490 research outputs found

    Yield sensing technologies for perennial and annual horticultural crops: a review

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    Yield maps provide a detailed account of crop production and potential revenue of a farm. This level of details enables a range of possibilities from improving input management, conducting on-farm experimentation, or generating profitability map, thus creating value for farmers. While this technology is widely available for field crops such as maize, soybean and grain, few yield sensing systems exist for horticultural crops such as berries, field vegetable or orchards. Nevertheless, a wide range of techniques and technologies have been investigated as potential means of sensing crop yield for horticultural crops. This paper reviews yield monitoring approaches that can be divided into proximal, either direct or indirect, and remote measurement principles. It reviews remote sensing as a way to estimate and forecast yield prior to harvest. For each approach, basic principles are explained as well as examples of application in horticultural crops and success rate. The different approaches provide whether a deterministic (direct measurement of weight for instance) or an empirical (capacitance measurements correlated to weight for instance) result, which may impact transferability. The discussion also covers the level of precision required for different tasks and the trend and future perspectives. This review demonstrated the need for more commercial solutions to map yield of horticultural crops. It also showed that several approaches have demonstrated high success rate and that combining technologies may be the best way to provide enough accuracy and robustness for future commercial systems

    AI Knowledge Transfer from the University to Society

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    AI Knowledge Transfer from the University to Society: Applications in High-Impact Sectors brings together examples from the "Innovative Ecosystem with Artificial Intelligence for Andalusia 2025" project at the University of Seville, a series of sub-projects composed of research groups and different institutions or companies that explore the use of Artificial Intelligence in a variety of high-impact sectors to lead innovation and assist in decision-making. Key Features Includes chapters on health and social welfare, transportation, digital economy, energy efficiency and sustainability, agro-industry, and tourism Great diversity of authors, expert in varied sectors, belonging to powerful research groups from the University of Seville with proven experience in the transfer of knowledge to the productive sector and agents attached to the Andalucía TECH Campu

    AI Knowledge Transfer from the University to Society

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    AI Knowledge Transfer from the University to Society: Applications in High-Impact Sectors brings together examples from the "Innovative Ecosystem with Artificial Intelligence for Andalusia 2025" project at the University of Seville, a series of sub-projects composed of research groups and different institutions or companies that explore the use of Artificial Intelligence in a variety of high-impact sectors to lead innovation and assist in decision-making. Key Features Includes chapters on health and social welfare, transportation, digital economy, energy efficiency and sustainability, agro-industry, and tourism Great diversity of authors, expert in varied sectors, belonging to powerful research groups from the University of Seville with proven experience in the transfer of knowledge to the productive sector and agents attached to the Andalucía TECH Campu

    Using MapReduce Streaming for Distributed Life Simulation on the Cloud

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    Distributed software simulations are indispensable in the study of large-scale life models but often require the use of technically complex lower-level distributed computing frameworks, such as MPI. We propose to overcome the complexity challenge by applying the emerging MapReduce (MR) model to distributed life simulations and by running such simulations on the cloud. Technically, we design optimized MR streaming algorithms for discrete and continuous versions of Conway’s life according to a general MR streaming pattern. We chose life because it is simple enough as a testbed for MR’s applicability to a-life simulations and general enough to make our results applicable to various lattice-based a-life models. We implement and empirically evaluate our algorithms’ performance on Amazon’s Elastic MR cloud. Our experiments demonstrate that a single MR optimization technique called strip partitioning can reduce the execution time of continuous life simulations by 64%. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose and evaluate MR streaming algorithms for lattice-based simulations. Our algorithms can serve as prototypes in the development of novel MR simulation algorithms for large-scale lattice-based a-life models.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/scs_books/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Cellular, Wide-Area, and Non-Terrestrial IoT: A Survey on 5G Advances and the Road Towards 6G

