734 research outputs found

    Wavenet based low rate speech coding

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    Traditional parametric coding of speech facilitates low rate but provides poor reconstruction quality because of the inadequacy of the model used. We describe how a WaveNet generative speech model can be used to generate high quality speech from the bit stream of a standard parametric coder operating at 2.4 kb/s. We compare this parametric coder with a waveform coder based on the same generative model and show that approximating the signal waveform incurs a large rate penalty. Our experiments confirm the high performance of the WaveNet based coder and show that the speech produced by the system is able to additionally perform implicit bandwidth extension and does not significantly impair recognition of the original speaker for the human listener, even when that speaker has not been used during the training of the generative model.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Speaker Identification Based On Discriminative Vector Quantization And Data Fusion

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    Speaker Identification (SI) approaches based on discriminative Vector Quantization (VQ) and data fusion techniques are presented in this dissertation. The SI approaches based on Discriminative VQ (DVQ) proposed in this dissertation are the DVQ for SI (DVQSI), the DVQSI with Unique speech feature vector space segmentation for each speaker pair (DVQSI-U), and the Adaptive DVQSI (ADVQSI) methods. The difference of the probability distributions of the speech feature vector sets from various speakers (or speaker groups) is called the interspeaker variation between speakers (or speaker groups). The interspeaker variation is the measure of template differences between speakers (or speaker groups). All DVQ based techniques presented in this contribution take advantage of the interspeaker variation, which are not exploited in the previous proposed techniques by others that employ traditional VQ for SI (VQSI). All DVQ based techniques have two modes, the training mode and the testing mode. In the training mode, the speech feature vector space is first divided into a number of subspaces based on the interspeaker variations. Then, a discriminative weight is calculated for each subspace of each speaker or speaker pair in the SI group based on the interspeaker variation. The subspaces with higher interspeaker variations play more important roles in SI than the ones with lower interspeaker variations by assigning larger discriminative weights. In the testing mode, discriminative weighted average VQ distortions instead of equally weighted average VQ distortions are used to make the SI decision. The DVQ based techniques lead to higher SI accuracies than VQSI. DVQSI and DVQSI-U techniques consider the interspeaker variation for each speaker pair in the SI group. In DVQSI, speech feature vector space segmentations for all the speaker pairs are exactly the same. However, each speaker pair of DVQSI-U is treated individually in the speech feature vector space segmentation. In both DVQSI and DVQSI-U, the discriminative weights for each speaker pair are calculated by trial and error. The SI accuracies of DVQSI-U are higher than those of DVQSI at the price of much higher computational burden. ADVQSI explores the interspeaker variation between each speaker and all speakers in the SI group. In contrast with DVQSI and DVQSI-U, in ADVQSI, the feature vector space segmentation is for each speaker instead of each speaker pair based on the interspeaker variation between each speaker and all the speakers in the SI group. Also, adaptive techniques are used in the discriminative weights computation for each speaker in ADVQSI. The SI accuracies employing ADVQSI and DVQSI-U are comparable. However, the computational complexity of ADVQSI is much less than that of DVQSI-U. Also, a novel algorithm to convert the raw distortion outputs of template-based SI classifiers into compatible probability measures is proposed in this dissertation. After this conversion, data fusion techniques at the measurement level can be applied to SI. In the proposed technique, stochastic models of the distortion outputs are estimated. Then, the posteriori probabilities of the unknown utterance belonging to each speaker are calculated. Compatible probability measures are assigned based on the posteriori probabilities. The proposed technique leads to better SI performance at the measurement level than existing approaches

