convolucionales aportaban, en donde se podía ver en vídeos de ejemplos la alta tasa de detección e identificación que, por ejemplo, YOLOv2 podría mostrar. Después de comparar las características, vimos que YOLOv3 ofrecía un buen balance entre precisión y rapidez como comentaremos más adelante. Debido a la tasa de baja detecciones, haremos uso de los filtros de Kalman para ayudarnos a la hora de hacer reidentificación de personas y objetos. En este proyecto, haremos un estudio además de las alternativas de videovigilancia con las que cuentan empresas del sector y veremos que clase de productos ofrecen y, por otro lado, observaremos cuales son los trabajos de los grupos de investigadores de otras universidades que más similitudes tienen con nuestro objetivo. Dedicaremos, por lo tanto, el uso de esta red neuronal para detectar eventos como el abandono de mochilas y para mostrar la densidad de tránsito en localizaciones concretas, así como utilizaremos una metodología más tradicional, el flujo óptico, para detectar actuaciones anormales en una multitud.Automatic surveillance system is getting more and more sophisticated with the increasing calculation power that computers are reaching. The aim of this project is to take advantage of these tools and with the new classification and detection technology brought by neural networks, develop a surveillance application that can recognize certain behaviours (which are the detection of lost backpacks and suitcases, detection of abnormal crowd activity and heatmap of density occupation). To develop this program, python has been the selected programming language used, where YOLO and OpenCV form the spine of this project. After testing the code, it has been proved that due to the constrains of the detection for small objects, the project does not perform as it should for real development, but still it shows potential for the detection of lost backpacks in certain videos from the GBA dataset [1] and PETS2006 dataset [2]. The abnormal activity detection for crowds is made with a simple algorithm that seems to perform well, detecting the anomalies in all the testing dataset used, generated by the University of Minnesota [3]. Finally, the heatmap can display correctly the projection of people on the ground for five second, just as intended. The objective of this software is to be part of the core of what could be a future application with more modules that will be able to perform full automated surveillance tasks and gather useful information data, and these advances and future proposal will be explained in this memory.Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Industrial (M141

    A follow-me algorithm for AR.Drone using MobileNet-SSD and PID control

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2018, Director: Lluís Garrido Ostermann[en] In recent years the industry of quadcopters has experimented a boost. The appearance of inexpensive drones has led to the growth of the recreational use of this vehicles, which opens the door to the creation of new applications and technologies. This thesis presents a vision-based autonomous control system for an AR.Drone 2.0. A tracking algorithm is developed using onboard vision systems without relying on additional external inputs. In particular, the tracking algorithm is the combination of a trained MobileNet-SSD object detector and a KCF tracker. The noise induced by the tracker is decreased with a Kalman filter. Furthermore, PID controllers are implemented for the motion control of the quadcopter, which process the output of the tracking algorithm to move the drone to the desired position. The final implementation was tested indoors and the system yields acceptable results

    Neuromorphic audio processing through real-time embedded spiking neural networks.

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    In this work novel speech recognition and audio processing systems based on a spiking artificial cochlea and neural networks are proposed and implemented. First, the biological behavior of the animal’s auditory system is analyzed and studied, along with the classical mechanisms of audio signal processing for sound classification, including Deep Learning techniques. Based on these studies, novel audio processing and automatic audio signal recognition systems are proposed, using a bio-inspired auditory sensor as input. A desktop software tool called NAVIS (Neuromorphic Auditory VIsualizer) for post-processing the information obtained from spiking cochleae was implemented, allowing to analyze these data for further research. Next, using a 4-chip SpiNNaker hardware platform and Spiking Neural Networks, a system is proposed for classifying different time-independent audio signals, making use of a Neuromorphic Auditory Sensor and frequency studies obtained with NAVIS. To prove the robustness and analyze the limitations of the system, the input audios were disturbed, simulating extreme noisy environments. Deep Learning mechanisms, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks, are trained and used to differentiate between healthy persons and pathological patients by detecting murmurs from heart recordings after integrating the spike information from the signals using a neuromorphic auditory sensor. Finally, a similar approach is used to train Spiking Convolutional Neural Networks for speech recognition tasks. A novel SCNN architecture for timedependent signals classification is proposed, using a buffered layer that adapts the information from a real-time input domain to a static domain. The system was deployed on a 48-chip SpiNNaker platform. Finally, the performance and efficiency of these systems were evaluated, obtaining conclusions and proposing improvements for future works.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U

    Siamese Object Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: A Review and Comprehensive Analysis