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    The next wave of wireless technologies is proliferating in connecting things among themselves as well as to humans. In the era of the Internet of things (IoT), billions of sensors, machines, vehicles, drones, and robots will be connected, making the world around us smarter. The IoT will encompass devices that must wirelessly communicate a diverse set of data gathered from the environment for myriad new applications. The ultimate goal is to extract insights from this data and develop solutions that improve quality of life and generate new revenue. Providing large-scale, long-lasting, reliable, and near real-time connectivity is the major challenge in enabling a smart connected world. This paper provides a comprehensive survey on existing and emerging communication solutions for serving IoT applications in the context of cellular, wide-area, as well as non-terrestrial networks. Specifically, wireless technology enhancements for providing IoT access in fifth-generation (5G) and beyond cellular networks, and communication networks over the unlicensed spectrum are presented. Aligned with the main key performance indicators of 5G and beyond 5G networks, we investigate solutions and standards that enable energy efficiency, reliability, low latency, and scalability (connection density) of current and future IoT networks. The solutions include grant-free access and channel coding for short-packet communications, non-orthogonal multiple access, and on-device intelligence. Further, a vision of new paradigm shifts in communication networks in the 2030s is provided, and the integration of the associated new technologies like artificial intelligence, non-terrestrial networks, and new spectra is elaborated. Finally, future research directions toward beyond 5G IoT networks are pointed out.Comment: Submitted for review to IEEE CS&

    A Distributed Intelligent Sensing Approach for Environmental Monitoring Applications

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    Scientific reports from around the world present us with the undeniable fact that the global ecosystem is undergoing severe change. As this shift accelerates, it is ever more critical that we are able to quantify the local effects of such changes, and further, their implications, from our daily life to the biological processes that put food on our tables. In this thesis, we study the application of sensor network technology to the observation and estimation of highly local phenomena---specifically at a scale between ten to several hundred square meters. Embedding knowledge about the observed process directly into the sensor nodes' behavior via dedicated resource management or control algorithms allows us to deploy dense networks with low power requirements. Ecological systems are notoriously complex. In our work we must thus be highly experimental; it is our highest goal that we construct an approach to environmental monitoring that is not only realistic, but practical for real-world use. Our approach is centered on a commercially available sensor network product, aided by an off-the-shelf quadrotor with minimal customization. We validate our approach through a series of experiments performed from simulation all the way to reality, in deployments lasting days to several months. We motivate the need for local data via two case studies examining physical phenomena. First, employing novel modalities, we study the eclosion of a common agricultural pest. We present our efforts to acquire data that is more local than commonly employed methods, culminating in a six month deployment in a Swiss apple orchard. Next, we apply a environmental fluid dynamics model to enable the estimation of sensible heat flux using an inexpensive sensor. We integrate the sensor with a wireless sensor network and validate its capabilities in a short-term deployment. Acquiring meaningful data on a local scale requires that we advance the state of the art in multiple aspects. Static sensor networks present a classical tension between resolution, autonomy, and accuracy. We explore the performance of algorithms aimed at providing all three, showing explicitly what is required to implement these approaches for real-world applications in an autonomous deployment under uncontrolled conditions. Eventually, spatial resolution is limited by network density. Such limits may be overcome by the use of mobile sensors. We explore the use of an off-the-shelf quadrotor, equipped with environmental sensors, as an additional element in system of heterogeneous sensing nodes. Through a series of indoor and outdoor experiments, we quantify the contribution of a such a mobile sensor, and various strategies for planning its path

    Application of Artificial Intelligence algorithms to support decision-making in agriculture activities