    Non-intrusive identification of speech codecs in digital audio signals

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    Speech compression has become an integral component in all modern telecommunications networks. Numerous codecs have been developed and deployed for efficiently transmitting voice signals while maintaining high perceptual quality. Because of the diversity of speech codecs used by different carriers and networks, the ability to distinguish between different codecs lends itself to a wide variety of practical applications, including determining call provenance, enhancing network diagnostic metrics, and improving automated speaker recognition. However, few research efforts have attempted to provide a methodology for identifying amongst speech codecs in an audio signal. In this research, we demonstrate a novel approach for accurately determining the presence of several contemporary speech codecs in a non-intrusive manner. The methodology developed in this research demonstrates techniques for analyzing an audio signal such that the subtle noise components introduced by the codec processing are accentuated while most of the original speech content is eliminated. Using these techniques, an audio signal may be profiled to gather a set of values that effectively characterize the codec present in the signal. This procedure is first applied to a large data set of audio signals from known codecs to develop a set of trained profiles. Thereafter, signals from unknown codecs may be similarly profiled, and the profiles compared to each of the known training profiles in order to decide which codec is the best match with the unknown signal. Overall, the proposed strategy generates extremely favorable results, with codecs being identified correctly in nearly 95% of all test signals. In addition, the profiling process is shown to require a very short analysis length of less than 4 seconds of audio to achieve these results. Both the identification rate and the small analysis window represent dramatic improvements over previous efforts in speech codec identification

    Identification of Transient Speech Using Wavelet Transforms

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    It is generally believed that abrupt stimulus changes, which in speech may be time-varying frequency edges associated with consonants, transitions between consonants and vowels and transitions within vowels are critical to the perception of speech by humans and for speech recognition by machines. Noise affects speech transitions more than it affects quasi-steady-state speech. I believe that identifying and selectively amplifying speech transitions may enhance the intelligibility of speech in noisy conditions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of wavelet transforms to identify speech transitions. Using wavelet transforms may be computationally efficient and allow for real-time applications. The discrete wavelet transform (DWT), stationary wavelet transform (SWT) and wavelet packets (WP) are evaluated. Wavelet analysis is combined with variable frame rate processing to improve the identification process. Variable frame rate can identify time segments when speech feature vectors are changing rapidly and when they are relatively stationary. Energy profiles for words, which show the energy in each node of a speech signal decomposed using wavelets, are used to identify nodes that include predominately transient information and nodes that include predominately quasi-steady-state information, and these are used to synthesize transient and quasi-steady-state speech components. These speech components are estimates of the tonal and nontonal speech components, which Yoo et al identified using time-varying band-pass filters. Comparison of spectra, a listening test and mean-squared-errors between the transient components synthesized using wavelets and Yoo's nontonal components indicated that wavelet packets identified the best estimates of Yoo's components. An algorithm that incorporates variable frame rate analysis into wavelet packet analysis is proposed. The development of this algorithm involves the processes of choosing a wavelet function and a decomposition level to be used. The algorithm itself has 4 steps: wavelet packet decomposition; classification of terminal nodes; incorporation of variable frame rate processing; synthesis of speech components. Combining wavelet analysis with variable frame rate analysis provides the best estimates of Yoo's speech components

    Spectral Restoration Based Speech Enhancement for Robust Speaker Identification

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    Spectral restoration based speech enhancement algorithms are used to enhance quality of noise masked speech for robust speaker identification. In presence of background noise, the performance of speaker identification systems can be severely deteriorated. The present study employed and evaluated the Minimum Mean-Square-Error Short-Time Spectral Amplitude Estimators with modified a priori SNR estimate prior to speaker identification to improve performance of the speaker identification systems in presence of background noise. For speaker identification, Mel Frequency Cepstral coefficient and Vector Quantization is used to extract the speech features and to model the extracted features respectively. The experimental results showed significant improvement in speaker identification rates when spectral restoration based speech enhancement algorithms are used as a pre-processing step. The identification rates are found to be higher after employing the speech enhancement algorithms

    New Stategies for Single-channel Speech Separation

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    Evaluation of glottal characteristics for speaker identification.

