5,462 research outputs found

    Supporting Project Comprehension with Revision Control System Repository Analysis

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    Context: Project comprehension is an activity relevant to all aspects of software engineering, from requirements specification to maintenance. The historical, transactional data stored in revision control systems can be mined and analysed to produce a great deal of information about a project. Aims: This research aims to explore how the data-mining, analysis and presentation of revision control systems can be used to augment aspects of project comprehension, including change prediction, maintenance, visualization, management, profiling, sampling and assessment. Method: A series of case studies investigate how transactional data can be used to support project comprehension. A thematic analysis of revision logs is used to explore the development process and developer behaviour. A benchmarking study of a history-based model of change prediction is conducted to assess how successfully such a technique can be used to augment syntax-based models. A visualization tool is developed for managers of student projects with the aim of evaluating what visualizations best support their roles. Finally, a quasi-experiment is conducted to determine how well an algorithmic model can automatically select a representative sample of code entities from a project, in comparison with expert strategies. Results: The thematic analysis case study classified maintenance activities in 22 undergraduate projects and four real-world projects. The change prediction study calculated information retrieval metrics for 34 undergraduate projects and three real-world projects, as well as an in-depth exploration of the model's performance and applications in two selected projects. File samples for seven projects were generated by six experts and three heuristic models and compared to assess agreement rates, both within the experts and between the experts and the models. Conclusions: When the results from each study are evaluated together, the evidence strongly shows that the information stored in revision control systems can indeed be used to support a range of project comprehension activities in a manner which complements existing, syntax-based techniques. The case studies also help to develop the empirical foundation of repository analysis in the areas of visualization, maintenance, sampling, profiling and management; the research also shows that students can be viable substitutes for industrial practitioners in certain areas of software engineering research, which weakens one of the primary obstacles to empirical studies in these areas

    Software Evolution for Industrial Automation Systems. Literature Overview

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    Impacts and Detection of Design Smells

