19,508 research outputs found

    Sparse Text Indexing in Small Space

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    In this work we present efficient algorithms for constructing sparse suffix trees, sparse suffix arrays and sparse positions heaps for b arbitrary positions of a text T of length n while using only O(b) words of space during the construction. Attempts at breaking the naive bound of Ω(nb) time for constructing sparse suffix trees in O(b) space can be traced back to the origins of string indexing in 1968. First results were only obtained in 1996, but only for the case where the b suffixes were evenly spaced in T. In this paper there is no constraint on the locations of the suffixes. Our main contribution is to show that the sparse suffix tree (and array) can be constructed in O(n log2 b) time. To achieve this we develop a technique, that allows to efficiently answer b longest common prefix queries on suffixes of T, using only O(b) space. We expect that this technique will prove useful in many other applications in which space usage is a concern. Our first solution is Monte-Carlo and outputs the correct tree with high probability. We then give a Las-Vegas algorithm which also uses O(b) space and runs in the same time bounds with high probability when b = O( n). Furthermore, additional tradeoffs between the space usage and the construction time for the Monte-Carlo algorithm are given. Finally, we show that at the expense of slower pattern queries, it is possible to construct sparse position heaps in O(n+ b log b) time and O(b) space

    Optimal Substring-Equality Queries with Applications to Sparse Text Indexing

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    We consider the problem of encoding a string of length nn from an integer alphabet of size σ\sigma so that access and substring equality queries (that is, determining the equality of any two substrings) can be answered efficiently. Any uniquely-decodable encoding supporting access must take nlogσ+Θ(log(nlogσ))n\log\sigma + \Theta(\log (n\log\sigma)) bits. We describe a new data structure matching this lower bound when σnO(1)\sigma\leq n^{O(1)} while supporting both queries in optimal O(1)O(1) time. Furthermore, we show that the string can be overwritten in-place with this structure. The redundancy of Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n) bits and the constant query time break exponentially a lower bound that is known to hold in the read-only model. Using our new string representation, we obtain the first in-place subquadratic (indeed, even sublinear in some cases) algorithms for several string-processing problems in the restore model: the input string is rewritable and must be restored before the computation terminates. In particular, we describe the first in-place subquadratic Monte Carlo solutions to the sparse suffix sorting, sparse LCP array construction, and suffix selection problems. With the sole exception of suffix selection, our algorithms are also the first running in sublinear time for small enough sets of input suffixes. Combining these solutions, we obtain the first sublinear-time Monte Carlo algorithm for building the sparse suffix tree in compact space. We also show how to derandomize our algorithms using small space. This leads to the first Las Vegas in-place algorithm computing the full LCP array in O(nlogn)O(n\log n) time and to the first Las Vegas in-place algorithms solving the sparse suffix sorting and sparse LCP array construction problems in O(n1.5logσ)O(n^{1.5}\sqrt{\log \sigma}) time. Running times of these Las Vegas algorithms hold in the worst case with high probability.Comment: Refactored according to TALG's reviews. New w.h.p. bounds and Las Vegas algorithm

    Random Indexing K-tree

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    Random Indexing (RI) K-tree is the combination of two algorithms for clustering. Many large scale problems exist in document clustering. RI K-tree scales well with large inputs due to its low complexity. It also exhibits features that are useful for managing a changing collection. Furthermore, it solves previous issues with sparse document vectors when using K-tree. The algorithms and data structures are defined, explained and motivated. Specific modifications to K-tree are made for use with RI. Experiments have been executed to measure quality. The results indicate that RI K-tree improves document cluster quality over the original K-tree algorithm.Comment: 8 pages, ADCS 2009; Hyperref and cleveref LaTeX packages conflicted. Removed clevere

    Indexing with coded deltas—a data compaction technique

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    The paper describes the coded delta scheme, which is one of the methods used by the Census Research Unit, University of Durham, for compacting the 1971 U.K. census data. It evaluates the merits and limitations of the technique in relation to the characteristics of the data set and other techniques available for compact encoding of numeric and string data

    Incremental dimension reduction of tensors with random index

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    We present an incremental, scalable and efficient dimension reduction technique for tensors that is based on sparse random linear coding. Data is stored in a compactified representation with fixed size, which makes memory requirements low and predictable. Component encoding and decoding are performed on-line without computationally expensive re-analysis of the data set. The range of tensor indices can be extended dynamically without modifying the component representation. This idea originates from a mathematical model of semantic memory and a method known as random indexing in natural language processing. We generalize the random-indexing algorithm to tensors and present signal-to-noise-ratio simulations for representations of vectors and matrices. We present also a mathematical analysis of the approximate orthogonality of high-dimensional ternary vectors, which is a property that underpins this and other similar random-coding approaches to dimension reduction. To further demonstrate the properties of random indexing we present results of a synonym identification task. The method presented here has some similarities with random projection and Tucker decomposition, but it performs well at high dimensionality only (n>10^3). Random indexing is useful for a range of complex practical problems, e.g., in natural language processing, data mining, pattern recognition, event detection, graph searching and search engines. Prototype software is provided. It supports encoding and decoding of tensors of order >= 1 in a unified framework, i.e., vectors, matrices and higher order tensors.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figure