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    Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based visual object tracking has enabled a wide range of applications and attracted increasing attention in the field of intelligent transportation systems because of its versatility and effectiveness. As an emerging force in the revolutionary trend of deep learning, Siamese networks shine in UAV-based object tracking with their promising balance of accuracy, robustness, and speed. Thanks to the development of embedded processors and the gradual optimization of deep neural networks, Siamese trackers receive extensive research and realize preliminary combinations with UAVs. However, due to the UAV's limited onboard computational resources and the complex real-world circumstances, aerial tracking with Siamese networks still faces severe obstacles in many aspects. To further explore the deployment of Siamese networks in UAV-based tracking, this work presents a comprehensive review of leading-edge Siamese trackers, along with an exhaustive UAV-specific analysis based on the evaluation using a typical UAV onboard processor. Then, the onboard tests are conducted to validate the feasibility and efficacy of representative Siamese trackers in real-world UAV deployment. Furthermore, to better promote the development of the tracking community, this work analyzes the limitations of existing Siamese trackers and conducts additional experiments represented by low-illumination evaluations. In the end, prospects for the development of Siamese tracking for UAV-based intelligent transportation systems are deeply discussed. The unified framework of leading-edge Siamese trackers, i.e., code library, and the results of their experimental evaluations are available at https://github.com/vision4robotics/SiameseTracking4UAV

    Video-Based Environment Perception for Automated Driving using Deep Neural Networks

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    Automatisierte Fahrzeuge benötigen eine hochgenaue Umfeldwahrnehmung, um sicher und komfortabel zu fahren. Gleichzeitig müssen die Perzeptionsalgorithmen mit der verfügbaren Rechenleistung die Echtzeitanforderungen der Anwendung erfüllen. Kamerabilder stellen eine sehr wichtige Informationsquelle für automatisierte Fahrzeuge dar. Sie beinhalten mehr Details als Daten von anderen Sensoren wie Lidar oder Radar und sind oft vergleichsweise günstig. Damit ist es möglich, ein automatisiertes Fahrzeug mit einem Surround-View Sensor-Setup auszustatten, ohne die Gesamtkosten zu stark zu erhöhen. In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir einen effizienten und genauen Ansatz zur videobasierten Umfeldwahrnehmung für automatisierte Fahrzeuge. Er basiert auf Deep Learning und löst die Probleme der Objekterkennung, Objektverfolgung und der semantischen Segmentierung von Kamerabildern. Wir schlagen zunächst eine schnelle CNN-Architektur zur gleichzeitigen Objekterkennung und semantischen Segmentierung vor. Diese Architektur ist skalierbar, so dass Genauigkeit leicht gegen Rechenzeit eingetauscht werden kann, indem ein einziger Skalierungsfaktor geändert wird. Wir modifizieren diese Architektur daraufhin, um Embedding-Vektoren für jedes erkannte Objekt vorherzusagen. Diese Embedding-Vektoren werden als Assoziationsmetrik bei der Objektverfolgung eingesetzt. Sie werden auch für einen neuartigen Algorithmus zur Non-Maximum Suppression eingesetzt, den wir FeatureNMS nennen. FeatureNMS kann in belebten Szenen, in denen die Annahmen des klassischen NMS-Algorithmus nicht zutreffen, einen höheren Recall erzielen. Wir erweitern anschlie{\ss}end unsere CNN-Architektur für Einzelbilder zu einer Mehrbild-Architektur, welche zwei aufeinanderfolgende Videobilder als Eingabe entgegen nimmt. Die Mehrbild-Architektur schätzt den optischen Fluss zwischen beiden Videobildern innerhalb des künstlichen neuronalen Netzwerks. Dies ermöglicht es, einen Verschiebungsvektor zwischen den Videobildern für jedes detektierte Objekt zu schätzen. Diese Verschiebungsvektoren werden ebenfalls als Assoziationsmetrik bei der Objektverfolgung eingesetzt. Zuletzt präsentieren wir einen einfachen Tracking-by-Detection-Ansatz, der wenig Rechenleistung erfordert. Er benötigt einen starken Objektdetektor und stützt sich auf die Embedding- und Verschiebungsvektoren, die von unserer CNN-Architektur geschätzt werden. Der hohe Recall des Objektdetektors führt zu einer häufigen Detektion der verfolgten Objekte. Unsere diskriminativen Assoziationsmetriken, die auf den Embedding- und Verschiebungsvektoren basieren, ermöglichen eine zuverlässige Zuordnung von neuen Detektionen zu bestehenden Tracks. Diese beiden Bestandteile erlauben es, ein einfaches Bewegungsmodell mit Annahme einer konstanten Geschwindigkeit und einem Kalman-Filter zu verwenden. Die von uns vorgestellten Methoden zur videobasierten Umfeldwahrnehmung erreichen gute Resultate auf den herausfordernden Cityscapes- und BDD100K-Datensätzen. Gleichzeitig sind sie recheneffizient und können die Echtzeitanforderungen der Anwendung erfüllen. Wir verwenden die vorgeschlagene Architektur erfolgreich innerhalb des Wahrnehmungs-Moduls eines automatisierten Versuchsfahrzeugs. Hier hat sie sich in der Praxis bewähren können