14 research outputs found

    ICA Model Order Estimation Using Clustering Method

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    In this paper a novel approach for independent component analysis (ICA) model order estimation of movement electroencephalogram (EEG) signals is described. The application is targeted to the brain-computer interface (BCI) EEG preprocessing. The previous work has shown that it is possible to decompose EEG into movement-related and non-movement-related independent components (ICs). The selection of only movement related ICs might lead to BCI EEG classification score increasing. The real number of the independent sources in the brain is an important parameter of the preprocessing step. Previously, we used principal component analysis (PCA) for estimation of the number of the independent sources. However, PCA estimates only the number of uncorrelated and not independent components ignoring the higher-order signal statistics. In this work, we use another approach - selection of highly correlated ICs from several ICA runs. The ICA model order estimation is done at significance level α = 0.05 and the model order is less or more dependent on ICA algorithm and its parameters

    Single Trial Classification of Motor Imagination Using 6 Dry EEG Electrodes

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    BACKGROUND: Brain computer interfaces (BCI) based on electro-encephalography (EEG) have been shown to detect mental states accurately and non-invasively, but the equipment required so far is cumbersome and the resulting signal is difficult to analyze. BCI requires accurate classification of small amplitude brain signal components in single trials from recordings which can be compromised by currents induced by muscle activity. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A novel EEG cap based on dry electrodes was developed which does not need time-consuming gel application and uses far fewer electrodes than on a standard EEG cap set-up. After optimizing the placement of the 6 dry electrodes through off-line analysis of standard cap experiments, dry cap performance was tested in the context of a well established BCI cursor control paradigm in 5 healthy subjects using analysis methods which do not necessitate user training. The resulting information transfer rate was on average about 30% slower than the standard cap. The potential contribution of involuntary muscle activity artifact to the BCI control signal was found to be inconsequential, while the detected signal was consistent with brain activity originating near the motor cortex. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study shows that a surprisingly simple and convenient method of brain activity imaging is possible, and that simple and robust analysis techniques exist which discriminate among mental states in single trials. Within 15 minutes the dry BCI device is set-up, calibrated and ready to use. Peak performance matched reported EEG BCI state of the art in one subject. The results promise a practical non-invasive BCI solution for severely paralyzed patients, without the bottleneck of setup effort and limited recording duration that hampers current EEG recording technique. The presented recording method itself, BCI not considered, could significantly widen the use of EEG for emerging applications requiring long-term brain activity and mental state monitoring

    An EEG-based study of discrete isometric and isotonic human lower limb muscle contractions

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    Abstract Background Electroencephalography (EEG) combined with independent component analysis enables functional neuroimaging in dynamic environments including during human locomotion. This type of functional neuroimaging could be a powerful tool for neurological rehabilitation. It could enable clinicians to monitor changes in motor control related cortical dynamics associated with a therapeutic intervention, and it could facilitate noninvasive electrocortical control of devices for assisting limb movement to stimulate activity dependent plasticity. Understanding the relationship between electrocortical dynamics and muscle activity will be helpful for incorporating EEG-based functional neuroimaging into clinical practice. The goal of this study was to use independent component analysis of high-density EEG to test whether we could relate electrocortical dynamics to lower limb muscle activation in a constrained motor task. A secondary goal was to assess the trial-by-trial consistency of the electrocortical dynamics by decoding the type of muscle action. Methods We recorded 264-channel EEG while 8 neurologically intact subjects performed isometric and isotonic, knee and ankle exercises at two different effort levels. Adaptive mixture independent component analysis (AMICA) parsed EEG into models of underlying source signals. We generated spectrograms for all electrocortical source signals and used a naïve Bayesian classifier to decode exercise type from trial-by-trial time-frequency data. Results AMICA captured different electrocortical source distributions for ankle and knee tasks. The fit of single-trial EEG to these models distinguished knee from ankle tasks with 80% accuracy. Electrocortical spectral modulations in the supplementary motor area were significantly different for isometric and isotonic tasks (p < 0.05). Isometric contractions elicited an event related desynchronization (ERD) in the α-band (8–12 Hz) and β-band (12–30 Hz) at joint torque onset and offset. Isotonic contractions elicited a sustained α- and β-band ERD throughout the trial. Classifiers based on supplementary motor area sources achieved a 4-way classification accuracy of 69% while classifiers based on electrocortical sources in multiple brain regions achieved a 4-way classification accuracy of 87%. Conclusions Independent component analysis of EEG reveals unique spatial and spectro-temporal electrocortical properties for different lower limb motor tasks. Using a broad distribution of electrocortical signals may improve classification of human lower limb movements from single-trial EEG.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112617/1/12984_2011_Article_362.pd

