137 research outputs found

    A comprehensive approach for the efficient acquisition and processing of hyperspectral images and sequence

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    Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Computación. 5009P01[Abstract] Despite the scientific and technological developments achieved during the last two decades in the hyperspectral field, some methodological, operational and conceptual issues have restricted the progress, promotion and popular dissemination of this technology. These shortcomings include the specialized knowledge required for the acquisition of hyperspectral images, the shortage of publicly accessible hyperspectral image repositories with reliable ground truth images or the lack of methodologies that allow for the adaptation of algorithms to particular user or application processing needs. The work presented here has the objective of contributing to the hyperspectral field with procedures for the automatic acquisition of hyperspectral scenes, including the hardware adaptation of our own imagers and the development of methods for the calibration and correction of the hyperspectral datacubes, the creation of a publicly available hyperspectral repository of well categorized and labeled images and the design and implementation of novel computational intelligence based processing techniques that solve typical issues related to the segmentation and denoising of hyperspectral images as well as sequences of them taking into account their temporal evolution.[Resumen] A pesar de los desarrollos tecnológicos y científicos logrados en el campo hiperespectral durante las dos últimas décadas, alg\mas limitaciones de tipo metodológico, operacional y conceptual han restringido el progreso, difusión y popularización de esta tecnología, entre ellas, el conocimiento especializado requerido en la adquisición de imágenes hiperespectrales, la carencia de repositorios de imágenes hiperespectrales con etiquetados fiables y de acceso público o la falta de metodologías que posibiliten la adaptación de algoritmos a usuarios o necesidades de procesamiento concretas. Este trabajo doctoral tiene el objetivo de contribuir al campo hiperespectral con procedimientos para la adquisición automática de escenas hiperespectrales, incluyendo la adaptación hardware de cámaras hiperespectrales propias y el desarrollo de métodos para la calibración y corrección de cubos de datos hiperespectrales; la creación de un repositorio hiperespectral de acceso público con imágenes categorizadas y con verdades de terreno fiables; y el diseño e implementación de técnicas de procesamiento basadas en inteligencia computacional para la resolución de problemas típicamente relacionados con las tareas de segmentación y eliminación de ruido en imágenes estáticas y secuencias de imágenes hiperespectrales teniendo en consideración su evolución temporal.[Resumo] A pesar dos desenvolvementos tecnolóxicos e científicos logrados no campo hiperespectral durante as dúas últimas décadas, algunhas lirrútacións de tipo metodolóxico¡ operacional e conceptual restrinxiron o progreso) difusión e popularización desta tecnoloxía, entre elas, o coñecemento especializado requirido na adquisición de imaxes hiperespectrales¡ a carencia de repositorios de irnaxes hiperespectrales con etiquetaxes fiables e de acceso público ou a falta de metodoloxías que posibiliten a adaptación de algoritmos a usuarios ou necesidades de procesamento concretas. Este traballo doutoral ten o obxectívo de contribuir ao campo hiperespectral con procedementos para a adquisición automática de eicenas hiperespectrais, incluíndo a adaptación hardware de cámaras hiperespectrales propias e o desenvolvemento de métodos para a calibración e corrección de cubos de datos hiperespectrais; a creación dun repositorio hiperespectral de acceso público con imaxes categorizadas e con verdades de terreo fiables; e o deseño e implementación de técnicas de procesamento baseadas en intelixencia computacional para a resolución de problemas tipicamente relacionado~ coas tarefas de segmentación e eliminación de ruído en imaxes estáticas e secuencias de imaxes hiperespectrai~ tendo en consideración a súa evolución temporal

    Cellular automata as a tool for image processing

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    An overview is given on the use of cellular automata for image processing. We first consider the number of patterns that can exist in a neighbourhood, allowing for invariance to certain transformation. These patterns correspond to possible rules, and several schemes are described for automatically learning an appropriate rule set from training data. Two alternative schemes are given for coping with gray level (rather than binary) images without incurring a huge explosion in the number of possible rules. Finally, examples are provided of training various types of cellular automata with various rule identification schemes to perform several image processing tasks

    UFGM - 2006 Annual Report

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    INGV, SEZIONE DI CATANIAPublished2.6. TTC - Laboratorio di gravimetria, magnetismo ed elettromagnetismo in aree attiveope

    A multi-view approach to cDNA micro-array analysis

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    The official published version can be obtained from the link below.Microarray has emerged as a powerful technology that enables biologists to study thousands of genes simultaneously, therefore, to obtain a better understanding of the gene interaction and regulation mechanisms. This paper is concerned with improving the processes involved in the analysis of microarray image data. The main focus is to clarify an image's feature space in an unsupervised manner. In this paper, the Image Transformation Engine (ITE), combined with different filters, is investigated. The proposed methods are applied to a set of real-world cDNA images. The MatCNN toolbox is used during the segmentation process. Quantitative comparisons between different filters are carried out. It is shown that the CLD filter is the best one to be applied with the ITE.This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK under Grant GR/S27658/01, the National Science Foundation of China under Innovative Grant 70621001, Chinese Academy of Sciences under Innovative Group Overseas Partnership Grant, the BHP Billiton Cooperation of Australia Grant, the International Science and Technology Cooperation Project of China under Grant 2009DFA32050 and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Image processing using 3-state cellular automata