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    Based on the assumption that the physical characteristics of people's vocal apparatus cause their voices to have distinctive characteristics, this thesis reports on investigations into the use of the long-term average glottal response for speaker identification. The long-term average glottal response is a new feature that is obtained by overlaying successive vocal tract responses within an utterance. The way in which the long-term average glottal response varies with accent and gender is examined using a population of 352 American English speakers from eight different accent regions. Descriptors are defined that characterize the shape of the long-term average glottal response. Factor analysis of the descriptors of the long-term average glottal responses shows that the most important factor contains significant contributions from descriptors comprised of the coefficients of cubics fitted to the long-term average glottal response. Discriminant analysis demonstrates that the long-term average glottal response is potentially useful for classifying speakers according to their gender, but is not useful for distinguishing American accents. The identification accuracy of the long-term average glottal response is compared with that obtained from vocal tract features. Identification experiments are performed using a speaker database containing utterances from twenty speakers of the digits zero to nine. Vocal tract features, which consist of cepstral coefficients, partial correlation coefficients and linear prediction coefficients, are shown to be more accurate than the long-term average glottal response. Despite analysis of the training data indicating that the long-term average glottal response was uncorrelated with the vocal tract features, various feature combinations gave insignificant improvements in identification accuracy. The effect of noise and distortion on speaker identification is examined for each of the features. It is found that the identification performance of the long-term average glottal response is insensitive to noise compared with cepstral coefficients, partial correlation coefficients and the long-term average spectrum, but that it is highly sensitive to variations in the phase response of the speech transmission channel. Before reporting on the identification experiments, the thesis introduces speech production, speech models and background to the various features used in the experiments. Investigations into the long-term average glottal response demonstrate that it approximates the glottal pulse convolved with the long-term average impulse response, and this relationship is verified using synthetic speech. Furthermore, the spectrum of the long-term average glottal response extracted from pre-emphasized speech is shown to be similar to the long-term average spectrum of pre-emphasized speech, but computationally much simpler

    Unattended acoustic sensor systems for noise monitoring in national parks

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    2017 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Detection and classification of transient acoustic signals is a difficult problem. The problem is often complicated by factors such as the variety of sources that may be encountered, the presence of strong interference and substantial variations in the acoustic environment. Furthermore, for most applications of transient detection and classification, such as speech recognition and environmental monitoring, online detection and classification of these transient events is required. This is even more crucial for applications such as environmental monitoring as it is often done at remote locations where it is unfeasible to set up a large, general-purpose processing system. Instead, some type of custom-designed system is needed which is power efficient yet able to run the necessary signal processing algorithms in near real-time. In this thesis, we describe a custom-designed environmental monitoring system (EMS) which was specifically designed for monitoring air traffic and other sources of interest in national parks. More specifically, this thesis focuses on the capabilities of the EMS and how transient detection, classification and tracking are implemented on it. The Sparse Coefficient State Tracking (SCST) transient detection and classification algorithm was implemented on the EMS board in order to detect and classify transient events. This algorithm was chosen because it was designed for this particular application and was shown to have superior performance compared to other algorithms commonly used for transient detection and classification. The SCST algorithm was implemented on an Artix 7 FPGA with parts of the algorithm running as dedicated custom logic and other parts running sequentially on a soft-core processor. In this thesis, the partitioning and pipelining of this algorithm is explained. Each of the partitions was tested independently to very their functionality with respect to the overall system. Furthermore, the entire SCST algorithm was tested in the field on actual acoustic data and the performance of this implementation was evaluated using receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves and confusion matrices. In this test the FPGA implementation of SCST was able to achieve acceptable source detection and classification results despite a difficult data set and limited training data. The tracking of acoustic sources is done through successive direction of arrival (DOA) angle estimation using a wideband extension of the Capon beamforming algorithm. This algorithm was also implemented on the EMS in order to provide real-time DOA estimates for the detected sources. This algorithm was partitioned into several stages with some stages implemented in custom logic while others were implemented as software running on the soft-core processor. Just as with SCST, each partition of this beamforming algorithm was verified independently and then a full system test was conducted to evaluate whether it would be able to track an airborne source. For the full system test, a model airplane was flown at various trajectories relative to the EMS and the trajectories estimated by the system were compared to the ground truth. Although in this test the accuracy of the DOA estimates could not be evaluated, it was show that the algorithm was able to approximately form the general trajectory of a moving source which is sufficient for our application as only a general heading of the acoustic sources is desired