3,629 research outputs found

    Timing Variables in Reading and Language: The Relation of Naming Speed and Motor Speed to Auditory Temporal Processing

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    Naming speed, motor skill, and auditory temporal processing (ATP) are constructs that are important to reading and language. These variables require processing timing information inherent in the stimulus or processing stimuli rapidly. ATP deficits are found in individuals with reading impairments, but studies are conflicting regarding the relationship between reading and ATP. This study examined relationships between naming speed, motor speed, and ATP, and centered on possible factors why inconsistencies have occurred across studies examining the association between reading and ATP. If the timing element of naming speed (rapid automatized naming-RAN) and of motor speed is common to ATP, then RAN and motor speed should predict thresholds for three auditory tasks (CMR, backward masking, and the precedence effect with TOJ) known to require temporal processing. Tasks were administered to adult participants in order to examine the effects with skilled readers. Many of the variables were skewed and there were multiple outliers that altered the analyses. Ultimately, 75 participants were included in the final data set. Results indicated that RAN did not predict thresholds for any of the masking tasks given. However, motor speed predicted thresholds for one CMR and two backward masking tasks, suggesting that motor speed should be controlled for in research assessing the contribution of ATP to reading or language. Neither naming speed nor motor speed predicted localization performance. Non-verbal intelligence predicted performance on several of the masking tasks, consistent with previous research. Performance on all three auditory tasks was similar to that reported in the literature assessing smaller samples of participants. Although the suggestion of a general timing component is not supported, the relationships found between motor speed and several auditory temporal measures indicate that the underlying timing elements are not independent

    Towards An Intelligent Fuzzy Based Multimodal Two Stage Speech Enhancement System

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    This thesis presents a novel two stage multimodal speech enhancement system, making use of both visual and audio information to filter speech, and explores the extension of this system with the use of fuzzy logic to demonstrate proof of concept for an envisaged autonomous, adaptive, and context aware multimodal system. The design of the proposed cognitively inspired framework is scalable, meaning that it is possible for the techniques used in individual parts of the system to be upgraded and there is scope for the initial framework presented here to be expanded. In the proposed system, the concept of single modality two stage filtering is extended to include the visual modality. Noisy speech information received by a microphone array is first pre-processed by visually derived Wiener filtering employing the novel use of the Gaussian Mixture Regression (GMR) technique, making use of associated visual speech information, extracted using a state of the art Semi Adaptive Appearance Models (SAAM) based lip tracking approach. This pre-processed speech is then enhanced further by audio only beamforming using a state of the art Transfer Function Generalised Sidelobe Canceller (TFGSC) approach. This results in a system which is designed to function in challenging noisy speech environments (using speech sentences with different speakers from the GRID corpus and a range of noise recordings), and both objective and subjective test results (employing the widely used Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) measure, a composite objective measure, and subjective listening tests), showing that this initial system is capable of delivering very encouraging results with regard to filtering speech mixtures in difficult reverberant speech environments. Some limitations of this initial framework are identified, and the extension of this multimodal system is explored, with the development of a fuzzy logic based framework and a proof of concept demonstration implemented. Results show that this proposed autonomous,adaptive, and context aware multimodal framework is capable of delivering very positive results in difficult noisy speech environments, with cognitively inspired use of audio and visual information, depending on environmental conditions. Finally some concluding remarks are made along with proposals for future work

