9 research outputs found

    Space-Time Discretizations Using Constrained First-Order System Least Squares (CFOSLS)

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    This paper studies finite element discretizations for three types of time-dependent PDEs, namely heat equation, scalar conservation law and wave equation, which we reformulate as first order systems in a least-squares setting subject to a space-time conservation constraint (coming from the original PDE). Available piece- wise polynomial finite element spaces in (n + 1)-dimensions for functional spaces from the (n + 1)-dimensional de Rham sequence for n = 3, 4 are used for the implementation of the method. Computational results illustrating the error behavior, iteration counts and performance of block-diagonal and monolithic geometric multi- grid preconditioners are presented for the discrete CFOSLS system. The results are obtained from a parallel implementation of the methods for which we report reasonable scalability

    Simplex space-time meshes in thermally coupled two-phase flow simulations of mold filling

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    The quality of plastic parts produced through injection molding depends on many factors. Especially during the filling stage, defects such as weld lines, burrs, or insufficient filling can occur. Numerical methods need to be employed to improve product quality by means of predicting and simulating the injection molding process. In the current work, a highly viscous incompressible non-isothermal two-phase flow is simulated, which takes place during the cavity filling. The injected melt exhibits a shear-thinning behavior, which is described by the Carreau-WLF model. Besides that, a novel discretization method is used in the context of 4D simplex space-time grids [2]. This method allows for local temporal refinement in the vicinity of, e.g., the evolving front of the melt [10]. Utilizing such an adaptive refinement can lead to locally improved numerical accuracy while maintaining the highest possible computational efficiency in the remaining of the domain. For demonstration purposes, a set of 2D and 3D benchmark cases, that involve the filling of various cavities with a distributor, are presented.Comment: 14 pages, 11 Figures, 4 Table

    Solver algorithm for stabilized space-time formulation of advection-dominated diffusion problem

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    This article shows how to develop an efficient solver for a stabilized numerical space-time formulation of the advection-dominated diffusion transient equation. At the discrete space-time level, we approximate the solution by using higher-order continuous B-spline basis functions in its spatial and temporal dimensions. This problem is very difficult to solve numerically using the standard Galerkin finite element method due to artificial oscillations present when the advection term dominates the diffusion term. However, a first-order constraint least-square formulation allows us to obtain numerical solutions avoiding oscillations. The advantages of space-time formulations are the use of high-order methods and the feasibility of developing space-time mesh adaptive techniques on well-defined discrete problems. We develop a solver for a least-square formulation to obtain a stabilized and symmetric problem on finite element meshes. The computational cost of our solver is bounded by the cost of the inversion of the space-time mass and stiffness (with one value fixed at a point) matrices and the cost of the GMRES solver applied for the symmetric and positive definite problem. We illustrate our findings on an advection-dominated diffusion space-time model problem and present two numerical examples: one with isogeometric analysis discretizations and the second one with an adaptive space-time finite element method.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    A space-time DPG method for the wave equation in multiple dimensions

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    A space-time discontinuous Petrov–Galerkin (DPG) method for the linear wave equation is presented. This method is based on a weak formulation that uses a broken graph space. The well-posedness of this formulation is established using a previously presented abstract framework. One of the main tasks in the verification of the conditions of this framework is proving a density result. This is done in detail for a simple domain in arbitrary dimensions. The DPG method based on the weak formulation is then studied theoretically and numerically. Error estimates and numerical results are presented for triangular, rectangular, tetrahedral, and hexahedral meshes of the space-time domain. The potential for using the built-in error estimator of the DPG method for an adaptive mesh refinement strategy in two and three dimensions is also presentedThis work was partly supported by AFOSR grant FA9550–17–1–0090. Numerical studies were partially facilitated by the Portland Institute of Sciences (PICS) established under NSF grant DMS–1624776

    Design and performance of a space-time virtual element method for the heat equation on prismatic meshes

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    We present a space-time virtual element method for the discretization of the heat equation, which is defined on general prismatic meshes and variable degrees of accuracy. Strategies to handle efficiently the space-time mesh structure are discussed. We perform convergence tests for the hh- and hphp-versions of the method in case of smooth and singular solutions, and test space-time adaptive mesh refinements driven by a residual-type error indicator

    Four-Dimensional Elastically Deformed Simplex Space-Time Meshes for Domains with Time Variant Topology

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    Thinking of the flow through biological or technical valves, there is a variety of applications in which the topology of a fluid domain changes over time. This topology change is characteristic for the physical behaviour, but poses a particular challenge in computer simulations. A way to overcome this challenge is to consider the space-time extent of the application as a contiguous computational domain. In this work, we obtain a boundary conforming discretization of the space-time domain with four-dimensional simplex elements (pentatopes). To facilitate the construction of pentatope meshes for complex geometries, the widely used elastic mesh update method is extended to four-dimensional meshes. In the resulting workflow, the topology change is elegantly included in the pentatope mesh and does not require any additional treatment during the simulation. The potential of simplex space-time meshes for domains with time variant topology is demonstrated in a valve simulation and a flow simulation inspired by a clamped artery.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figure

    A parallel and adaptive space-time discontinuous Galerkin method for visco-elastic and visco-acoustic waves

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    We develop an adaptive discontinuous Galerkin space-time discretization for elastic and acoustic waves with attenuation, described by retarded material laws for generalized standard linear solids. The linear system is solved with a parallel multigrid method. Numerically the method is evaluated for a benchmark configuration in geophysics, where the convergence is tested with respect to seismograms. We show that the adaptive method based on goal-oriented error estimation is able to reduce the computational effort substantially