92 research outputs found

    Machine learning on cardiotocography data to classify fetal outcomes: A scoping review

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    Introduction: Uterine contractions during labour constrict maternal blood flow and oxygen delivery to the developing baby, causing transient hypoxia. While most babies are physiologically adapted to withstand such intrapartum hypoxia, those exposed to severe hypoxia or with poor physiological reserves may experience neurological injury or death during labour. Cardiotocography (CTG) monitoring was developed to identify babies at risk of hypoxia by detecting changes in fetal heart rate (FHR) patterns. CTG monitoring is in widespread use in intrapartum care for the detection of fetal hypoxia, but the clinical utility is limited by a relatively poor positive predictive value (PPV) of an abnormal CTG and significant inter and intra observer variability in CTG interpretation. Clinical risk and human factors may impact the quality of CTG interpretation. Misclassification of CTG traces may lead to both under-treatment (with the risk of fetal injury or death) or over-treatment (which may include unnecessary operative interventions that put both mother and baby at risk of complications). Machine learning (ML) has been applied to this problem since early 2000 and has shown potential to predict fetal hypoxia more accurately than visual interpretation of CTG alone. To consider how these tools might be translated for clinical practice, we conducted a review of ML techniques already applied to CTG classification and identified research gaps requiring investigation in order to progress towards clinical implementation. Materials and method: We used identified keywords to search databases for relevant publications on PubMed, EMBASE and IEEE Xplore. We used Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Title, abstract and full text were screened according to the inclusion criteria. Results: We included 36 studies that used signal processing and ML techniques to classify CTG. Most studies used an open-access CTG database and predominantly used fetal metabolic acidosis as the benchmark for hypoxia with varying pH levels. Various methods were used to process and extract CTG signals and several ML algorithms were used to classify CTG. We identified significant concerns over the practicality of using varying pH levels as the CTG classification benchmark. Furthermore, studies needed to be more generalised as most used the same database with a low number of subjects for an ML study. Conclusion: ML studies demonstrate potential in predicting fetal hypoxia from CTG. However, more diverse datasets, standardisation of hypoxia benchmarks and enhancement of algorithms and features are needed for future clinical implementation.</p

    Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks to Detect Fetal Compromise During Labor and Delivery

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    The gold standard to assess whether a baby is at risk of oxygen deprivation during childbirth, is monitoring continuously the fetal heart rate with cardiotocography (CTG). The aim is to identify babies that could benefit from an emergency operative delivery (e.g., Cesarean section), in order to prevent death or permanent brain injury. The long, dynamic and complex CTG patterns are poorly understood and known to have high false positive and false negative rates. Visual interpretation by clinicians is challenging and reliable accurate fetal monitoring in labor remains an enormous unmet medical need. In this work, we applied deep learning methods to achieve data-driven automated CTG evaluation. Multimodal Convolutional Neural Network (MCNN) and Stacked MCNN models were used to analyze the largest available database of routinely collected CTG and linked clinical data (comprising more than 35000 births). We also assessed in detail the impact of the signal quality on the MCNN performance. On a large hold-out testing set from Oxford (n= 4429 births), MCNN improved the prediction of cord acidemia at birth when compared with Clinical Practice and previous computerized approaches. On two external datasets, MCNN demonstrated better performance compared to current feature extraction-based methods. Our group is the first to apply deep learning for the analysis of CTG. We conclude that MCNN hold potential for the prediction of cord acidemia at birth and further work is warranted. Despite the advances, our deep learning models are currently not suitable for the detection of severe fetal injury in the absence of cord acidemia - a heterogeneous, small, and poorly understood group. We suggest that the most promising way forward are hybrid approaches to CTG interpretation in labor, in which different diagnostic models can estimate the risk for different types of fetal compromise, incorporating clinical knowledge with data-driven analyses

    Computer-based intrapartum fetal monitoring and beyond: A review of the 2nd Workshop on Signal Processing and Monitoring in Labor (October 2017, Oxford, UK).