    FuRIA: A Novel Feature Extraction Algorithm for Brain-Computer Interfaces using Inverse Models and Fuzzy Regions of Interest

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    In this paper, we propose a new feature extraction algorithm for Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs). This algorithm is based on inverse models and uses the novel concept of fuzzy Region Of Interest (ROI). It can automatically identify the relevant ROIs and their reactive frequency bands. The activity in these ROIs can be used as features for any classifier. A first evaluation of the algorithm, using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) as classifier, is reported on data set IV from BCI competition 2003. Results are promising as we reached an accuracy on the test set ranging from 85% to 86% whereas the winner of the competition on this data set reached 84%

    On source space resolution in EEG brain imaging for motor imagery

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    International audienceBrain source localization accuracy is known to be dependent on the EEG sensor placement over the head surface. In Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), according to the paradigm used, Motor Imagery (MI) and Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential (SSVEP) in particular, electrodes are not well distributed over the head, and their number is not standardized as in classical clinical applications. We propose in this paper a method for quantifying the expected quality of source localization with respect of the sensor placement, known as EEG montage. Our method, based on a subspace correlation metric, can be used to assess which brain sources can be distinguished (as they generate sufficiently different potentials on the electrodes), and also to identify regions/volumes in which precise source localization is impossible (i.e. all sources inside those regions could generate similar electrode potentials). In particular, for a MI dedicated montage, we show that source localization is less precise than for standard montages, although the local density of electrodes over the areas of interest is higher

    Interpolated Perturbation-Based Decomposition as a Method for EEG Source Localization

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    In this thesis, the perturbation-based decomposition technique developed by Szlavik [1] was used in an attempt to solve the inverse problem in EEG source localization. A set of dipole locations were forward modeled using a 4-layer sphere model of the head at uniformly distributed lead locations to form the vector basis necessary for the method. Both a two-dimensional and a pseudo-three-dimensional versions of the model were assessed with the two-dimensional model yielding decompositions with minimal error and the pseudo-three-dimensional version having unacceptable levels of error. The utility of interpolation as a method to reduce the number of data points to become overdefined was assessed as well. The approach was effective as long as the number of component functions did not exceed the number of data points and stayed relatively small (less than 77 component functions). This application of the method to a spatially variate system indicates its potential for other systems and with some tweaking to the least squares algorithm used, could be applied to multivariate systems

    Development of a Unique Whole-Brain Model for Upper Extremity Neuroprosthetic Control

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    Neuroprostheses are at the forefront of upper extremity function restoration. However, contemporary controllers of these neuroprostheses do not adequately address the natural brain strategies related to planning, execution and mediation of upper extremity movements. These lead to restrictions in providing complete and lasting restoration of function. This dissertation develops a novel whole-brain model of neuronal activation with the goal of providing a robust platform for an improved upper extremity neuroprosthetic controller. Experiments (N=36 total) used goal-oriented upper extremity movements with real-world objects in an MRI scanner while measuring brain activation during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The resulting data was used to understand neuromotor strategies using brain anatomical and temporal activation patterns. The study\u27s fMRI paradigm is unique and the use of goal-oriented movements and real-world objects are crucial to providing accurate information about motor task strategy and cortical representation of reaching and grasping. Results are used to develop a novel whole-brain model using a machine learning algorithm. When tested on human subject data, it was determined that the model was able to accurately distinguish functional motor tasks with no prior knowledge. The proof of concept model created in this work should lead to improved prostheses for the treatment of chronic upper extremity physical dysfunction

    EEG source imaging for improved control BCI performance

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