7 research outputs found

    Arahan Kebijakan Mitigasi pada Zona Rawan Banjir Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota, Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Indonesia is a country that has a wet tropical climate, so that about 60 % of the cities in Indonesia is very a hazard to flood. The floods have caused many losses to humans. The purpose of this study is determine the direction of development policy mitigation of flood hazard zones in Limapuluh Kota District, by using GIS analysis with the overlay technique. The indicators used to determine the flood hazard zones are rainfall, slope, landform, soil type, geology, elevation, and land use. Mitigation policy directives using AHP analysis involving 15 experts with conservation criteria, regulations, community capacity. The results showed 6,2 % is a very flood zone. Three main landing to reduce the impact of floods is disaster education, improved socialization in flood hazard zones, and planning of based spatial disaster

    Rainfall Floods as a Result of Land Use Alteration in a Syrian Refugee Camp in Jordan

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    The Zaatri Refugee Camp (ZRC) established summer 2012 shortly after the Syrian conflict started. Due to high flux of refugee fled the conflect south of Syria to Jordan and in a short notice, the international organizations with the Government of Jordan started to establish the camp with limited data on socio-economic and environmental impacts of the selected site. The camp is located in a nearly flat area which forms natural soil pan that used for cultivation. One of the environmental impacts for the selected site is the flooding in parts of the camp due to altering the hydrologic response of the area. This alteration is resulted in two ways: the first on is the building of earth wall around the camp which stops the runoff floods from getting into the natural water courses, the second alteration is the building of dense metal houses with compacted pathways in between. After establishing the camp, the land use changed completely, dense metal housings are built covering around 50% of the area. Networks of compacted roads between the housing blocks are built using imported crushed limestone aggregates. The change in land cover increased the Curve Number (CN) from 84 for the natural agricultural land to 92.5 for the built up area. The increase in CN due to altering the hydrologic parameters within the camp area increased the runoff depth by 82% to 614%, this resulting in more flood water trapped inside the boundaries of the camp. The flood volumes that accumulated can cover more than 10% of the camp area with average water depth 25 centimeters (cm) for 25-years return period storms. In other hand, the storms event that most probably occurs every other year (2-years return period) could result in flood that covers about 1.5% of the camp area with water depth that reaches 25 cm. Keywords: Rainfall floods, Land use alteration, Zaatari Refugee Camp, Jorda

    Policy Directives for Sustainable Settlement Development at Flood Hazard Zone in Limapuluh Kota District West Sumatera Province, Indonesia

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    The flood disaster has caused much harm to human life. Efforts to reduce the losses incurred by the policy directed the development of disaster-based residential areas based. The purpose of determining the direction of the policy of settlement development in the area of flood hazard in Limapuluh Kota District. To determine policy direction using AHP approach by involving 25 experts from related institutions. To determine the sustainability of development using the MDS approach. The result of policy analysis of the development of settlement area in the flood hazard area shows that there are three alternatives, namely a) disaster education; b) increased socialization in the flood hazard zone, and c) disaster-based space planning. In addition, the analysis of the sustainability of the development of residential areas shows that the institutional and legal dimensions are still low. Therefore, it is necessary to have the firmness and consistency of the government in spatial planning


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    Indonesia is a country that has a wet tropical climate, so that about 60 % of the cities in Indonesia is very a hazard to flood. The floods have caused many losses to humans. The purpose of this study is determine the direction of development policy mitigation of flood hazard zones in Limapuluh Kota District, by using GIS analysis with the overlay technique. The indicators used to determine the flood hazard zones are rainfall, slope, landform, soil type, geology, elevation, and land use. Mitigation policy directives using AHP analysis involving 15 experts with conservation criteria, regulations, community capacity. The results showed 6,2 % is a very flood zone. Three main landing to reduce the impact of floods is disaster education, improved socialization in flood hazard zones, and planning of based spatial disaster

    Pemetaan Daerah Rawan Banjir (Studi Kasus: Banjir Pacitan Desember 2017)

