359 research outputs found

    Space-Time Continuous Models of Swarm Robotic Systems: Supporting Global-to-Local Programming

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    A generic model in as far as possible mathematical closed-form was developed that predicts the behavior of large self-organizing robot groups (robot swarms) based on their control algorithm. In addition, an extensive subsumption of the relatively young and distinctive interdisciplinary research field of swarm robotics is emphasized. The connection to many related fields is highlighted and the concepts and methods borrowed from these fields are described shortly

    Fast Motion Consistency through Matrix Quantization

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    Video Sequence Alignment

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    The task of aligning multiple audio visual sequences with similar contents needs careful synchronisation in both spatial and temporal domains. It is a challenging task due to a broad range of contents variations, background clutter, occlusions, and other factors. This thesis is concerned with aligning video contents by characterising the spatial and temporal information embedded in the high-dimensional space. To that end a three- stage framework is developed, involving space-time representation of video clips with local linear coding, followed by their alignment in the manifold embedded space. The first two stages present a video representation techniques based on local feature extraction and linear coding methods. Firstly, the scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) is extended to extract interest points not only from the spatial plane but also from the planes along the space-time axis. Locality constrained coding is then incorporated to project each descriptor into a local coordinate system produced by a pooling technique. Human action classification benchmarks are adopted to evaluate these two stages, comparing their performance against existing techniques. The results shows that space-time extension of SIFT with a linear coding scheme outperforms most of the state-of-the-art approaches on the action classification task owing to its ability to represent complex events in video sequences. The final stage presents a manifold learning algorithm with spatio-temporal constraints to embed a video clip in a lower dimensional space while preserving the intrinsic geometry of the data. The similarities observed between frame sequences are captured by defining two types of correlation graphs: an intra-correlation graph within a single video sequence and an inter-correlation graph between two sequences. A video retrieval and ranking tasks are designed to evaluate the manifold learning stage. The experimental outcome shows that the approach outperforms the conventional techniques in defining similar video contents and capture the spatio-temporal correlations between them

    Action Recognition in Video by Covariance Matching of Silhouette Tunnels

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    Abstract—Action recognition is a challenging problem in video analytics due to event complexity, variations in imaging conditions, and intra- and inter-individual action-variability. Central to these challenges is the way one models actions in video, i.e., action representation. In this paper, an action is viewed as a temporal sequence of local shape-deformations of centroid-centered object silhouettes, i.e., the shape of the centroid-centered object silhouette tunnel. Each action is rep-resented by the empirical covariance matrix of a set of 13-dimensional normalized geometric feature vectors that capture the shape of the silhouette tunnel. The similarity of two actions is measured in terms of a Riemannian metric between their covariance matrices. The silhouette tunnel of a test video is broken into short overlapping segments and each segment is classified using a dictionary of labeled action covariance matrices and the nearest neighbor rule. On a database of 90 short video sequences this attains a correct classification rate of 97%, which is very close to the state-of-the-art, at almost 5-fold reduced computational cost. Majority-vote fusion of segment decisions achieves 100 % classification rate. Keywords-video analysis; action recognition; silhouette tun-nel; covariance matching; generalized eigenvalues; I

    Robust Real-Time Recognition of Action Sequences Using a Multi-Camera Network

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    Real-time identification of human activities in urban environments is increasingly becoming important in the context of public safety and national security. Distributed camera networks that provide multiple views of a scene are ideally suited for real-time action recognition. However, deployments of multi-camera based real-time action recognition systems have thus far been inhibited because of several practical issues and restrictive assumptions that are typically made such as the knowledge of a subjects orientation with respect to the cameras, the duration of each action and the conformation of a network deployment during the testing phase to that of a training deployment. In reality, action recognition involves classification of continuously streaming data from multiple views which consists of an interleaved sequence of various human actions. While there has been extensive research on machine learning techniques for action recognition from a single view, the issues arising in the fusion of data from multiple views for reliable action recognition have not received as much attention. In this thesis, I have developed a fusion framework for human action recognition using a multi-camera network that addresses these practical issues of unknown subject orientation, unknown view configurations, action interleaving and variable duration actions.;The proposed framework consists of two components: (1) a score-fusion technique that utilizes underlying view-specific supervised learning classifiers to classify an action within a given set of frames and (2) a sliding window technique that is used to parse a sequence of frames into multiple actions. The use of a score-fusion technique as opposed to a feature-level fusion of data from multiple views allows us to robustly classify actions even when camera configurations are arbitrary and different from training phase and at the same time reduces the required network bandwidth for data transmission permitting wireless deployments. Moreover, the proposed framework is independent of the underlying classifier that is used to generate scores for each action snippet and thus offers more flexibility compared to sequential approaches like Hidden Markov Models. The amount of training and parameterization is also significantly lower compared to HMM-based approaches. This Real-Time recognition system has been tested on 4 classifiers which are Linear Discriminant Analysis, Multinomial Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machines. Over 90% accuracy has been achieved by this system in Real-Time recognizing variable duration actions performed by the subject. The performance of the system is also shown to be robust to camera failures

    A Study on Human Motion Acquisition and Recognition Employing Structured Motion Database

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    九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:工博甲第332号 学位授与年月日:平成24年3月23日1 Introduction||2 Human Motion Representation||3 Human Motion Recognition||4 Automatic Human Motion Acquisition||5 Human Motion Recognition Employing Structured Motion Database||6 Analysis on the Constraints in Human Motion Recognition||7 Multiple Persons’ Action Recognition||8 Discussion and ConclusionsHuman motion analysis is an emerging research field for the video-based applications capable of acquiring and recognizing human motions or actions. The automaticity of such a system with these capabilities has vital importance in real-life scenarios. With the increasing number of applications, the demand for a human motion acquisition system is gaining importance day-by-day. We develop such kind of acquisition system based on body-parts modeling strategy. The system is able to acquire the motion by positioning body joints and interpreting those joints by the inter-parts inclination. Besides the development of the acquisition system, there is increasing need for a reliable human motion recognition system in recent years. There are a number of researches on motion recognition is performed in last two decades. At the same time, an enormous amount of bulk motion datasets are becoming available. Therefore, it becomes an indispensable task to develop a motion database that can deal with large variability of motions efficiently. We have developed such a system based on the structured motion database concept. In order to gain a perspective on this issue, we have analyzed various aspects of the motion database with a view to establishing a standard recognition scheme. The conventional structured database is subjected to improvement by considering three aspects: directional organization, nearest neighbor searching problem resolution, and prior direction estimation. In order to investigate and analyze comprehensively the effect of those aspects on motion recognition, we have adopted two forms of motion representation, eigenspace-based motion compression, and B-Tree structured database. Moreover, we have also analyzed the two important constraints in motion recognition: missing information and clutter outdoor motions. Two separate systems based on these constraints are also developed that shows the suitable adoption of the constraints. However, several people occupy a scene in practical cases. We have proposed a detection-tracking-recognition integrated action recognition system to deal with multiple people case. The system shows decent performance in outdoor scenarios. The experimental results empirically illustrate the suitability and compatibility of various factors of the motion recognition