730,865 research outputs found

    Birth Spacing Effect on Children's Attainments: Indentification Using Instrument Variables

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    In this study, I address the relationship between an often overlooked dimension of family structure—the spacing between children’s births—and the degree of children’s attainments such as Mathematics, Reading Cognition and Reading Comprehension. Comparing to the results of OLS estimation, 2SLS Estimation using Twin and Catholic as Instrument Variables shows less significant effects on children’s attainments. Hausman Test shows that OLS estimators are not consistent with 2SLS estimators, which means there is endogenous problem in OLS estimation. As the result in 2SLS shows the different spacing effects in different spacing groups, it is possible to use nonlinear estimation (quadratic form of birth spacing) and semi-parametric estimation to draw the curve of birth spacing effects, and find the most efficient birth spacing, golden birth spacing. These two estimations, to a large extent, match each other in the range of golden birth spacing

    Modeling Spacing Distribution of Queuing Vehicles in Front of a Signalized Junction Using Random-Matrix Theory

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    Modeling of headway/spacing between two consecutive vehicles has many applications in traffic flow theory and transport practice. Most known approaches only study the vehicles running on freeways. In this paper, we propose a model to explain the spacing distribution of queuing vehicles in front of a signalized junction based on random-matrix theory. We show that the recently measured spacing distribution data well fit the spacing distribution of a Gaussian symplectic ensemble (GSE). These results are also compared with the spacing distribution observed for car parking problem. Why vehicle-stationary-queuing and vehicle-parking have different spacing distributions (GSE vs GUE) seems to lie in the difference of driving patterns

    Specialized face perception mechanisms extract both part and spacing information: evidence from developmental prosopagnosia

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    It is well established that faces are processed by mechanisms that are not used with other objects. Two prominent hypotheses have been proposed to characterize how information is represented by these special mechanisms. The spacing hypothesis suggests that face-specific mechanisms primarily extract information about spacing among parts rather than information about the shape of the parts. In contrast, the holistic hypothesis suggests that faces are processed as nondecomposable wholes and, therefore, claims that both parts and spacing among them are integral aspects of face representation. Here we examined these hypotheses by testing a group of developmental prosopagnosics (DPs) who suffer from deficits in face recognition. Subjects performed a face discrimination task with faces that differed either in the spacing of the parts but not the parts (spacing task), or in the parts but not the spacing of the parts (part task). Consistent with the holistic hypothesis, DPs showed lower performance than controls on both the spacing and the part tasks, as long as salient contrast differences between the parts were minimized. Furthermore, by presenting similar spacing and part tasks with houses, we tested whether face-processing mechanisms are specific to faces, or whether they are used to process spacing information from any stimulus. DPs' normal performance on the tasks of two houses indicates that their deficit does not result from impairment in a general-purpose spacing mechanism. In summary, our data clearly support face-specific holistic hypothesis by showing that face perception mechanisms extract both part and spacing information

    Level-spacing distributions of the Gaussian unitary random matrix ensemble

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    Level-spacing distributions of the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE) of random matrix theory are expressed in terms of solutions of coupled differential equations. Series solutions up to order 50 in the level spacing are obtained, thus providing a very good description of the small-spacing part of the level-spacing distribution, which can be used to make comparisons with experimental or numerical data. The level-spacing distributions can be obtained by solving the system of differential equations numerically.Comment: The series expansions discussed in this paper are available as Mathematica code at http://mcs.open.ac.uk/ugg2/RMT/LevelSpacingGUE.m (16kB

    Evaluation of true interlamellar spacing from microstructural observations

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    A method for evaluating true interlamellar spacing from micrographs is proposed for a multidomained lamellar structure. The microstructure of these materials is assumed to be composed of many domains with the lamellae aligned roughly parallel to each other within each domain and with the domains themselves randomly oriented relative to one another. An explicit expression for the distribution of apparent interlamellar spacing is derived assuming that the distribution of the true interlamellar spacing is Gaussian. The average interlamellar spacing is close to the peak interlamellar spacing observed in the distribution. The theoretical distributions are compared with experimental ones obtained by analyzing micrographs of PbTe–Sb2Te3 lamellar composites