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    The second Signal Processing and Monitoring in Labor workshop gathered researchers who utilize promising new research strategies and initiatives to tackle the challenges of intrapartum fetal monitoring. The workshop included a series of lectures and discussions focusing on: new algorithms and techniques for cardiotocogoraphy (CTG) and electrocardiogram acquisition and analyses; the results of a CTG evaluation challenge comparing state-of-the-art computerized methods and visual interpretation for the detection of arterial cord pH <7.05 at birth; the lack of consensus about the role of intrapartum acidemia in the etiology of fetal brain injury; the differences between methods for CTG analysis "mimicking" expert clinicians and those derived from "data-driven" analyses; a critical review of the results from two randomized controlled trials testing the former in clinical practice; and relevant insights from modern physiology-based studies. We concluded that the automated algorithms performed comparably to each other and to clinical assessment of the CTG. However, the sensitivity and specificity urgently need to be improved (both computerized and visual assessment). Data-driven CTG evaluation requires further work with large multicenter datasets based on well-defined labor outcomes. And before first tests in the clinic, there are important lessons to be learnt from clinical trials that tested automated algorithms mimicking expert CTG interpretation. In addition, transabdominal fetal electrocardiogram monitoring provides reliable CTG traces and variability estimates; and fetal electrocardiogram waveform analysis is subject to promising new research. There is a clear need for close collaboration between computing and clinical experts. We believe that progress will be possible with multidisciplinary collaborative research

    Cardiotocography Signal Abnormality Detection based on Deep Unsupervised Models

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    Cardiotocography (CTG) is a key element when it comes to monitoring fetal well-being. Obstetricians use it to observe the fetal heart rate (FHR) and the uterine contraction (UC). The goal is to determine how the fetus reacts to the contraction and whether it is receiving adequate oxygen. If a problem occurs, the physician can then respond with an intervention. Unfortunately, the interpretation of CTGs is highly subjective and there is a low inter- and intra-observer agreement rate among practitioners. This can lead to unnecessary medical intervention that represents a risk for both the mother and the fetus. Recently, computer-assisted diagnosis techniques, especially based on artificial intelligence models (mostly supervised), have been proposed in the literature. But, many of these models lack generalization to unseen/test data samples due to overfitting. Moreover, the unsupervised models were applied to a very small portion of the CTG samples where the normal and abnormal classes are highly separable. In this work, deep unsupervised learning approaches, trained in a semi-supervised manner, are proposed for anomaly detection in CTG signals. The GANomaly framework, modified to capture the underlying distribution of data samples, is used as our main model and is applied to the CTU-UHB dataset. Unlike the recent studies, all the CTG data samples, without any specific preferences, are used in our work. The experimental results show that our modified GANomaly model outperforms state-of-the-arts. This study admit the superiority of the deep unsupervised models over the supervised ones in CTG abnormality detection

    Multidimensional Ultrasound Doppler Signal Analysis for Fetal Activity Monitoring

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    International audienceFetal activity parameters such as movements, heart rate and the related parameters are essential indicators of fetal wellbeing, and no device provides simultaneous access to and sufficient estimation of all of these parameters to evaluate fetal health. This work was aimed at collecting these parameters to automatically separate healthy from compromised fetuses. To achieve this goal, we first developed a multi-sensor-multi-gate Doppler system. Then we recorded multidimensional Doppler signals and estimated the fetal activity parameters via dedicated signal processing techniques. Finally, we combined these parameters into four sets of parameters (or four hyper-parameters) to determine the set of parameters that is able to separate healthy from other fetuses. To validate our system, a data set consisting of two groups of fetal signals (normal and compromised) was established and provided by physicians. From the estimated parameters, an instantaneous Manning-like score, referred to as the ultrasonic score, was calculated and was used together with movements, heart rate and the associated parameters in a classification process employing the support vector machine method. We investigated the influence of the sets of parameters and evaluated the performance of the support vector machine using the computation of sensibility, specificity, percentage of support vectors and total classification error. The sensitivity of the four sets ranged from 79% to 100%. Specificity was 100% for all sets. The total classification error ranged from 0% to 20%. The percentage of support vectors ranged from 33% to 49%. Overall, the best results were obtained with the set of parameters consisting of fetal movement, short-term variability, long-term variability, deceleration and ultrasound score. The sensitivity, specificity, percentage of support vectors and total classification error of this set were respectively 100%, 100%, 35% and 0%. This indicated our ability to separate the data into two sets (normal fetuses and pathologic fetuses), and the results highlight the excellent match with the clinical classification performed by the physicians. This work indicates the feasibility of detecting compromised fetuses and also represents an interesting method of close fetal monitoring during the entire pregnancy