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    This paper describes the application of cellular automata (CA) to various image processing tasks such as denoising and feature detection. Whereas our previous work mainly dealt with binary images, the current work operates on intensity images. The increased number of cell states (i.e. pixel intensities) leads to a vast increase in the number of possible rules. Therefore, a reduced intensity representation is used, leading to a three state CA that is more practical. In addition, a modified sequential floating forward search mechanism is developed in order to speed up the selection of good rule sets in the CA training stage. Results are compared with our previous method based on threshold decomposition, and are found to be generally superior. The results demonstrate that the CA is capable of being trained to perform many different tasks, and that the quality of these results is in many cases comparable or better than established specialised algorithms

    A review of digital video tampering: from simple editing to full synthesis.

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    Video tampering methods have witnessed considerable progress in recent years. This is partly due to the rapid development of advanced deep learning methods, and also due to the large volume of video footage that is now in the public domain. Historically, convincing video tampering has been too labour intensive to achieve on a large scale. However, recent developments in deep learning-based methods have made it possible not only to produce convincing forged video but also to fully synthesize video content. Such advancements provide new means to improve visual content itself, but at the same time, they raise new challenges for state-of-the-art tampering detection methods. Video tampering detection has been an active field of research for some time, with periodic reviews of the subject. However, little attention has been paid to video tampering techniques themselves. This paper provides an objective and in-depth examination of current techniques related to digital video manipulation. We thoroughly examine their development, and show how current evaluation techniques provide opportunities for the advancement of video tampering detection. A critical and extensive review of photo-realistic video synthesis is provided with emphasis on deep learning-based methods. Existing tampered video datasets are also qualitatively reviewed and critically discussed. Finally, conclusions are drawn upon an exhaustive and thorough review of tampering methods with discussions of future research directions aimed at improving detection methods

    Generative learning for nonlinear dynamics

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    Modern generative machine learning models demonstrate surprising ability to create realistic outputs far beyond their training data, such as photorealistic artwork, accurate protein structures, or conversational text. These successes suggest that generative models learn to effectively parametrize and sample arbitrarily complex distributions. Beginning half a century ago, foundational works in nonlinear dynamics used tools from information theory to infer properties of chaotic attractors from time series, motivating the development of algorithms for parametrizing chaos in real datasets. In this perspective, we aim to connect these classical works to emerging themes in large-scale generative statistical learning. We first consider classical attractor reconstruction, which mirrors constraints on latent representations learned by state space models of time series. We next revisit early efforts to use symbolic approximations to compare minimal discrete generators underlying complex processes, a problem relevant to modern efforts to distill and interpret black-box statistical models. Emerging interdisciplinary works bridge nonlinear dynamics and learning theory, such as operator-theoretic methods for complex fluid flows, or detection of broken detailed balance in biological datasets. We anticipate that future machine learning techniques may revisit other classical concepts from nonlinear dynamics, such as transinformation decay and complexity-entropy tradeoffs.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Big Data Computing for Geospatial Applications

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    The convergence of big data and geospatial computing has brought forth challenges and opportunities to Geographic Information Science with regard to geospatial data management, processing, analysis, modeling, and visualization. This book highlights recent advancements in integrating new computing approaches, spatial methods, and data management strategies to tackle geospatial big data challenges and meanwhile demonstrates opportunities for using big data for geospatial applications. Crucial to the advancements highlighted in this book is the integration of computational thinking and spatial thinking and the transformation of abstract ideas and models to concrete data structures and algorithms

    A Survey on Reservoir Computing and its Interdisciplinary Applications Beyond Traditional Machine Learning

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    Reservoir computing (RC), first applied to temporal signal processing, is a recurrent neural network in which neurons are randomly connected. Once initialized, the connection strengths remain unchanged. Such a simple structure turns RC into a non-linear dynamical system that maps low-dimensional inputs into a high-dimensional space. The model's rich dynamics, linear separability, and memory capacity then enable a simple linear readout to generate adequate responses for various applications. RC spans areas far beyond machine learning, since it has been shown that the complex dynamics can be realized in various physical hardware implementations and biological devices. This yields greater flexibility and shorter computation time. Moreover, the neuronal responses triggered by the model's dynamics shed light on understanding brain mechanisms that also exploit similar dynamical processes. While the literature on RC is vast and fragmented, here we conduct a unified review of RC's recent developments from machine learning to physics, biology, and neuroscience. We first review the early RC models, and then survey the state-of-the-art models and their applications. We further introduce studies on modeling the brain's mechanisms by RC. Finally, we offer new perspectives on RC development, including reservoir design, coding frameworks unification, physical RC implementations, and interaction between RC, cognitive neuroscience and evolution.Comment: 51 pages, 19 figures, IEEE Acces