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    Deep Learning has been successfully applied to image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing in recent years. Therefore, there has been an incentive to apply it in other fields as well. The field of agriculture is one of the most important in which the application of artificial intelligence algorithms, and particularly, of deep learning needs to be explored, as it has a direct impact on human well-being. In particular, there is a need to explore how deep learning models for decision-making can be used as a tool for optimal planting, land use, yield improvement, production/disease/pest control, and other activities. The vast amount of data received from sensors in smart farms makes it possible to use deep learning as a model for decision-making in this field. In agriculture, no two environments are exactly alike, which makes testing, validating, and successfully implementing such technologies much more complex than in most other sectors. Recent scientific developments in the field of deep learning, applied to agriculture, are reviewed and some challenges and potential solutions using deep learning algorithms in agriculture are discussed. Higher performance in terms of accuracy and lower inference time can be achieved, and the models can be made useful in real-world applications. Finally, some opportunities for future research in this area are suggested. The ability of artificial neural networks, specifically Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Bidirectional LSTM (BLSTM), to model daily reference evapotranspiration and soil water content is investigated. The application of these techniques to predict these parameters was tested for three sites in Portugal. A single-layer BLSTM with 512 nodes was selected. Bayesian optimization was used to determine the hyperparameters, such as learning rate, decay, batch size, and dropout size. The model achieved mean square error (MSE) values ranging from 0.07 to 0.27 (mm d–1)² for ETo (Reference Evapotranspiration) and 0.014 to 0.056 (m³m–3)² for SWC (Soil Water Content), with R2 values ranging from 0.96 to 0.98. A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model was added to the LSTM to investigate potential performance improvement. Performance dropped in all datasets due to the complexity of the model. The performance of the models was also compared with CNN, traditional machine learning algorithms Support Vector Regression, and Random Forest. LSTM achieved the best performance. Finally, the impact of the loss function on the performance of the proposed models was investigated. The model with the mean square error (MSE) as loss function performed better than the model with other loss functions. Afterwards, the capabilities of these models and their extension, BLSTM and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units (BGRU) to predict end-of-season yields are investigated. The models use historical data, including climate data, irrigation scheduling, and soil water content, to estimate endof- season yield. The application of this technique was tested for tomato and potato yields at a site in Portugal. The BLSTM network outperformed the GRU, the LSTM, and the BGRU networks on the validation dataset. The model was able to capture the nonlinear relationship between irrigation amount, climate data, and soil water content and predict yield with an MSE of 0.017 to 0.039 kg/ha. The performance of the BLSTM in the test was compared with the most commonly used deep learning method called CNN, and machine learning methods including a Multi-Layer Perceptrons model and Random Forest regression. The BLSTM out-performed the other models with a R2-score between 0.97 and 0.99. The results show that analyzing agricultural data with the LSTM model improves the performance of the model in terms of accuracy. The CNN model achieved the second-best performance. Therefore, the deep learning model has a remarkable ability to predict the yield at the end of the season. Additionally, a Deep Q-Network was trained for irrigation scheduling. The agent was trained to schedule irrigation for a tomato field in Portugal. Two LSTM models trained previously were used as the agent environment. One predicts the total water in the soil profile on the next day. The other one was employed to estimate the yield based on the environmental condition during a season and then measure the net return. The agent uses this information to decide the following irrigation amount. LSTM and CNN networks were used to estimate the Q-table during training. Unlike the LSTM model, the ANN and the CNN could not estimate the Qtable, and the agent’s reward decreased during training. The comparison of the performance of the model was done with fixed-base irrigation and threshold-based irrigation. The trained model increased productivity by 11% and decreased water consumption by 20% to 30% compared to the fixed method. Also, an on-policy model, Advantage Actor–Critic (A2C), was implemented to compare irrigation scheduling with Deep Q-Network for the same tomato crop. The results show that the on-policy model A2C reduced water consumption by 20% compared to Deep Q-Network with a slight change in the net reward. These models can be developed to be applied to other cultures with high importance in Portugal, such as fruit, cereals, and grapevines, which also have large water requirements. The models developed along this thesis can be re-evaluated and trained with historical data from other cultures with high production in Portugal, such as fruits, cereals, and grapes, which also have high water demand, to create a decision support and recommendation system that tells farmers when and how much to irrigate. This system helps farmers avoid wasting water without reducing productivity. This thesis aims to contribute to the future steps in the development of precision agriculture and agricultural robotics. The models developed in this thesis are relevant to support decision-making in agricultural activities, aimed at optimizing resources, reducing time and costs, and maximizing production.Nos últimos anos, a técnica de aprendizagem profunda (Deep Learning) foi aplicada com sucesso ao reconhecimento de imagem, reconhecimento de fala e processamento de linguagem natural. Assim, tem havido um incen tivo para aplicá-la também em outros sectores. O sector agrícola é um dos mais importantes, em que a aplicação de algoritmos de inteligência artificial e, em particular, de deep learning, precisa ser explorada, pois tem impacto direto no bem-estar humano. Em particular, há uma necessidade de explorar como os modelos de aprendizagem profunda para a tomada de decisão podem ser usados como uma ferramenta para cultivo ou plantação