    Prospects and limitations of full-text index structures in genome analysis

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    The combination of incessant advances in sequencing technology producing large amounts of data and innovative bioinformatics approaches, designed to cope with this data flood, has led to new interesting results in the life sciences. Given the magnitude of sequence data to be processed, many bioinformatics tools rely on efficient solutions to a variety of complex string problems. These solutions include fast heuristic algorithms and advanced data structures, generally referred to as index structures. Although the importance of index structures is generally known to the bioinformatics community, the design and potency of these data structures, as well as their properties and limitations, are less understood. Moreover, the last decade has seen a boom in the number of variant index structures featuring complex and diverse memory-time trade-offs. This article brings a comprehensive state-of-the-art overview of the most popular index structures and their recently developed variants. Their features, interrelationships, the trade-offs they impose, but also their practical limitations, are explained and compared

    TopSig: Topology Preserving Document Signatures

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    Performance comparisons between File Signatures and Inverted Files for text retrieval have previously shown several significant shortcomings of file signatures relative to inverted files. The inverted file approach underpins most state-of-the-art search engine algorithms, such as Language and Probabilistic models. It has been widely accepted that traditional file signatures are inferior alternatives to inverted files. This paper describes TopSig, a new approach to the construction of file signatures. Many advances in semantic hashing and dimensionality reduction have been made in recent times, but these were not so far linked to general purpose, signature file based, search engines. This paper introduces a different signature file approach that builds upon and extends these recent advances. We are able to demonstrate significant improvements in the performance of signature file based indexing and retrieval, performance that is comparable to that of state of the art inverted file based systems, including Language models and BM25. These findings suggest that file signatures offer a viable alternative to inverted files in suitable settings and from the theoretical perspective it positions the file signatures model in the class of Vector Space retrieval models.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, CIKM 201

    Sparse Suffix and LCP Array: Simple, Direct, Small, and Fast

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    Sparse suffix sorting is the problem of sorting b=o(n)b=o(n) suffixes of a string of length nn. Efficient sparse suffix sorting algorithms have existed for more than a decade. Despite the multitude of works and their justified claims for applications in text indexing, the existing algorithms have not been employed by practitioners. Arguably this is because there are no simple, direct, and efficient algorithms for sparse suffix array construction. We provide two new algorithms for constructing the sparse suffix and LCP arrays that are simultaneously simple, direct, small, and fast. In particular, our algorithms are: simple in the sense that they can be implemented using only basic data structures; direct in the sense that the output arrays are not a byproduct of constructing the sparse suffix tree or an LCE data structure; fast in the sense that they run in O(nlogb)\mathcal{O}(n\log b) time, in the worst case, or in O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) time, when the total number of suffixes with an LCP value greater than 2lognb+112^{\lfloor \log \frac{n}{b} \rfloor + 1}-1 is in O(b/logb)\mathcal{O}(b/\log b), matching the time of the optimal yet much more complicated algorithms [Gawrychowski and Kociumaka, SODA 2017; Birenzwige et al., SODA 2020]; and small in the sense that they can be implemented using only 8b+o(b)8b+o(b) machine words. Our algorithms are simplified, yet non-trivial, space-efficient adaptations of the Monte Carlo algorithm by I et al. for constructing the sparse suffix tree in O(nlogb)\mathcal{O}(n\log b) time [STACS 2014]. We also provide proof-of-concept experiments to justify our claims on simplicity and efficiency.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    A Density-Based Approach to the Retrieval of Top-K Spatial Textual Clusters

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    Keyword-based web queries with local intent retrieve web content that is relevant to supplied keywords and that represent points of interest that are near the query location. Two broad categories of such queries exist. The first encompasses queries that retrieve single spatial web objects that each satisfy the query arguments. Most proposals belong to this category. The second category, to which this paper's proposal belongs, encompasses queries that support exploratory user behavior and retrieve sets of objects that represent regions of space that may be of interest to the user. Specifically, the paper proposes a new type of query, namely the top-k spatial textual clusters (k-STC) query that returns the top-k clusters that (i) are located the closest to a given query location, (ii) contain the most relevant objects with regard to given query keywords, and (iii) have an object density that exceeds a given threshold. To compute this query, we propose a basic algorithm that relies on on-line density-based clustering and exploits an early stop condition. To improve the response time, we design an advanced approach that includes three techniques: (i) an object skipping rule, (ii) spatially gridded posting lists, and (iii) a fast range query algorithm. An empirical study on real data demonstrates that the paper's proposals offer scalability and are capable of excellent performance