3,892 research outputs found

    Routing with locality in partitioned-bus meshes

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    We show that adding partitioned-buses (as opposed to long buses that span an entire row or column) to ordinary meshes can reduce the routing time by approximately one-third for permutation routing with locality. A matching time lower bound is also proved. The result can be generalized to multi-packet routing.published_or_final_versio

    A Comparison of Meshes With Static Buses and Unidirectional Wrap-Arounds

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    We investigate the relative computational powers of a mesh with static buses and a mesh with unidirectional wrap-mounds. A mesh with unidirectional wraparounds is a torus with the restriction that any wraparoundlink of the architecture can only transmit data in one of the two directions at any clock tick. We show that the problem of packet routing can be solved as efficiently on a linear array with unidirectional wrap-around link as on a linear array with a broadcast bus. We also present a routing algorithm for a twcdimensional torus with unidirectional wraparound links whose run time is close to that of the best known algorithm for routing on a mesh with broadcast buses in each dimension. In addition, we show that on a mesh with broadcast buses, sorting can be done in time that is essentially the same as the time needed for packet routing

    Mesh Connected Computers With Multiple Fixed Buses: Packet Routing, Sorting and Selection

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    Mesh connected computers have become attractive models of computing because of their varied special features. In this paper we consider two variations of the mesh model: 1) a mesh with fixed buses, and 2) a mesh with reconfigurable buses. Both these models have been the subject matter of extensive previous research. We solve numerous important problems related to packet routing, sorting, and selection on these models. In particular, we provide lower bounds and very nearly matching upper bounds for the following problems on both these models: 1) Routing on a linear array; and 2) k-k routing, k-k sorting, and cut through routing on a 2D mesh for any k ≥ 12. We provide an improved algorithm for 1-1 routing and a matching sorting algorithm. In addition we present greedy algorithms for 1-1 routing, k-k routing, cut through routing, and k-k sorting that are better on average and supply matching lower bounds. We also show that sorting can be performed in logarithmic time on a mesh with fixed buses. As a consequence we present an optimal randomized selection algorithm. In addition we provide a selection algorithm for the mesh with reconfigurable buses whose time bound is significantly better than the existing ones. Our algorithms have considerably better time bounds than many existing best known algorithms

    Deterministic 1-k routing on meshes with applications to worm-hole routing

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    In 11-kk routing each of the n2n^2 processing units of an n×nn \times n mesh connected computer initially holds 11 packet which must be routed such that any processor is the destination of at most kk packets. This problem reflects practical desire for routing better than the popular routing of permutations. 11-kk routing also has implications for hot-potato worm-hole routing, which is of great importance for real world systems. We present a near-optimal deterministic algorithm running in \sqrt{k} \cdot n / 2 + \go{n} steps. We give a second algorithm with slightly worse routing time but working queue size three. Applying this algorithm considerably reduces the routing time of hot-potato worm-hole routing. Non-trivial extensions are given to the general ll-kk routing problem and for routing on higher dimensional meshes. Finally we show that kk-kk routing can be performed in \go{k \cdot n} steps with working queue size four. Hereby the hot-potato worm-hole routing problem can be solved in \go{k^{3/2} \cdot n} steps

    Randomized Algorithms For Packet Routing on the Mesh

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    Packet routing is an important problem of parallel computing since a fast algorithm for packet routing will imply 1) fast inter-processor communication, and 2) fast algorithms for emulating ideal models like PRAMs on fixed connection machines.There are three different models of packet routing, namely 1) Store and forward, 2) Multipacket, and 3) Cut through. In this paper we provide a survey of the best known randomized algorithms for store and forward routing, k-k routing, and cut through routing on the Mesh Connected Computers

    \u3cem\u3ek-k\u3c/em\u3e Routing, \u3cem\u3ek-k\u3c/em\u3e Sorting, and Cut Through Routing on the Mesh

