1,457 research outputs found

    HIV Drug Resistant Prediction and Featured Mutants Selection using Machine Learning Approaches

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    HIV/AIDS is widely spread and ranks as the sixth biggest killer all over the world. Moreover, due to the rapid replication rate and the lack of proofreading mechanism of HIV virus, drug resistance is commonly found and is one of the reasons causing the failure of the treatment. Even though the drug resistance tests are provided to the patients and help choose more efficient drugs, such experiments may take up to two weeks to finish and are expensive. Because of the fast development of the computer, drug resistance prediction using machine learning is feasible. In order to accurately predict the HIV drug resistance, two main tasks need to be solved: how to encode the protein structure, extracting the more useful information and feeding it into the machine learning tools; and which kinds of machine learning tools to choose. In our research, we first proposed a new protein encoding algorithm, which could convert various sizes of proteins into a fixed size vector. This algorithm enables feeding the protein structure information to most state of the art machine learning algorithms. In the next step, we also proposed a new classification algorithm based on sparse representation. Following that, mean shift and quantile regression were included to help extract the feature information from the data. Our results show that encoding protein structure using our newly proposed method is very efficient, and has consistently higher accuracy regardless of type of machine learning tools. Furthermore, our new classification algorithm based on sparse representation is the first application of sparse representation performed on biological data, and the result is comparable to other state of the art classification algorithms, for example ANN, SVM and multiple regression. Following that, the mean shift and quantile regression provided us with the potentially most important drug resistant mutants, and such results might help biologists/chemists to determine which mutants are the most representative candidates for further research

    Characterizing protein-ligand binding using atomistic simulation and machine learning: Application to drug resistance in HIV-1 protease

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    Over the past several decades, atomistic simulations of biomolecules, whether carried out using molecular dynamics or Monte Carlo techniques, have provided detailed insights into their function. Comparing the results of such simulations for a few closely related systems has guided our understanding of the mechanisms by which changes like ligand binding or mutation can alter function. The general problem of detecting and interpreting such mechanisms from simulations of many related systems, however, remains a challenge. This problem is addressed here by applying supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques to a variety of thermodynamic observables extracted from molecular dynamics simulations of different systems. As an important test case, these methods are applied to understanding the evasion by HIV-1 protease of darunavir, a potent inhibitor to which resistance can develop via the simultaneous mutation of multiple amino acids. Complex mutational patterns have been observed among resistant strains, presenting a challenge to developing a mechanistic picture of resistance in the protease. In order to dissect these patterns and gain mechanistic insight on the role of specific mutations, molecular dynamics simulations were carried out on a collection of HIV-1 protease variants, chosen to include highly resistant strains and susceptible controls, in complex with darunavir. Using a machine learning approach that takes advantage of the hierarchical nature in the relationships among sequence, structure and function, an integrative analysis of these trajectories reveals key details of the resistance mechanism, including changes in protein structure, hydrogen bonding and protein-ligand contacts

    Improving fold resistance prediction of HIV-1 against protease and reverse transcriptase inhibitors using artificial neural networks:

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    Drug resistance in HIV treatment is still a worldwide problem. Predicting resistance to antiretrovirals (ARVs) before starting any treatment is important. Prediction accuracy is essential, as low-accuracy predictions increase the risk of prescribing sub-optimal drug regimens leading to patients developing resistance sooner. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are a powerful tool that would be able to assist in drug resistance prediction. In this study, we constrained the dataset to subtype B, sacrificing generalizability for a higher predictive performance, and demonstrated that the predictive quality of the ANN regression models have definite improvement for most ARVs

    HIV Resistance Prediction using Feed Forward Neural Networks and Sequence Expansion Methodologies

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    HIV is a chronic and debilitating disease affecting the lives of millions of people globally. While therapies to treat HIV are available, drug resistance is a consistent problem. For this reason, an effective means of determining drug resistance for a given isolate is needed. In this experiment, we use a simple Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model trained on phenotypically labeled sequences from HIVdb for resistance classifications. We also observe an interesting data processing method, and determine train and test set division before such data processing is optimal for network performance

    Machine learning on normalized protein sequences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Machine learning techniques have been widely applied to biological sequences, e.g. to predict drug resistance in HIV-1 from sequences of drug target proteins and protein functional classes. As deletions and insertions are frequent in biological sequences, a major limitation of current methods is the inability to handle varying sequence lengths.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We propose to normalize sequences to uniform length. To this end, we tested one linear and four different non-linear interpolation methods for the normalization of sequence lengths of 19 classification datasets. Classification tasks included prediction of HIV-1 drug resistance from drug target sequences and sequence-based prediction of protein function. We applied random forests to the classification of sequences into "positive" and "negative" samples. Statistical tests showed that the linear interpolation outperforms the non-linear interpolation methods in most of the analyzed datasets, while in a few cases non-linear methods had a small but significant advantage. Compared to other published methods, our prediction scheme leads to an improvement in prediction accuracy by up to 14%.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We found that machine learning on sequences normalized by simple linear interpolation gave better or at least competitive results compared to state-of-the-art procedures, and thus, is a promising alternative to existing methods, especially for protein sequences of variable length.</p

    Characterizing early drug resistance-related events using geometric ensembles from HIV protease dynamics:

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    The use of antiretrovirals (ARVs) has drastically improved the life quality and expectancy of HIV patients since their introduction in health care. Several millions are still afflicted worldwide by HIV and ARV resistance is a constant concern for both healthcare practitioners and patients, as while treatment options are finite, the virus constantly adapts via complex mutation patterns to select for resistant strains under the pressure of drug treatment. The HIV protease is a crucial enzyme for viral maturation and has been a game changing drug target since the first application. Due to similarities in protease inhibitor designs, drug cross-resistance is not uncommon across ARVs of the same class

    Modeling cumulative biological phenomena with Suppes-Bayes Causal Networks

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    Several diseases related to cell proliferation are characterized by the accumulation of somatic DNA changes, with respect to wildtype conditions. Cancer and HIV are two common examples of such diseases, where the mutational load in the cancerous/viral population increases over time. In these cases, selective pressures are often observed along with competition, cooperation and parasitism among distinct cellular clones. Recently, we presented a mathematical framework to model these phenomena, based on a combination of Bayesian inference and Suppes' theory of probabilistic causation, depicted in graphical structures dubbed Suppes-Bayes Causal Networks (SBCNs). SBCNs are generative probabilistic graphical models that recapitulate the potential ordering of accumulation of such DNA changes during the progression of the disease. Such models can be inferred from data by exploiting likelihood-based model-selection strategies with regularization. In this paper we discuss the theoretical foundations of our approach and we investigate in depth the influence on the model-selection task of: (i) the poset based on Suppes' theory and (ii) different regularization strategies. Furthermore, we provide an example of application of our framework to HIV genetic data highlighting the valuable insights provided by the inferred