ideal, uso da terra, melhoria da produtividade, controlo de produção, de doenças, de pragas e outras atividades. A grande quantidade de dados recebidos de sensores em explorações agrícolas inteligentes (smart farms) possibilita o uso de deep learning como modelo para tomada de decisão nesse campo. Na agricultura, não há dois ambientes iguais, o que torna o teste, a validação e a implementação bem-sucedida dessas tecnologias muito mais complexas do que na maioria dos outros setores. Desenvolvimentos científicos recentes no campo da aprendizagem profunda aplicada à agricultura, são revistos e alguns desafios e potenciais soluções usando algoritmos de aprendizagem profunda na agricultura são discutidos. Maior desempenho em termos de precisão e menor tempo de inferência pode ser alcançado, e os modelos podem ser úteis em aplicações do mundo real. Por fim, são sugeridas algumas oportunidades para futuras pesquisas nesta área. A capacidade de redes neuronais artificiais, especificamente Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) e LSTM Bidirecional (BLSTM), para modelar a evapotranspiração de referência diária e o conteúdo de água do solo é investigada. A aplicação destas técnicas para prever estes parâmetros foi testada em três locais em Portugal. Um BLSTM de camada única com 512 nós foi selecionado. A otimização bayesiana foi usada para determinar os hiperparâmetros, como taxa de aprendizagem, decaimento, tamanho do lote e tamanho do ”dropout”. O modelo alcançou os valores de erro quadrático médio na faixa de 0,014 a 0,056 e R2 variando de 0,96 a 0,98. Um modelo de Rede Neural Convolucional (CNN – Convolutional Neural Network) foi adicionado ao LSTM para investigar uma potencial melhoria de desempenho. O desempenho decresceu em todos os conjuntos de dados devido à complexidade do modelo. O desempenho dos modelos também foi comparado com CNN, algoritmos tradicionais de aprendizagem máquina Support Vector Regression e Random Forest. O LSTM obteve o melhor desempenho. Por fim, investigou-se o impacto da função de perda no desempenho dos modelos propostos. O modelo com o erro quadrático médio (MSE) como função de perda teve um desempenho melhor do que o modelo com outras funções de perda. Em seguida, são investigadas as capacidades desses modelos e sua extensão, BLSTM e Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units (BGRU) para prever os rendimentos da produção no final da campanha agrícola. Os modelos usam dados históricos, incluindo dados climáticos, calendário de rega e teor de água do solo, para estimar a produtividade no final da campanha. A aplicação desta técnica foi testada para os rendimentos de tomate e batata em um local em Portugal. A rede BLSTM superou as redes GRU, LSTM e BGRU no conjunto de dados de validação. O modelo foi capaz de captar a relação não linear entre dotação de rega, dados climáticos e teor de água do solo e prever a produtividade com um MSE variando de 0,07 a 0,27 (mm d–1)² para ETo (Evapotranspiração de Referência) e de 0,014 a 0,056 (m³m–3)² para SWC (Conteúdo de Água do Solo), com valores de R2 variando de 0,96 a 0,98. O desempenho do BLSTM no teste foi comparado com o método de aprendizagem profunda CNN, e métodos de aprendizagem máquina, incluindo um modelo Multi-Layer Perceptrons e regressão Random Forest. O BLSTM superou os outros modelos com um R2 entre 97% e 99%. Os resultados mostram que a análise de dados agrícolas com o modelo LSTM melhora o desempenho do modelo em termos de precisão. O modelo CNN obteve o segundo melhor desempenho. Portanto, o modelo de aprendizagem profunda tem uma capacidade notável de prever a produtividade no final da campanha. Além disso, uma Deep Q-Network foi treinada para programação de irrigação para a cultura do tomate. O agente foi treinado para programar a irrigação de uma plantação de tomate em Portugal. Dois modelos LSTM treinados anteriormente foram usados como ambiente de agente. Um prevê a água total no perfil do solo no dia seguinte. O outro foi empregue para estimar a produtividade com base nas condições ambientais durante uma o ciclo biológico e então medir o retorno líquido. O agente usa essas informações para decidir a quantidade de irrigação. As redes LSTM e CNN foram usadas para estimar a Q-table durante o treino. Ao contrário do modelo LSTM, a RNA e a CNN não conseguiram estimar a tabela Q, e a recompensa do agente diminuiu durante o treino. A comparação de desempenho do modelo foi realizada entre a irrigação com base fixa e a irrigação com base em um limiar. A aplicação das doses de rega preconizadas pelo modelo aumentou a produtividade em 11% e diminuiu o consumo de água em 20% a 30% em relação ao método fixo. Além disso, um modelo dentro da táctica, Advantage Actor–Critic (A2C), é foi implementado para comparar a programação de irrigação com o Deep Q-Network para a mesma cultura de tomate. Os resultados mostram que o modelo de táctica A2C reduziu o consumo de água consumo em 20% comparado ao Deep Q-Network com uma pequena mudança na recompensa líquida. Estes modelos podem ser desenvolvidos para serem aplicados a outras culturas com elevada produção em Portugal, como a fruta, cereais e vinha, que também têm grandes necessidades hídricas. Os modelos desenvolvidos ao longo desta tese podem ser reavaliados e treinados com dados históricos de outras culturas com elevada importância em Portugal, tais como frutas, cereais e uvas, que também têm elevados consumos de água. Assim, poderão ser desenvolvidos sistemas de apoio à decisão e de recomendação aos agricultores de quando e quanto irrigar. Estes sistemas poderão ajudar os agricultores a evitar o desperdício de água sem reduzir a produtividade. Esta tese visa contribuir para os passos futuros na evolução da agricultura de precisão e da robótica agrícola. Os modelos desenvolvidos ao longo desta tese são relevantes para apoiar a tomada de decisões em atividades agrícolas, direcionadas à otimização de recursos, redução de tempo e custos, e maximização da produção.Centro-01-0145-FEDER000017-EMaDeS-Energy, Materials, and Sustainable Development, co-funded by the Portugal 2020 Program (PT 2020), within the Regional Operational Program of the Center (CENTRO 2020) and the EU through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT—MCTES) also provided financial support via project UIDB/00151/2020 (C-MAST). It was also supported by the R&D Project BioDAgro – Sistema operacional inteligente de informação e suporte á decisão em AgroBiodiversidade, project PD20-00011, promoted by Fundação La Caixa and Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, taking place at the C-MAST - Centre for Mechanical and Aerospace Sciences and Technology, Department of Electromechanical Engineering of the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal