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    Les changements sont faits de façon continue dans le code source des logiciels pour prendre en compte les besoins des clients et corriger les fautes. Les changements continus peuvent conduire aux défauts de code et de conception. Les défauts de conception sont des mauvaises solutions à des problèmes récurrents de conception ou d’implémentation, généralement dans le développement orienté objet. Au cours des activités de compréhension et de changement et en raison du temps d’accès au marché, du manque de compréhension, et de leur expérience, les développeurs ne peuvent pas toujours suivre les normes de conception et les techniques de codage comme les patrons de conception. Par conséquent, ils introduisent des défauts de conception dans leurs systèmes. Dans la littérature, plusieurs auteurs ont fait valoir que les défauts de conception rendent les systèmes orientés objet plus difficile à comprendre, plus sujets aux fautes, et plus difficiles à changer que les systèmes sans les défauts de conception. Pourtant, seulement quelques-uns de ces auteurs ont fait une étude empirique sur l’impact des défauts de conception sur la compréhension et aucun d’entre eux n’a étudié l’impact des défauts de conception sur l’effort des développeurs pour corriger les fautes. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons trois principales contributions. La première contribution est une étude empirique pour apporter des preuves de l’impact des défauts de conception sur la compréhension et le changement. Nous concevons et effectuons deux expériences avec 59 sujets, afin d’évaluer l’impact de la composition de deux occurrences de Blob ou deux occurrences de spaghetti code sur la performance des développeurs effectuant des tâches de compréhension et de changement. Nous mesurons la performance des développeurs en utilisant: (1) l’indice de charge de travail de la NASA pour leurs efforts, (2) le temps qu’ils ont passé dans l’accomplissement de leurs tâches, et (3) les pourcentages de bonnes réponses. Les résultats des deux expériences ont montré que deux occurrences de Blob ou de spaghetti code sont un obstacle significatif pour la performance des développeurs lors de tâches de compréhension et de changement. Les résultats obtenus justifient les recherches antérieures sur la spécification et la détection des défauts de conception. Les équipes de développement de logiciels doivent mettre en garde les développeurs contre le nombre élevé d’occurrences de défauts de conception et recommander des refactorisations à chaque étape du processus de développement pour supprimer ces défauts de conception quand c’est possible. Dans la deuxième contribution, nous étudions la relation entre les défauts de conception et les fautes. Nous étudions l’impact de la présence des défauts de conception sur l’effort nécessaire pour corriger les fautes. Nous mesurons l’effort pour corriger les fautes à l’aide de trois indicateurs: (1) la durée de la période de correction, (2) le nombre de champs et méthodes touchés par la correction des fautes et (3) l’entropie des corrections de fautes dans le code-source. Nous menons une étude empirique avec 12 défauts de conception détectés dans 54 versions de quatre systèmes: ArgoUML, Eclipse, Mylyn, et Rhino. Nos résultats ont montré que la durée de la période de correction est plus longue pour les fautes impliquant des classes avec des défauts de conception. En outre, la correction des fautes dans les classes avec des défauts de conception fait changer plus de fichiers, plus les champs et des méthodes. Nous avons également observé que, après la correction d’une faute, le nombre d’occurrences de défauts de conception dans les classes impliquées dans la correction de la faute diminue. Comprendre l’impact des défauts de conception sur l’effort des développeurs pour corriger les fautes est important afin d’aider les équipes de développement pour mieux évaluer et prévoir l’impact de leurs décisions de conception et donc canaliser leurs efforts pour améliorer la qualité de leurs systèmes. Les équipes de développement doivent contrôler et supprimer les défauts de conception de leurs systèmes car ils sont susceptibles d’augmenter les efforts de changement. La troisième contribution concerne la détection des défauts de conception. Pendant les activités de maintenance, il est important de disposer d’un outil capable de détecter les défauts de conception de façon incrémentale et itérative. Ce processus de détection incrémentale et itérative pourrait réduire les coûts, les efforts et les ressources en permettant aux praticiens d’identifier et de prendre en compte les occurrences de défauts de conception comme ils les trouvent lors de la compréhension et des changements. Les chercheurs ont proposé des approches pour détecter les occurrences de défauts de conception, mais ces approches ont actuellement quatre limites: (1) elles nécessitent une connaissance approfondie des défauts de conception, (2) elles ont une précision et un rappel limités, (3) elles ne sont pas itératives et incrémentales et (4) elles ne peuvent pas être appliquées sur des sous-ensembles de systèmes. Pour surmonter ces limitations, nous introduisons SMURF, une nouvelle approche pour détecter les défauts de conception, basé sur une technique d’apprentissage automatique — machines à vecteur de support — et prenant en compte les retours des praticiens. Grâce à une étude empirique portant sur trois systèmes et quatre défauts de conception, nous avons montré que la précision et le rappel de SMURF sont supérieurs à ceux de DETEX et BDTEX lors de la détection des occurrences de défauts de conception. Nous avons également montré que SMURF peut être appliqué à la fois dans les configurations intra-système et inter-système. Enfin, nous avons montré que la précision et le rappel de SMURF sont améliorés quand on prend en compte les retours des praticiens.Changes are continuously made in the source code to take into account the needs of the customers and fix the faults. Continuous change can lead to antipatterns and code smells, collectively called “design smells” to occur in the source code. Design smells are poor solutions to recurring design or implementation problems, typically in object-oriented development. During comprehension and changes activities and due to the time-to-market, lack of understanding, and the developers’ experience, developers cannot always follow standard designing and coding techniques, i.e., design patterns. Consequently, they introduce design smells in their systems. In the literature, several authors claimed that design smells make object-oriented software systems more difficult to understand, more fault-prone, and harder to change than systems without such design smells. Yet, few of these authors empirically investigate the impact of design smells on software understandability and none of them authors studied the impact of design smells on developers’ effort. In this thesis, we propose three principal contributions. The first contribution is an empirical study to bring evidence of the impact of design smells on comprehension and change. We design and conduct two experiments with 59 subjects, to assess the impact of the composition of two Blob or two Spaghetti Code on the performance of developers performing comprehension and change tasks. We measure developers’ performance using: (1) the NASA task load index for their effort; (2) the time that they spent performing their tasks; and, (3) their percentages of correct answers. The results of the two experiments showed that two occurrences of Blob or Spaghetti Code design smells impedes significantly developers performance during comprehension and change tasks. The obtained results justify a posteriori previous researches on the specification and detection of design smells. Software development teams should warn developers against high number of occurrences of design smells and recommend refactorings at each step of the development to remove them when possible. In the second contribution, we investigate the relation between design smells and faults in classes from the point of view of developers who must fix faults. We study the impact of the presence of design smells on the effort required to fix faults, which we measure using three metrics: (1) the duration of the fixing period; (2) the number of fields and methods impacted by fault-fixes; and, (3) the entropy of the fault-fixes in the source code. We conduct an empirical study with 12 design smells detected in 54 releases of four systems: ArgoUML, Eclipse, Mylyn, and Rhino. Our results showed that the duration of the fixing period is longer for faults involving classes with design smells. Also, fixing faults in classes with design smells impacts more files, more fields, and more methods. We also observed that after a fault is fixed, the number of occurrences of design smells in the classes involved in the fault decreases. Understanding the impact of design smells on development effort is important to help development teams better assess and forecast the impact of their design decisions and therefore lead their effort to improve the quality of their software systems. Development teams should monitor and remove design smells from their software systems because they are likely to increase the change efforts. The third contribution concerns design smells detection. During maintenance and evolution tasks, it is important to have a tool able to detect design smells incrementally and iteratively. This incremental and iterative detection process could reduce costs, effort, and resources by allowing practitioners to identify and take into account occurrences of design smells as they find them during comprehension and change. Researchers have proposed approaches to detect occurrences of design smells but these approaches have currently four limitations: (1) they require extensive knowledge of design smells; (2) they have limited precision and recall; (3) they are not incremental; and (4) they cannot be applied on subsets of systems. To overcome these limitations, we introduce SMURF, a novel approach to detect design smells, based on a machine learning technique—support vector machines—and taking into account practitioners’ feedback. Through an empirical study involving three systems and four design smells, we showed that the accuracy of SMURF is greater than that of DETEX and BDTEX when detecting design smells occurrences. We also showed that SMURF can be applied in both intra-system and inter-system configurations. Finally, we reported that SMURF accuracy improves when using practitioners’ feedback