    Confidence Measures for Automatic and Interactive Speech Recognition

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    [EN] This thesis work contributes to the field of the {Automatic Speech Recognition} (ASR). And particularly to the {Interactive Speech Transcription} and {Confidence Measures} (CM) for ASR. The main goals of this thesis work can be summarised as follows: 1. To design IST methods and tools to tackle the problem of improving automatically generated transcripts. 2. To assess the designed IST methods and tools on real-life tasks of transcription in large educational repositories of video lectures. 3. To improve the reliability of the IST by improving the underlying (CM). Abstracts: The {Automatic Speech Recognition} (ASR) is a crucial task in a broad range of important applications which could not accomplished by means of manual transcription. The ASR can provide cost-effective transcripts in scenarios of increasing social impact such as the {Massive Open Online Courses} (MOOC), for which the availability of accurate enough is crucial even if they are not flawless. The transcripts enable search-ability, summarisation, recommendation, translation; they make the contents accessible to non-native speakers and users with impairments, etc. The usefulness is such that students improve their academic performance when learning from subtitled video lectures even when transcript is not perfect. Unfortunately, the current ASR technology is still far from the necessary accuracy. The imperfect transcripts resulting from ASR can be manually supervised and corrected, but the effort can be even higher than manual transcription. For the purpose of alleviating this issue, a novel {Interactive Transcription of Speech} (IST) system is presented in this thesis. This IST succeeded in reducing the effort if a small quantity of errors can be allowed; and also in improving the underlying ASR models in a cost-effective way. In other to adequate the proposed framework into real-life MOOCs, another intelligent interaction methods involving limited user effort were investigated. And also, it was introduced a new method which benefit from the user interactions to improve automatically the unsupervised parts ({Constrained Search} for ASR). The conducted research was deployed into a web-based IST platform with which it was possible to produce a massive number of semi-supervised lectures from two different well-known repositories, videoLectures.net and poliMedia. Finally, the performance of the IST and ASR systems can be easily increased by improving the computation of the {Confidence Measure} (CM) of transcribed words. As so, two contributions were developed: a new particular {Logistic Regresion} (LR) model; and the speaker adaption of the CM for cases in which it is possible, such with MOOCs.[ES] Este trabajo contribuye en el campo del {reconocimiento automático del habla} (RAH). Y en especial, en el de la {transcripción interactiva del habla} (TIH) y el de las {medidas de confianza} (MC) para RAH. Los objetivos principales son los siguientes: 1. Diseño de métodos y herramientas TIH para mejorar las transcripciones automáticas. 2. Evaluar los métodos y herramientas TIH empleando tareas de transcripción realistas extraídas de grandes repositorios de vídeos educacionales. 3. Mejorar la fiabilidad del TIH mediante la mejora de las MC. Resumen: El {reconocimiento automático del habla} (RAH) es una tarea crucial en una amplia gama de aplicaciones importantes que no podrían realizarse mediante transcripción manual. El RAH puede proporcionar transcripciones rentables en escenarios de creciente impacto social como el de los {cursos abiertos en linea masivos} (MOOC), para el que la disponibilidad de transcripciones es crucial, incluso cuando no son completamente perfectas. Las transcripciones permiten la automatización de procesos como buscar, resumir, recomendar, traducir; hacen que los contenidos sean más accesibles para hablantes no nativos y usuarios con discapacidades, etc. Incluso se ha comprobado que mejora el rendimiento de los estudiantes que aprenden de videos con subtítulos incluso cuando estos no son completamente perfectos. Desafortunadamente, la tecnología RAH actual aún está lejos de la precisión necesaria. Las transcripciones imperfectas resultantes del RAH pueden ser supervisadas y corregidas manualmente, pero el esfuerzo puede ser incluso superior al de la transcripción manual. Con el fin de aliviar este problema, esta tesis presenta un novedoso sistema de {transcripción interactiva del habla} (TIH). Este método TIH consigue reducir el esfuerzo de semi-supervisión siempre que sea aceptable una pequeña cantidad de errores; además mejora a la par los modelos RAH subyacentes. Con objeto de transportar el marco propuesto para MOOCs, también se investigaron otros métodos de interacción inteligentes que involucran esfuerzo limitado por parte del usuario. Además, se introdujo un nuevo método que aprovecha las interacciones para mejorar aún más las partes no supervisadas (ASR con {búsqueda restringida}). La investigación en TIH llevada a cabo se desplegó en una plataforma web con el que fue posible producir un número masivo de transcripciones de videos de dos conocidos repositorios, videoLectures.net y poliMedia. Por último, el rendimiento de la TIH y los sistemas de RAH se puede aumentar directamente mediante la mejora de la estimación de la {medida de confianza} (MC) de las palabras transcritas. Por este motivo se desarrollaron dos contribuciones: un nuevo modelo discriminativo {logístico} (LR); y la adaptación al locutor de la MC para los casos en que es posible, como por ejemplo en MOOCs.[CA] Aquest treball hi contribueix al camp del {reconeixment automàtic de la parla} (RAP). I en especial, al de la {transcripció interactiva de la parla} i el de {mesures de confiança} (MC) per a RAP. Els objectius principals són els següents: 1. Dissenyar mètodes i eines per a TIP per tal de millorar les transcripcions automàtiques. 2. Avaluar els mètodes i eines TIP per a tasques de transcripció realistes extretes de grans repositoris de vídeos educacionals. 3. Millorar la fiabilitat del TIP, mitjançant la millora de les MC. Resum: El {reconeixment automàtic de la parla} (RAP) és una tasca crucial per una àmplia gamma d'aplicacions importants que no es poden dur a terme per mitjà de la transcripció manual. El RAP pot proporcionar transcripcions en escenaris de creixent impacte social com els {cursos online oberts massius} (MOOC). Les transcripcions permeten automatitzar tasques com ara cercar, resumir, recomanar, traduir; a més a més, fa accessibles els continguts als parlants no nadius i els usuaris amb discapacitat, etc. Fins i tot, pot millorar el rendiment acadèmic de estudiants que aprenen de xerrades amb subtítols, encara que aquests subtítols no siguen perfectes. Malauradament, la tecnologia RAP actual encara està lluny de la precisió necessària. Les transcripcions imperfectes resultants de RAP poden ser supervisades i corregides manualment, però aquest l'esforç pot acabar sent superior a la transcripció manual. Per tal de resoldre aquest problema, en aquest treball es presenta un sistema nou per a {transcripció interactiva de la parla} (TIP). Aquest sistema TIP va ser reeixit en la reducció de l'esforç per quan es pot permetre una certa quantitat d'errors; així com també en en la millora dels models RAP subjacents. Per tal d'adequar el marc proposat per a MOOCs, també es van investigar altres mètodes d'interacció intel·ligents amb esforç d''usuari limitat. A més a més, es va introduir un nou mètode que aprofita les interaccions per tal de millorar encara més les parts no supervisades (RAP amb {cerca restringida}). La investigació en TIP duta a terme es va desplegar en una plataforma web amb la qual va ser possible produir un nombre massiu de transcripcions semi-supervisades de xerrades de repositoris ben coneguts, videoLectures.net i poliMedia. Finalment, el rendiment de la TIP i els sistemes de RAP es pot augmentar directament mitjançant la millora de l'estimació de la {Confiança Mesura} (MC) de les paraules transcrites. Per tant, es van desenvolupar dues contribucions: un nou model discriminatiu logístic (LR); i l'adaptació al locutor de la MC per casos en que és possible, per exemple amb MOOCs.Sánchez Cortina, I. (2016). Confidence Measures for Automatic and Interactive Speech Recognition [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61473TESI