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    In this paper we present randomized algorithms for k-k routing, k-k sorting, and cut through routing. The stated resource bounds hold with high probability. The algorithm for k-k routing runs in [k/2]n+o(kn) steps. We also show that k-k sorting can be accomplished within [k/2] n+n+o(kn) steps, and cut through routing can be done in [3/4]kn+[3/2]n+o(kn) steps. The best known time bounds (prior to this paper) for all these three problems were kn+o(kn). [kn/2] is a known lower bound for all the three problems (which is the bisection bound), and hence our algorithms are very nearly optimal. All the above mentioned algorithms have optimal queue length, namely k+o(k). These algorithms also extend to higher dimensional meshes

    Constant Queue Route on a Mesh

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    Packet routing is an important problem in parallel computation since a single step of inter-processor communication can be thought of as a packet routing task. In this paper we present an optimal algorithm for packet routing on a mesh-connected computer. Two important criteria for judging a routing algorithm will be 1) its run time, i.e., the number of parallel steps it takes for the last packet to reach its destination, and 2) its queue size, i.e., the maximum number of packets that any node will have to store at any time during routing. We present a 2n - 2 step routing algorithm for an n x n mesh that requires a queue size of only 58. The previous best known result is a routing algorithm with the same time bound but with a queue size of 672. The time bound of 2n - 2 is optimal. A queue size of 672 is rather large for practical use. We believe that the queue size of our algorithm is practical. The improvement in the queue size is possible due to (from among other things) a new 3s + o(s) sorting algorithm for an s x s mesh

    Optimal Randomized Algorithms for Multipacket and Wormhole Routing on the Mesh

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    In this paper, we present a randomized algorithm for the multipacket (i.e., k - k) routing problem on an n x n mesh. The algorithm competes with high probability in at most kn + O(k log n) parallel communication steps, with a constant queue size of O(k). The previous best known algorithm [4] takes [5/4] kn + O([kn/f(n)]) steps with a queue size of O(k f(n)) (for any 1 ≤ f (n) ≤ n). We will also present a randomized algorithm for the wormhole model permutation routing problem for the mesh that completes in at the most kn + O(k log n) steps, with a constant queue size of O(k), where k is the number of flits that each packet is divided into. The previous best result [6] was also randomized and had a time bound of kn + O ([kn/f(n)]) with a queue size of O(k f(n)) for any 1 ≤ f(n). The two algorithms that we will present are optimal with respect to queue size. The time bounds are within a factor of two of the only known lower bound

    Time-Optimal Algorithms on Meshes With Multiple Broadcasting

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    The mesh-connected computer architecture has emerged as a natural choice for solving a large number of computational tasks in image processing, computational geometry, and computer vision. However, due to its large communication diameter, the mesh tends to be slow when it comes to handling data transfer operations over long distances. In an attempt to overcome this problem, mesh-connected computers have recently been augmented by the addition of various types of bus systems. One such system known as the mesh with multiple broadcasting involves enhancing the mesh architecture by the addition of row and column buses. The mesh with multiple broadcasting has proven to be feasible to implement in VLSI, and is used in the DAP family of computers. In recent years, efficient algorithms to solve a number of computational problems on meshes with multiple broadcasting have been proposed in the literature. The problems considered in this thesis are semigroup computations, sorting, multiple search, various convexity-related problems, and some tree problems. Based on the size of the input data for the problem under consideration, existing results can be broadly classified into sparse and dense. Specifically, for a given √n x √n mesh with multiple broadcasting, we refer to problems involving m∈O(nm \in O(\sqrt{n}) items as sparse, while the case £ O(n) will be referred to as dense. Finally, the case corresponding to 2 ≤ m ≤ n is be termed general. The motivation behind the current work is twofold. First, time-optimal solutions are proposed for the problems listed above. Secondly, an attempt is made to remove the artificial limitation of problems studied to sparse and dense cases. To establish the time-optimality of the algorithms presented in this work, we use some existing lower bound techniques along with new ones that we develop. We solve the semigroup computation problem for the general case and present a novel lower bound argument. We solve the multiple search problem in the general case and present some surprising applications to computational geometry. In the case of sorting, the general case is defined to be slightly different. For the specified range of the size of input, we present a time and VLSI-optimal algorithm. We also present time lower bound results and matching algorithms for a number of convexity related and tree problems in the sparse case
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