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    Precision Agriculture (PA) increases farm productivity, reduces pollution, and minimizes input costs. However, the wide adoption of existing PA technologies for complex field operations, such as spraying, is slow due to high acquisition costs, low adaptability, and slow operating speed. In this study, we designed, built, optimized, and tested a Modular Agrochemical Precision Sprayer (MAPS), a robotic sprayer with an intelligent machine vision system (MVS). Our work focused on identifying and spraying on the targeted plants with low cost, high speed, and high accuracy in a remote, dynamic, and rugged environment. We first researched and benchmarked combinations of one-stage convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures with embedded or mobile hardware systems. Our analysis revealed that TensorRT-optimized SSD-MobilenetV1 on an NVIDIA Jetson Nano provided sufficient plant detection performance with low cost and power consumption. We also developed an algorithm to determine the maximum operating velocity of a chosen CNN and hardware configuration through modeling and simulation. Based on these results, we developed a CNN-based MVS for real-time plant detection and velocity estimation. We implemented Robot Operating System (ROS) to integrate each module for easy expansion. We also developed a robust dynamic targeting algorithm to synchronize the spray operation with the robot motion, which will increase productivity significantly. The research proved to be successful. We built a MAPS with three independent vision and spray modules. In the lab test, the sprayer recognized and hit all targets with only 2% wrong sprays. In the field test with an unstructured crop layout, such as a broadcast-seeded soybean field, the MAPS also successfully sprayed all targets with only a 7% incorrect spray rate

    Sustainable Agriculture and Advances of Remote Sensing (Volume 2)

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    Agriculture, as the main source of alimentation and the most important economic activity globally, is being affected by the impacts of climate change. To maintain and increase our global food system production, to reduce biodiversity loss and preserve our natural ecosystem, new practices and technologies are required. This book focuses on the latest advances in remote sensing technology and agricultural engineering leading to the sustainable agriculture practices. Earth observation data, in situ and proxy-remote sensing data are the main source of information for monitoring and analyzing agriculture activities. Particular attention is given to earth observation satellites and the Internet of Things for data collection, to multispectral and hyperspectral data analysis using machine learning and deep learning, to WebGIS and the Internet of Things for sharing and publication of the results, among others