228 research outputs found

    Hybrid-type generalized multivalued vector complementarity problems

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    We introduce a new type of generalized multivalued vector complementarity problems with moving pointed cone. We discuss the existence results for generalized multivalued vector complementarity problems under inclusive assumptions and obtain results on the equivalence between the generalized multivalued vector complementarity problems and the generalized multivalued vector variational inequality problems.Введено новий тип узагальнених багатозначних векторних задач доповнюваностi з рухомим загостреним конусом. Розглянуто питання про iснування розв’язкiв узагальнених багатозначних векторних задач доповнюваностi при умовах включення та отримано результати щодо еквiвалентностi мiж узагальненими багатозначними векторними задачами доповнюваностi та узагальненими багатозначними векторними задачами для варiацiйних нерiвностей

    On the generalized vector F-implicit complementarity problems and vector F-implicit variational inequality problems

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    In this paper, we introduce and analyze some new classes of generalized vector-F implicit complementarity problems and the general mixed vector-F variational inequalities. Under suitable conditions, we prove the equivalences between these new problems. We establish several existence theorems for these classes of vector-F complementarity and general mixed vector-F variational inequalities using a new version of the Fan-KKM theorem in Hausdorff topological vector spaces, and without even using the classical assumptions in this context, like monotonicity or continuity. Results obtained in this paper represent significant improvement and refinement of the previously known results

    Fuzzy Generalized Variational Like Inequality problems in Topological Vector Spaces

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    This paper is devoted to the existence of solutions for generalized variational like inequalities with fuzzy mappings in topological vector spaces by using a particular form of the generalized KKM-Theorem

    Multiobjective Optimization Problems with Equilibrium Constraints

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    The paper is devoted to new applications of advanced tools of modern variational analysis and generalized differentiation to the study of broad classes of multiobjective optimization problems subject to equilibrium constraints in both finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional settings. Performance criteria in multiobjectivejvector optimization are defined by general preference relationships satisfying natural requirements, while equilibrium constraints are described by parameterized generalized equations/variational conditions in the sense of Robinson. Such problems are intrinsically nonsmooth and are handled in this paper via appropriate normal/coderivativejsubdifferential constructions that exhibit full calculi. Most of the results obtained are new even in finite dimensions, while the case of infinite-dimensional spaces is significantly more involved requiring in addition certain sequential normal compactness properties of sets and mappings that are preserved under a broad spectrum of operations

    Levitin-Polyak well-posedness of split multivalued variational inequalities

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    We introduce and study the split multivalued variational inequality problem (SMVIP) and the parametric SMVIP. We examine, in particular, Levitin-Polyak well-posedness of SMVIPs and parametric SMVIPs in Hilbert spaces. We provide several examples to illustrate our theoretical results. We also discuss several important special cases.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2208.0712

    Random variational-like inclusion and random proximal operator equation for random fuzzy mappings in Banach spaces

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    In this paper, we introduce and study a random variational-like inclusion and its corresponding random proximal operator equation for random fuzzy mappings. It is established that the random variational-like inclusion problem for random fuzzy mappings is equivalent to a random fixed point problem. We also establish a relationship between random variational-like inclusion and random proximal operator equation for random fuzzy mappings. This equivalence is used to define an iterative algorithm for solving random proximal operator equation for random fuzzy mappings. Through an example, we show that the random Wardrop equilibrium problem is a special case of the random variational-like inclusion problem for random fuzzy mappings

    Existence and solution methods for equilibria

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    Equilibrium problems provide a mathematical framework which includes optimization, variational inequalities, fixed-point and saddle point problems, and noncooperative games as particular cases. This general format received an increasing interest in the last decade mainly because many theoretical and algorithmic results developed for one of these models can be often extended to the others through the unifying language provided by this common format. This survey paper aims at covering the main results concerning the existence of equilibria and the solution methods for finding them

    Generalized monotonicity and convexity of non-differentiable functions

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    AbstractThe relationships between (strict, strong) convexity of non-differentiable functions and (strict, strong) monotonicity of set-valued mappings, and (strict, strong, sharp) pseudo convexity of non-differentiable functions and (strict, strong) pseudo monotonicity of set-valued mappings, as well as quasi convexity of non-differentiable functions and quasi monotonicity of set-valued mappings are studied in this paper. In addition, the relations between generalized convexity of non-differentiable functions and generalized co-coerciveness of set-valued mappings are also analyzed