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    Setiap tahun bencana alam terjadi di berbagai tempat di wilayah Indonesia. Menurut Data Informasi Bencana Indonesia (DIBI)-BNPB, lebih dari 78% kejadian merupakan bencana hidrometeorologi. Kejadian bencana hidrometeorologi merupakan kelompok kejadian bencana banjir, gelombang ekstrim dan cuaca esktrim. Curah hujan merupakan fenomena yang sudah biasa mengingat lokasi Indonesia yang berada di daerah tropis. Wilayah satu dengan yang lain dapat memiliki faktor penyebab banjir yang berbeda. Analisa multi-kriteria dapat digunakan untuk melihat kriteria spesifik dari penyebab banjir di suatu wilayah. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah Penyusunan basis data penyebab banjir yang kemudian digunakan unuk membuat Peta daerah rawan banjir kabupaten Pacitan. Peta daerah rawan banjir di hasilkan dari overlay dari parameter curah hujan, jenis tanah, kerapatan aliran,tutupan lahan, ketinggian dan kemiringan lereng yang kemudian dilakukan skoring dan pembobotan menggunakan metode CMA (Composite Mapping Analysis). Dari hasil pengolahan didapatkan peta daerah rawan banjir dengan luas daerah rawan banjir yang dibagi menjadi 3 kelas, yaitu kelas tidak rawan dengan luas daerah 61.879 ha (44%), kelas rawan dengan luas daerah 67.885 ha (48%) dan kelas sangat rawan dengan luas daerah 11.144 ha (8%). ==================== Every year natural disasters occur in various places in the territory of Indonesia. According to Indonesia Disaster Information Data (DIBI) -BNPB, more than 78% of events are hydrometeorological disasters. The incidence of hydrometeorological disasters is a group of floods, extreme waves and extreme weather incident. rainfall is a familiar phenomenon considering the location of Indonesia in the tropics. Every region can have different flooding factors. A multi-criteria analysis can be used to look at the specific criteria of the causes of floods in a specific region. The objective of this research is the compilation of the data base of the flood-causing which is then used to make the Map of flood prone area of Pacitan regency.Map of flood-prone areas are result from overlay of rainfall, soil type, flow density, land cover, altitude and slope parameters. Flood-causing parameters then scored and weighted using CMA (Composite Mapping Analysis) method. Result from overlay process is Map of flood-prone area with 3 class of flood prone, not a prone area with the area of 61 879 ha (44%), prone area with the area of 67 885 ha (48%), and highprone area with area of 11,144 ha (8%)

    Studi Tentang Kawasan Rawan Banjir Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) Di Wilayah Sungai Cikeas Dan Sungai Cileungsi, Kabupaten Bogor (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Gunung Putri)

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    Banjir adalah meluapnya aliran sungai akibat air melebihi kapasitas tampungan sungai, sehingga meluap dan menggenangi dataran atau daerah yang lebih rendah di sekitarnya. Masalah banjir merupakan masalah yang dihadapi Kecamatan Gunung Putri dari tahun ke tahun. Daerah rawan banjir dapat diidentifikasi melalui peta rawan banjir dengan menggunakan teknik Multi-Criteria Evaluation dengan metode skoring dan pembobotan pada setiap parameter menggunakan metode Composite Mapping Analysis. Parameter banjir yang digunakan, yaitu curah hujan, jenis tanah, kemiringan lereng, tutupan lahan, serta kerapatan aliran. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah Penyusunan basis data penyebab banjir yang kemudian digunakan unuk membuat Peta daerah rawan banjir kecamatan Gunung Putri. Hasil penelitian yang di dapatkan pada pengolahan peta daerah rawan banjir di Kecamatan Gunung Putri dibagi menjadi 3 kelas yaitu Kelas Tidak Rawan seluas 135.587 Ha, Kelas Rawan seluas 3120.869 Ha, dan Kelas Sangat Rawan seluas 2829.841 Ha. ================================================================================================================================ Flood is the overflow of the river due to water exceeding the capacity of the river basin, so it overflows and inundates the plains or lower areas around it. The problem of flooding is a problem faced by Gunung Putri Sub-district from year to year. Flood-prone areas can be identified through flood hazard maps using the Multi-Criteria Evaluation technique with scoring and weighting methods on each parameter using the Composite Mapping Analysis method. The flood parameters used were rainfall, soil type, slope, land cover, and flow density. The aim to be achieved in this study is the compilation of a database of causes of flooding which is then used to map the flood-prone areas of Gunung Putri sub-district. The results obtained in the processing of mapping floodprone areas in Gunung Putri Sub-district were divided into 3 classes namely Non-Prone Class of 135,587 Ha, Prone Class of 3120,869 Ha, and Very Prone Class of 2829,841 Ha

    Spatial Analysis for Flood Control by Using Environmental Modeling

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