7 research outputs found

    Characteristic-independence of Betti numbers of graph ideals

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    In this paper, we study the Betti numbers of Stanley-Reisner ideals generated in degree 2. We show that the first 6 Betti numbers do not depend on the characteristic of the ground field. We also show that, if the number of variables n is at most 10, all Betti numbers are independent of the ground field. For n = 11, there exists precisely 4 examples in which the Betti numbers depend on the ground field. This is equivalent to the statement that the homology of flag complexes with at most 10 vertices is torsion free and that there exists precisely 4 non-isomorphic flag complexes with 11 vertices whose homology has torsion. In each of the 4 examples mentioned above the 8th Betti numbers depend on the ground field and so we conclude that the highest Betti number which is always independent of the ground field is either 6 or 7; if the former is true then we show that there must exist a graph with 12 vertices whose 7th Betti number depends on the ground field. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Some combinatorial invariants determined by Betti numbers of Stanley-Reisner ideals

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    The papers in this thesis are not available in Munin: Paper 1: Trygve Johnsen, Jan Roksvold, Hugues Verdure (2014): 'Betti numbers associated to the facet ideal of a matroid', available in Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society 45 no. 4, 727-744 Paper 2: Trygve Johnsen, Jan Roksvold, Hugues Verdure (2014): 'A generalization of weight polynomials to matroids', manuscript Paper 3: Jan Roksvold, Hugues Verdure (2015): 'Betti numbers of skeletons', manuscriptThe thesis contains new results on the connection between the algebraic properties of certain ideals of a polynomial ring and properties of error-correcting linear codes, matroids and simplicial complexes. We demonstrate that the graded Betti numbers of the facet ideal of a matroid are determined by the Betti numbers of the blocks of the matroid. The extended weight enumerator of coding theory is generalized to matroids. We show that this generalization is equivalent to the Tutte-polynomial, and that the coefficients of this polynomial is determined by Betti numbers of the Stanley-Reisner ideal of the matroid and its elongations. The Betti numbers of the Stanley-Reisner ring of a skeleton of a simplicial complex is demonstrated to be an integral linear combination of the Betti numbers associated to the original complex

    Algebraic and semi-algebraic invariants on quadrics

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    This dissertation consists of two topics concerning algebraic and semi-algebraic invariants on quadrics. The ranks of the minimal graded free resolution of square-free quadratic monomial ideals can be investigated combinatorially. We study the bounds on the algebraic invariant, Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity, of the quadratic ideals in terms of properties on the corresponding simple graphs. Our main theorem is the graph decomposition theorem that provides a bound on the regularity of a quadratic monomial ideal. By combining the main theorem with results in structural graph theory, we proved, improved, and generalized many of the known bounds on the regularity of square-free quadratic monomial ideals. The Hankel index of a real variety is a semi-algebraic invariant that quantifies the (structural) difference between nonnegative quadrics and sums of squares on the variety. This project is motivated by an intriguing (lower) bound of the Hankel index of a variety by an algebraic invariant, the Green-Lazarsfeld index, of the variety. We study the Hankel index of the image of the projection of rational normal curves away from a point. As a result, we found a new rank of the center of the projection which detects the Hankel index of the rational curves. It turns out that the rational curves are the first class of examples that the lower bound of the Hankel index by the Green-Lazarsfeld index is strict.Ph.D