    Practical Hidden Voice Attacks against Speech and Speaker Recognition Systems

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    Voice Processing Systems (VPSes), now widely deployed, have been made significantly more accurate through the application of recent advances in machine learning. However, adversarial machine learning has similarly advanced and has been used to demonstrate that VPSes are vulnerable to the injection of hidden commands - audio obscured by noise that is correctly recognized by a VPS but not by human beings. Such attacks, though, are often highly dependent on white-box knowledge of a specific machine learning model and limited to specific microphones and speakers, making their use across different acoustic hardware platforms (and thus their practicality) limited. In this paper, we break these dependencies and make hidden command attacks more practical through model-agnostic (blackbox) attacks, which exploit knowledge of the signal processing algorithms commonly used by VPSes to generate the data fed into machine learning systems. Specifically, we exploit the fact that multiple source audio samples have similar feature vectors when transformed by acoustic feature extraction algorithms (e.g., FFTs). We develop four classes of perturbations that create unintelligible audio and test them against 12 machine learning models, including 7 proprietary models (e.g., Google Speech API, Bing Speech API, IBM Speech API, Azure Speaker API, etc), and demonstrate successful attacks against all targets. Moreover, we successfully use our maliciously generated audio samples in multiple hardware configurations, demonstrating effectiveness across both models and real systems. In so doing, we demonstrate that domain-specific knowledge of audio signal processing represents a practical means of generating successful hidden voice command attacks

    Predicting future reading problems based on pre-reading auditory measures: a longitudinal study of children with a familial risk of dyslexia

