48 research outputs found

    Guarding curvilinear art galleries with edge or mobile guards via 2-dominance of triangulation graphs

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    AbstractIn this paper we consider the problem of monitoring an art gallery modeled as a polygon, the edges of which are arcs of curves, with edge or mobile guards. Our focus is on piecewise-convex polygons, i.e., polygons that are locally convex, except possibly at the vertices, and their edges are convex arcs.We transform the problem of monitoring a piecewise-convex polygon to the problem of 2-dominating a properly defined triangulation graph with edges or diagonals, where 2-dominance requires that every triangle in the triangulation graph has at least two of its vertices in its 2-dominating set. We show that: (1) ⌊n+13⌋ diagonal guards are always sufficient and sometimes necessary, and (2) ⌊2n+15⌋ edge guards are always sufficient and sometimes necessary, in order to 2-dominate a triangulation graph. Furthermore, we show how to compute: (1) a diagonal 2-dominating set of size ⌊n+13⌋ in linear time and space, (2) an edge 2-dominating set of size ⌊2n+15⌋ in O(n2) time and O(n) space, and (3) an edge 2-dominating set of size ⌊3n7⌋ in O(n) time and space.Based on the above-mentioned results, we prove that, for piecewise-convex polygons, we can compute: (1) a mobile guard set of size ⌊n+13⌋ in O(nlogn) time, (2) an edge guard set of size ⌊2n+15⌋ in O(n2) time, and (3) an edge guard set of size ⌊3n7⌋ in O(nlogn) time. All space requirements are linear. Finally, we show that ⌊n3⌋ mobile or ⌈n3⌉ edge guards are sometimes necessary.When restricting our attention to monotone piecewise-convex polygons, the bounds mentioned above drop: ⌈n+14⌉ edge or mobile guards are always sufficient and sometimes necessary; such an edge or mobile guard set, of size at most ⌈n+14⌉, can be computed in O(n) time and space

    Algorithmic and Combinatorial Results on Fence Patrolling, Polygon Cutting and Geometric Spanners

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to study problems that lie at the intersection of geometry and computer science. We have studied and obtained several results from three different areas, namely–geometric spanners, polygon cutting, and fence patrolling. Specifically, we have designed and analyzed algorithms along with various combinatorial results in these three areas. For geometric spanners, we have obtained combinatorial results regarding lower bounds on worst case dilation of plane spanners. We also have studied low degree plane lattice spanners, both square and hexagonal, of low dilation. Next, for polygon cutting, we have designed and analyzed algorithms for cutting out polygon collections drawn on a piece of planar material using the three geometric models of saw, namely, line, ray and segment cuts. For fence patrolling, we have designed several strategies for robots patrolling both open and closed fences

    Exploring Topics of the Art Gallery Problem

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    Created in the 1970\u27s, the Art Gallery Problem seeks to answer the question of how many security guards are necessary to fully survey the floor plan of any building. These floor plans are modeled by polygons, with guards represented by points inside these shapes. Shortly after the creation of the problem, it was theorized that for guards whose positions were limited to the polygon\u27s vertices, the floor of n/3 guards are sufficient to watch any type of polygon, where n is the number of the polygon\u27s vertices. Two proofs accompanied this theorem, drawing from concepts of computational geometry and graph theory

    Guarding and Searching Polyhedra

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    Guarding and searching problems have been of fundamental interest since the early years of Computational Geometry. Both are well-developed areas of research and have been thoroughly studied in planar polygonal settings. In this thesis we tackle the Art Gallery Problem and the Searchlight Scheduling Problem in 3-dimensional polyhedral environments, putting special emphasis on edge guards and orthogonal polyhedra. We solve the Art Gallery Problem with reflex edge guards in orthogonal polyhedra having reflex edges in just two directions: generalizing a classic theorem by O'Rourke, we prove that r/2 + 1 reflex edge guards are sufficient and occasionally necessary, where r is the number of reflex edges. We also show how to compute guard locations in O(n log n) time. Then we investigate the Art Gallery Problem with mutually parallel edge guards in orthogonal polyhedra with e edges, showing that 11e/72 edge guards are always sufficient and can be found in linear time, improving upon the previous state of the art, which was e/6. We also give tight inequalities relating e with the number of reflex edges r, obtaining an upper bound on the guard number of 7r/12 + 1. We further study the Art Gallery Problem with edge guards in polyhedra having faces oriented in just four directions, obtaining a lower bound of e/6 - 1 edge guards and an upper bound of (e+r)/6 edge guards. All the previously mentioned results hold for polyhedra of any genus. Additionally, several guard types and guarding modes are discussed, namely open and closed edge guards, and orthogonal and non-orthogonal guarding. Next, we model the Searchlight Scheduling Problem, the problem of searching a given polyhedron by suitably turning some half-planes around their axes, in order to catch an evasive intruder. After discussing several generalizations of classic theorems, we study the problem of efficiently placing guards in a given polyhedron, in order to make it searchable. For general polyhedra, we give an upper bound of r^2 on the number of guards, which reduces to r for orthogonal polyhedra. Then we prove that it is strongly NP-hard to decide if a given polyhedron is entirely searchable by a given set of guards. We further prove that, even under the assumption that an orthogonal polyhedron is searchable, approximating the minimum search time within a small-enough constant factor to the optimum is still strongly NP-hard. Finally, we show that deciding if a specific region of an orthogonal polyhedron is searchable is strongly PSPACE-hard. By further improving our construction, we show that the same problem is strongly PSPACE-complete even for planar orthogonal polygons. Our last results are especially meaningful because no similar hardness theorems for 2-dimensional scenarios were previously known

    Paired and semipaired domination in triangulations

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    A dominating set of a graph GG is a subset DD of vertices such that every vertex not in DD is adjacent to at least one vertex in DD. A dominating set DD is paired if the subgraph induced by its vertices has a perfect matching, and semipaired if every vertex in DD is paired with exactly one other vertex in DD that is within distance 2 from it. The paired domination number, denoted by Îłpr(G)\gamma_{pr}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a paired dominating set of GG, and the semipaired domination number, denoted by Îłpr2(G)\gamma_{pr2}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a semipaired dominating set of GG. A near-triangulation is a biconnected planar graph that admits a plane embedding such that all of its faces are triangles except possibly the outer face. We show in this paper that Îłpr(G)≀2⌊n4⌋\gamma_{pr}(G) \le 2 \lfloor \frac{n}{4} \rfloor for any near-triangulation GG of order n≄4n\ge 4, and that with some exceptions, Îłpr2(G)≀⌊2n5⌋\gamma_{pr2}(G) \le \lfloor \frac{2n}{5} \rfloor for any near-triangulation GG of order n≄5n\ge 5

    Paired and semipaired domination in near-triangulations

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    A dominating set of a graph G is a subset D of vertices such that every vertex not in D is adjacent to at least one vertex in D. A dominating set D is paired if the subgraph induced by its vertices has a perfect matching, and semipaired if every vertex in D is paired with exactly one other vertex in D that is within distance 2 from it. The paired domination number, denoted by Âżpr(G), is the minimum cardinality of a paired dominating set of G, and the semipaired domination number, denoted by Âżpr2(G), is the minimum cardinality of a semipaired dominating set of G. A near-triangulation is a biconnected planar graph that admits a plane embedding such that all of its faces are triangles except possibly the outer face. We show in this paper that Âżpr(G) = 2b n 4 c for any neartriangulation G of order n = 4, and that with some exceptions, Âżpr2(G) = b 2n 5 c for any near-triangulation G of order n = 5.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Graph Embeddings Motivated by Greedy Routing

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