    Computer-Aided Diagnosis System of Fetal Hypoxia Incorporating Recurrence Plot With Convolutional Neural Network

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    Background: Electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) is widely applied as a routine diagnostic tool by clinicians using fetal heart rate (FHR) signals to prevent fetal hypoxia. However, visual interpretation of the FHR usually leads to significant inter-observer and intra-observer variability, and false positives become the main cause of unnecessary cesarean sections.Goal: The main aim of this study was to ensure a novel, consistent, robust, and effective model for fetal hypoxia detection.Methods: In this work, we proposed a novel computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system integrated with an advanced deep learning (DL) algorithm. For a 1-dimensional preprocessed FHR signal, the 2-dimensional image was transformed using recurrence plot (RP), which is considered to greatly capture the non-linear characteristics. The ultimate image dataset was enriched by changing several parameters of the RP and was then used to feed the convolutional neural network (CNN). Compared to conventional machine learning (ML) methods, a CNN can self-learn useful features from the input data and does not perform complex manual feature engineering (i.e., feature extraction and selection).Results: Finally, according to the optimization experiment, the CNN model obtained the average performance using optimal configuration across 10-fold: accuracy = 98.69%, sensitivity = 99.29%, specificity = 98.10%, and area under the curve = 98.70%.Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this approached achieved better classification performance in predicting fetal hypoxia using FHR signals compared to the other state-of-the-art works.Significance: In summary, the satisfied result proved the effectiveness of our proposed CAD system for assisting obstetricians making objective and accurate medical decisions based on RP and powerful CNN algorithm

    Prediction of the mode of delivery using artificial intelligence algorithms

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    Background and objective: Mode of delivery is one of the issues that most concerns obstetricians. The caesarean section rate has increased progressively in recent years, exceeding the limit recommended by health institutions. Obstetricians generally lack the necessary technology to help them decide whether a caesarean delivery is appropriate based on antepartum and intrapartum conditions. Methods: In this study, we have tested the suitability of using three popular artificial intelligence algorithms, Support Vector Machines, Multilayer Perceptron and, Random Forest, to develop a clinical decision support system for the prediction of the mode of delivery according to three categories: caesarean section, euthocic vaginal delivery and, instrumental vaginal delivery. For this purpose, we used a comprehensive clinical database consisting of 25038 records with 48 attributes of women who attended to give birth at the Service of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the University Clinical Hospital "Virgen de la Arrixaca" in the Murcia Region (Spain) from January of 2016 to January 2019. Women involved were patients with singleton pregnancies who attended to the emergency room on active labour or undergoing a planned induction of labour for medical reasons. Results: The three implemented algorithms showed a similar performance, all of them reaching an accuracy equal to or above 90% in the classification between caesarean and vaginal deliveries and somewhat lower, around 87% between instrumental and euthocic. Conclusions: The results validate the use of these algorithms to build a clinical decision system to help gynaecologists to predict the mode of delivery

    A Machine Learning Approach to Monitor the Emergence of Late Intrauterine Growth Restriction