    Hybrid intelligent model for software maintenance prediction

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    Maintenance is an important activity in the software life cycle. No software product can do without undergoing the process of maintenance. Estimating a software’s maintainability effort and cost is not an easy task considering the various factors that influence the proposed measurement. Hence, Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques have been used extensively to find optimized and more accurate maintenance estimations. In this paper, we propose an Evolutionary Neural Network (NN) model to predict software maintainability. The proposed model is based on a hybrid intelligent technique wherein a neural network is trained for prediction and a genetic algorithm (GA) implementation is used for evolving the neural network topology until an optimal topology is reached. The model was applied on a popular open source program, namely, Android. The results are very promising, where the correlation between actual and predicted points reaches 0.9

    Understanding Variability-Aware Analysis in Low-Maturity Variant-Rich Systems

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    Context: Software systems often exist in many variants to support varying stakeholder requirements, such as specific market segments or hardware constraints. Systems with many variants (a.k.a. variant-rich systems) are highly complex due to the variability introduced to support customization. As such, assuring the quality of these systems is also challenging since traditional single-system analysis techniques do not scale when applied. To tackle this complexity, several variability-aware analysis techniques have been conceived in the last two decades to assure the quality of a branch of variant-rich systems called software product lines. Unfortunately, these techniques find little application in practice since many organizations do use product-line engineering techniques, but instead rely on low-maturity \clo~strategies to manage their software variants. For instance, to perform an analysis that checks that all possible variants that can be configured by customers (or vendors) in a car personalization system conform to specified performance requirements, an organization needs to explicitly model system variability. However, in low-maturity variant-rich systems, this and similar kinds of analyses are challenging to perform due to (i) immature architectures that do not systematically account for variability, (ii) redundancy that is not exploited to reduce analysis effort, and (iii) missing essential meta-information, such as relationships between features and their implementation in source code.Objective: The overarching goal of the PhD is to facilitate quality assurance in low-maturity variant-rich systems. Consequently, in the first part of the PhD (comprising this thesis) we focus on gaining a better understanding of quality assurance needs in such systems and of their properties.Method: Our objectives are met by means of (i) knowledge-seeking research through case studies of open-source systems as well as surveys and interviews with practitioners; and (ii) solution-seeking research through the implementation and systematic evaluation of a recommender system that supports recording the information necessary for quality assurance in low-maturity variant-rich systems. With the former, we investigate, among other things, industrial needs and practices for analyzing variant-rich systems; and with the latter, we seek to understand how to obtain information necessary to leverage variability-aware analyses.Results: Four main results emerge from this thesis: first, we present the state-of-practice in assuring the quality of variant-rich systems, second, we present our empirical understanding of features and their characteristics, including information sources for locating them; third, we present our understanding of how best developers\u27 proactive feature location activities can be supported during development; and lastly, we present our understanding of how features are used in the code of non-modular variant-rich systems, taking the case of feature scattering in the Linux kernel.Future work: In the second part of the PhD, we will focus on processes for adapting variability-aware analyses to low-maturity variant-rich systems.Keywords:\ua0Variant-rich Systems, Quality Assurance, Low Maturity Software Systems, Recommender Syste

    Grand Challenges of Traceability: The Next Ten Years

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    In 2007, the software and systems traceability community met at the first Natural Bridge symposium on the Grand Challenges of Traceability to establish and address research goals for achieving effective, trustworthy, and ubiquitous traceability. Ten years later, in 2017, the community came together to evaluate a decade of progress towards achieving these goals. These proceedings document some of that progress. They include a series of short position papers, representing current work in the community organized across four process axes of traceability practice. The sessions covered topics from Trace Strategizing, Trace Link Creation and Evolution, Trace Link Usage, real-world applications of Traceability, and Traceability Datasets and benchmarks. Two breakout groups focused on the importance of creating and sharing traceability datasets within the research community, and discussed challenges related to the adoption of tracing techniques in industrial practice. Members of the research community are engaged in many active, ongoing, and impactful research projects. Our hope is that ten years from now we will be able to look back at a productive decade of research and claim that we have achieved the overarching Grand Challenge of Traceability, which seeks for traceability to be always present, built into the engineering process, and for it to have "effectively disappeared without a trace". We hope that others will see the potential that traceability has for empowering software and systems engineers to develop higher-quality products at increasing levels of complexity and scale, and that they will join the active community of Software and Systems traceability researchers as we move forward into the next decade of research
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