37 research outputs found

    Complexity, rate, and scale in sliding friction dynamics between a finger and textured surface.

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    Sliding friction between the skin and a touched surface is highly complex, but lies at the heart of our ability to discriminate surface texture through touch. Prior research has elucidated neural mechanisms of tactile texture perception, but our understanding of the nonlinear dynamics of frictional sliding between the finger and textured surfaces, with which the neural signals that encode texture originate, is incomplete. To address this, we compared measurements from human fingertips sliding against textured counter surfaces with predictions of numerical simulations of a model finger that resembled a real finger, with similar geometry, tissue heterogeneity, hyperelasticity, and interfacial adhesion. Modeled and measured forces exhibited similar complex, nonlinear sliding friction dynamics, force fluctuations, and prominent regularities related to the surface geometry. We comparatively analysed measured and simulated forces patterns in matched conditions using linear and nonlinear methods, including recurrence analysis. The model had greatest predictive power for faster sliding and for surface textures with length scales greater than about one millimeter. This could be attributed to the the tendency of sliding at slower speeds, or on finer surfaces, to complexly engage fine features of skin or surface, such as fingerprints or surface asperities. The results elucidate the dynamical forces felt during tactile exploration and highlight the challenges involved in the biological perception of surface texture via touch

    Case Studies in Neuroscience: Sensations elicited and discrimination ability from nerve cuff stimulation in an amputee over time

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    International audienceThe present case study details sensations elicited by electrical stimulation of peripheral nerve axons using an implanted nerve cuff electrode, in a participant with a transhumeral amputation. The participant uses an osseointegrated electromechanical interface, which enables skeletal attachment of the prosthesis and long-term, stable, bidirectional communication between the implanted electrodes and prosthetic arm. We focused on evoking somatosensory percepts, where we tracked and quantified the evolution of perceived sensations in the missing hand, which were evoked from electrical stimulation of the nerve, for over 2 yr. These sensations included small, pointlike areas of either vibration or pushing, to larger sensations over wider areas, indicating the recruitment of a few and many afferents, respectively. Furthermore, we used a two-alternative forced choice paradigm to measure the level of discrimination between trains of brief electrical stimuli, to gauge what the participant could reliably distinguish between. At best, the participant was able to distinguish a 0.5-Hz difference and on average acquired a 3.8-Hz just-noticeable difference at a more stringent psychophysical level. The current work shows the feasibility for long-term sensory feedback in prostheses, via electrical axonal stimulation, where small and relatively stable percepts were felt that may be used to deliver graded sensory feedback. This opens up opportunities for signaling feedback during movements (e.g., for precision grip), but also for conveying more complex cutaneous sensations, such as texture

    Importance of spike timing in touch: an analogy with hearing?

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    Touch is often conceived as a spatial sense akin to vision. However, touch also involves the transduction and processing of signals that vary rapidly over time, inviting comparisons with hearing. In both sensory systems, first order afferents produce spiking responses that are temporally precise and the timing of their responses carries stimulus information. The precision and informativeness of spike timing in the two systems invites the possibility that both implement similar mechanisms to extract behaviorally relevant information from these precisely timed responses. Here, we explore the putative roles of spike timing in touch and hearing and discuss common mechanisms that may be involved in processing temporal spiking patterns

    Touch uses frictional cues to discriminate flat materials

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    In a forced-choice task, we asked human participants to discriminate by touch alone glass plates from transparent polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) plastic plates. While the surfaces were flat and did not exhibit geometric features beyond a few tens of nanometres, the materials differed by their molecular structures. They produced similar coefficients of friction and thermal effects were controlled. Most participants performed well above chance and participants with dry fingers discriminated the materials especially well. Current models of tactile surface perception appeal to surface topography and cannot explain our results. A correlation analysis between detailed measurements of the interfacial forces and discrimination performance suggested that the perceptual task depended on the transitory contact phase leading to full slip. This result demonstrates that differences in interfacial mechanics between the finger and a material can be sensed by touch and that the evanescent mechanics that take place before the onset of steady slip have perceptual value

