1,071 research outputs found

    The influence of mood on visual perception of neutral material

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    In the study we investigated how current mood affects spontaneous perceptual processes of neutral stimuli of low‑arousal, unrelated to any specific task. Two separate but similar procedures were carried out: one using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the other using electroencephalography based source localization. In both experiments, sessions of passive viewing of neutral pictures were preceded by either a negative or positive mood induction. In response to neutral stimuli, we observed higher activation of visual areas after positive mood induction and lower activations in medial prefrontal and right frontotemporal regions after negative mood induction. We conclude that in relatively safe laboratory conditions, after being exposed to negative emotional content, automatic processes of affective control are recruited by the prefrontal cortex. This results in attenuation of processing of incoming stimuli, as the stimuli do not carry salient information with respect to bottom‑up or top‑down processes. The observed effects may therefore represent an implicit mechanism of perceptual modulation

    Towards building a more complex view of the lateral geniculate nucleus: Recent advances in understanding its role

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    The lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) has often been treated in the past as a linear filter that adds little to retinal processing of visual inputs. Here we review anatomical, neurophysiological, brain imaging, and modeling studies that have in recent years built up a much more complex view of LGN . These include effects related to nonlinear dendritic processing, cortical feedback, synchrony and oscillations across LGN populations, as well as involvement of LGN in higher level cognitive processing. Although recent studies have provided valuable insights into early visual processing including the role of LGN, a unified model of LGN responses to real-world objects has not yet been developed. In the light of recent data, we suggest that the role of LGN deserves more careful consideration in developing models of high-level visual processing

    Temporal characteristics of the influence of punishment on perceptual decision making in the human brain

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    Perceptual decision making is the process by which information from sensory systems is combined and used to influence our behavior. In addition to the sensory input, this process can be affected by other factors, such as reward and punishment for correct and incorrect responses. To investigate the temporal dynamics of how monetary punishment influences perceptual decision making in humans, we collected electroencephalography (EEG) data during a perceptual categorization task whereby the punishment level for incorrect responses was parametrically manipulated across blocks of trials. Behaviorally, we observed improved accuracy for high relative to low punishment levels. Using multivariate linear discriminant analysis of the EEG, we identified multiple punishment-induced discriminating components with spatially distinct scalp topographies. Compared with components related to sensory evidence, components discriminating punishment levels appeared later in the trial, suggesting that punishment affects primarily late postsensory, decision-related processing. Crucially, the amplitude of these punishment components across participants was predictive of the size of the behavioral improvements induced by punishment. Finally, trial-by-trial changes in prestimulus oscillatory activity in the alpha and gamma bands were good predictors of the amplitude of these components. We discuss these findings in the context of increased motivation/attention, resulting from increases in punishment, which in turn yields improved decision-related processing

    Elektrophysiologische und bildgebende Untersuchungen zum Einfluss visueller Aufmerksamkeit auf die Objektwahrnehmung des Menschen

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    Attention is essential component of visual perception. The present thesis contains experimental results of several studies investigating the influence of selective attention mechanisms on visual perception using electrophysiological and functional neuroimaging recordings in humans. Feature-based attention represents the focusing of visual perception towards a specific feature attribute (e.g. blue ) and facilitates its processing throughout the visual field. Two studies provide evidence that feature-based attention comprises two distinct mechanisms acting in a global manner. While the attribute-specific process enables the discrimination of feature attributes ( blue ) within the behaviorally relevant dimension, the dimension-specific process was shown to be likewise acting in a global way enhancing the processing of non-target attributes assigned to the relevant dimension ( color ). Differences in event-related potentials (ERPs) were found both for the processing of color- and motion-defined objects. The dimension of color can further be subdivided into categories providing the categorical perception of color. The third study investigated neural correlates of categorical color perception using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The results show a faster/more accurate discrimination of colors assigned to different categories (e.g. blue and green ) than to the same category (e.g. blue1 and blue2 ). FMRI analysis revealed correlates of color category effects in language related brain regions as well as the primary visual cortex. While performing a visual attention task, temporal expectation can be very useful in order to optimize behavior. Preliminary results of an additional study show that the stimulus structure itself can also be a critical factor. Both behavioral and ERP data were strongly influenced by different probability distributions and illustrate the impact of temporal expectation on the experimental design of a spatial-cueing task


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    Spatiotemporal dynamics of covert versus overt processing of happy, fearful and sad facial expressions

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    Behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of the influence of task demands on the processing of happy, sad, and fearful expressions were investigated in a within-subjects study that compared a perceptual distraction condition with task-irrelevant faces (e.g., covert emotion task) to an emotion task-relevant categorization condition (e.g., overt emotion task). A state-of-the-art non-parametric mass univariate analysis method was used to address the limitations of previous studies. Behaviorally, participants responded faster to overtly categorized happy faces and were slower and less accurate to categorize sad and fearful faces; there were no behavioral differences in the covert task. Event-related potential (ERP) responses to the emotional expressions included the N170 (140-180 ms), which was enhanced by emotion irrespective of task, with happy and sad expressions eliciting greater amplitudes than neutral expressions. EPN (200-400 ms) amplitude was modulated by task, with greater voltages in the overt condition, and by emotion, however, there was no interaction of emotion and task. ERP activity was modulated by emotion as a function of task only at a late processing stage, which included the LPP (500-800 ms), with fearful and sad faces showing greater amplitude enhancements than happy faces. This study reveals that affective content does not necessarily require attention in the early stages of face processing, supporting recent evidence that the core and extended parts of the face processing system act in parallel, rather than serially. The role of voluntary attention starts at an intermediate stage, and fully modulates the response to emotional content in the final stage of processing

    Attentional bias during emotional processing : behavioral and electrophysiological evidence from an emotional flanker task

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    Threatening stimuli seem to capture attention more swiftly than neutral stimuli. This attention bias has been observed under different experimental conditions and with different types of stimuli. It remains unclear whether this adaptive behaviour reflects the function of automatic or controlled attention mechanisms. Additionally, the spatiotemporal dynamics of its neural correlates are largely unknown. The present study investigates these issues using an Emotional Flanker Task synchronized with EEG recordings. A group of 32 healthy participants saw response-relevant images (emotional scenes from IAPS or line drawings of objects) flanked by response-irrelevant distracters (i.e., emotional scenes flanked by line drawings or vice versa). We assessed behavioural and ERP responses drawn from four task conditions (Threat-Central, Neutral-Central, Threat-Peripheral, and Neutral-Peripheral) and subjected these responses to repeated measures ANOVA models. When presented as response-relevant targets, threatening images attracted faster and more accurate responses. They did not affect response accuracy to targets when presented as response-irrelevant flankers. However, response times were significantly slower when threatening images flanked objects than when neutral images were shown as flankers. This result replicated the well-known Emotional flanker Effect. Behavioural responses to response-relevant threatening targets were accompanied by significant modulations of ERP activity across all time-windows and regions of interest and displayed some meaningful correlations. The Emotional Flanker Effect was accompanied by a modulation over parietal and central-parietal regions within a time-window between 550-690ms. Such a modulation suggests that the attentional disruption to targets caused by response-irrelevant threatening flankers appears to reflect less neural resources available, which are seemingly drawn away by distracting threatening flankers. The observed spatiotemporal dynamics seem to concur with understanding of the important adaptive role attributed to threat-related attention bias
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