648 research outputs found

    Domain adaptation for sequence labeling using hidden Markov models

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    Most natural language processing systems based on machine learning are not robust to domain shift. For example, a state-of-the-art syntactic dependency parser trained on Wall Street Journal sentences has an absolute drop in performance of more than ten points when tested on textual data from the Web. An efficient solution to make these methods more robust to domain shift is to first learn a word representation using large amounts of unlabeled data from both domains, and then use this representation as features in a supervised learning algorithm. In this paper, we propose to use hidden Markov models to learn word representations for part-of-speech tagging. In particular, we study the influence of using data from the source, the target or both domains to learn the representation and the different ways to represent words using an HMM.Comment: New Directions in Transfer and Multi-Task: Learning Across Domains and Tasks (NIPS Workshop) (2013

    Reified Context Models

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    A classic tension exists between exact inference in a simple model and approximate inference in a complex model. The latter offers expressivity and thus accuracy, but the former provides coverage of the space, an important property for confidence estimation and learning with indirect supervision. In this work, we introduce a new approach, reified context models, to reconcile this tension. Specifically, we let the amount of context (the arity of the factors in a graphical model) be chosen "at run-time" by reifying it---that is, letting this choice itself be a random variable inside the model. Empirically, we show that our approach obtains expressivity and coverage on three natural language tasks

    A Survey of Probabilistic Models for Relational Data

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    Machine Learning-Based Data and Model Driven Bayesian Uncertanity Quantification of Inverse Problems for Suspended Non-structural System

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    Inverse problems involve extracting the internal structure of a physical system from noisy measurement data. In many fields, the Bayesian inference is used to address the ill-conditioned nature of the inverse problem by incorporating prior information through an initial distribution. In the nonparametric Bayesian framework, surrogate models such as Gaussian Processes or Deep Neural Networks are used as flexible and effective probabilistic modeling tools to overcome the high-dimensional curse and reduce computational costs. In practical systems and computer models, uncertainties can be addressed through parameter calibration, sensitivity analysis, and uncertainty quantification, leading to improved reliability and robustness of decision and control strategies based on simulation or prediction results. However, in the surrogate model, preventing overfitting and incorporating reasonable prior knowledge of embedded physics and models is a challenge. Suspended Nonstructural Systems (SNS) pose a significant challenge in the inverse problem. Research on their seismic performance and mechanical models, particularly in the inverse problem and uncertainty quantification, is still lacking. To address this, the author conducts full-scale shaking table dynamic experiments and monotonic & cyclic tests, and simulations of different types of SNS to investigate mechanical behaviors. To quantify the uncertainty of the inverse problem, the author proposes a new framework that adopts machine learning-based data and model driven stochastic Gaussian process model calibration to quantify the uncertainty via a new black box variational inference that accounts for geometric complexity measure, Minimum Description length (MDL), through Bayesian inference. It is validated in the SNS and yields optimal generalizability and computational scalability

    Deep probabilistic methods for improved radar sensor modelling and pose estimation

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    Radar’s ability to sense under adverse conditions and at far-range makes it a valuable alternative to vision and lidar for mobile robotic applications. However, its complex, scene-dependent sensing process and significant noise artefacts makes working with radar challenging. Moving past classical rule-based approaches, which have dominated the literature to date, this thesis investigates deep and data-driven solutions across a range of tasks in robotics. Firstly, a deep approach is developed for mapping raw sensor measurements to a grid-map of occupancy probabilities, outperforming classical filtering approaches by a significant margin. A distribution over the occupancy state is captured, additionally allowing uncertainty in predictions to be identified and managed. The approach is trained entirely using partial labels generated automatically from lidar, without requiring manual labelling. Next, a deep model is proposed for generating stochastic radar measurements from simulated elevation maps. The model is trained by learning the forward and backward processes side-by-side, using a combination of adversarial and cyclical consistency constraints in combination with a partial alignment loss, using labels generated in lidar. By faithfully replicating the radar sensing process, new models can be trained for down-stream tasks, using labels that are readily available in simulation. In this case, segmentation models trained on simulated radar measurements, when deployed in the real world, are shown to approach the performance of a model trained entirely on real-world measurements. Finally, the potential of deep approaches applied to the radar odometry task are explored. A learnt feature space is combined with a classical correlative scan matching procedure and optimised for pose prediction, allowing the proposed method to outperform the previous state-of-the-art by a significant margin. Through a probabilistic consideration the uncertainty in the pose is also successfully characterised. Building upon this success, properties of the Fourier Transform are then utilised to separate the search for translation and angle. It is shown that this decoupled search results in a significant boost to run-time performance, allowing the approach to run in real-time on CPUs and embedded devices, whilst remaining competitive with other radar odometry methods proposed in the literature

    Diffusion Models for Medical Image Analysis: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Denoising diffusion models, a class of generative models, have garnered immense interest lately in various deep-learning problems. A diffusion probabilistic model defines a forward diffusion stage where the input data is gradually perturbed over several steps by adding Gaussian noise and then learns to reverse the diffusion process to retrieve the desired noise-free data from noisy data samples. Diffusion models are widely appreciated for their strong mode coverage and quality of the generated samples despite their known computational burdens. Capitalizing on the advances in computer vision, the field of medical imaging has also observed a growing interest in diffusion models. To help the researcher navigate this profusion, this survey intends to provide a comprehensive overview of diffusion models in the discipline of medical image analysis. Specifically, we introduce the solid theoretical foundation and fundamental concepts behind diffusion models and the three generic diffusion modelling frameworks: diffusion probabilistic models, noise-conditioned score networks, and stochastic differential equations. Then, we provide a systematic taxonomy of diffusion models in the medical domain and propose a multi-perspective categorization based on their application, imaging modality, organ of interest, and algorithms. To this end, we cover extensive applications of diffusion models in the medical domain. Furthermore, we emphasize the practical use case of some selected approaches, and then we discuss the limitations of the diffusion models in the medical domain and propose several directions to fulfill the demands of this field. Finally, we gather the overviewed studies with their available open-source implementations at https://github.com/amirhossein-kz/Awesome-Diffusion-Models-in-Medical-Imaging.Comment: Second revision: including more papers and further discussion

    Stuctured Predictions Cascades

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    Structured prediction tasks pose a fundamental trade off between the need for model complexity to increase predictive power and the limited computational resources for inference in the exponentially-sized output spaces such models require. We formulate and develop structured prediction cascades: a sequence of increasingly complex models that progressively filter the space of possible outputs. We represent an exponentially large set of filtered outputs using max marginals and propose a novel convex loss function that balances filtering error with filtering efficiency. We provide generalization bounds for these loss functions and evaluate our approach on handwriting recognition and part-of-speech tagging. We find that the learned cascades are capable of reducing the complexity of inference by up to five orders of magnitude, enabling the use of models which incorporate higher order features and yield higher accuracy