    Edge orientation signals in tactile afferents of macaques

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    The orientation of edges indented into the skin has been shown to be encoded in the responses of neurons in primary somatosensory cortex in a manner that draws remarkable analogies to their counterparts in primary visual cortex. According to the classical view, orientation tuning arises from the integration of untuned input from thalamic neurons with aligned but spatially displaced receptive fields (RFs). In a recent microneurography study with human subjects, the precise temporal structure of the responses of individual mechanoreceptive afferents to scanned edges was found to carry information about their orientation. This putative mechanism could in principle contribute to or complement the classical rate-based code for orientation. In the present study, we further examine orientation information carried by mechanoreceptive afferents of Rhesus monkeys. To this end, we record the activity evoked in cutaneous mechanoreceptive afferents when edges are indented into or scanned across the skin. First, we confirm that information about the edge orientation can be extracted from the temporal patterning in afferent responses of monkeys, as is the case in humans. Second, we find that while the coarse temporal profile of the response can be predicted linearly from the layout of the RF, the fine temporal profile cannot. Finally, we show that orientation signals in tactile afferents are often highly dependent on stimulus features other than orientation, which complicates putative decoding strategies. We discuss the challenges associated with establishing a neural code at the somatosensory periphery, where afferents are exquisitely sensitive and nearly deterministic

    The effect of contact force on the responses of tactile nerve fibers to scanned textures

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    The perception of fine textures relies on highly precise and repeatable spiking patterns evoked in tactile afferents. These patterns have been shown to depend not only on the surface microstructure and material but also on the speed at which it moves across the skin. Interestingly, the perception of texture is independent of scanning speed, implying the existence of downstream neural mechanisms that correct for scanning speed in interpreting texture signals from the periphery. What force is applied during texture exploration also has negligible effects on how the surface is perceived, but the consequences of changes in contact force on the neural responses to texture have not been described. In the present study, we measure the signals evoked in tactile afferents of macaques to a diverse set of textures scanned across the skin at two different contact forces and find that responses are largely independent of contact force over the range tested. We conclude that the force invariance of texture perception reflects the force independence of texture representations in the nerve

    A Robust Encoding Scheme for Delivering Artificial Sensory Information via Direct Brain Stimulation

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    Innovations for creating somatosensation via direct electrical stimulation of the brain will be required for the next generation of bi-directional cortical neuroprostheses. The current lack of tactile perception and proprioceptive input likely imposes a fundamental limit on speed and accuracy of brain-controlled prostheses or re-animated limbs. This study addresses the unique challenge of identifying a robust, high bandwidth sensory encoding scheme in a high-dimensional parameter space. Previous studies demonstrated single dimensional encoding schemes delivering low bandwidth sensory information, but no comparison has been performed across parameters, nor with update rates suitable for real-time operation of a neuroprosthesis. Here, we report the first comprehensive measurement of the resolution of key stimulation parameters such as pulse amplitude, pulse width, frequency, train interval and number of pulses. Surprisingly, modulation of stimulation frequency was largely undetectable. While we initially expected high frequency content to be an ideal candidate for passing high throughput sensory signals to the brain, we found only modulation of very low frequencies were detectable. Instead, the charge-per-phase of each pulse yields the highest resolution sensory signal, and is the key parameter modulating perceived intensity. The stimulation encoding patterns were designed for high-bandwidth information transfer that will be required for bi-directional brain interfaces. Our discovery of the stimulation features which best encode perceived intensity have significant implications for design of any neural interface seeking to convey information directly to the brain via electrical stimulation

    Contact geometry and mechanics predict friction forces during tactile surface exploration

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    International audienceWhen we touch an object, complex frictional forces are produced, aiding us in perceiving surface features that help to identify the object at hand, and also facilitating grasping and manipulation. However, even during controlled tactile exploration, sliding friction forces fluctuate greatly, and it is unclear how they relate to the surface topography or mechanics of contact with the finger. We investigated the sliding contact between the finger and different relief surfaces, using high-speed video and force measurements. Informed by these experiments, we developed a friction force model that accounts for surface shape and contact mechanical effects, and is able to predict sliding friction forces for different surfaces and exploration speeds. We also observed that local regions of disconnection between the finger and surface develop near high relief features, due to the stiffness of the finger tissues. Every tested surface had regions that were never contacted by the finger; we refer to these as " tactile blind spots ". The results elucidate friction force production during tactile exploration, may aid efforts to connect sensory and motor function of the hand to properties of touched objects, and provide crucial knowledge to inform the rendering of realistic experiences of touch contact in virtual reality