    The effect of flight line spacing on radioactivity inventory and spatial feature characteristics of airborne gamma-ray spectrometry data

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    Airborne Gamma Spectrometry (AGS) is well suited to the mapping of radioactivity in the environment. Flight parameters (e.g. speed and line spacing) directly affect the rate of area coverage, cost, and data quality of any survey. The influences of line spacing have been investigated for data from inter‐tidal, coastal and upland environments with a range of <sup>137</sup>Cs activity concentrations and depositional histories. Estimates of the integrated <sup>137</sup>Cs activity (‘inventory’) within specified areas and the shapes of depositional features were calculated for subsets of the data at different line spacings. Features with dimensions greater than the line spacing show variations in inventory and area of less than 3%, and features with dimensions less than the line spacing show larger variations and a decreased probability of detection. The choice of line spacing for a task is dependent on the dimensions of the features of interest and required edge definition. Options for line spacing for different tasks are suggested. It is noted that for regional mapping, even 5–10 km line spacing can produce useful data

    Fluctuations of g-factors in metal nanoparticles: Effects of electron-electron interaction and spin-orbit scattering

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    We investigate the combined effect of spin-orbit scattering and electron-electron interactions on the probability distribution of gg-factors of metal nanoparticles. Using random matrix theory, we find that even a relatively small interaction strength %(ratio of exchange constant JJ and mean level %spacing \spacing 0.3\simeq 0.3) significantly increases gg-factor fluctuations for not-too-strong spin-orbit scattering (ratio of spin-orbit rate and single-electron level spacing 1/\tau_{\rm so} \spacing \lesssim 1), and leads to the possibility to observe gg-factors larger than two.Comment: RevTex, 2 figures inserte

    The interior rotation of a sample of gamma Doradus stars from ensemble modelling of their gravity mode period spacings

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    CONTEXT. Gamma Doradus stars (hereafter gamma Dor stars) are known to exhibit gravity- and/or gravito-intertial modes that probe the inner stellar region near the convective core boundary. The non-equidistant spacing of the pulsation periods is an observational signature of the stars' evolution and current internal structure and is heavily influenced by rotation. AIMS. We aim to constrain the near-core rotation rates for a sample of gamma Dor stars, for which we have detected period spacing patterns. METHODS. We combined the asymptotic period spacing with the traditional approximation of stellar pulsation to fit the observed period spacing patterns using chi-squared optimisation. The method was applied to the observed period spacing patterns of a sample of stars and used for ensemble modelling. RESULTS. For the majority of stars with an observed period spacing pattern we successfully determined the rotation rates and the asymptotic period spacing values, though the uncertainty margins on the latter were typically large. This also resulted directly in the identification of the modes corresponding with the detected pulsation frequencies, which for most stars were prograde dipole gravity and gravito-inertial modes. The majority of the observed retrograde modes were found to be Rossby modes. We further discuss the limitations of the method due to the neglect of the centrifugal force and the incomplete treatment of the Coriolis force. CONCLUSION. Despite its current limitations, the proposed methodology was successful to derive the rotation rates and to identify the modes from the observed period spacing patterns. It forms the first step towards detailed seismic modelling based on observed period spacing patterns of moderately to rapidly rotating gamma Dor stars.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Spacing affects some but not all visual searches: Implications for theories of attention and crowding

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    We investigated the effect of varying interstimulus spacing on an upright among inverted face search and a red–green among green–red bisected disk search. Both tasks are classic examples of serial search; however, spacing affects them very differently: As spacing increased, face discrimination performance improved significantly, whereas performance on the bisected disks remained poor. (No effect of spacing was observed for either a red among green or an L among + search tasks, two classic examples of parallel search.) In a second experiment, we precued the target location so that attention was no longer a limiting factor: Both serial search tasks were now equally affected by spacing, a result we attribute to a more classical form of crowding. The observed spacing effect in visual search suggests that for certain tasks, serial search may result from local neuronal competition between target and distractors, soliciting attentional resources; in other cases, serial search must occur for another reason, for example, because an item-by-item, attention-mediated recognition must take place. We speculate that this distinction may be based on whether or not there exist neuronal populations tuned to the relevant target–distractor distinction, and we discuss the possible relations between this spacing effect in visual search and other forms of crowding