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    Purpose: This longitudinal study examines measures of temporal auditory processing in pre-reading children with a family risk of dyslexia. Specifically, it attempts to ascertain whether pre-reading auditory processing, speech perception, and phonological awareness (PA) reliably predict later literacy achievement. Additionally, this study retrospectively examines the presence of pre-reading auditory processing, speech perception, and PA impairments in children later found to be literacy impaired. Method: Forty-four pre-reading children with and without a family risk of dyslexia were assessed at three time points (kindergarten, first, and second grade). Auditory processing measures of rise time (RT) discrimination and frequency modulation (FM) along with speech perception, PA, and various literacy tasks were assessed. Results: Kindergarten RT uniquely contributed to growth in literacy in grades one and two, even after controlling for letter knowledge and PA. Highly significant concurrent and predictive correlations were observed with kindergarten RT significantly predicting first grade PA. Retrospective analysis demonstrated atypical performance in RT and PA at all three time points in children who later developed literacy impairments. Conclusions: Although significant, kindergarten auditory processing contributions to later literacy growth lack the power to be considered as a single-cause predictor; thus results support temporal processing deficits’ contribution within a multiple deficit model of dyslexia

    Generalized Hidden Filter Markov Models Applied to Speaker Recognition

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    Classification of time series has wide Air Force, DoD and commercial interest, from automatic target recognition systems on munitions to recognition of speakers in diverse environments. The ability to effectively model the temporal information contained in a sequence is of paramount importance. Toward this goal, this research develops theoretical extensions to a class of stochastic models and demonstrates their effectiveness on the problem of text-independent (language constrained) speaker recognition. Specifically within the hidden Markov model architecture, additional constraints are implemented which better incorporate observation correlations and context, where standard approaches fail. Two methods of modeling correlations are developed, and their mathematical properties of convergence and reestimation are analyzed. These differ in modeling correlation present in the time samples and those present in the processed features, such as Mel frequency cepstral coefficients. The system models speaker dependent phonemes, making use of word dictionary grammars, and recognition is based on normalized log-likelihood Viterbi decoding. Both closed set identification and speaker verification using cohorts are performed on the YOHO database. YOHO is the only large scale, multiple-session, high-quality speech database for speaker authentication and contains over one hundred speakers stating combination locks. Equal error rates of 0.21% for males and 0.31% for females are demonstrated. A critical error analysis using a hypothesis test formulation provides the maximum number of errors observable while still meeting the goal error rates of 1% False Reject and 0.1% False Accept. Our system achieves this goal

    The Relationship Between English Language Learners and Reading Disabilities Profiles: Language Acquisition vs. Reading Disabilities

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    School psychologists are asked to determine whether or not a student’s limited English proficiency affects his or her eligibly for special education services. Scores from language proficiency tests, such as the WIDA ACCESS for ELLs English Language Proficiency Test, are often the only data available that speak to a student’s language proficiency. There is little research that speaks to how scores on these tests relate to performance on diagnostic testing for special education, specifically achievement testing. In this sample of data drawn from a population of English language learners, who also qualify for special education services under the disability of specific learning disability (n=37) standardized achievement test scores and WIDA ACCESS for ELLs English Language Proficiency Test were correlated to determine if significant relationships were present. A Pearson correlation revealed that the higher reading and writing achievement subtest had the strongest relationship with reading and writing subtests on WIDA ACCESS for ELLs English Language Proficiency Test. Cross-tabulations and chi-square tests of significance were performed to identify how individuals performed on both assessments. Results suggest that an individual\u27s low score on an achievement measure is not related to a low score on a language proficiency measure

    The influences and outcomes of phonological awareness: a study of MA, PA and auditory processing in pre-readers with a family risk of dyslexia

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    The direct influence of phonological awareness (PA) on reading outcomes has been widely demonstrated, yet PA may also exert indirect influence on reading outcomes through other cognitive variables such as morphological awareness (MA). However, PA's own development is dependent and influenced by many extraneous variables such as auditory processing, which could ultimately impact reading outcomes. In a group of pre-reading children with a family risk of dyslexia and low-risk controls, this study sets out to answer questions surrounding PA's relationship at various grain sizes (syllable, onset/rime and phoneme) with measures of auditory processing (frequency modulation (FM) and an amplitude rise-time task (RT)) and MA, independent of reading experience. Group analysis revealed significant differences between high- and low-risk children on measures of MA, and PA at all grain sizes, while a trend for lower RT thresholds of high-risk children was found compared with controls. Correlational analysis demonstrated that MA is related to the composite PA score and syllable awareness. Group differences on MA and PA were re-examined including PA and MA, respectively, as control variables. Results exposed PA as a relevant component of MA, independent of reading experience

    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes
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