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    Late intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a fetal pathological condition characterized by chronic hypoxia secondary to placental insufficiency, resulting in an abnormal rate of fetal growth. This pathology has been associated with increased fetal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. In standard clinical practice, late IUGR diagnosis can only be suspected in the third trimester and ultimately confirmed at birth. This study presents a radial basis function support vector machine (RBF-SVM) classification based on quantitative features extracted from fetal heart rate (FHR) signals acquired using routine cardiotocography (CTG) in a population of 160 healthy and 102 late IUGR fetuses. First, the individual performance of each time, frequency, and nonlinear feature was tested. To improve the unsatisfactory results of univariate analysis we firstly adopted a Recursive Feature Elimination approach to select the best subset of FHR-based parameters contributing to the discrimination of healthy vs. late IUGR fetuses. A fine tuning of the RBF-SVM model parameters resulted in a satisfactory classification performance in the training set (accuracy 0.93, sensitivity 0.93, specificity 0.84). Comparable results were obtained when applying the model on a totally independent testing set. This investigation supports the use of a multivariate approach for the in utero identification of late IUGR condition based on quantitative FHR features encompassing different domains. The proposed model allows describing the relationships among features beyond the traditional linear approaches, thus improving the classification performance. This framework has the potential to be proposed as a screening tool for the identification of late IUGR fetuses

    A Strategy for Classification of “Vaginal vs. Cesarean Section” Delivery: Bivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition of Cardiotocographic Recordings

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    We propose objective and robust measures for the purpose of classification of “vaginal vs. cesarean section” delivery by investigating temporal dynamics and complex interactions between fetal heart rate (FHR) and maternal uterine contraction (UC) recordings from cardiotocographic (CTG) traces. Multivariate extension of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) yields intrinsic scales embedded in UC-FHR recordings while also retaining inter-channel (UC-FHR) coupling at multiple scales. The mode alignment property of EMD results in the matched signal decomposition, in terms of frequency content, which paves the way for the selection of robust and objective time-frequency features for the problem at hand. Specifically, instantaneous amplitude and instantaneous frequency of multivariate intrinsic mode functions are utilized to construct a class of features which capture nonlinear and nonstationary interactions from UC-FHR recordings. The proposed features are fed to a variety of modern machine learning classifiers (decision tree, support vector machine, AdaBoost) to delineate vaginal and cesarean dynamics. We evaluate the performance of different classifiers on a real world dataset by investigating the following classifying measures: sensitivity, specificity, area under the ROC curve (AUC) and mean squared error (MSE). It is observed that under the application of all proposed 40 features AdaBoost classifier provides the best accuracy of 91.8% sensitivity, 95.5% specificity, 98% AUC, and 5% MSE. To conclude, the utilization of all proposed time-frequency features as input to machine learning classifiers can benefit clinical obstetric practitioners through a robust and automatic approach for the classification of fetus dynamics

    Challenges of developing robust AI for intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring

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    Background: CTG remains the only non-invasive tool available to the maternity team for continuous monitoring of fetal well-being during labour. Despite widespread use and investment in staff training, difficulty with CTG interpretation continues to be identified as a problem in cases of fetal hypoxia, which often results in permanent brain injury. Given the recent advances in AI, it is hoped that its application to CTG will offer a better, less subjective and more reliable method of CTG interpretation. Objectives: This mini-review examines the literature and discusses the impediments to the success of AI application to CTG thus far. Prior randomised control trials (RCTs) of CTG decision support systems are reviewed from technical and clinical perspectives. A selection of novel engineering approaches, not yet validated in RCTs, are also reviewed. The review presents the key challenges that need to be addressed in order to develop a robust AI tool to identify fetal distress in a timely manner so that appropriate intervention can be made. Results: The decision support systems used in three RCTs were reviewed, summarising the algorithms, the outcomes of the trials and the limitations. Preliminary work suggests that the inclusion of clinical data can improve the performance of AI-assisted CTG. Combined with newer approaches to the classification of traces, this offers promise for rewarding future development
