692 research outputs found

    Machine Learning for Informed Representation Learning

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    The way we view reality and reason about the processes surrounding us is intimately connected to our perception and the representations we form about our observations and experiences. The popularity of machine learning and deep learning techniques in that regard stems from their ability to form useful representations by learning from large sets of observations. Typical application examples include image recognition or language processing for which artificial neural networks are powerful tools to extract regularity patterns or relevant statistics. In this thesis, we leverage and further develop this representation learning capability to address relevant but challenging real-world problems in geoscience and chemistry, to learn representations in an informed manner relevant to the task at hand, and reason about representation learning in neural networks, in general. Firstly, we develop an approach for efficient and scalable semantic segmentation of degraded soil in alpine grasslands in remotely-sensed images based on convolutional neural networks. To this end, we consider different grassland erosion phenomena in several Swiss valleys. We find that we are able to monitor soil degradation consistent with state-of-the-art methods in geoscience and can improve detection of affected areas. Furthermore, our approach provides a scalable method for large-scale analysis which is infeasible with established methods. Secondly, we address the question of how to identify suitable latent representations to enable generation of novel objects with selected properties. For this, we introduce a new deep generative model in the context of manifold learning and disentanglement. Our model improves targeted generation of novel objects by making use of property cycle consistency in property-relevant and property-invariant latent subspaces. We demonstrate the improvements on the generation of molecules with desired physical or chemical properties. Furthermore, we show that our model facilitates interpretability and exploration of the latent representation. Thirdly, in the context of recent advances in deep learning theory and the neural tangent kernel, we empirically investigate the learning of feature representations in standard convolutional neural networks and corresponding random feature models given by the linearisation of the neural networks. We find that performance differences between standard and linearised networks generally increase with the difficulty of the task but decrease with the considered width or over-parametrisation of these networks. Our results indicate interesting implications for feature learning and random feature models as well as the generalisation performance of highly over-parametrised neural networks. In summary, we employ and study feature learning in neural networks and review how we may use informed representation learning for challenging tasks

    Representation learning on heterogeneous spatiotemporal networks

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    “The problem of learning latent representations of heterogeneous networks with spatial and temporal attributes has been gaining traction in recent years, given its myriad of real-world applications. Most systems with applications in the field of transportation, urban economics, medical information, online e-commerce, etc., handle big data that can be structured into Spatiotemporal Heterogeneous Networks (SHNs), thereby making efficient analysis of these networks extremely vital. In recent years, representation learning models have proven to be quite efficient in capturing effective lower-dimensional representations of data. But, capturing efficient representations of SHNs continues to pose a challenge for the following reasons: (i) Spatiotemporal data that is structured as SHN encapsulate complex spatial and temporal relationships that exist among real-world objects, rendering traditional feature engineering approaches inefficient and compute-intensive; (ii) Due to the unique nature of the SHNs, existing representation learning techniques cannot be directly adopted to capture their representations. To address the problem of learning representations of SHNs, four novel frameworks that focus on their unique spatial and temporal characteristics are introduced: (i) collective representation learning, which focuses on quantifying the importance of each latent feature using Laplacian scores; (ii) modality aware representation learning, which learns from the complex user mobility pattern; (iii) distributed representation learning, which focuses on learning human mobility patterns by leveraging Natural Language Processing algorithms; and (iv) representation learning with node sense disambiguation, which learns contrastive senses of nodes in SHNs. The developed frameworks can help us capture higher-order spatial and temporal interactions of real-world SHNs. Through data-driven simulations, machine learning and deep learning models trained on the representations learned from the developed frameworks are proven to be much more efficient and effective”--Abstract, page iii

    Semantic Concept Co-Occurrence Patterns for Image Annotation and Retrieval.

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    Describing visual image contents by semantic concepts is an effective and straightforward way to facilitate various high level applications. Inferring semantic concepts from low-level pictorial feature analysis is challenging due to the semantic gap problem, while manually labeling concepts is unwise because of a large number of images in both online and offline collections. In this paper, we present a novel approach to automatically generate intermediate image descriptors by exploiting concept co-occurrence patterns in the pre-labeled training set that renders it possible to depict complex scene images semantically. Our work is motivated by the fact that multiple concepts that frequently co-occur across images form patterns which could provide contextual cues for individual concept inference. We discover the co-occurrence patterns as hierarchical communities by graph modularity maximization in a network with nodes and edges representing concepts and co-occurrence relationships separately. A random walk process working on the inferred concept probabilities with the discovered co-occurrence patterns is applied to acquire the refined concept signature representation. Through experiments in automatic image annotation and semantic image retrieval on several challenging datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed concept co-occurrence patterns as well as the concept signature representation in comparison with state-of-the-art approaches

    A cross-cultural case study of consumers' communications about a new technological product

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    Using a case-study based approach, this research contributes to the standardisation versus adaptation debate in global marketing. It analyses the influence of the local culture dimension reflected in consumers’ comments in the Facebook platform regarding a new global technological product. Galaxy S8/S8+, launched worldwide in 2017. Consumers’ comments about this new smartphone were gathered and analysed for three cultural distinct English-speaking countries: Australia, India, and South Africa. The analysis’ procedure consisted of a text mining and topic modelling approach, including sentiment classification analysis, to discern and understand consumers’ responses to global brand communications. The findings indicate that cultural aspects still play a key role in consumers’ reactions to the product in each country, justifying the continued need for marketing strategies that conflate pursuing economies of scale with accounting for the cultural sensitivities of demand at country level. Evidence of consumers attitudes’ and behaviours’ homogenisation across countries is still limited

    Hybrid machine learning approaches for scene understanding: From segmentation and recognition to image parsing

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    We alleviate the problem of semantic scene understanding by studies on object segmentation/recognition and scene labeling methods respectively. We propose new techniques for joint recognition, segmentation and pose estimation of infrared (IR) targets. The problem is formulated in a probabilistic level set framework where a shape constrained generative model is used to provide a multi-class and multi-view shape prior and where the shape model involves a couplet of view and identity manifolds (CVIM). A level set energy function is then iteratively optimized under the shape constraints provided by the CVIM. Since both the view and identity variables are expressed explicitly in the objective function, this approach naturally accomplishes recognition, segmentation and pose estimation as joint products of the optimization process. For realistic target chips, we solve the resulting multi-modal optimization problem by adopting a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and then improve the computational efficiency by implementing a gradient-boosted PSO (GB-PSO). Evaluation was performed using the Military Sensing Information Analysis Center (SENSIAC) ATR database, and experimental results show that both of the PSO algorithms reduce the cost of shape matching during CVIM-based shape inference. Particularly, GB-PSO outperforms other recent ATR algorithms, which require intensive shape matching, either explicitly (with pre-segmentation) or implicitly (without pre-segmentation). On the other hand, under situations when target boundaries are not obviously observed and object shapes are not preferably detected, we explored some sparse representation classification (SRC) methods on ATR applications, and developed a fusion technique that combines the traditional SRC and a group constrained SRC algorithm regulated by a sparsity concentration index for improved classification accuracy on the Comanche dataset. Moreover, we present a compact rare class-oriented scene labeling framework (RCSL) with a global scene assisted rare class retrieval process, where the retrieved subset was expanded by choosing scene regulated rare class patches. A complementary rare class balanced CNN is learned to alleviate imbalanced data distribution problem at lower cost. A superpixels-based re-segmentation was implemented to produce more perceptually meaningful object boundaries. Quantitative results demonstrate the promising performances of proposed framework on both pixel and class accuracy for scene labeling on the SIFTflow dataset, especially for rare class objects
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